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December 14, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-14

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Subsidizing H s !'Encyclopedia' CorporateSups Tax Scoredha~r~iDrc
No' Place Here, To Give 'Story As Unfair B y Professor Ford 1Iu2
WANED RS.L. WINNG,419 North Inals
payment of corporate indebtedness, - - - -- -Do- has a large single room for graduate
Boa d D cla es f niv rsiy (ontnud fom age1)and for reasonable exenditures for RIE to Milwaukee Ws.Cll Dn
the payment of dividends by " cor- expansion and for transfer of net 221 ma3o5wma..2
Adopting aiplananique inaunaver poration Iavng a deficit," he said earnings to a deficit account. DRESSMAKING: Ateration andFO GRDAEorbsnspe-___
O L niesty ishtories, the University is draw- 'FRGAUTSo uiespo
I~llversty l~i Weedlng up ane encyclopedia of Michigan in explaining the third objection. "Furthermore, the requirementI I repaiing .Mrs. C. Walilg, 18 E. ,pe, large, pleasant, comfortable
cand its progress, the first of its type While not expressing the pessimism that dividends be declared and paid Cah{n.Cl 76 3 third floor room for one or two
in Out Hied' Athltesthepeople.geoThe tauntedalTa17ern,14
Ou Hrd tlts i h nweg fWilfred B. Shaw, concerning the act which semeed to before the end of the taxable year i --- -- epe h ane aen 17 2 ,___
Idirector of the alumni relations bu- pervade the Brookings report, Pro- is very arbitrary. In this connection, TYPING, neatly and accurately done. E. Huron. 219 I 7273N.
(Continued from Page 1) reau and editor-in-chief of the work. fso odvgrul setdta it might be well to consider the ad- Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone -_____ ____
All of the individuals under question According to the plan approved by steps toward amendment should be visability of adopting a three year 5244. 3x' PARMENT:rotetsbahio .g --
3x"APARTMENT:soubtheastoction. --__
otiesuhPresident Ruthven and developed in taken at once. He preferred amend- moving.avrage base for all corporate CLTIMWATDToUYdn aem et aio evc.Poe Ra
bIgta hee sch roppedsch olaticstnd connection with the 1937 Centennial met to immediate repeal, believ ingi taxation. old and new suits, overcoats, t r3,ag7evngs50.21 ___
!ng that thy' er efdroped fr m th Celebration last June, there will be that the tax has potentialities which --$, 25 Laisfrc ts t pe it-_ ___
tshiestyenbefore'beiang o pbe e- over 200 contributors and approxi- should be set aside without further, 12:00-Horace Heidt Orch. ers, old gold and musical instru- NOTICES
net4'eoete or ob e ately 500 articles. consideraion. WXYZmet.RaycswiinfoyuMD N BatySpe-Wek
lared eligible, the report stated. AiebyWleA.Dnela-mnsRadcshwtngfrou--
iiepaining the reasons for start- Aie"b!ate .Donlya- "Ith tax is not repealed bay :0-Day in Revie~w Phone Sam. 6304. 2x SeilFtho rn hmo n
irtg'a sbsidzatin insstant editor, Helen Travis, who will' Congress it shold be amended," lhe :15-Factfinder. - --- pca icho rn hmo n
ngil aisflhnl h aucrp aeil n ad t 6:30 -Linger A While. LAUNDRY finger wave with lemon ring. 50c
:1i ~r ttdta uoshdby the cooperation of the Archives End permanent $1.00 up.
teabied it cbfcelnng"the improper (70 ayAe.ir UDY 04 oCommittee of the University, Mr. 161-o7d tr.:0-KesyrAce lacn ffobl lyr n tSa seiigmcho h aeil163-lnGa rh :0GenHr. Crflwr
elt that it was in the line of duty to now. But, he pointed out, it will be 6 45-Songtime. 8 :0HusCandBe n ie.sO AE$0RWR frrtr f1-a
ivsiaethese rumors before out- at least aar eoetewr e7-Potc eode.:00-Stradivar' Sseries,__r ___ of__a 1-ya
yeaebefrigteterk s 7 15-Hollywood screen Scoops. 9 a--CNigtCu. '--"- old brindle female bull-terrier dog.
s~0 ti opeedid"'So. 7:30-Helen Mencken. 9:0-NCINghtClu.S TREES that will sat-
80-dadRbno. 10:00-Hugh Johnson.CHITA White chest, gray face, 4 white A larg
In viwM-l1:1-itrAie.if.Fessursrtdszs o
In iewof the recent removal of In addition to the Encyclopedia ,aI 830 A Jolson--Martha aye. 10:-CitrArGamb.isyFrhcu-sotdiz.Lg
Coach Harry 47 Kipke from his head supplementary volume including biog- :0-Al Pearce. 11:0-Tomorrow's Headlines. Cabin station. Detroit and Division pas tbb al aten 1,of ead
