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January 08, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-08

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SAtURDAV, JAN. 8, 19'j'g






Illini, Va
Tilt Features
Townsend And'

rshtyPlay To Full House In Big Ten Debu
Hockey Team Re-engages Michigan Tech To nigh

Reticent Regents .. .
NEWSPAPERMEN gathered in an-
ticipation of action at the Board
of Regents' meeting yesterday after-
noon acted like hopped racehorses
at the barrier. Every time the door
squeaked they leaped to their feet,
a, la Hollywood, poised for a quick
dash to the nearest phone and dead-
line. Here was high drama. Would
the new football coach be announced?
Would the Board answer alumni res-
olutions? Ann Arbor being a hotbed
of speculation, even a slight indica-
tion of action would probably shunt
foreign wars off the front page, as is
the Detroit habit. And everybody was
tense. But the show, as cynical
drama critics might describe it, "laid
an egg."
Some of the more reprehensible
reporters grabbed the carbon
copies and darted through the
office before reading them, cer-
tain they carried lush news copy
with them. Life's full of startling
disillusionments, though ... (Ed.
note: Oh, a philosopher on our
hands, eh!)
President Ruthven brought in the
batch of brief statements, unostenta-
tiously handed them to Bert Watkins
and walked quietly out again. Like
starved sparrows, the scribes snatched
at the yellow sheets, and those who
remained to read them had to force
a sheepish grin because, as the song
pluggers chant, they had built them-
selves up to a "terrific letdown."
The regents had spoken, and
the overwrought press men had
nothing to sink their teeth into.
Questions relating to football will
"be decided by the harmonious
and united action of the Board in
Control of Physical Education,
the Regents, and the President,
in accordance with the estab-
lished custom in dealing with
University affairs .'." The Presi-
dent will announce the new
coach's identity when "necessary
decisions have been made." And
that, colleagues, is that!
Real Interest...,
NTEREST in basketball, whetted by
intersectional clashes and enthus-
iastic metropolitan publicity, reaches
a new state of frenzy tonight. Eleven
working reporters - which means
eleven direct wires to their respective
sheets-and two radio stations will
cover the Illinois-Michigan fracas.
Football commands but little more
press attention than that.
An amusing banner tlraped the
Daily Illini sports
page Thursday:
"Tired Illini Con-
centrate on Mich-
igan Tilt Saturday."
Friends, they will
scarcely be rested
after Capt. Jake
Townsend and crew
;""^"r" finish tussling them,
and Purdue wearies
them further Mon-
day night. But our
sympathy to Coach
MILLS Doug Mills. He drew
a real stinger in schedule assignments.
Guess Again ...
carried a copyrighted story
Thursday, saying Fritz Crisler,
currently at Princeton, is the
most likely choice for Michigan's
coaching post. It was written by
Francis Powers, a nationally fa-
mous gridiron expert, and in his
account, he asserted the impres-
sion was prevalent that Crisler
might be offered the athletic di-
rectorship upon Fielding H. Yost's
retirement as added inducement.
Powers spoke as though he knew
something, but authorities here
remain reticent, persisting in

their stand that newspapermen
are still "shooting in the dark."
* * *
DOTS AND DASHES .... Always a
glutton for abuse, ewe give our cage
predictions for tonight's tilts: Purdue
to overwhelm Chicago, Northwestern
to squeeze by Ohio State, Minnesota
to get a scare from Wisconsin, though
winning, and our feedbox special:
Iowa over Indiana ..

Boudreau Due]
Game Should Be Decidin;
Factor In Both Schools
Conference Campaigns
Jim Rae Will Start
(Continued from Page 1)



. ___.

