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March 10, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-10

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FRWA IRU i0. 41 99


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumn r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, hI.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Managing Editor
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City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor .

Board of

Robert D. Mitchell
. Albert P. Maylo
* Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitahezry
S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
* . William Elyxn
. Joseph Freedman
. . . Joseph Gles
. . Dorothea Staebler
* . Bud Benjamin
S Philip W. Buchen
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. William L. Newnan
. . Helen Jean Dean
. . Marian A. Baxter

Business A
Business Manager.
Credit Manager
Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Service Manager .

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Are You
A Fascist? . .
VERY FEW Americans would volun-
tarily subscribe to the appelation,
"fascist." The word has gained so general a dis-
repute through constant repetition as a name-
calling device in propaganda that for the aver-
age persons it has a repellent effect, simply as
a word.
"Fascist" connotes dictatorship and abroga-
tion of freedom when it appears in the American
press; linked with it in the mass mentality is
its companion stereotype, Communism; they are
both-"bad," while democracy is "good." Fascism,
moreover, has gained at least among a large
proportion of the population a more concrete
opprobrium as an epithet; it conjures up slaught-
er of innocents, race persecution, concentration
camps, glorification of brutality, etc.; in other
words, it has an actual meaning in addition to
the automatic response pattern it sets up
As a matter of fact, fascism is built upon a
number of more basic and universal stereotypes.
Fascism is not a word, and it can, in fact, get
along very well without ever using the name
"fascism." It is extremely doubtful that an
American fascist movement can come into power
under either the name "Fascist" or "Nazi" or any
of the current variations of the term: Silver
Shirts, for example. Ignazio Silone suggests the
slogan "anti-Fascism" for an American fascist
movement; at any rate, it will probably masquer-
ade as "Constitutional," "American," "Liberty"
or some such virtue-stereotype.
The point is that though few people in this
country will admit it, many of them are potential
fascists. All that is required to make them out-
right fascists is an organization. If you think
you aren't a fascist, ask yourself if you agree
with the following statements. A majority of
affirmative responses makes you a likely candi-
date for a colored shirt:
1. Labor unions are OK. but we shouldn't have
any strikes.
2. People on relief are getting enough to live
on fairly well.
3. The workers in the WPA are mostly lazy
and incbmpetent
4. The unemployed and the CCC boys ought
to be given military training-it would be good
for them and good for the country.
5 Most labor trouble is caused by agitators
using the workers for their own purposes.
6. Any able-bodied man who isn't afraid to
work could go out and get a job right now.
7. Alien radicals should be deported and the
Communist Party ought to be kept off the ballot.
8. Strike violence is mainly the fault of the
9. Lynching is bad, but Negroes have to be
kept in their place some way.
10. Persecution , is undemocratic, but it's
dangerous to have too many Jews in public office
and other important positions.
This is the actual stuff of which fascism is
made. You may not agree with a single one of
the statements yourself, but run through the list
of your friends and acquaintances, and see how
many of them are fascists without a label.
-Joseph Gies
The New Jersey Exile

In Re Better
Medical Care ...
H NATHAN SINAI, in his address
this week sponsored by the Exten-
sion Service course on the cooperative movement,
gave a timely warning that should be heeded by
the voluntary medical service organizations
which have sprung up to meet the problem of
medical care for the masses. He pointed out that
these organizations are no panacea in them-
selves, that they must realize their own tem-
porary nature and be prepared to give way to
more comprehensive systems.
The numerous pioneer groups of today, Dr.
Sinai said, lack administrative unity. They pro-
vide health service "a la carte"-one group for
hospital insurance, another for dental service
and still others for different types of medical
treatment. Consequently, only the few who take
advantage of all the plans are fully protected.
If these organizations persist in believing that
their decentralized agencies will successfully
solve America's medical problem, progress toward
a more adequate system will be delayed months,
if not years.
Dr. Sinai suggests that, if these voluntary
health groups are to be steppingstones of pro-
gress, they should work out the details of admin-
istration upon which a more comprehensive
system can function. Development of the best
machinery for carrying out such a system will
be a problem of trial and error, and the groups
should hold frequent conferences to relay to
each other the improvements individual groups
have made.
One proposal which can make a coordinated
system out of uncentralized health units, Dr.
Sinai believes, is now being considered by Con-
gress. This is the Wagner Bill, which would pro-
vide 89 million dollars for a national health pro-
Under this proposal, Federal Government
funds would be allotted to the states in the form
of grants-in-aid. Since only those states having
health insurance systems would receive these
grants, the measure would accelerate the change
toward a more even distribution of medical care.
Americans have accepted the idea of group
medicine; a plan for a national health organiza-
tion has been developed. Bridging the gap be-
tween theory and practice, by working out,
through experimentation, the technical admin-
istrative details, is the responsibility of the
pioneer organizations of today.
-Tlervie Haufler
Roth String Qurtet
Mozart .... Quartet in A major (K464)
Debussy .... Quartet in G minor, Op. 10
Beethoven .. Quartet in F major, Op. 135
Once a year it is at the most that Ann Arbor
has the chance of hearing music for and by
a string quartet; music depending for its succs'
less than any other upon showmanship, theatri-
cal color, and other extra-musical crutches for
impotent composition; music stressing arabes-
ques in sound, the interplay of tonal lines, and
the more subtle aspects of musical emotion;
music that, because it appeals so wholly and
directly to the tonal sense alone, is the most
sensuous of all types of musical expression.
Therefore it was good, last night in Hill
Auditorium, to hear again the Roth Quartet,
playing a well-chosen program. The members
of this group, one senses immediately, are cap-
able instrumentalists, sincerely devoted to their
type of performance and to the music which
they play. Individually and as a group they
have at other times played more brilliantly and
evenly than they did last night; few concerts
indeed, show greater variance in degrees of
perfection achieved than did their performance
4 few times they reached transcendant heights
of musical rapture. And occasionally they played
most unsatisfactorily, interpretatively as well

