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December 14, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-14

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Trhe Weather
Snow today; moderate east to
southeast winds.


£fr iga


The Boot Slips Off ..
Art And The Student...



U. S. Demands Full
Japanese Apology
For Panay Incident.

Compensation, Guarantees
Against Repetition Asked
As British,_Hull Confer
Jap Ambassador
Expresses Regret
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.-(A')-The
United States presented Japan three
stern demands today because of the
"indiscriminate bombing" and sinking
of the U.S gunboat Panay and other
American ships above Nanking. At the
same time President Roosevelt sent
expressions of shocked concern to the
Emperor of Japan.0
While Capitol Hill reverberated to
the sinking and a heated discussion
rose on the floor of the Senate, this
government demanded:
Full compensation to the govern-
ment and victims. (Dispatches to the
navy department place them at one
sailor killed, six missing and fifteen
persons wounded.)
Apologies for the incident.
Guarantees against a repetition of
such an attack.
The President's personal expression,
handed to Japanese Ambassador Hi-
rosi Saito by Secretary'of State Hull
for transmission to the Emperor, was
a message from one head of state to
another and therefore regarded as of
greater importance than the series
of protests that have been made by
the State Department to the Japanese
government, and Chinese government
as well, since the Sino-Japanese un-
declared war began..
A majority of members of the two
houses of Congress who expressed
their opinion of the incident either
on or off the floor said the sinking was
proof that the United States should
have withdrawn its men from the
scene of conflict, and that, at any
rate, the incident should not germi-
nate into a struggle between the two
iHANGHAI, Dcc. 14.-(Tuesday)
./-)-Ninety-ope persons were re-
ported dead or missing today after sa
grim 36-hour search for survivors of
the four American vessels destroyed
Sunday by Japanese airplanes.
One American seaman of the sunk-
en gunboat Panay was dead. Fifteen
of the 69 known survivors were
wounded, at least one of them ser-
Eight Americans and other for-
eigners aboard the Panay, Capt. C. H.
Carlson of the cargo boat Meian and
81 Chinese of the crew of the Meian
and two other Standard Oil Company
boats were unaccounted for. There
was no indication any large number
of the missing Chinese were dead.
Nanking Falls;
Japanese Hint
Further Push
Chinese Plan Rear Attack
In North China; Hankow
Seat Of Kai-Shek Army
SHANGHAL Dec. 14.-Tuesday)
-(AP)-A Japanese communique an-
nouncing occupation of Nanking to-
day hinted Japan's army would push
on into the heart of beleaguered
China. The Japanese gave no word
of the 18 Americans still in China's
abandoned capital.
Nanking was reported in flames,
blanketed under tremendous clouds
of smoke.
Domei (Japanese news agency) re-
ported from long-captured Peiping
in North China that immediately af-
ter the fall of Nanking a new provi-
sional government of the Republic of
China was created.
Its guiding principles, Domei said,
were vigorous opposition to the re-

gime of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-
Shek, suppression of Communism and
cooperation with Japan and Man-
Included in the officials of the new
regime were two former presidents of
China, three former premiers, five
former finance ministers and four
other ex-cabinet officers.
Chinese press reports from Han-
kow, temporary seat of the .Chinese
government, said that Outer-Mon-
golian authorities had arrived to con-
fer with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-