- - - hereo9tstte3rphesofcaclt mmbrsofero C30JaklaeigCllge 1:30-JmmnDrsy rcoSt.1724ne 9o.o49oncola.llarabr.n, m^.s
positioniion, t10:30-Newsatd rpComesof atoty Life. f p17010:3Dexterome tAve.. 1Ann Arbororey rcMiSth1.
hat there was no ulterior motive for fessorial rank and administrative of- 10-HalneNw.1:00-Graystone.----------------------------tBin r Aho nn 586. 223h
11:15-Remniscing.12:30-Long Thompson Orch. FRRN
he- investigation' launched' by the ficers and regents will be published.l1"15 -Mediiation. FRENBino_____58. 2
Board other than to "clean up" the Material collected and not used will 12:00-Emery Deutsch Orch.___
a't'hetic sittiatiori. be placed in a special file for future 112:30-Ted Fo Rito Grh.
Several outside factions, however, use. P.LM. aies2-:05
ave claimed that the inquiry was Although the Encyclopedia will note 6:00-Day in Review. Ngt - 5
tirred up by the 'Board to create a be a history in the true sense of the 6 15-News and Sports. LS IE OA
ituatlon- through which the dismis- word, Mr. Shaw said, the articles will 6:4-RhyithngMmen. Janvrs
-LiiJon evrs DUL of Kipke could be made Torch be largely historical and factual in QS0-LiRAomaeri.
frnlpler. In answer to this accusa- charac;e. 7 7:45-crime Clinic. greua h ht"hnMn opeso h
lr, however, the. Board defended 8:0-Sammy Kaye orch ilwowishrJflos gi!I'.Rwy it
(ef hsl."Terxnbesofte :00-Paul Whiteman Orh, one chance for #uSel
I9:30-Jazz Nocturne.
3dad, in issuing thisstateihent, were' EVENING R DO1:0SmhncSrns oac . n
ot shooting at anyone, nor were 1 3-ic' ae ~
hey ntedin soehowto upprtE 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. fids it stmped:
he poiino n esnogop"PROGRAMS 1't:1.-Melody Men. d
.15e poitldl o any peson or rbup. 1:30-Isham Jones Orch. od o w
The refmaifldeir of the report per -_________________ - -__-
ams too thie financial condition of thewekonty!
1thletic plant and lists the receipts WW FSHW' WTC ter gayest hit!Aj ' I
nd disbursements made during the 6:0Tsnr prs n
iscal year" July 1, 1936, to June 30, 6:5- "Sophisto-Kats." JEWELRY REPAIR a
93.6:45-Heri~~ch Picker(,. 347 Maynard Cor. William a
As has been the case every year, 7:00-Amos 'n' Andy. athCrsal 5
the report showed that football re- 7.415-"tVoices." ve.WthCytl 5 A~7"
-8 :00-Phillip Morris..---- __-----_ _._____ -_ _ U,'R ,,i.Cnine nPge3 MO
8:30-Lady Esther Serenade. ,---witth _ q -y- p q
Elections held by Sigma Chi fra- 10:30-Jimmy Fidler.FLOGR ENE RIE. JOHN PBEA
pocethfo-11:00-Newscast. I DRtIV-UR-SELF SYSTEM
enylatngt1115-Webster Hall Music. .Lcne.. EDAREND.JSI AP
wing ofier:GibrtPars +'8 11:30-Dance Music. Lcne Thrsay-_nePrfnzncOl
residet; aHerbeotnn ibbs e,' 38, v- 12:00-Northwood inn.Spca R te for Long Distances3
nWsdnt n oh icle,'8 Phone 3714 NE " RobertlhIZI Second Annual UNIVERSITY BAND CHRISTMAS PROGRAM
eeetry :0--tveso Nw. 10WshngonSret tiencISE"ReiunsoYYErINp Robert Montgomery in "LIVE, LOVE &LEARN" on Screen IF YO'
? ~TAKE LAUNDERING, for instance. We learned what"
we know, right here in Ann Arbor, from experience. Our ______Mnm m Bnl C

for Xmas
LIFE - - $4.50
University Phose 9797
I It In The Daily
e and choice assortment
ing nationally advertised
Parker ~
and others
Priced $1.00
and up
a Specialty
14 S. State St.:

years of business in Ann Arbor have taught us that an _________
increasingly larger number of students are taking ad-*" "" "
vantage of the convenience and money saving principes SAM PLE Skirts Ex r. .
involved in having their laundry done in Ann Arbor. AsBU N DLE (Full Daress Shirts are not included in this SpecialI
a resu/t we are prepared to give you the optimum in
laundry service, convenient call for and delivery service, 2 Suits of Underwear So" e
guaranteed careful and efficient work, and prices de- 3 Shirts Sox Et apr pair'" '
signed for the students' budget. Why bother with ship- 6 HandkerchiefsH a dk r h espi
HandkrckifsExra 6
pg a laundry box home and risking an uncertain return ~ 3 Pairs of Socks
date when you may have clean, white, unruffled laundry 2 Bath Towelsreundtyoevyweky
retunedto ou eerywee C ST 99c
Phone 4185 Phone 23-1-23

.*2c *

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