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December 13, 1937 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-13

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MONDA Y, DEC. 1", 15.'



League Debate
Ballot Favors
Neutral Policy
Votes Taken To Determine
Effect On Audience Both
Before And After Debate'
Thirty-five persons voted for the
affirmative side of the question in the
League Debate Thursday, Dec. 9, it
was found in the shift-of-opinionI
ballot taken at that time. The pro-
position was "Resoived: that the!
United States Should Adopt a Policy;
of Complete Neutrality in Interna-
tional Disputes."
Votes were taken before and after
the debate, to determine to what ex-
tent the speakers had influenced the
opinions of the audience. Before the
debate 34 people voted that the Unit-
ed States should remain neutral. Af-
ter the speeches, 21 voted "yes" moret
definitely than before, seven votedt
plain "yes," three were undecided
and three changed to "no." Of the
12 who were undecided before the de-
bate, seven afterwards said "yes," two
remained indecided and three voted
Voters on the negative side num-
bered 19. Of that number, four later
changed to "yes," 11 voted "no," and
four said "no" more definitely. In the
final count, more women than men
voted for the affirmative side.
The average age of the men to
whom the ballots were distributed
was 25, and that of the women was
22. Sixty-five ballots were passed

Actors In 'French Without Tears'

Of Engagement
Is Made At Tea,
Betrothal Of R. C. Ried r
And Marion Fitzgerald
Made Known Yesterday
The engagement of Marian Ver-
nell Fitzgerald, '38, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Fitzgerald of,
Monroe. to Rudolph Charles Rieder,
'37E. son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd J.
Rieder. of ,Saginaw, was announced
by her parents yesterday at a tea'
given in the Ethel Fountain Hussey
Room of the League.
. In the center of the tea table was a
silver ship with the names Marion
and Rudy in blue letters on the silver'

Christmas Suggestions
P m G

Compacts And Cigarette Cases
Shown In Jewelled Containers
Compacts and cigarette cases, be- "Petit-point" is featured in many
sides being convenient containers, are loose-powder compacts. These min-
also beautiful accessories in their own loaturetapestry patint rnslshofaione
right. Dressier ones rival the new scenes. "Cloisonne" designs are espe-
jewelry in their sumptuoustglitter, cally effective as a contrast to black
while those designed for general enamle compacts. Old Chinese bro-
sports wear are good-looking as well cade, Etruscan filigree and mother-
as practical. of-pearl are used on various con-
The "Jeweled Nugget" is the name pacts.
for a matching compact and cigar-__
£ tte case of rough gold inlaid with
sparkling multi-colored stones. The Allen-RUmsey Will Give
came house makes a lovely set called
he "Persian" in black enamel. A Party For Poor Children
tiger attacking a deer, an elephant
and other Oriental animals are en- Allen-Rumsey Dormitory will give
graved on a finely traced background. Ia Christmas party Tuesday in the
Union for the children of two poor
A compact made in the form of afmiesnAnArr
gold apple with a stem and leaveses in Ann Arbor.
separates in the middle to show loose There will be a Santa Claus with
powder and rouge. It can be worn presents for the children and there
attached -to a gold necklace in the will also be a Christmas tree.
form of a snake, symbolizing the Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Dean
Garden of Eden. A distinguished im- Charles T. Olmstead, Dean Henry C.
ported compact is made of black Anderson, Mr. Stanley Waltz, Mr. T.
enamel with a conservative pattern Hawley Tapping and Mrs. Lura D.
traced in marcasite. Niles are to be the chaperons.

Frank Lawton of the. nies, Penelope Dudley Ward of the 400, and
Rtburt Gregg, in "French Without Tears," the comedy hit playing at
the Henry Miller Theatre in New York City during the Christmas
vacation. The play gets its title from the fact that a group of adult
Biltisbers attemtrt to learn French in advance of entrance into the
dir lomatic service by living in a Frenchman's villa on the Riviera: and
there they find an unscrupulous flirt who provides a too romantic
distraction for study beyond the word "amour." Hence the title.
Social ervice Worker Advises
RmIvin for The Sake Of Givi d~

