SUNDAY, JAN. 30, 1938
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SUNDAY, JAN. 3Q, 1938
Tainkmen S t Free Style Mainstay
Cage Rae Is Still Mad jumble Sc
As Mid-Wav Mark AppiroaChes
.otland Draws Ex-Michigan
They're still trying to piece the Big
Ten jigsaw puzzle together, but as the
cagers near the half way mark it's a
mad jurnble witn little rhyme and less
Northwestern, half of its 12-game
schedule completed, nestles securelyI
in the top spot-five games won, one
lost. Purdue, with only four games
played, is second at three and one,
while Michigan holds third position-,
four won, two lost. Wisconsin, the
outside team, has won three, lost two.
Unless the Conference hits a new
height in unorthodoxy, Northwestern,
Purdue ,and Michigan should battle
it out for titular honors. But it's a
long and tough trail, one rife with
obstacles and primed for upsets.
The Wildcats, surprise team of the
loop, have six repeat engagements to
play-none of them softies in any
sense of the word. Wisconsin, In-
diana, Iowa, Ohio State, Purdue, and
Michigan will play host or guest to
the Evanston gang next semester and
these six games, especially the latter
two, ought to be entertaining gather-
Purdue, apparently gaining predict-
ed momentum after a surprise Illinois
defeat, has little to cheer about in
the way of opposition. They meet
Illinois, Wisconsin, Chicago, and
Northwestern in single games, Ohio
State and Indiana in doubles. Coach
Piggy Lambert's bench antics should
reach a crescendo, but he'll be a happy
lad if his progeny can get through
with only one-or possibly t/o-
When the 1938 Walker Cup team won the Big Ten title and was medal- teurs in the National Open, defeating
sails for Scotland in May, two former
Hutt, and Shidler aie fast learning captains of the Michigan golf team ist in the National Collegiate meet Johnny Goodman, of Omaha by two
the ropes. It's no warmup game at will be aboard. when the Wolverines won the team, strokes.
any event.. For Johnny Fischer it will not be c i i His junior ye, As for Fischer, his record is well
Then comes the Conference again, a new expehe h be was co-medalist in the collegiate known. The true tip-off on how he
The car st es osfrsnce wag a. st a n sx iencen sie hasebe e tourney but lost to teammate Johnny can play this game of golf came on
TeVarsity gets its first view of across on such a mission once before.I Fischer in the final round. June 6, 1936 at the University course
Iowa's unpredictable five here, Feb. However for the other man, Charles Ishe. On t t par72youts
14. wc itr vrIdaa h Cuk oss twl etecl In 1936, Kocsis was elected captain here. On this difficult par 72 layout,
14.Twc victors over Indiana, the (Chuck) Koesis, it will be the cul- of the squad, won the Intercollegiate Johnny broke his own former record
Hawkeyes have two likely members mination of a long standing battle for te ad won to lerllegma- ony sootis a dazmin 64
in Ben Stephens, who has averaged rightful recognition. title, and went on to lead all ama- of 67 by shooting a dazzling 64
11 points per game in four contests, Ever since he graduated from t__
and Nile Kinnick, erstwhile Iowa University in 1936, Chuck has been
quarterback, and are capable of rais- , the leading amateur of the state ands BLUE BOOKS: good quality paper, all sizes .
ing plenty of Field House havoc. one of the nation's top-notchers. He I COLLEGE OUTLINE SERIES: review books 75c.
Gophers Seek Revenge stepped into the 'spotlight last year
Obstacle two-Minnesota, in a re- by shooting his way to the semi- BOOK EXCHANGE: bring in your used books to be sold at
turn engagement on February 19. This finals in the National Amateur Tour- your own price, nominal fee charged.
contest should provide the locals with nament at Portland only to lose to
plenty of thrills, for the Gophers have Ray Billows, another new member if
unfailing memories and haven't for- StudentlSuppypsqtor.
gotten their humiliation of January While at Michigan Chuck set anl 1 111 South University Avenue 8688
15. enviable record. As a sophomore, he
Next-Wisconsin in a third home
Om. 'imrv r91rp1Rr r i-f« PI'~~
Walt Tomski, junior free-styler
from Detroit, is expected to play an
important part in the Varsity's
swimming team's success on the
forthcoming road-trip. An All-
American selection last year, Tom-
ski won both the 50-yard and 100-
yard events in the Michigan State
HAMBURG, Jan. 29.--VP)-Max1
G no'.t- - - - - - - -
Schimehing, one of Germany's most
e losses. That may be good enough to
persistent transatlantic voyagers, cop the flag..
steps into a German ring for the first State Game First
time in more than two years tomorrow Michigan's home stretch drive is
when he meets Ben Foord, former also a bumpy avenue. The Wolver-
British Empire champion ,in the se- ines begin second semester competi-
con of a series of tune-up bouts for tion with a Michigan State encoun-
his heavyweight championship match I ter at East Lansing, Feb. 12. The
with Joe Louis this summer. I Spartans, nosed out in their first
Max, in his customary fine physical game here, are an improved group.
condition, weighed in at 195 pounds They whipped Butler Friday night,
tonight and will go into action a and their sophomores-Falkowski,
strong favorite. Most of the experts
and fans alike are looking for a
knockout, though they believe Foord, Football Captain-Elect
who has beaten Walter Neusel among iN
others, will make it interesting for lesignes At Notre Dame
the Black Uhlan for several rounds. SOUTH BEND. Jan. 29.--(P)-Alec
Foord surprised most of the 75 Shellogg, captain-elect of the 1938
newspapermen by weighing in at 188.6 Notre Dame football team, has with-
pounds. The South African, who lost drawn from the University and re-
his British title to Tommy Farr last signed the captaincy, it was learned
March, was about 16 pounds over- { today.
weight when he began training. Few Shellogg gave no reason for with- I
had believed he could work it off. drawing from schnn and Universityv
1n U1- KgAs MUJL. its scene. It is scheduled for Minne-
To Face Gophers apolis on Feb. 22.
The Ohio State battle will be waged The above paints one half of the
at 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 19 at Co- picture. The remainder, the Michi-
lumbus, Ohio. gan side, will not be ready for forma-
Minnesota's improving Gophers tion until the future. The future is
will furnish the competition for Mich- any time after exams, after the
igan's final meet of the hectic week. "Battles of Campus Hill." Then
Rex Hudson, runner up in the 50- Coach Mann will collect the survivors,
yard event in last year's Big Ten meet mold a swim team, bedeck it in its
will be the Gopher mainstay, and ac- best fighting attire, and finally lead
cording to early indications Minne- it on the war-path, hoping for the
sota will be capably represented by scalps . of Yale's Eli, Ohio State's
speed specialists in all events. This Buckeyes, and Minnesota's Gophers.
meet, too, will have a foreign pool as1 Time will tell; it always has!