Six 'Hardy Souls'
Entered In Yearly
'Spoofuncup' Race
"The men who can take it," those
hardy members of the mechanical en-
gineering department faculty who
have been nominated as possible re-
cipients of the "Spoofuncup," were
announced yesterday.
The cup will be awarded at a dinner
to be given by the local student
branch of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers at 6:15 p.m.
tomorrowiat the Union.
Those who may receive the annual
award are Prof. M. B. Eichelberger,
Prof. Frank A. Mickle, Prof. A. F.
Sherzer, Prof. H. E. Keeler, Prof. J.
M. Nickelsen and Dean H. C. Ander-
son of the engineering college.
Candidates were nominated by me-
chanical engineering students. The
final winner will be elected at the
banquet, but only after students have
been permitted to say what they will
in the three-hour "open season on
Doctor Lauds
Co-op Medicine
As Social Good
Preventative Medicine Is
More Widely Practiced
There, Warbasse Claims
Treatment of disease in its early
stages is the most important service
cooperative medicine can offer society,
Dr. J. P. Warbasse, president of the
Cooperative League of the U.S.A. said
last night before an audience of ap-
proximately-100Tpersos at Lane Hall.
Dr. Warbasse, whom Prof. Robert
Angell of the sociology department
hs termed the "greatest authority
in the United States on the coopera-
tive movement" said that cooperative
medicine, an important alternative
for the "politically-controlled" social-
ized medicine of Germany and Eng-
land, is being successfully practiced
in Denmark and Sweden.
Lessr Amount Here
In this country, cooperative med-
ical societies exist to a lesser degree
than in Europe, but are growing con-
stantly, he said.
Under the cooperative plan, he ex-
plained a group of about 200 fam-
ilies hire a doctor on a salary basis.
This doctor, assured a fixed yearly in-
come, is able, by devoting his full time
to these families, to practice preven-
tative medicine, and is free from com
Medicine Is A Business
Under our present system, medicine
is a business as well as a science, Dr.
Warbasse pointed out, and a scarcity
must be created to insure profits to
the doctor. Therefore while 38 per
cent of the people do not receive the
medical aid they need, the American
Medical Associationeis instructing
medical schools to restrict the num-
ber of their graduates.
German Xmas
Sing To Be Held
Prof. Hildner Will Direct
A "German Christmas Sing" at
which more than 250 are expected will
be held at 4:15 p.m. Thursday in Room
316 at the Union, Prof. J. A. C. Hild-
ner of the German department an-
nounced yesterday.
The sing, which is being held for
the first time this year, will prob-
ably become an annual affair, Profes-

sor Hildner said. It is sponsored by
the Singing Group of the Deutscher
Divided into four sections, folk
songs, modern songs, drinking songs
and Christmas carols, the program is
open to the public as well as to Ger-
man students.
Hubert S. Moran, '39, Mrs. Alice
Roth, Grad. and Mr. Otto Graf of the
German department will act as ac-
companists for the sing. A complete
list of the 25 songs to be sung will be
released tomorrow so that those wish-
*flfl fnlfl1ylf flfl fl Yn nn fa iinri7nR Vt lrfl

Hospital To Receive $150;,
Deans' Fund, Welfare
Bureau Get Remainder
Issue Sale Greatest
In Project's History
More than 150 Goodfellows sold
a special edition of the Daily. yester-
day on the streets of the city and on
the campus to raise the Goodfellow
fund to approximately $825 for the
aid of needy families, students and
hospital patients.
Of that total $150 will go to the
social service department of the
University Hospital.
One quarter of the remainder, or
about $170, will go to the Dean's Dis-
cretionary Fund for needy students.
Theta Delta Chi Highest
Underprivileged families will be
aided with the funds which will re-
main to the Family Welfare Bureau,
approximately $500.
More papers were printed and dis-
tributed than at any time in the his-
tory of the Goodfellow projects. They
were sold by members of publica-
tions staffs and honorary societies on
street corners and at well frequented
spots on the campus. A special de-
livery service for fraternities, soror-
ities, league houses and dormitories
that made pledges in advance was
made possible through the loan of a
truck to the Goodfellow executive
committee by the Building and
Grounds department of the Univer-
$500 For Welfare Bureau
The highest contrioution from
fraternities and sororities came from
Theta Delta Chi fraternity.
The bulk of the fund was amassed!
in the 10-hour street sale yesterday,
thus differing from previous cam-
paigns in which approximately half
the sums were collected in advance.
These usually came from members of
the faculty and private residents of
the city.
The Goodfellow executive commit-
tee spokesman said last night that
more contributions would be expected
in the mails today.
Group To Hea

