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March 10, 1939 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-10

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IeĀ¢, I939



Annual Frosh FrolicTo Be Held Tonight In Union Bal


Katheriue Dye
Will Be.Guest
Of Jack Grady
350 Couples Will Attend
Dance; Refreshments
To Be Given To Guests
Three hundred and fifty couples
are expected to attend Frosh Frolic,
freshman class dance, from 10 p.m.
to 2 a.m. today in the ballroom of
the Union, Jack Grady, general
chairman, announced yesterday.
There will be no grand march dur-
ing intermission, Grady said, be-
cause of the size of the crowd, and
there will be no tables in the large
Union ballroom. The terrace and
the small ballroom will be furnished
with tables where gingerale and cig-
arettes will be given to the guests.
Katherine Dye, '42, will be the
guest of the general chairman. She
will wear a black moire, strapless
formal with, hoop skirt,. pink slip-
pers and pink flowers.
Margot Thom, decorations chair-
man, will attend with John McFate,
'41L. Miss Thom will be dressed in
a pink net formal with a satin bro-
cade jacket and siver accessories.
Agnes Crow, publicity chairman, who
will attend the dance with Bill Com-

Freshmen Get into Spirit Of Frolic
This represents the frolicsome freshmen planning their dance. It's
all very nautical; with Margot Thom walking the plank and Robert
Hotchkiss being menacing behind her. Betty Farris is lashed to the mast,
while the wily captain, Jack Grady, counts his pieces of eight. The
ferocious pirate with the telescope is Hal Wood, and Agnes Crow is
coming up from below. The gentleman with the bairn is Tommy Tuck-
er, whose orchestra will play for the festivities tonight at the Union.

stock, '42, will wear a white satin
formal and gold accessories.
Robert Hotchkiss, chairman of
tickets, has invited Isabel Balfour,
'42, as his guest. -Ness Balfour will
wear a printed taffeta formal with
a white background. Betty Fariss,
patrons' chairman, who will attend
the dance with John Rinek, '39E, will

be dressed in a 'light blue chiffon
formal with contrast-blue sequins
around the waist, hoop skirt and blue
Chairman of the floor committee,
Norman Taylor, has invited Ruby
Hoffman, '42, as his guest. Virginia
Gauss, of Detroit, will be the guest
of Hal Wood, program chairman.

A Complete

~ "S


Today Deadline
for Petitions
Ethel McCormick Fund
To GiveScholarships
Today is the deadline for all pe-
titions for the Ethel .McCormi
scholarship, Sybil Swartout, ',
chairman of Judiciary Council, an-
nounced yesterday.
The petitions must be placed in the
box in the undergraduate offices of
the League before 6 p.m. today if they
are to be accepted, Miss Swartout
said. Interviewing by the Executive
Council, composed of the president,
secretary, treasurer, three vice-presi-
dents and judiciary chairman of the
League, will be from 3 p.m. to 4:45
p.m. Monday.
Decisions on the three winners of
the scholarship will be made by the
League Undergraduate Council,bbased
upon the recommendations of the
Executive Council.
'Senior Night'
Will Be Held
A series of informal gatherings de-
signed to help the senior class keep
body and soul together and to be-
come better acquainted before the
fatal day next June, begins with the
"Senifr Night" planned for the
League tomorrow.
A huge '39, more than 10 feet
high, will decorate the ballroom be-
hind the orchestra for the affair, of
which Betty Spangler, '39, is chair-
man. A 15-minute program, with a
cast of seniors exclusively, will be
presented during the evening. Bar-
bara Teall, '39, will sing and William
Grier, '39, Senior Ball chairman, will
speak about the Ball, and the orches-
tra will play the theme songs of va-
rious bands being considered for the
a'ff air.
Canning Heads Program
Robert Canning, '39, master of
ceremonies for Senior Night, will
head the program, which will also
include speeches by the class officers:
Harold Stewart, '39, president; Mar-
cia Connell, '39, vice-president; Leon
Kupeck, '39, treasurer, and Canning,
who is secretary.
Special tables are going to be re-
served -for the seniors and they are
requested to state that they are of the
class of '39 when calling up the
League for reservations, Canning
To Show Pictures
A running fire display of various
wel-known senior faces will be one
of the bigger events of the evening,
as the "Magic Lantern" show (made
from identification pictures, of all
things) goes on.
Following the dance, the Grill will
remain open from midnight to 1 a.m.
especially for the seniors( other wom-
en have to be in by 12:30, please note)
where they will gather for a clam-
bake complete with songs, reminis-
cences and the rest of it.
League To Sponsor
Fraternities Tonight
Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Tau Omega
and Phi Kappa Psi will be sponsored
by the League at the Friday dance,
Betty Spangler, '39, chairman of the
ballroom committee, announced yes-
Charlie Zwick's orchestra will play
several of the songs of each group,
and candid shots of members of all
three will be shown preceding in-
termission. Barbara Teall, '39, Mary
Alice MacAndrew, '39, Martha M-