as technically Consistently lacking was a strong
rhythmic impulse to animate the more lively
movements, to counteract a tendency towards
vagueness and to give necessary variety. The
Beethoven Quartet, the Scherzo especially, could
have stood a much more forceful, masculine
It was in the slow movements of each of the
three widely different works on 'the program,
and in the Tchaikowsky Andante Cantabile en-
core, that the fine lyrical sense of the Quartet
carried it to heights of great loveliness. The
tuneful variations of Mozart; the rhapsodic in-
cantations of Debussy; the great mystic, yearning
song of Beethoven, so full of nobility and sad-
ness; the paintive air of Tchaikowsky-each had
its fitting and well-achieved expression. The
Beethoven Lento, last-composed of all the Mas-
ter's epochal slow movements, was easily the
most memorable re-creation of the evening,
moving one with profundity that seems still of
the future rather than of the past.
-William J. Lichtenwanger
cracked him down was the appointment of
Hague's son, by the Democratic Governor, as a
lay Judge of the Court of Errors and Appeals,
and the confirmation of the appointment by the
Republican-dominated Senate. The court is the
highest in the State, for which the appointee is
unfitted by reason, it is charge, of a dubious
professional education, virtually no experience
or practice. The voluntary exile, Samuel W.
Rushmore, hopes to find a remote sanctuary
where the political streptococci of New Jersey
hum not, nor sting.
Elms that arched his driveway, poplars whis-
permg in the sunlight, silent beneath the stars,
are falling under the executioner's ax. Gardens,

ifeern ito Me
leywood Broun
His face was familiar, and yet in some strange
way the fellow's aspect had vastly changed since
last I knew him on a newspaper.
"You can't be Bill Drig-
gings?" I asked.
He replied gloomily that
he could and was.
}"My, my," I exclaimed,
"I've got a toothache myself,
but what's wrong with you?"
"It's a long story. Do you
mind?" said Bill.
"Not in the least," I as-
sured him. "We can't get a drink until the train
gets out of the District of Columbia."
"A toothache!" he said, and laughed mirth-
lessly. "You're lucky. Even in your case some
dentist can kill the nerve, but for my complaint
there is no remedy known to science. And you do
well to shudder and draw away, for it is an ail-
ment which is catching. Indeed, I don't mind say-
ing that it is epidemic in America today. In fact,
I might even assert that I am a symbol of what
is wrong with American literature."
* * *
In Strictest Confidence
Mr. Driggings loked around to see if any
editor was lurking behind him, and then he con-
fided, "I've got slick-paper phobia."
He was annoyed at my puzzled look. "Don't tr
to play innocent with me," he complained.
"You've got it and there are not more than five
former reporters alive today who have escaped
its ravages. I guess you had been fired before I
left the old, old paper. The boys got me drunk
and gave me a gold watch, and we all sang,
'He's a jolly good fellow.' You see, the notion
obtained that I was on my way up. The editor of
a large monthly magazine had recognized my
native worth and chosen me as a staff writer. He
told me that it would be just the same thing I
had been doing for years. One little word after
another. They gave me a big office, a new type-
writer and a large blond secretary. 'Now,' said
the editor of the magazine, 'sit down and write-'
"The first symptom of slick-paper phobia is
a curious numbness. It begins in the knuckles
and travels very rapidly to the brain. Then you
hear voices. The most persistent one keeps whis-
pering, 'This has got to be good- You're writing
for a magazine.' And then another one chimes
in with the reminder, 'We have more than two
million circulation, and don't you forget you will
be illustrated.'
*' *, *
And Also Metaphors
"Sometimes the rash doesn't come until the
second or third day. You break out all over with
adverbs and adjectives. It is impossible to set
down anything simple, such as, 'He leaves a wife
and two children and was a member of the Elks
for twenty years.' Instead you begin to lug in,
'sorrowful cypress trees,' 'the moaning March
wind' and 'sullen skies.' In other words, some
vile sorcerer has transformed you into a ham
editor, of the late Bulwer-Lytton."
"You could express that more simply," I said.
"You mean you st-"
"Shush!" he exclaimed in horror. "That's not a
word which you can use in a slick-paper maga-
"And is there no hope?" I inquired anxiously.
"There's just one chance," said Mr. Driggings,
"and I mean to grasp it. I'm going to Palm
Beach, and every night I shall force my way into
some swanky party and then hurry home. Ar-
rived at my hotel room, I shall rush to the type-
writer and set down, without fanfare or flourish,
'Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Fatio, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bayard Swope,
Baron Herbert von Strempel and W. Wood Plank-
"At my side will be a loaded revolver, and if a
single adjective slips into my copy a resounding
roar will ring out above the soft sibilance of
the gentle Caribbean breeze, and in a grotesque