At Right Wing Tonight


fectiveness has lagged, the six foot
three junior has assumed the scoring
burden with great success. Bill Ha-
pac, who lacks experience, being the
only sophomore in the starting group,
is another threat.
Speedy, dynamic Tom Nisbet, Bou-
dreau's high school running mate,
and Jay Wardley,
who pestered Michi-
gan on the gridiron
man the guards.
Cappon will prob-
ably stand pat on his
.lineup, with Town-
send and Ed Thomas
at the forwards, Jim
Rae at center, and
Leo Beebe and Herm
Sn at the
Michigan has an
WARDLEY advantage in its re-
serves, with long Dan Smick and Bill
Barclay on virtually a par with Rae
and Thomas respectively. Rae's
stubbed toe, which has hampered him
for more than a week now, may force
him to yield to Smick if the going
gets too rough. Barclay may see serv-
ice early because of a hip bruise which
Beebe incurred in the Butler game.
Pressure On Visitors
Pressure, if any, will be on the
visitors, who not only feel the de-
pressing effects of
the Indiana over-
time defeat, but
face the prospect >
of no let-up after
tonight's game~
They must face the
harum - scarum 9
Purdue artists on
Co-holders of the
title with Mnne-
sota last season,
the Illini face a w
rough future with Boudreau
a squad which has only one hold-
over from that '37 five, Boudreau. But
in the wide-open game nowadays, a
single long shot artist canmaterially
counteract sheer ability.
But to the rabid spectators, a
probable 9,000 in number, the spec-
tacle of uncanny Jake and his equal-
ly clever adversary, Captain Bou-
dreau, matching passes, pivots and
shots suddenly projected from no-
where is a large item in their atten-
dance. And Michigan's title pros-
pects, of course.
Brunda ge Says
Tokyo To Stay
Olympic Hosts
NEW YORK, Jan. 7.-(/A)-Plans
to speed up fund-raising for Ameri-
ca's participation in the 1940 Olym-
pic games at Tokyo, with $400,000
as the probable goal to cover all costs,
will be discussed tomorrow by the
executive committee of the Ameri-
can Olympic Association.
The United States already has de-
cided not to avail itself of transpor-
tation subsidies offered by the Japan-
ese Olympic Organization.
Talk of shifting the Olympics from
Tokyo, due to present unsettled con-
ditions in the Far East, has no other
basis now, so far as Brundage is
"There can be only two grounds
for not holding the games in Tokyo,"
Brundage explained. "Japan could
release them, voluntarily, or the
I.O.C. could decide preparations were
not satisfactory. Neither is anticipat-
ed, of course, and it should be kept
clearly in mind that there will be no
Olympics at all in 1940, if they are
not held in Tokyo. There would not
be sufficient time to arrange a trans-
fer, even if that was considered."

. '

Sometimes termed the most con-
servative player on the Michigan
hockey team, Johnny Fabello
(above), veteran right winger, re-
moved that description Thursday
night against Michigan Tech when
he garnered three points, two goals
and an assist, in the third period.
He will again be at the right flank



Varsity Tank

Team To Seel
Marks Tonight
Swimmers Hope To Better
Four American Records
In Cleveland Exhibition
Michigan's varsity swim team will
wind up its exhibition season in the
next three days with a pair of shows
to be given in out-of-town pools.
Tonight Coach Mann's crew will
appear in the tank of the Cleveland
Athletic Club, where, among otherI
things, his natators will attempt to
better fo'r American records.
Kasley To Compete
Jack Kasley, veteran breast-strok-
er, "despite the fact that he is no
longer eligible for varsity competition
will take to the water once and hopes
that when he finishes his effort will
have netted two new marks. Kasley
will try for the 100-yard and the
100-meter records in one attempt.
Walt Tomski, the Varsity's elongat-
ed sprint star, will strive for new rec-
ords on two occasions, once in an in-
dividual effort, and again with three
teammates in a crack at the 160-yard
relay record. Walt's personal at-
tempt will be made for the 60-yard
standard recently lowered to 28.6
seconds by Peter Fick of the New
York A.C.
To Try For Record
Swimming with Tomski in the race
against time for the relay record will
be Captain Ed Kirar, veteran Tom
Haynie, and sophomore Ed Hutchens.
Other exhibition races will bring
Johnny Haigh and Ed Mack, sopho-
more breast-strokers into action in a
100-yard race, and also will pit David
Holmes and Bill Farnsworth against
Cleveland natators in free-style
Varsity divers Jack Wolin and
Adolph Ferstenfeld will perform off
the Cleveland club's boards.
The team will leave in a three-car
auto caravan at 1:30 p.m. today and
will return to the campus Sunday
Coach Mann will take to the road
again Monday, this time travelling to
Saginaw with a small group of swim-

