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January 26, 1938 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-26

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r SMIJN.Z14 3

I'm), k~ Dr -v.i .AIsIce JBraks Tihrough

PubItcation in the Bulletin to~ constructilve nothie to all xn (mirerM. of
"" t7i~. Copy remlived at t o *Moo at the Aalataat to thoea w
wes t; 3 .11,00 Am. m SatUmday.

t'i'I)NE:S1DAY, JAN. 25, 1938
VOL. XLV III. No. 901
All Students in the Miechanical
E U'i ,ineering Departnment who entered
t he University in September 1937 with
advanced standing please call at
Room 339 West lEngineeiing Bid., the
afternoon of Feb. 9, or any time on
F'eb. 10, and get a classification num-
L.S.&A. Juniors and Seniors wish-
ing to change their field of concen-
tration for the second semester.
please procure slips at Room 4 U.H..
have them signed by the adviser in
the new field, and return them to
Room 4, U.H. before Feb. 1, 1938.
Robert L. Williams.

tray's Office, inl the Office of they
Sophomore Counselors, and in the
Eknglish Office. I wil be glad to con-
fer with students who wish to make
inquiries concerning English 33.
Karl Litzenberg
School of 'Music Freshmlen: Fresh-
man Group 69A and B, will meet with
their adviser Thursday, Jan. 27, at 4
p.m. in Room 205, School of Music
Students in Mathematics 123, Sec..
senzi 1936-37: Uncalled for notebooks
from la-st semester are available in
Room 3018 A.H. These will not be
kept after Feb. 20.
Graduate School: All graduate stu-

' ;

Chairman of the Committee on Stu-. Angell Hall) for consultation witli
dent Affairs, in the Office of the Dean candidates from 11 to 12 oni Thurs-
of Students, a written. Certificate of day, Jan. 27.
Eligibility and (b) by presenting the
Certificate of Eligibility to the chair-: History 11: Lecture II, Students
' nain of manager of the student activ- should come to the final ex'aminationk
ity ini which hie wishes to participate. provided with Goode's outline map of
The Chairman or Manager of any Europe No. 116, or, if an adequate
student activity shall file with the supply" of this is not obtainable, with
Chairman of the Committee on Stu- Nystrom's No. DD2.
dent Affairs, before permitting the PIsychiology 55:' Thursday, Jan. 27
student or students involved to par-
ticipate, the names of all those who at 8 p.m. in Room 2054 N.S. Building,
have presented Certificates of Eligi-PrfsoShpdwilmttoe
bility, anda signed agreement to ex- students in Psychology 55 who are
elude all others from participation. interested in further discussion.
The issuing of Certificates of Eli- M Questions for review, or questions on
gibility for the second semester will religion and ethics which have not
be greatly facilitated if each applicant f (Continued oan Page 4)
brings with him or her a record of - - - --
first semester grades.I
Second semester Certificates of El- I
igibility will be required after Mar. 1.R D .
Juniors bolding ;-:Hap ticket re- I
ceipts: All tickets not called for Wed-RY C
nesday from 4 to 5 o'clock at the SE
ticket desk of the Michigan Union'
will be placed on general sale Friday DAY or N I TE
at 4 o'clock. If you find it impossible,
to call for your tickets communicate
with Jack Wilcox, 2-3236.$1o
Academic Noltc es I Phone 2-2644
English 71, T Th S, 10, 406 Library,RUF S
anti T Th S, 408 Library, wvill not; US
meet Tuesday, Jan. 25, but will meet WIN 1C HESTER
on Thursday, Jan. 27.
Philip L. Schenk.:C"
English 199: Junior Honors. Mr. - 211 East Liberty Street
Weaver will be in his office (2218! __- --
I.. I

Two boys were drowned at Mcllenry, Ill., when the car in which five
persons were riding broke through the ice and plunged into -ten feet of
water. An unide-ntified hero is shown here as he lifted the body of Albert
Nelsen, 9 years old, one of the victims, to the ice. Howard Peyton (lower
left), father of drowned John Peyton, 6 Years old, comes to the surface
for air. Floyd Armistead (right) who drove the auto, moves to the aid
of young Nelsen.