heap there will fall the inert and lifeless form of
poor, frustrated William Driggins."
I guess Bill's a goner.

By Roy Heath -
Ah, The Tigers ...
I notice by the Detroit papers that
the Tigers are going to play baseball
again this year. It is hard to notice
anything else in the sports sections
of those upstanding newsorgans- Edi-
tion after edition, through Blue Line,
Red Line and the various streaks, the
stirring symphony of spring training
is played out on the high pipes of
Dynamic Detroit's dynamic press.
Titanic struggles are taking place
in the swamps of Florida to determine
which one of a seemingly astronomi-
cal number of fully qualified worthies
will thrill millions of peanut munch-
ing fans with feats of daring this
summer. There are certain cynical
citizens who intimate that they don't
see what difference it makes but their
opinions are not held in high esteem.
They are mostly acidosis sufferers
It seems to me that Bud Benjamin
is displaying a stripe of near criminal
indifference in allowing the trials and
tribulations of Detroit's favorite ball
club to go on practically unrecog-
nized by the sports page of the Michi-
gan Daily over which he presides.
In fact, if Benjamin is going to be
pigheaded in this matter, and it looks
like he is going to be, I herewith offer
news from my own correspondent at
Lakeland where he covers the cavort-
ings of the Tigers, disguised as third
By Smallwood Fungo
Lakeland, Fla-, March 9.-(Special
To The Trapeze)-The Tiger out-
field was reinforced today by the ac-
quisition of Herman "Feets" Flytrap,
who looks like a baboon and hails
from South Saugatuck, Ky. Manager
Del Baker anticipates trouble with
"Feets" in the very near future due
to his nervous habit of biting a chunk
out of his cap every time he misses a
high one which is every time one
comes at him. Trainer Denny Carroll
attributed this rare inability to snag
the ball to the fact that Flytrap is
busy tucking in his shirt tail most
of the time. He predicts great things
for the boy.
Superstition is the spice of life in
the Tiger camp. Rated the most unus-i
ual good luck charm exhibited in
camp so far, is a beautiful sheer silk
stocking containing the leg of a nifty
blond, attached to a nifty blond. The
charm belongs to the blond and the
good luck belongs to Dopey Frisbee
who says he picked the nick-nack up
on a beach at Miami during, the off

FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 114
President's Report for 1937-38.
Copies are available at the Informa-
tion Desk, Business Office, for facul-
ty members who desire them.
The University Sub-Committee on
Discipline at the meeting on Jan. 20,
found that Mr. Walter Briggs Con-
nolly and Mr. George Booth Dunbar
were guilty of failure to observe the
University regulations relating to
rooming. In each of these cases, the
Committee directs that each of these
students be placed on probation for
the remainder of the current aca-
demic year. (Signed) Grover C. Gris-
more, Chairman.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
All girls interested in boarding at
the Girls' Cooperative for the semes-
ter call 2-2218 between six and seven
p.m. any day. It is possible to work
for part of your meals.
Ac ademic Notices
English II, Sec. 37, will meet regu-
larly in Room 208 University Hall.
Make-up Examination: German 1,
2 and 31 will be given on Saturday,
March 11, from 9-12 a.m. in Room 306
University Hall.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education. Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz., semes-
ter or summer session) w!l receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up and reported to this
office by March 13. Students wish-
ing an extension of time should file1
a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams, Asst. Registrar
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: A tentative list of candi-
dates in the School of Education, Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, College of Architecture, and
Graduate School to be recommended;
for the Teacher's Certificate in June
has been posted on the bulletin board
in Room 1431 U.E.S. Any student
whose name does not appear on this
list and who wishes to be so listed
should report this fact at once to
the Recorded of the School of Edu-
cation, 1437 U.E.S.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Photographs and di'awings of Mich-
igan's historic old houses made dur-
ing the recent Historical American
Buildings Survey are being shown,
through the courtesy of the J. L. Hud-
son Company of Detroit. Third Floor
Exhibition Room, Architectural aldg.,
through March 11. Open daily, 9 to 5.
The public is cordially invited.
Exhibition of Modern Book Art:
Printing and Illustration, held under
the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor
Art Association. Rackham Building,
third floor Exhibition Room; daily
except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.;
through March 25.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Modern hand-blocked linens, de-
signed by Professor Frank of Ger-
many, loaned to the College of Archi-
tecture by the Chicago Workshops,
ground floor corridor cases. Open
daily 9 to 5 until March 15. The
public is invited. 1
Exhibition of Prints from the Col-

lection of Mrs. William A. Comstock
and Water Colors by Eliot O'Hara,
presented by the Ann Arbor Art As-
sociation. Rackham Building, third
floor Exhibition Rooms, daily except
Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m., March 7
through March 21.
Dr. Maurice Eisendrath, a Rabbi

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Univemity.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

from Toronto, will lecture today at
four o'clock in the Michigan League
upon "The Democratic Principles in
Judaism." This lecture is announced
by the Religious Education Commit-
tee. It is open to the campus public.
University Lecture: Mr. Louis Un-
terineyer will lecture on "The Poet
vs. the Average Man" on Monday,
March 13, at 8:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall under the auspices
of the Department of English in the
College of Engineering. The public
is cordially invited to attend.
University Lecture: Dr. P. Sargent
Florence, Professor of Commerce at
the University of Birmingham, Eng-
land, will lecture on "The British
Cooperative Movement" at 4:15 p.m.,
Thursday, March 16, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, under the auspices of
the Department of Economics. The
public is cordially invited.
Henry Russel Lecture for 1938-39:
Professor Campbell Bonner, Chair-
man of the Department of Greek, will
deliver the Henry Russel Lecture for
1938-39, on the subject, "Sophocles,
Aristotle, and the Tired Business
Man," at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday,
March 22, in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre. The announcement of the Henry
Russel Award for 1938-39 will be
made at this time. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Events Today,
Junior Mathematics Club will meet
today at 4:15 p.m. in 3201 A.H. Mr.
Charles L. Dolph will speak on "Sim-
ple Properties of Line Integrals." All
those interested are cordially invited
to attend.
Un Carnet de Bal. Professor Knud-
son will give a half-hour introductory
talk on this film in Room 108 R.L.
at 3:10 today. All students of French
and others interested will be wel-
come. The talk will be in English.
Stalker Hall. Class in "Through
the New Testament" at 7:30 p.m. at
Stalker Hall instead of at the Church.
An "At Home" at 9 p.m.
Westminster Guild will hold Open
House this evening.
Friday Services at the Hillel Foun-
dation tonight at 8 p.m. Rabbi Mau-
rice Eisendrath of Toronto will speak
on "Jews-by choice or by chance?"
Alpha Epsilon Phi will act as hostess
at the social following services.
Roger Williams Guild, 503 E. Hu-
ron tonight, 8:15 p.m. A lively so-
cial program under the title, "Coming
Out of Hibernation," will be featured.
For members and friends.
Congregational Fellowship: Open
House Party at 9 tonight; table
games will be featured. All students
are welcome.
Coming Events
International Center:
1. Class in Contract Bridge.
Mr. Conway Magee is conducting
a class in contract bridge for begin-
ners at International Center every
Friday evening at 8 o'clock in con-
nection With the regular Recrea-
tion Night activities. All foreign-
born students of the University are
welcome to join this class. Like all
services at the Center this is free to
those who care to avail themselves of