Divided House
Opears Debate
On Wage Bill
Administration Faced By
Solid Republican, South
Democrat Combinatign
New Deal Must Try
To Outweigh Bloc
WASHINGTON,. Dec. 13.-(P)-A
House split into sectional and eco-
nomic blocs finally began considera-
tion of the wage-hour bill today and
the opposition frankly concentrated
upon an effort to defeat the legisla-
tion by sending it back to committee.
The extent of its success obviously
will be determined by the nature of
the changes made in the bill when
the time for offering amendments is
reached tomorrow. If the measure
can be made objectionable to certain
voting groups, the opposition's chances
will be greatly enhanced.
Warns Against Considering Bill
Thus, with the opposition coming
principally from Republicans and
southern Democrats, the problem of
the Administration leadership is to
keep in line enough votes to outnum-
ber that combination at all times. It
counts on some southern support, but
just how much remains to be deter-
. Representative Mapes (Rep., Mich.)
warned the House today that now is
"the worst time in the world to con-
sider any wage-hour legislation."
"The 10,000,000 unemployed in the
country, who cannot get jobs under
any conditions, at any wage, or for
any length of time, may well look
upon the consideration of such legis-
lation at this time as a hollow mock-
ery," Mapes said.
Knutson Reads UAW Demand
Representative Knutson (Rep.,
Minn.) charged in the House today
political opposition had been "prom-
ised" members opposing the views of
the United Automobile Workers in
connection with wage and hour legis-
Knutson read from a letter he
said was signed by Homer Martin,
president of the U.A.W. It demanded
that members oppose a measure plac-
ing administrative control in the labor
Taken From Rules Committee
The Wage-Hour Bill-under which
minimum wages of 40 cents an hour or
less and maximum hours of 40 a week
or more would be fixed for various
branches of American industry-came
before the House as the result of a
283-to-123 vote discharging the Rules
Committee from further considera-

Alum ni Propose Retiring
Of Yost; Board Asks Free
Interpretation Of Subsidy


Athletic Board Defends Its
Stand In Recent Case Of
Football Subsidization
Annual Report Tells
Of 'Hiring'_Players
Subsidization of athletes has no
place in the University athletic pro-
gram, it was emphasized in the an-
nual report yesterday of the Board
in Control of Physical Education
which included a plea for liberal in-
terpretation of the term "subsidiza-
The report, issued annually to the
Board of Regents and the University
Council, gave numerous reasons for
the Board's stand on the recent sub-
sidization inquiry.
According to the report, the Con-
ference ruling regarding athletic sub-
sidy, which reads: "No scholarships,
loans or remissions of tuition shall be
awarded on the basis of athletic skill,
and no financial aid shall be given
students by individuals or organiza-
tions, alumni or other, with the pur-
pose of subsidizing them as athletes
or of promoting the athletic success
of a particular university" is open to
a certain degree of conjecture.
"The language leaves considerable
to interpretation," in the words of the
Board's report.
"It is feasible to separate out of
the many possible forms of subsidy a
considerable number which are eith-
er wholly proper at one extreme, or
clearly offensive, at the other end of
the scale," the report reads.
The Board's statement goes on,
however, to advance the argument
that the relatively strict scholastic
.standards of the Conference and
University, if properly applied, will
tend to weed out those "hired" to
compete on athletic teams if any
"hiring" has been done.
To back its statement, the Board
cited the example of certain young
men who were reported to have ac-
cepted athletic "gifts" advanced for
participation on the football team.
(Continuled on Page 2)
Techn1ic To Go
On Sale Today
And Tomorrow
Avocation Of Engineer Is
Topi Of Student Article;
Job Chances' Analyzed
Students in engineering colleges
proverbially lack leisure according to
Irving Brown, '8E, whose article
titled "An Engineer Looks At Leisure"
is one of the feature articles of the
December Technic which will be on
sale today and tomorrow.
In keeping with the 'increasing
amount of leisure time that the en-
gineer has available, Brown suggests
the engineer choose an avocation and
devote as much time to it as possible.
This, he thinks, will help the en-
gineer a great deal in his social con-
The engineering research depart-
ment's service to the state is described
by Prof. A. E. White in "Research at
Michigan." An always timely subject
-job possibilities-is analyzed by
Gustav Collatz, '37E, president of
last year's senior class in "News from
the Job Front"
Public Health, a relatively new field
for engineers is viewed from the en-
gineering standpoint by Prof. H. E.
Miller of the public health engineer-
ing curriculum.
The current issue of the Technic,
in addition to the foregoing special
features, presents its regular depart-
ments including an article on "putting
things down on paper" by Prof. A. D.

