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December 13, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-13

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MONDAY, DEC. 13, 1937



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Gr purt"w ta , "tflL OSmhv U -a ' ~'aT wnx-mNaPOT ,..,.., ,n ^
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Mondy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not othervise credited in. this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
.00; by mal, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738
i iNBPRSCNTED 9'UN . ;'.Iy,..,
NationalAdvertisigSbeflc It.
College Publish s Reprsentaive
Board of Editors
SPORTS EDITOR.......................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Thank You For
Your Cooperation.. ..
Y OU HAVE HELPED, by your purchaseI
of this Goodfellow edition of the
Daily, to make a merrier Christmas for someone
whose lot would have been less happy otherwise.
We take this means of conveying to you the
gratitude of those people who will be helped by
your generosity, their wishes that your ownj
Christmas celebration will be made more enjoy-
able to you by the knowledge that you have
shared your bread with others.
This Goodfellow edition is no longer an experi-
ment. In its two previous years the Goodfeilow
Daily has been a success and we feel that the
idea and the good that has been and will be done
warrant its continuation as an annual tradition.
We feel too that this is a promulgation of a
more humane idea of charity; that which has
consideration for the feelings of those whom it
helps; and that which is widely administered,
designed to give the most help for the resources
at its command.
May we thank you then for your assistance
in continuing a project of such eminent worth.
We hope it will continue to grow and be of in-
creasing service to our fellow human beings.
Tuure Tenander.
For Hollywood.. ..
HE QUESTION of the educational
T value of the motion picture has once
more come to the fore with the recent productions
of two biographical films in Hollywood, portray-
ing the lives of Louis Pasteur and Emile Zola
respectively. Mr. Paul Muni has drawn wide-
spread critical plaudits for his interpretations
of the two great Frenchmen, and both movies
have enjoyed extraordinary box-office success.
Now the question arises, was their success
due to or in spite of their educationol qualities?
Do people who go to the movies care particularly
about learning something of the lives of the
great men of the past, or would they flock to
see the same films as purely fictional episodes?
It seems probable on the whole that while the
factual basis of the stories was important in
bringing out their dramatic effect, the details
were of minor consequence to the great majority
of those who paid admissions. The mystery and
glamour that surrounds the names of men like
Pasteur and Zola for people who have never had

the opportunity to learn more of them renders
them words of magic for the cinema-producers.
This, however, is not all; the gleam of historic
authenticity adds something further to the pop-
ular appeal of a movie, even though the authen-
ticity doesn't have to be strictly historic.
So it seems that the public will take its mo-
tion picture education in good-sized doses pro-
viding the stories retain sufficient dramatic, ro-
rnantic and sympathetic appeal to compete in
these departments with regular boy-meets-girl,
scripts. It also appears that there exists, or can
be found, enough appeal in the life of a Pasteur
or Zola to fulfill'the requirements. With the in-
creasing scarcity of film material today there
appears to be an excellent chance of a continua-
tion of the historic-biographical strain in the
pictures, which, even with mild dilutions of Holly-
wood fancy, remain the most valuable type of
movie in educational content yet to come out of