. _ u.. _..._. ______


6:00 lsl Io ,'
6J:15 rSiplii:;o-K:ls
a:0-- Bradcu .4
6:45- M'usical 1Mo. li~rrt~-
7:00-!Antos 'n' Andcy
7:15- Koltlcrr Co,,dtc~
7:45 -Sport Pceview.
8:0(1--One IWian', 'ally
8:30- L1ady Ias.br zSerenade
9:00--Townr 1-illl Tonight
10:00---Your 1 Hollywood Parade.
11 :30--1 mic 'NMusic
1? :00-Daucce M ti.h.
6:15 "1sIca
7:00- -Poetic Melodfies
7:111- 1Hobby bobbfy
7 :45-- i~take Cairter.
8:00-- -avalcaderl of Anurilcu
8:30- LOW(,.C mtor
9:00- Andre Kostela unelt.
9:30- --en Bernie Oreh.
10:00--.-Gang Busters
1(0:30 1DelCai.
I11:00--Headline New .,
' 11:15--The Beachconbtr
12:00----Dance MAlu ;i.
6:00._1?alit RIu1ev'-'v
6:30 - ( lirl i fi-teds,
6:45 -- Lowelt l ilortas
7:00-.-asy Acesr>
71:15.._-Keen 'Trs.(r".
7:30---Loie Rne
8:00 Roy bS1 cld
83:30 IIi~ts fe ~r
9:00 -Murray Vall lWagt;c uin.
9:30- -*istrel sbo'
10:00 --Gen.- Hugh S. .Job turinl
10:15-:-Nola Day.
10:30. Waltz .[nterlude.
11:00 -John McKay.
11:15---Dance Orch.
11 :30 --Pl Witema,, (1Clrhl
12:00--Graystone Dance Music
6 :00--Tr' f Rport en
6:15- News anid Sports
6:30 Elxcitiw"ng Tonlts.
6 :-1- Titdie an-c
7:00 Mhyf hm OMen.
7:15 -Ensemible .
7:30- United Press News
7:4:; -Mercy Halli
8:00 -T"o Be .Ainouneed -
8 :30- Happy 1Mi's Hou sewanit ug.
9:00 -- Kay - Kyser Orch.

Ncw Child Insb lute
tell.'MItII-In 1 rivcs
(Coulinued from Page 1)
ter ested in schools, although their f a-G
cilities will be available to court cases.
"Thie Institute,"? he emphasized, "is
not maintained to treat cases, but to
,.malyzo and diagnose them, and send
ai report of suggested treatment b~ack
to 1ile local authorities."
jJ. E. Sturer, formerly engaged in
truant officer work in the Detroita
Juvenile Court of Judge D. J. Healy,
has been engaged by tile Institute to
carry back the reports and cooperate
with local authorities in working out
a plan to use their facilities to treat
thle patients.
4-i 1hmsifid

S { - dents who expect to complete the r~e-
Registration Material: School of qluirements for a degree at the close
Forestry and Conservation. Regis- of the present semester should call
tration material should be called for at the office of the Graduate School,
beginning today at Room 2048 Natur- 1006 Angell Hall, to cheek their re-
al Scence ldgcords and to secure the proper blank
a. ScienceaBldg. to be used in making application for
S.I. an, ea the diploma. This application should
3All Students: Registration for se- be filed not later than the end of
ond semester. -Each student should{ January.
palan to register for himself during Registration forms for the second
semester are available in the office.
th e appointed hourvs. Registrations
by proxy will not be accepted. Graduate students are urged to fill
Robert L. Williams, out the forms in advance and to se-
SAssistant Registrar. tlui'C the necessary signatures. Reg-
1st i'ation miust be completed in Water-
Registration Material: Colleges of 'man Gymnasium, February 10, 11 and
T .S.&A., Education, Music. Students 112. The late registration fee will be
should call for second semester regis-I charged beginningx Monday, February
(ration material at Room 4 University 14.
Hall as soon as possible. Please see Newv students, or~ students trans-
SYour adviser and secure all necessary j fariing, should at on early date ask
signatures.' the Secretary of their School or Col-
Robert L. Williams, -loge to prepar-e and senld to the office
Assistant Registrar. ;of the Graduate School an official
s i transcript of thleir undergraduate re-
?lRegistraition Material: College of3 cords. New students are advised to
Architecture. Students should call for apply for admission on advance of
second semester material at Room 4 registration.
University Hall a-t once. The College C. S. Yoakum.
of Architecture will post an an--,___
tiouncement in the near future giving Vxtra-Curricular Activities: The
time of conferences with your classi- 'it teiltio) of all studeints interested in)
' fer. Please wait for this nlotice be-
tore seeing your1 classifier.I extra-curr-1icular' activities is called to
Rober-t L. Williams, !tihe change in procedure recently
Assistant Registrar. I adopted by thle Committee on Stu-
' _r dent Affairs with reference to the
Noticec to Sophomnores: Seconrd- !method to be followed by the indi-
f eeseSopomrs h aepln vidual desiring to take part in extra-
ping opo moonenresinwho pnlin- cinricuilar activities and by the chiair-
ning n cocentatin in nglih i-an and managers of these activities.
should elect English 33 instead ofj
zEnglish -32 in the second semester of! At the beginning of each semester
this year. Revised schedules for this an summer session every students
l course may be found in. the Regis-I shall be conclusively presumed to be
ineligible for" any public activity until
-- jhis eligibility is affirmatively estab-
I iI ~~t01 Vlished (a) *by obtaining from tihe
0 I~