Moore in his "Commentaries.' Short
biographical sketches of three promi-
nent engineering students are offered
in the regular department. "In the

Put On AAU Committee

AAU Appoints
Mann To Place
On Committee,
Three Varsity Swimming
Marks Made Last Year
Are AcceptedAs Official
Swimming Coach Matt Mann re-,
ceived word late yesterday that he
had been appointed to a place on the
National Amateur Athletic Union
committee, it was revealed late last
(The committee is regarded as par-
allel in importance to the Olympic
committee in the National Intercol-
legiate committee). This will be the
first time a Michigan coach has re-
ceived this distinction.
At the same time, three records set
last season by the Michigan swim-
ming team were accepted by the
A.A.U. Individual engrossed certifi-
cates will be sent to each of the win-
ning swimmers.
Two of the records were made over
the 20-yd. course at the University of
Iowa pool. They were the 400-yd.
freestyle relay record of 3:30.7 made
by Walt Tomski, '39, Baker Bryant,
'38, Bob Mowerson, '37, and Ed Kirar,
'39, and the 300-yard medley relay,
made in 2:55 by Fred Cody, '37, Jack
Kasley, '37, and Mowerson. Both rec-
ords were made in the dual swimming
meet between Michigan and Iowa last
The third record was the one set by
the Wolverine squad of Tomski, Mow-
erson, Kirar and Tom Haynie, '39, in
the 440-yard relay at the National
A.A.U. meet held at the Yale Pool in
New Haven last spring. In the short
course 25-yard pool, the Michigan
team set the record of 3:31.4 for the
400-yard freestyle relay.
Model Senate
To Plan Set-Up

Yutang Review
Emily Morgan To Discuss
* Gu

Regent Crowley Hints Yost
May Not :ecide New
Grid CoachAppointment
Kalamazoo Group
Asks Yost Ouster

'Importance 1.7_1 Uviing' tion of the measure. The committee!
Lin Yutang's ne r book, "The Im- ; had kept the bill pigeonholed for
portanoe of Living," will ba reviewed lmonths.
and discussed at the fifth meeting of debate was begundiately, six hours of
the Association Book Group to be debats , t p a one of
held at 4:15 p.m. today in the League, ihamendments, the principal one of
Emily Morgan, '38, will be the re- which apparently wih boe a substitute
Eily rgmeasure to be presented tomorrow by
ie. ythe Labor Committee, leaving out the
Written by the author of the re- five-man Administrative Board ap-
cent best-seller, "My Country and proved by the Senate and substituting
My People," the book selected for a one-man administrator.
this meeting has been praised by the -
New York Times as a "witty, shrewd Con
distillation of age-old philosophies tountity Fund's
sharpened and spiced with the fia- ,
vors of today."

KALAMAZOO, Dec. 13.-(R')-Re-
irement to an emeritus standing of
Fielding H. Yost, University of Mich-
gan athletic director, and a complete
hange in the sports setup at Ann Ar-
bor was proposed today by the board
of governors of Kalamazoo's U. of M.
A telegram was dispatched to the
board of governors of the University
of Michigan Club of Detroit saying
that the Kalamazoo grads were in
complete accord with any plan that
will retire Yost.
At Detroit the alumni failed to take
any action on the University athletic
setup. Dr. Angus Goetz, former Mich-
igan football captain and club pres-
ident, said no resolution had been
drawn up relative to the Michigan
coaching situation.
Regent Would Ignore Yost
David H. Crowley, member of the
University Board of Regents, advised
tonight in a statement appearing in
the Detroit Free Press that selection
of a new Wolverine football coach be
made independently of Fieldng H.
Yost's "nomination or suggestion."
The University Board in Control of
Physical Education, which dismissed
Harry G. Kipke as coach last Thius-
day, had delegated Athletic Director
Yost and Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, Board
chairman, to recommend a successor.
Taking cognizance of "discord and
rumors of discord" in the athletic staff
setup, Regent Crowley said the "duty
of choosing a coach, or even deter-
mining who should be intervie ed
a prospective coach, should not be
delegated to Mr. Yost if future strife
and controversy is to be avoided.
Chicago Grads Want Facts
CHICAGO, Dec. 13.-(Special to
the Daily)-Demands that no new
head coach be employed by the Uni-
versity of Michigan until all the facts
in the release of Harry Kipke have
been ascertained was contained in a
resolution unanimously adopted by
the Michigan Club of-Chicago today.
It was believed that similar action
would be taken by alumni groups
throughout the country, among whom
the abrupt dismissal of Coach Kipke
has aroused much resentment.
The resolution was as follows: "Re-
solved, That whereas the University of
Michigan Club of Chicago is embar-
rassed by the criticism leveled at the
Board of Control of Athletics by the
press of the nation,
"Whereas, the unfavorable publicity
being received by the University of
Michigan in the press throughout the
land is injurious to the University of
Michigan, and
"Whereas, the University of Mich-
igan Club of Chicago is desirous of
ascertaining all the facts which
caused the board so unceremoniously
to dismiss Harry Kipke as football
"Be it resolved that President
Ruthven of the University of Mich-
igan be requested to grant duly ac-
credited delegates of the University
of Michigan Clubs throughout the
nation the privilege of meeting with
the President and the Board of Con-
trol at Ann Arbor at an early date
to be set by the President.
"And be it further resolved that the
President instruct the subcommittee
not to proceed with negotiations for a
contract with a head coach until all
of the facts have been given alumni
Schmeling Scores Kayo
In First Bout Since '36
NEW YORK, Dec. 13.--(P)-Max
Schmeling signalized his return to
the fistic wars tonight by sys-
tematically cutting down Harry
Thomas, crude but willing Chicago
heavyweight in the eighth round of a
15 round match before a near-capa-
city crowd in Madison Square Gar-
Germany's former holder of the
world championship, back in a New