Letters. published In this coumn should nt be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
Importance and interest to the camua-.
On The Ice
To the Editor:
Since the first hockey game of the 1930 season
I have attended every home hockey game. The
first year or two I was amused at the lack of
equipment furnished these players. That amuse-
mrent turned to amazement and finally to dis-
gust -
Surely a University of this size has more
respect for itself, if not for its team, than to
ask this group of men to represent the University
arrayed as they have been. The spirit displayed
by this team is deserving of more encouragement.
I am not suggesting that they be stpplied with
some flashy uniform, but merely that they
are given the necessary equipment to protect
them from the cold in which they play.
Another thing-is not the amplifying system
at the rink a disgrace to the engineering de-
partment of the University? The amplifier
"blasts" so much that it is impossible to make
announcements over it, and the musical repro-
ductions are hardly bearable.
If our Athletic Board cannot afford the ex-
pense involved in correcting the above two dis-
gusting situations, I honestly believe that the
hockey fans themselves would be glad to sub-
scribe to a fund to defray this cost.
In writing this I am in no way reflecting onj
Coach Lowrey. I have the very highest regard
for him and for the teams he produces. Who else
with so little material could do so much as has
Coach Lowrey? He and his teams deserve more
than they are getting.
-A Hockey Fan.
Peace By Spirit Of Good Will
To the Editor:
The undersigned wish to record their beliefI
that a boycott of Japanese goods in the United
States is not in harmony with a Christian ap-
proach to the problem of restoring peace in the
Orient and establishing good will among the na-
tions of the world.
We do not in any manner condone the Jap-
anese invasion of China. We sympathize with the
intent of those who would use the boycott as a
means toward peace, but we doubt that it will
serve that end. In the spirit of a common search
for a basis of enduring peace, we urge considera-
tion of the following points by those who are
preparing to advocate or participate in a boycott.
A boycott implies an attitude of national self-
righteousness which ill becomes us in the light
of imperialistic episodes in our own history and
of our shattering of Japan's self-chosen isolation,
by threat of military force, in 1853. A boycott
extensive enough to be effective cannot be
achieved without a vast amount of anti-Japanese
propaganda which will engender hatred for the
Japanese people, accentuate already existing
anti-Japanese feeling, strengthen tendencies to-
ward militarism and fascism in this country, and
in general draw the American people nearer to
that spirit of hatred which finds its logical ex-
pression in war.
A boycott will probably weigh heaviest upon
the Japanese people and not upon the leaders
responsible for the present war; the effect will
be a curtailing of other expenditures than those
for munitions. A boycott will strengthen the
hands of the military in the prosecution of the
war by demonstrating Japan's need to. stand
alone against an unfriendly world. The boycott
will add to Japan's need for markets in China,
it will strengthen the nationalistic spirit in Japan,
and it will make no contribution to those funda-
mental economic maladjustments whidh are in-
volved in the present situation. Rather, by fur-
ther curtailing international trade, it will add to
the difficulties.
To friends of peace we recommend action

along the following lines, as alternatives to a
1. That we give the fullest possible support to
all efforts to relieve suffering caused by the war
in both countries.
2. That we work unremittingly for the elimi-
nation of the economic and other causes of war,
and that we seek by every means in our power to
create the psychological conditions necessary for
effective international cooperation. It would be
important to avoid all manner of action by
ourselves and our country which could possibly
be construed by others, in the light of our record,
as examples of imperialism or aggression.
3. That we express the spirit of friendship
and good will in every possible way to students
from China and Japan now studying in the
country, and that we lend our support to other
efforts at reconcliation that may present them-
. 4. That we do all in our power to secure
the repeal of the Asiatic exclusion clause of the
Immigration Act of 1924.
5. That we urge the President of the United
States to invoke the Neutrality Act in the present
conflict. This act is a fundamental expression
of national policy, enacted by Congress. It
should be applied in the present situation. More-
over, it will clarify our own status and will in-
dicate clearly that we have no aggressive aims
in Asia.
World peace will be won by no one single
act and by no single movement. We believe
that in the long run peace will be achieved not