ai 23rd Year Phone 7831 William at State
MARSHALL Cut-Rate Drug
231 SOUTH STATE - Phone 9242 - 8 Doors North. of Kresge's
Our Everyday Price on Popular Brand Cigarettes . $1.17 carton, plus tax
SPFCTA L! Pin t - Extra H eavy
Squibbs Shaving "Cream, 25c value' I i NER.AL
Squibbs Surgical Steel 'M
Double Edge 'BLADE4S 25c value
Total S4cs valute29
Both for 29,c Pure - I mported
LAST CALL - Five 5c New NESTLE BARS --- 5 for 15c


LJAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned
ICareful work at low prces.

ten in-utes fromh campus. Two
doubles, warm, quiet. Phone 9862.
sSINGLE ROOM for graduate or uni-
dergraduate girl. Also vacancy ini
douible room. Half block from cam- E
Ipus. Wood League House. 725 I-
:veil. 5938. 291

TYPIG, neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill S.Plione
15244. 3x


VILA STEIN, 706 OIaklandl. Phone OIE
6327. Experienced typist-.. Reasonz-NTIE
able rates. 232 LADIES tailoring and dress-making;
- - - - ---- - formals, suits, coat relining, all al-
CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any terations. Expert service, reasonable
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, rates, work guaranteed. 320 E. Lib-
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- erty. Call evenings 2-2020. 7x
ers,' old gold and musical instru-
mnents. Ready cash waiting for you. TYPING-Carefully and accurately
Phone Sam. 6304. 2x I done, L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King-
________ sley St. Phone .8344. 106
BOARD: Graduates or faculty family.LS N ON
Double room, fireplace, private LOST: Log Log Trig Duplex Slide
bath, sundeck. Phlone 2-2943 aft-er Rule. Name inside flap of case.;
six. Dewvard. David Potters. Phone 3487.
314 '{
BEAUTIFUL country estateof1
acres with stream, landscaped. Has PET:; Grey angora cat. Answers to
nice colonial home and other build-j Sunda. Phone 6923. 624 Church. Re-
ings. Call Whaley or Clapp. Phone, ward. 321


_ oda s.

Day or Night.
Rtain or Shine
Choose your RiLM with care!




We have Everything in Photographic Supplies.
"The store where Dad got his Photographic Supplies"
Cam1kin -l tehier Drug S ore
324 South State Street 8 18 South State Street




2-1964; evenings 2-1170. 320 .
FOUR ROOMS first floor. Two en-
tranaces. Furnished, hot wvater,
steam heat. All utilities included-
except gas. Redecorated. 617 Law-'
rence corner State. 319
SIX-ROOM apartment. Very modern
inMcEntee Apartments. 220 S.
Th ayer, opposite Hill Auditorium.
Phone '7785. 324
for J-Hop week-end. Near Law
Cub. Send response to Box 8. l
LAGE front room. Private home,
Noother students. Telephone 8455.
525 S. Fourth Avenue. 325
FRONT SUITE for two men student.
j3 blocks from campus. Reasonable.
IMeals if desired. 420 S. Division.
ONE- ROOM lapartmnllt . Priv'at e haf i.I
Suitable for graduate student-. odil
Ihecat. Call 8169. 911 Forest. 30:3
APARTMENT for rent. Six rooms;
ilcel y furnished and will acconmmo -
date four adults. 621 Forest. 322
FOR RENT: A single and a double
ioom for Jewxish girls. 1511 Wash-
lenax. Telephone 3851. 316
1114 JUDSON COURT off Church.

FORh SALE : Tuxedo in excellent con-
dition. Average size. Finely tailored.,
Glen the Tailor. 631 E. University.




Bring tlwtit int,a square (dal always
U U Ufig







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