The tea guests included Miss Janet 11 re Attract e
Rieder, Virginia Eaglesfield, '38, Bet-
ty Ronal, '38, Helen Purdy, '38, Vir-'
ginia VanDyke '38, Roberta Melin, For Chrtstm as
'38, Charlotte Poock '39. Martha
Hankey, '38, Betty Ward. '38 and Fashion, charm, and feminine al-
Francis Evard, '38.
Elizabeth Baxter '38, Mary Lavan, lu.re are all fused in exquisite per-
'39A, Jo-Clarke Kimball, '39, Eliza- fumes. It is only natural then tha
beth Young, '39, Dorothy Barrett, at Christmas feminine thoughts turn
'39A, Marcia Connell, '39 and Helen to them. Christmas and perfume
Fitzgerald, sister of the bride-elect. just seem to go together.
Mrs. E. J. Ronal of Monroe and Local shops are featuring thi
Mrs. C. E. Preacott, also of Monroe,
poured at the tea. month several attractive gift pack
Miss Fitzgerald is a member of ages of perfumes. One of these pack
Delta Gamma sorority She is ex- ages is entitled "Fragrant Ensemble.
change editor of the Gargoyle, is on Iit is a charming little wicker ham'per
the League social committee and took which coutains a gift size perfume
part in "Feather in His Cap," 1937 ,11, ,n.n .,mn,, . t l i.