I/ feenu t o Me
Heywood Broun
When the Duke and Duchess of Windsor de-
cided to postpone or cancel their visit to Amer-
ica there was much wailing by the merchants
of New York and other cities. In certain quar-
ters it was felt that the expedition might be
a fillip toward recovery, like repeal or an Amer-
ican Legion convention or a fight for the
heavyweight chamionship. After all, it had
been announced that the
Windsors were bringing sixty
trunks-or was , it seventy?
The hairdressers of the na-
tion implored the Duchess to
adopt varying styles of coif-
fure in order to relieve unem-
ployment and tailors felt that
the Duke might send every
well dressed man in to be
measured, if only he ap-
peared in public with some slight innovation,
such as wearing his dinner trousers turned up at
the bottom. After all, as Prince he all but put
the starch shirt out of business.
Unless I am misinformed he appeared at
several minor functions wearing a sport shirt with
his dinner jacket. When he came to the throne
he abandoned this radical innovation, and as far
as I know a Greenwich Village sculptor and myself
were the only ones to carry on the good fight
to combine comfort and elegance.
Might Have Been Disappointed
But I suspect that the merchants might have
been doomed to be disappointed had the Wind-
sors arrived. In the days of his princehood the.
Duke was known as one of the finest salesmen
for the Empire, but there is no record that he
maintained a balance of trade. At my elbow lies
a press association story of the Duke's most recent
spending spree at a church bazaar in Paris. The
rector made up for certain Anglican discourtesies
and welcomed the couple warmly. Indeed, he in-
vited the Duchess to make a speech. And she
The rush cable then went on to state, "After
opening the bazaar the Duke and Duchess moved
among the guests chatting gaily. They spent
many francs, doled out by the Duke's equery,
Lieutenant Dudley Forwood. The purchases of
the Duchess included a dish of English marma-
lade, a jar of currant jelly, chocolate cake, a tin
of tea, two boxes of biscuits, three cans of to-
mato juice, two pairs of .scissors, a penknife,
Christmas cards, calendars and several knitted
baby jackets to be given to the poor."
All right, there can be no quarrel with that.
The lady quite obviously was on a spending spree,
and it would have been interesting to see the
lieutenant in full regimentals coming out -of
the church with the knitted jackets and the to-
mato juice under one arm and the marmalade
and current jelly under the other. A British
soldier does not ask the reason why.
The Duke Comes Across
But what about the Duke? He seems to have
kept his head about him during the orgy of ex-
travagance. The press association dispatch notes
his purchases in a single laconic line. "The Duke
bought a trick cigarette box and a tube of
tooth pate."
Up to this point I was inclined to be amazed by
the skill of the correspondent in reportorial de-
tail. But for all that he fluffed his big chance.
A trick cigarette box indeed! As an avid reader of
all the doings of the Duke I am curious to know
-indeed, I demand an answer to the legitimate
question-"What was the trick?"
And for that matter I wouldn't mind being in-
formed what the Duchess intends to do with the
penknife and two pairs of scissors. Possibly she'
bought them to open the tomato juice or the
currant jelly. Just the same, if I were the Duke
I would be worried. I've been a little uneasy my-
self ever since I heard Connie calling up Stam-
ford and ordering an ax, even though she says

she intends to give it to me for my forty-ninth
- Railroad 'Blues'
An impressive parade of railway executives
marked the opening on Tuesday of hearings be-
fore the Interstate Commerce Commission on the
petition of the American carriers for a general
increase of freight and passenger rates. From
them the commission could not have failed to
gather that the railroads' lot is not a happy one.
Between falling revenues on one side and ris-
ing wages, taxes, fuel and material costs on the
other, the railways are being so squeezed that
they are unable to finance capital improvements
which would otherwise provide a great deal of
employment and business. With the screws al-
ready tightened on them by recent wage increases
to virtually all branches of railroad labor, com-
pany officials probably have no alternative but
to seek the rate increase.
Yet one questions whether rate increases are
the real answer to the railroads' problem. Look-
ing at it broadly there is good reason to believe
that labor, material, men, government and yes,
railroad, officials would gain more in the long
run from endeavoring to make rail service less
expensive instead of more expensive to shippers
and travelers. The railroads have long paid some
conspicuously high salaries to executives and even
to receivers and reorganizers. The railroad brake-
man's wages may look small to him but they are
munificent beside those of the farm laborer or