Varsity Hopes
To Get Second
Win Of Series
Gib James May Not Play
Due To Injured Ankle;
Game To Start At 8:30
Expect Large Crowd
(Continued from Page 1)
sloppily and allowed an almost too
easy goal to be scored although the
blue-line men tightened up later.
The Michigan forward line was no-
ticeably weak atdvarious times on
back-checking and only some lucky
breaks kept the Techsters from get-
ting past the defense more often.
However, both the Wolverine lines
and defense did show great dashes of
color at other times especially in
keeping the brilliantly clad visitors
from getting posession of the puck
when both defensemen, Bucko Smith,
Jr. and Captain Bob Simpson were
hied to the penalty box.
The Miners will undoubtedly con-
tinue playing their crushing Copper
Country mode of ball and no matter
what Michigan tries to do otherwise
they will have to match them check
for check, contact for contact or suf-
fer. And judging from Thursday's
battle, Michigan will again be able to
do it.
McCarthy To Prove Dangerous
In the center and co-captain George
McCarthy Tech has a spectacular
firebrand type of player who will
again prove dangerous. Both his run-
ning mates, bespectacled Joe Stack,
the other capt., and blond Bud Pek-
kala are hard and fast skaters and will
continue to give the Michigan defense
plenty of woe.
Gus Gustafson, who turned in a
nice game for the visitors in the nets
will-find the going even tougher than
when he made 22 saves because Smack
Allen, Johnny Fabello and Gib James
will have a little more knowledge of
Tech's style and players and can work
I accordingly.
Line-ups To Be Same
Both line-ups will be the same as
before. Gib James who found it neces-
sary to play with his badly swollen
ankle tightly encased In tape and
rubber pads will be in better shape.
Although there was a great deal
of rough stuff none of the players
left the ice any the worse except for
minor bruises in certain spots.
Ex-Varsity Golfers
May PlayFor U.S.
Johnny Fischer and Chuck Kocsis,
former Varsity golf stars are being
given serious consideration for mem-
bership on the 1938 Walker Cup team
according to Associated Press reports.
Fischer, 1936 U.S. Amateur champion,
is practically certain to receive the
honor when the U.S.G.A. Executive
Committee announces its selection to-
The report states that three others
are alsd likely members of the squad.
These are Johnny Goodman, present
amateur champion, Ray Billows, run-
ner-up to Goodman, and Frank Stra-
faci, 1935 Public Links winner.

Matmen Face
Strong Indiana '
Match Should Decide Who
Has Best Big Ten Team
During Present Season
Although it is the first conference
wrestling match of the season, when
Coach Cliff Keen's Wolverines meet
"Billy" Thom's Hoosiers in a dual
contest at Bloomington tonight, there
is little doubt that the supreme wrest-
ling team of the Big Ten will be de-
This will be the first time that
either team has come into contact
wtih the new system of scoring re-
cently adopted by the Big Ten
coaches. With this new point sys-
tem both wrestlers will have to use
their power and ability throughout
their contest.
Meets Old Rival
In the opening match at 118
pounds co-captain John Speicher
will meet his old rival "Two-Bits"
Myers. Last year after fighting
through an overtime, the match was
called a draw. Willard Duffy of the
Hoosiers, and also a member of the
1936 Olympic team, will have a real
battle against Paul Cameron of the
Wolverines, but by virtue of his great-
er experience Duffy should take the
Coach Keen has a sure winner in
the 135 pound class in co-captain
Earl Thomas. Thomas will once
again meet Tom Bryce, whom he
pinned in short order in last year's
dual contest. Harold Nichols will
also meet the man he defeated in
last year's meet when he comes
againstdCliff Bassham in the 145
pound division.!
Danner Changed
With the changing of Harland
Danner from 165 to 155 Coach Keen
has placed his outstanding junior
against John Keeler, the Hoosier who
was downed by Captain Bissell. Frank
Morgan of the Wolverines will be
faced with a tough opponent when he
meets Chauncey McDaniel, who after
going into an overtime with Danner,
last year, was carried off the mat af-
ter losing the contest.
The upper weight brackets have al-
ways proven to be the Wolverines'
Waterloo. At 175 pounds the Hoo-
siers will have either Chris Trai-
coff, who pinned his opponent last
year, or Charles McDaniel, a member
of the Olympic team, meet Don Nich-
ols, the only sophomore on the Mich-
igan team.
Haak Favored
By all rights big Bob Haak of the
Hoosiers should have little trouble in
winning his match. Although Tim
Hurd of the Wolverines, has shown
up well in practice, the "Haaker" will
enter the meet not only with more ex-
perience but with almost a 30-pound
weight advantage.