Crory, '39, Janet Homer, '41, Ana-
bel Van Winkle, '41, and Dorothy
Shipman, '40 make up the Bi Peta Phi
sextet which will sing a couple of

Styles From Local Stores
To Be Worn By Models
In Showing At League
Simplicity and youthful charm will
be the outstanding features of the
clothes modeled at the Spring Show-
ing of Ann Arbor fashions, to be held
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in
the League Ballroom. The show is
sponsored by The Daily, and Marian
Baxter, '39, is in charge.
Each of the models will show two
sports outfits, two afternoon dresses,
and one evening gown, selected from
the stock of local stores.
Representative Gowns
A few of the gowns from each store
have been chosen as the most repre-
sentative of the style trend of the
show. Goodyear's will show a herring-
bone tweed suit in powder blue. A
fitted jacket, buttoned down the
front, and a flared skirt show the
spring silhouette.
Kessel's Campus Shop has chosen
a three-piece sheer wool suit in mari-
gold. The jacket is tucked diagonal-
ly, and zips to the waist.
The Dillon Shop will show a three-
piece tweed suit in dusty pink and
dull green, in diagonal pattern. A
fitted collarless jacket and flared
skirt are worn with a reefer-style
The Marilyn Shoppe has a rose silk
afternoon dress printed in white and
navy. The square gathered neckline
shows at the top of the sheer wool
redingote in navy.
Other Stores Listed
Jacobson's will show a spectator
sports dress printed in wine, green,
gold and chartreuse. A jacket of gold
wool tops 'the dress. Contrasting
American beauty is the color theme
for the hat and the doeskin bag and
The Collins Shoppe is featuring a
costume suit consisting of a dusty
rose and navy blue print dress with
a dusty rose coat.
The Polhemus millinery shop is
showing a black strraw cone hat with
pink fish net swathed around the
Foresters To Hold Dance
An informal radio-dance will be
given tonight by Les Voyageurs, for-
estry club, at their cabin. Pine
boughs will be the decorations. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Mills and Mr. and
Mrs. Ellery Schmidt will chaperon.

Daly Fashion Show To Feature
Simplicity, Youthfulness Today

A navy blue straw bonnet with a
veil will be shown by the Robert's
Shop. A light blue velvet ribbon
around the crown ties in a bow at the


Women's Fencing Team
To Meet Michigan State
The women's fencing team will
meet Michigan State College's team
at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Barbour Gym.
The Michigan team is composed of
Elizabeth White, '39, Phyllis Hoff-
meyer; '41, Jane Scott, '41, Doreen
Voiles, '42, Mary Lou Mills, '41A and
Julia Upson, '39.


Ffla ouL N A






for the
College Gir

It's a "natural" for natural
...for this color simply
"smacks" of spring ....and
the leather is as.soft as a
breeze! "BOUNDERS"...
Come for yours tomorrow!

~ \Alp.
" i0Q



- ~?.
. : ,'

-:< i'i } ? } r ii T.:w .a ? > :7 7:;r9:< . 8s. Sy[t
L "I


$3 95

I .1


Featured By
in the
Showing of
Spring Fashions
by Ann Arbor Stores

Putting the Right Foot Forward
THE GARMENTS exhibited by us in The Daily's
Show to be held this afternoon at the League, have
been selected by Miss Marian Baxter and the models
assigned to us.
Taken out of our regular stocks - they represent
a true picture of the things we have to offer at all
'times. Nothing exhibited by us was purchased espe-
cially for the occasion.
Our thanks to Miss Baxter, for her capable direc-
tion, and to the Misses Margot Thom, Marietta Killian
and Mary Randolph, who represent us at the Show.


YJy. t ( ~J...V {

Katharine Gibbs secretarial training
offers college women a practical way
to ride their hobby, or pet interest, right
into :a well-paid position. Over 2000
cals last year, for candidates interested
in- writing, drama, sports, travel, etc.
* Ask College Course - Secretary for
"RESULTS,' a booklet of placement in-
formation, and illustrated catalog.
* Special Course for College Women
opens in New York and Boston Sep-
tember 26, 1939.
-I ?Jrxx? V^DV a-12 %T, --~

We hope you'll enjoy it.


You are cordially invited to our shop at this, the

loveliest season of the year.

New things for sports,

travel, afternoon and formal wear, arrive daily. And
as you well know, this is a "Budgeteer's Paradise."
The ARIILYN Shoppe

TM N f --V-

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