In The Know
In the rapidly accumulating li-
brary of film doings it would be well
to put "We Make the Movies" (W.I
W. Norton & Co., Inc.-$3) at the.
top of the list. If you want to dis-
cover an honest statement of what
makes the wheels go 'round in the
curious business of Hollywood make-
believe, you can do no better than,
read this symposium of craftsmen's
findings. The top-flight specialists
of the film business have contributed
to the book ,without fear or favor,!
while Nancy Naumburg has edited
the material smoothly. On the whole.
the volume is more informative than
esthetic, but that is one of its chief
virtues. Covering the whole range
of producing, acting, directing, pho-
tography and scenic designing, it
provides provocative material tar
your own particular evaluation of the
most exciting of the contemporary
Like most. symposiums, the book[
is curiously uneven. In one chap-
ter you will learn from Bette Davis
that "no one in this world ever gets
anything for onthing," and that her
chief worries as an actress "are con-
cerned with wardrobe, hairdress,
learning the script and interpreting it
to make the most of whatever oppor-
tunities it offers me." Paired with her
obviously sincere address to the fans
is an essay by Paul Muni which is
one of the most illuminating state-
ments about acting that you can find.
"The industry for years has kept ac-!
tors who canont act," he writes, "not
out of charity, but because they have
wide public appeal." Admitting that
he has no rules for screen acting, het
gives a vivid analysis of the pains-f
taking care with which he prepares
for a biographical role and has the1
courage to write about his portrayal
of Wang Lung in "The Good Earth"I

Budget Debati
To Balanc(
Former Daily Editor Ana

e Revived:
e Or Not To?
alyzes Financial Situation

that "quite frankly, I never felt that t
my mental picture of him was real-!
ized by my execution on the screen."
For me the most interesting pas-
sages in the book have been written
by those artisans who I think are the
most important in the synthetic job
of turning out a "movie."i
I refer o the writer, the directorl
and the actor. Thorugh their piecesi
runs a refrain which might be sum-i
marized as follows: There is still,en-
ormous waste in motion picture mak-
ing; the associate producers and the1
censors are the chief banes of a
Hollywood artist's life; the medium
is as highly confused as it is power-
A new day is about to dawn for thet
screen when as Sidney Howard puts
it "our O'Neills and Kaufmans will I
be writing for the screen as inde-
pendently as they now writefor the
stage," or, as Mr. Muni writes: "per-
haps the actor can reach people and
influence them so that they will go
forth with a new strength and a new'
vision in combating the evils of our
own society."
If you have a technical turn of
mind, you will be fascinated by John
Arnold's chapter on the cinemato-.
grapher, in Anne Bauchens's frank
summary of film cutting and editing,
in the passages on recording and re-
cording, set designing and scoring a
production. In each instance a spe-
cialist has looked at his peculiar
field of film sorcery and has at-
tempted to tell you what qualities he
brings to a finished offering. There
is even a chapter on "Designing for
Color" by Lansing C. Holden, in
which he invites controversy by stat-
ing that "if a color shot is well ar-
ranged it can be held longer on the
screen than the same shot in black
and white, which would become dull."
It doesn't seem to me that hold-
ing a shot longer on the screen is
a good idea for motion pictures. As
far as color is concerned I'll string
along with Mr. Howard when he
writes: "I do not know 'how many
directors and writers will at this time
be prepared to agre ewith me when I
say that I find the problems of color
far more baffling than those of
sound. They seem to require men to
develop a painter's imagination to a
degree of which I am incapable."
John Cromwell, in his excellent con-
tribution on screen directing, has a
goor word to say for color, but he
writes more authoritatively when he
describes the predicament of "the
voice behind the megaphone" in the
present Hollywood set-up.
He agrees with Mr. Howard that
"not until a determined effort is made
I to develop writers who have some-
thing to say and have learned to say
it in the medium of the motion pic-
ture will the motion picture as an in-
dustry really have some claim as a
creative art." Of screen actors he
states: "I would go so far as to say
that I could count on two hands the
actors in Hollywood who are truly
creative." With considerable feel-
ing he- writes of the director that
"next to supervision censorship is the
most difficult handicap to overcome
and he is always obliged to compro-
mise." His chapter is one of the
shortest in "We Make the Movies"