York ring for the first time since he
flattened Joe Louis in the summer of

The book review club, organized'
this semester by the Student Reli-
gious Association, has provedta suc-
cess so far, and, according to Ken-
neth Morgan, director of the Associa-
tion, will be continued from now on
as a permanent enterprise of the As-
TORONTO, Dec. 13.-(A')--The Ca-
nadian government's plans for forti-
fication of the Pacific and Atlantic
coasts have been revised completely
with emphasis now on western de-
fenses, Ian Mackenzie, defense min-
ister, declared in a speech tonight.

The Ann Arbor Community Fund
Drive went "over the top" this fall
for the first time in six years, Oscar
Zwerdling,' general chairman, an-
nounced yesterday.
The fund, increased by a number
of checks which have come from
places as far distant as Berlin, Ger-
many in the past few days, has
reached the total of $53,351. Only
$53,110 was sought.
"We are overjoyed at the response,"
Zwerdling commented. He pointed
out that appropriations to the various
agencies which cooperate in the drive
will not have to be curtailed this year.


Aioose Betweene P.R
Amid V{ote By States

Corporate Surplus Tax Scored
As Unfair By Professor Ford.

Prof. Robert S. Ford, tax expert
and head of the bureau of govern-
ment added his voice yesterday to
the stormy protests against the pres-
ent levy on undistributed corporate
profits that crystallized last week in
the report of the Brookings Institute
and the growing willingness of Con-
to lend ear to revisionary legislation.
"The surtax on undistributed cor-
porate surplus is inequitable and
arbitrary," Professor Ford said. "It
should be immediately modified or
The present surtax, it will be re-

President Roosevelt proposed an in-
tegration of the corporate and per-
sonal income taxes with the tax on
undistributed surplus as a substi-
tute for existing corporate taxes, cap-
ital stock and excess profits levies.
With this plan Professor Ford was in
agreement. Congress, however, in-
stead of heeding the proposals of the
President, merely provided for a
surtax on undistributed surplus, in
addition to the existing corporate
taxes, and removed the exemption of
dividends from normal personal in-
come tax. "The whole scheme," Pro-
fessor Ford said, "is accordingly

The choice between representation
along U.S. Senate lines and represen-
tation on a proportional basis will be
laid before the executive committee
of . the Student )Model Senate for a
vote when it meets at 4 p.m. today
in the League, Martin B. Dworkis, '40,
chairman, announced yesterday. ,
Motions approved by this body are
passed on as recommendations and
are not binding upon the Senate, a
student group proposed as a means
of consolidating and expressing stu-
dent opinion.
Original plans provided for a dele-
gation of two students from each
state, selected by those from their
state after a credentials committee
gave its approval. Under the proposal
introduced last week by Richard M.
Scammon, Grad., senators would be,
selected under a system of "P.R."
such as is used in many large cities.
The executive committee had de-
cided at its second meeting to allow
discussion of campus affairs only
when initiated as national or interna-




Take Home Gurg Girl
If You Come Out Alive



An all-expenses-paid date with a
Gargoyle beauty, and payment of hos-
pital bills for those injured in the rush

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