Big Ten Cagers Face Starting.
Lime With Five Games Tonight
All 10 cage teams in the Western the Buckeyes haven't fared much
Conference, keyed to battle pitch af- better. Their ledger reads four anc
ter several weeks of strenuous drill two to date with nothing impressive
sessions and non-Conference games, on either side and apparently no one
uncork their big guns tonight in alto make it seem so.
start towards the League flag, some Gophers Play Badgers
nine or ten contests distant. Up north the Gophers take on the
Just what the evening's play will Badgers, in what should be one o
have in store is a little hard to say, the best contests of the evening
although most experts agree it's going'Minnesota has six victories and one
to be a tough battle on several fronts. defeat so far this season, that at the
With the exception of Purdue, none hands of George Washington Univer-
of the teams have come through the sity, and one mustn't forget the
pre-Conference schedule unscathed. Gophers were co-champions of the
But they've met a lot of peak squads Conference last season. Wisconsin ha
as far as the national field is con- four and three to boast of this sea
cerned and have had the chance to son, and were within nine points o
meet with all kinds of play. Now the Wildcats when the game ended
they'll get the chance to see and Monday night.
show what they have learned. At Iowa, the game with Indiana
Chicago vs. Purdue should be fairly calm. While th
Chicago vs.ytPurdueoHoosiers haven't been mentioned a
Out on the midway the Chicago possible Conference champs too often
quintet, its record unblemished by this season, they conquered the high
a mark i the win column last sea- ly rated Illini Monday in an overtime
son and with a three and two count Iowa however, doesn't seem to hav
on it to date seems destined to a much to show, with their pre-con
pretty rough start. They meet the ference total set at four and threE
Boilermakers there. Almost enougheGales annound
said except that the Hoosier power- - dGames Announced
house will probably dazzle its oppon- Monday night's contests will agair
ents with its speed. see all of the teams in action. Th
"Defense?" asked Loyola's Lenny Illini draw the biggest job, that a
"Dchsa fee?" askgoy"WaLonnytrying to slow down the Boilermaker
achs a few weeks ag, nWhatgoon -and that will be a job, especiall
sdeak of themselves and by the ti after having just come from battle
ours gets togetherthey've alrea ywith the Wolverines and the Hoosiers
our s other ' vOn other fields Ohio State come
sunk another s Scarlet Scoure to Michigan, the Chicago quinte
PurpleV ce Scuge tangles with Wisconsin, Minnesot
At Evanston, it's Northwestern and takes on Iowa, and Northwester
Ohio State. The Purple have been tages onthoIndiand.
pretty much on the sour side these
last few weeks. They dropped one
to Notre Dame Dec. 17, were pushed Ph ne 205
aside by Butler a few days later andon
then, after leading the Irish 11 to 1 Groceries - Beer - Wine
after six minutes of play in a returnSev e
game New Year's Eve, dropped the Ty'sSMarket
contest when it got too rough in the 420 Miller Ave.
second half.
An unimpressive win over the Bad- - _-
gers earlier this week and a similar Read The Daily Classified
loss to the California Bears com-
pletes their diet. On the other hand _________ ______



Fun for All!
All for Fun!

make the trip are divers Adolph Fer-
stenfeld and Tom O'Neill; breast-
stroker Johnny Haigh; free-style,
Charles Barker, and back-stroker,
Bob Sauer.
The Monday show will be the final
pre-season appearance of the Wol-
verine swimmers as their schedule
brings them into Big Ten competition
next week in a meet with Indiana at
Bloomington, Ind.

liii -C I

Several hundred slightly soiled copies of
Modern Library and "Dollar" Series Books



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