By DELBERT CLARK duces a boom, the vast potential
(Manager of New York Times credit piled up idle in the banks as a
Washington Bureau. result of 'deficit financing will in-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.-For sev- duce the wildest sort of credit infla-
en years they have been talking about tion, which is an invariable precursor
balancing the budget. This year, of panic and depression.
when the talk .appears to have a The foregoing are the classic argu-
serious resolve behind it, the old de- ments for and against budget-bal-
bate over the meritsof an unbal- ancing. Yet there is no one on either
anced budget begins anew, side of the fence who will admit that
Fundamentally the debaters hav he is in favor of a chronic unbal
split neatly as between so-called con- h si ao facrncublne
servatives and so-called liberals and it is all a question of duration and
radicals, with the conservattives de- degree. Some of the "unbalancers"
manding budgetary balance, debt would gladly resort to the printing
liquidation and reflation if necessary, press to pay the national debt; some
and the radicals insisting that a littleof
more debt won't do us any harm if of the most rugged of the "balancers"
the money is devoted to a useful pur- would return straight to a "pay-as-
pose. . you-go" policy, either by increased
Of late, however, with a secondary taxation or by leaving the unem-
business recession rudely interrupting ployed without governmental aid, or
the prosperity chorus, a strange, new both.
voice has been added to those who WOULD
insist that there is no great hurry PRINT MONEY
about achieving an actual balance
between income and expenditures. It scThe "balners" offthei advanced
is the voice of the business man, fear- priations and trust to luck and nat-
ful that too swift a balance will have ural selection; the advanced "un-
such a deflationary effect on the na- balancers" would spend mroe and
tion's spending power as to set busi- more for rlief until every unem-
ness back several paces. mr o le ni vr nm
TEs ARGUENT eployed person was assured of per-
THAGAGNST NnTanent work at a union wage with
AGAINST sick leave and vacations at full pay.
The argument against a balanced Then they would print the money
budget in times of stress is essentially to pay for it all. But they all want a
this: balanced budget.
The National Government has a But how? If one discards the al-
direct and inescapable obligation to luring arguments of the simon pure
its citizens. "Rugged individualism" inflationists - of whom there are
is a mouth-filling expression, but if 94 many, oddly enough, in the ranks
government tolerates and sustains an of big business-the answer that
economic structure which results in Congress hears is twofold: economy
periodic depressions it is the duty of and taxation. It may be assumed
that government to repair the dam- that neither alone, with a large an-
age. The citizen, it is argued, is -by nual deficit and a bulky national
and large the innocent victim of a debt, will be sufficient.
system over which he has no control The deficit for the. current fiscal
and of whose mechanics he is for the year, to date, is not far from $800,-
most part profoundly ignorant. 000,000. If that were to be absorbed
To repair the damage and restore in a single year through economies
prosperity ,the argument continues, alone, the economices would have to
it is necessary to spend money on a be severe. Additional taxation to cov-
large scale-to "prime the pump of er the whole amount would prove an
industry," while at the same time giv- equally heavy burden.
ing relief in large amounts to such TO INVOLVE
victims of the depression as are un- BOOKKEEPING CUTS
able to help themselves. The "pump It is reliably reported that the
priming" must continue until produc- recommendations of the Budget Bu-
tion indices have again reached a reau for the next fiscal year (ending
"normal" level. The unemployment June 30, 1939) will involve a reduc-
relief must continue until the prob- tion of some $80000,000 under ap-
lem has been reduced to a point propriations for the current year; it
where ordinary charity can handle it. is also reliably reported ,howver, that
Since the nation is best able to pay many of the reductions are hardly
taxes when it is most prosperous, the more than bookkeeping transactions
anti-balancers say, a depression i no and that Congress, which is always
time for a "pay-as-you-go" Ipolicy, eager for economy in some one's
Incur the debt, spend the money else back yard, will blithely ignore
wisely, but pass the burden on to the the recommendations anyhow.
inheritors of the prosperity so en- The mood of Congress has already
gendered. We do not pay as we go been indicated in the widespread re-
in wartime, and a national depres- - sentment at President Roosevelt's
sion is at least as bad as a war. proposal to save more than $100,-
THERE ARE THOSE J 000,000 in highway subsidies; road
WHO URGE-' REFLATION' happrapriations constitute one of the
A small but vocal fringe of this most clearly visible and hence val-
school of thought would go farther uable sources of votes available to
-it would avoid the aggravation of Congressmen. Other economies might
the national debt by the simple de- 'well suffer a like fate. Even the pro-
vice of increasing the amount of cur- posed half-billion cut in relief funds
rency in circulation. This is known' might fall a victim to the very po-
as inflatioii, but its advocates do not tent spending bloc.
find it popular to cal lit that. They Assuming that as much as $500,-
call it "reflation." - 000,000 could be lopped off the
The other side of the argument is amount to be spent in this fiscal year,
much along this line: then another $500,000,000, more or
Admitted that in times of deepest less, would have to be raised by
depression it is necessary to spend 'taxation if the budget is to be bal-
large sums, even to the extent of un- anced as of June 30, 1939.
balancing the budget; admitted, for A committee of the House is work-
the sake of simplifying the debate, ing long hours on the matter of tax
that the government has a moral revision, but there is no indication
obligation which cannothbe measured that its labors will result in any net
in dollars. Yet the government must, increase in revenue. Rather the ef-
as quickly as possible, return to nor- fort is expected to piitigate or elimi-
mal, businesslike fiscal methods or nate certain inequities in present law.
else presently find itself bankrupt, Even a net decrease in revenue is
utterly unable to discharge that ob- possible.
ligation. It will place itself in such THE WAYS
jeopardy that it will bring down TO RAISE REVENUE
upon its hapless citizens such misery Then another tax bill must raise
as they have never known. the new money, and this is particu-
THEY ADVISE larly true because the Budget Bu-