The debate was held Thursday, --e a Junior Girls Play. Rieder is a mem-' ' UI i
Dec. 9 in the League Ballroom. The ber of Sigma Phi and was active i stick in the famous odors of "Drum-
speakers on the affirmative were By HELEN DOUGLAS different from the res6 of the world campus activities. At present he is beat," "Of Thee I Sing," "Gardenia,"
Margaret Ann Ayers, 38, and Barbara That one should give for the sake was emphasized by Mrs Brevoort working for General Electric in and "Carnation."
Bradfield, '38, of the University of giving rather than for tne sake of when she said that the poor have Schenectady, N.Y. The couple plan Crown Shaped Bottle
Women's Debating Team. Upholding merely satisfying the ego was pointed simpy been less fortunate, have had to be married early in the fall. A new perfume known as "Infan-
the negative side were Mary Fraser m satisfyin t e oted more ba dluck or have lacked the op- ta" comes in a crown shaped bottle
and Margaret Meier from the Univer- out by Mrs. Gordon W. Br COrt, ex portunities which other people have
sity of Wisconsin. ccutive secretary of the Family Wel- had. It is because of this fact that Glee ''and rests regally on a cushion of roy-
fare Bureau of Ann Arbor, in an in- money and credit are now given to al-blue velvet. Impromptu" in a
terview yesterday. the parents, enabling tem to choose Carols To CampUS lovely fluted bottle makes an attrac-
rm y CaptainDuring the years which Mrs. Bre- t their chli all ha for P tive gift package. Another new per-
voort has spent as a social service hrstms, ars naralrxi forsfume is exciting because of an un-
servce parents, Mrs. Brevoort explained. I Fraternities, sororities and dormi-
At I ( °M., e U worker, crigshe hasros learned e much con- , gIuulfaue t ulseti b
cerning the variousr tys hof giving If a group wishes to help during the atores will be serenaded with Christ- alneature.tIts f ent is ob-
and has been impressed with the se- hoiasesn ratimefr tha mas carols this Thursday by the V a donyatr w orso er
fishnes sof many donors, she said, matter, Mrs. Brevoort said, their aid sity and Freshmen Glee Clubs, said ing. rhis perfume "Can Can" makes
At Rifle Ra e adding that Christmas is the tradi- is welcome and machinery is present Edward Sinclair, '38E, president of an adorable gift because of this new
gdmthrough which this can be donein-the Varsity Glee Club. quality and because it comes in a
tional giv her to exploit the less directly and without any humiliation Along with the usual Christmas charming bottle topped with a little
C.O.T.. willb at W the rifle rage fortunate for personal satisfaction. \or embarrassment for those who are carols such as, "Silent Night," "The pantieruffle.
R.O.T.C. will be at the rifle range being helped. E First Noel" and "The Three King," In ancient China it was the custom
of the Women's Athletic Building Planning For OthersGd to give rare essences as gifts. Today
from 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesdays and "When we plan Christmas for' Graduate of University will be included in the special num- t ierr sece sgfs oa
from 2 to 4 p.m. T esdayso at the we plan rsof what we Mrs. Brevoort is a graduate of the bers "Angels We Have On High," a a new perfume "Kobako" has been
from 2 to 4P.M. Thursdays to assist others we plan mn terms oe University and received her master's traditional French carol, and Chn-_ derived from one of the rarest of
anyone interested. The "rifle season ourselves would expect and have,"Uiestanrcivdhrmtr'taiiolFechao,
nyene latestMnd. TMessn rsevsord expned, "while al of degree here in sociology. She also at- ning Lefebvre's "God Rest Ye Merry these. This subtle Oriental scent
Captain Wallington, formerly from the time the children and parents tended Chicago University and be- Gentlemen," he said. which comes in a bottle of Chinese
o S Houstonexas has been at wo uld be much happier with came interested in social service work ording t Sinclaiigmtesust as thrili gt
the University for four years, and i r postion tothat to which theyfcthoughmaredofaphvaescwhoois aravti dE. Matn tehe Pof lmotClu foramderChnwenssiddfr.hs
coached rifle two years ago at thearacutmd"fclymmeofapiaesho. PatwldonctheGeCusGftefms
W.A.B. The range is also open from Youngsters enjoy things more with The Family Welfare Bureau of Ann on their tour. Gift Perfumes
3 to 5 p.m. Mondays and from 2 to 4 those who are dear to them, Mrs. Arbor is a private family agency, ap- Gift perfumes are judged not only
p.m. Tuesdays. Brevoort said, and to take children pointed by the Community Fund. by their fragrance but by the attrac-
The rifle season lasts from Decem- to a strange place, 100 times as won- - ------- Union Hour Will Feature tiveness of the bottle or package they
ber to March, and affords the wom- derful as anything they have ever usi H o G oSpecial Christmas Party come in. One perfume company has
en on campus a good opportunity to known, to give them things of which Iusic o rb G oup put out a gift box entitled "Three
learn how to handle a gun well, and they have never dreamed, is only to: A special Christmas party, featur-p Mous " t box ntled "Thre
at the same time it is an excellent frighten and bewilder them. People t Wil Hold Musicale ing special decorations and group Moods." Three tiny flacons of dGa-
training in concentration and ac- who call agencies and ask for a cer- 5."_dRsnsinging, will be held from 4:30 until d" "Cuie ia ad "No.
curacy. No charge will be made for tai n nmber of little children to 5:0pm ThrdyateUno 5"aecnaidinas rtlteI
shooting, and the guns targets and attend a party which they aregoing Mu Phi Epsilon, national honor 'C530 p.m. Thursday at the Union chest which may be used for other
ammunition are furnished. Anyone to give, are giving these parties for' music society, will hold a formal Coffee Hour, it was announced yes- purposes after the perfumes are used.
who would like to sign up for periods their own pleasure and satisfaction. musicale at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the UnionyEiotRobCsunif e omenupreme in a speciagi
th Oli The ones who give the entertainment home of Mrs. Palmer Christian. Mrs. Executive Council. size bottle nestles inside a glamorous
is askedtogetimtouchwithOliveTheoneshognvnettheenterainenMsJm .rsnt Hostesses for this week's series of white satin Christmas box. "Elation"
Reed, '39, student manager. have the fun, not the children, Mrs. !'James D. Bruce will act as assistant, ofeHus codn oRbsn steattteo nte efm
Red 9 tdn aae. .Brevoort pointed out..; hostess. Coffee Hours, according to Robison, is the apt title of another perue
Last year the rifle club took part in Use out. he ' will be Mrs. Floyd Bartell, Mrs. Ar- noted for its buoyant, spirited fra-
intramural as wel las in telegraphic Mrs Brevoort maintained that matic Fantasie and Fugue" by Bach thur Van Duren, Mrs. Elmer Mitchell grance. It comes in a sparkling crys-
matches. It met with 40 colleges and Mrs. Brevoor intainted hat mi patic Fantaiegna u and "bach, and Mrs. Carl Coe. 'tal bottle shaped like a candlestick.
unv r It eih 4 ol g s a da d M s ar o .tlb tl h p d lk including Syracuse Uni- common sense dictates the way in played by Virginia Hunt, and a group ----candl stick-.
universitieofKansas, Louisiana State, which to deal with others. By this of modern Italian songs sung by Jean
versityPennsylvania State and others. she meant that Christmas is no time Seeley, accompaned by Helen Titus.
Innterscholasticactiviti tewill notfor strangers to approach families; Gwendolyn Fossum, is to py "Va-
beiluntil' the last half of the sea- rather, it is the time above all others niations Serieux." by Mendelssohn.
begin when family ~~~groups like to be to-'Gopso hisma aol il e
son. At that time members of clubs gether, to enjoy the Yuletidewit Groups othe esmbcarols will be
will be chosen to represent the ir ith snes. Itshernshisle.
University of Michigan from those son, she said, that the Family Wel-
having the highest scores of the week fare Bureau tries to plan with the DELTA DELTA DELTA
preceeding each match. parents for their children's Christmas Delta Delta Delta will hold its an-
I rather than to merely take a basket nual Christmas party today for pa-
W.A.A. SCHEDULE j of clothes to the home and hand it tronesses, alumnae, actives and
Badminton: Mixed play 7:30 overdto the little ones. pledges. The tree and gifts will be
p.m. Wednesday, Barbour Gym. That those who are dependent on sent to the University Hospital after
Basketball: Intramural tourna- ! others for food and clothing are no the party.
ment, Barbour Gymnasium; Jor- j - -