The Beau Brummell of the Tiger
crew is Happy Hinchmeyer who wears
a derby hat with a feather in it, al
cutaway coat, high button shoes and
a snappy pair of mauve shorts. He
carries an umbrella to fend off irate
The catching problem is occupying
what time Del Baker can spare away
from the photographers..He has ten
catchers and the problem is to ar-
range them around the plate in a
manner which will do away with con-
fusion and crowding.
He has toyed with the idea of send-
ing nine of them on a snipe hunt dur-
ing practice but that doesn't leave
him anyone to catch the wild throws
which his hurlers deliver with such
disconcerting regularity. Baker is so
worried that he only averages 18 hours
sleep per day.
The question mark arm of Line-
wood Roe became an exclamation
point yesterday when it dropped off.
Roe has been predicting just such an
occurence as this for several years,
so it didn't come exactly as a sur-
prise. Roe will be retained on the
payroll to heckle, confuse, villify and
generally make life miserable for the
umpire during the coming season.
Butcherboy Dribbling has been bat-
ting at a mid-season clip for the
past week. Out of ten trips to the
plate in practice games he has hit
four foul balls, walked once, struck
out nine times and brained one
catcher with the bat. This betters his
record for his best week last season
by one catcher.

Modern Book Exhibit
The exhibit of Modern Book Art now being
held in, the Rackham Building contains many ,
choice examples of both fine printing and book
illustration and consists of not only very recent
examples from the leading presses of many
countries, but also a number of beautiful volumes
dating from the '1890's and the early years of this
century, that is, from the early period of the
revival of printing. These early works are in the
large case at the right of the entrance to the gal-
The movement started in England, at presses
like the small one Daniel set up at Oxford;
Daniel was instrumental in turning the tide
towards modern ideas in printing, by his discov-
ery and re-use of the old Fell types. Two books
from his press are volumes of verse by Robert
Bridges and by Laurence Binyon- One of the
most famous of the modern presses is the Kelm-
scott Press, which William Morris founded and
ran. Six examples from this press are shown in
the exhibit, one of which is a very recent acqui-
sition of the Library of the University of Michi-
gan, a beautiful work entitled Laudes Beatae
Mariae Virginis. A book from the Chiswick

and where we see a definite branch-
ing away from the early Kelmscott
books; and three handsome books,
two of which have fine colored ini-
tials, printed at the Doves Press,
which followed a single formula and
showed little deviation in style.
Early examples in America of this
revival period were printed by De
Vinne and by Frederick W. Goudy.J
The former is represented by a fine1
edition of the Philobiblon and Goudy
by Rossetti's Blessed Damozel, and
the Gypsy Trail of Kipling. Bruce
Rogers is one of the best of the,
American printers and designers, and
an early example of his work is a
volume of the Essays of Montaigne.
Aside from this case containing the
earlier books on exhibit, no attempt'
at chronological display has been
made. Rather, books have been
grouped by presses, by authors, or

2. Piano Recital.
Miss Grace Wilson of the Univer-
sity School of Music will present a
piano recital at the Center next Sun-
day evening, March 12, at 7 o'clock
immediately. following the regular
supper hour.
3. Free Movie.
The film to be shown in the series
at the Center next Monday evening,
March 13, at 7 o'clock will be on
"The 'Yosemite Valley." Mrs. John
L. Brumm has also consented to pre-
sent her beautiful pictures of Cali-
fornia in technicolor.
Lzw School Case Club Trials: The
Case Club courts will hear the argu-
ments of counsel in the Freshman
Case Club Final Competition on
Tuesday, March 14, at 4 p.m. The
same case will be argued in each of
the four courts before a three-judge
bench consisting of a faculty mem-
ber, the regular student judge in
charge of the respective court, and
a senior or graduate student as visit-
ing judge. These hearings are open
to the public and should be of par-
ticular interest to pre-legal students.
The cases will all be heard in Hut-
chins Hall in the following rooms:
Marshall Club (Judge Clifford
Christenson) Room 218.
Story Club (Judge Bruce M. Smith) -
Room 220.
Kent Club (Judge Ralph E. Help-
er) Room 120.
Cooley Club (Judge Thomas Mun-
son) Room 116.
The suit is a proceeding in equity
on behalf of a popular radio crooner
Ito enjoin a radio broadcasting con-


and illustrated by him, and which-is
an autobiography of his childhood.
Another Grabhorn-Valenti Angelo
combination is the Relacion of Cabeca
de Vaca; a book from the Grabhorn
Press, with type designed by F. W.
Goudy, is the Spanish Occupation of
California. And a book designed and
illuminated by Valenti Angelo is the
Sermon on the Mount printed by the
Hawthorne House Press, another fine
printing concern.
Other examples of the excellent
work designed by Bruce Rogers are
seen in an edition of Geofroy Tory;
one of a many volume set of the
Boswell Papers, printed by William
Edwin Rudge; a Champ Fleury done
by this same combination; and a
Champ Rose, charmingly done in red,


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