'TAPERING OFF' reau is compelled, in the face of cer-
The free spending of borrowed tain revision, to base its estimates
money, the balancers go on to say, is for the year beginning next July 1 on
a perilous thing at best, and should the forms of revenue available under
be terminated as soon as real signs -of present law.
1 recovery appear. The theory that the Three possibilities present them-
government must continue to spend selves. New money can be raised
lavishly without compensating rev- (1) by "soaking the rich"; (2) by a
enue until boom times have arrived general sales tax; (3) by a broaden-
is a fallacy-the very diminution of ing of the income-tax base.
heavy spending, with concomitant Treasury experts and members of
balancing' of the budget, will speed Congress say frankly that the last-
the boom. A gradual but steady named method ,politics aside, would
tapering off is not only desirable but be the fairest of the three and that,
vital. it required millions of individuals now
Continued piling up of debt is like- exempt to pay at least a small in-
ly to be fatal in any event, the bal- come tax, it would produce a very
ancers declare. If depression con- large amount of revenue.
tinues, or-partial recovery is followed If Congress were compelled to
by a new slump then continued bor- choose among these three methods
rowing will eventually expand the of raising money, it undoubtedly
national credit until it snaps and the would choose a broadening of the
result will be the blackest sort of income-tax base. But it would do
depression or a resort to worthless, so in a mood of unparalleled gloom,
inflaed currency, or both. If, on the for the citizens whose pocketbooks
other hand, government spending in-I would be affected are numerous, and
they all have votes. Taxes do not
tual extinction and the thing called make popular the politicians who
drama, of which stage and screen are levy them.
both passing manifestations, will con- (Reprinted from the New
i- -A-f;-T rnnn-NwYr* ie"

tinue indefinitely to emertaln man-

i 1 IGW 1 Ul3i. i 1i11C n5 j .

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