Gifts that Sparkle
Gifts of fine jewelry are always
appreciated. No other gift can
give such lasting pleasure or re-
flect such a fine sense of taste.
. . For the perfect gift we suggest

I ..
j~QfU ,f

it's the song women all over the
country are singing these days. For
every woman longs for tine luxury of
lots of silk stockings. And millions of
women prefer the exquisite beauty and
the long wearing qualities of Mojud. ,
"the stockings the screen stars wear.

Liberty at Maynardk

dan vs. Zone 1b, Alpha Phi vs.
Gamma Phi Beta, 5:10 p.m. to-
morrow; Betsy Barbour vs. Zone
VIII, Kappa Alpha Theta vs. Del-
ta Gamma, 4:10 p.m. Tuesday;
Martha Cook vs. Alpha Epsilon
Phi, Mosher vs. Alpha Gamma
Delta 5:10 p.m. Tuesday; Col-
legiate Sorosis vs. Zone 11, Zone
VIII vs. Zeta Tau Alpha, 5:10
p.m. Wednesday; Zone Ia vs. Ann
Arbor Independents, 5:10 p.m.
Bowling: 4 to 6 p.m. and 7 to
9 p.m. tomorrow through Friday.
2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Women's
Athletic Building.
Dance Club: Christmas pro-
Dance Club: Christmas pro-
gram 4:30 p.m. Tuesday Women's
Athletic Building, admission free.
Fencing: 4:30 p.m. Thursday,
Barbour Gymnasium.
Rifle: 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow and
Wednesday. 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursday, Women's Athletic
Swimming Club: 4 p.m. tomor-
row and Wednesday, Union Pool.

To IUniversity Students:
tulate y. 1se en
congra s Fu Y1eve'ow ee
GoeS Ovta o e
byt eite e yerest se x~n -eb t
life i e tO
t y p~ X' cI
conlnendatYze w.Yel-e e ins isapi& e
be 0nee of},1atXtk
and atitue'5 intyxel'
art gont 1ei


Long after Christmas is over and whether your
Christmas budget is large or small, she'll enjoy gifts
from this shop.
Housecoats, Robes, Pajamas - in luxury fabrics
As low as . . . $3.95

Flannel Robes, Zipper-fastener front, from



Gown and Pajamas -in black and colors, from $2.95
Dressy Blouses - satin, crepe, chiffon, from . .. $2.95
Gift Sweaters -- black and beautiful shades .
From . . . $2.95
Scarfs - squares, ascots in gay colors, from . . . $1.00


' Raincoats- of oiled silk, white, black, colors'
i Umbrellas to Match


Handbags- all the smartest shapes, from . .. $1.95
Van Raalte Hosiery are perfect "because she


I-.. -- ._.__ t_!...._._t!

I-- cr1 A^


lo ives nice things - f rorn . . . gel .U

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