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December 11, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-11

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sAxURDAY, DEC. 11, 1937

-I ________



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Mlhigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
8tdent Publications.
Publislied every morning except MonAy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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Enteredat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
RER E~SE a m n R A :41n . ._ .. . . .
NationalAdvertisingSe rice, Inc.
College Publish-s Representative
Board of Editors
NEWS EDITOR...................ROBERT P WEEKS
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Vs. Athletics?-. .
STRANGE that in organizing the na-
tion's labor the union big-wigs should
have neglected a 69-year-old industry that grosses
$40,000,000 in a season of nine weeks, kills 30
to 40 workers annually, injures 100,000 and re-
munerates all with little or nothing.
Time was when American football was played
solely for the exhileration of the exercise. Time
was when colossal stadia, $4.40 pasteboards.
trans-continental jaunts, Saturday afternoon
alunni and "killing" schedules were an un-
anticipated development. And that was the time
when American intercollegiate football was an
amateur sport-quite the antithesis of the con-
temporary professional mass spectacle.
The cynics and "so-whatters" for eight years
now have been blasting at collegiate football, its
proselyting and "big-business" methods. The
Calrnegie Foundation (in Bulletins 23, 25 and
26) has thundered against "taking the game away
from the boys." "De-emphasis" has been bandied
from coast to coast and the ugly head of pro-
fessional athletics bared. But little has been
accomplished. St. Marys College still travels
1,000 miles across the continent and back for
a 60-minute game with Fordham University, Min-
nesota of the supposed impeccable "Big Ten" took
a week off last year for a tilt with Washington
State University on the west coast, Georgia Tech
will play a post season game with California on
Christmas Day and the Denver University grid-
ders will make their biennial pilgrimage to the
University of Hawaii in Honolulu. Everything
but the wash bowl is now represented in the post
season games that have sprung up like garden
weeds throughout the country.
.Exit Simon-Pure Athletics
Actually it is a platitude that simon-pure ath-
letics departed the American college scene with
the disappearance of the Floradora girls and high
water pants. The halcyon days of amateurism
are 25 years past. Yet America in general and
sports hacks in particular seem loath to admit
the decadence of the old ideal of sport for sport's
sake. The muckraker can rake, rant and write
until it's June in January and one crisp October
Saturday plus the strains of the varsity band will
let him out the back door directly. Proselyting,
professionalism or what have you be hanged, 70,-
000 rabid spectators are poised for the kick-off.

To attempt to cancel this annual American
mass spectacle, then, is perhaps a fight with
windmills. From the spectator's point of view
the game is the thing. But what about the
athlete and his point of view. Is he still up on
his pinnacle surveying the scene through rose
glasses or are his pedals getting nearer the terra
firma. He is not, per se, the tin god he formerly
was on the campus. Certainly the undergrad-
uates still flock to the stadium every Saturday
to see him play, but it is the atmosphere now
that quickens their blood, not the individual.
Scant credit is given the footballer for the hun-
dreds of hours he scrimmages en the gridiron-
in games and in practice.
Where is the percentage for the athlete, then, in
this hurly-burly business of football? The per-
centage, indeed, if there be any percentage at all,
is painfully small, negligible, in fact, compared
to the $40,000,000 annual gross which the grad-
uate managers record in their books. The mod-

like a Zulu's check for an hour's work in a dia-
mond mine.'
If the athlete was shrewd, which in the ma-
jority of cases he was not, he bargained for a
tuitional scholarship, perhaps free board and an
occasional hand-out for pin money clandestinely
given and guiltily accepted. If he went to
school in the supposed impeccable "Big Ten" he
officially receives-exactly nothing and the Uni-
versity pockets the change, not to mention the
gate receipts. Ironic that after months of honest
sweating he should be made to feel ill-at-ease
when he accepts the pittance the athletic author-
ities dole out for remuneration:
Pink Herring, Etc.
It is high time this athletic sham was col-
lapsed. Collegians today play professional ball.
That fact is irrefutable, by the $20,000 weekly
gate receipts, by the high-powered athletic plants
and by the proselyting which is now taken for
granted. As professionals, then, the athletes are
entitled to a fair pei'centage of the gate receipts.
The athletic "dollar-a-year" jobs have become a
disgrace. "School spirit," and a chance for "All
American" are pink herrings which the moguls
of the athletic treasury have pulled across the
trail too often. The herring are beginning to
smell and even the athlete is holding his nose.
American college authorities face a severe
dilemma. The one-time enthusiastic alumni are
beginning to appreciate the folly of their hand-
some subscriptions to the building of the over-
sized stadia. The "rah, rahs" in letters to the
secretary of alumnirelations have been replaced
by business-like dollars and cents signs. The
stadia must be filled, chant the alumni in unison.
The bonded interest must be met. To satisfy this
demand the college must develop a whirlwind
eleven and a killing schedule of feature attrac-
tions weekly. Every source from the preparatory
school football mill to the Pennsylvania coal mine
must be scouted for material. But against such
tactics the pedagogs 'lift their arms and declaim
in academic horror.
Not Enough To Go 'Round
The problem of reconciliation is an especially
sore one since there cannot be enotgh youths to
go around of college age who are capable of com-
bining the athletic and physical prowess de-
manded by the two camps. Only one solution is
practicable. Studies and intercollegiate athletics
must be divorced from one another. History
shows the two to be jealous mistresses. If football
is a mass spectacle which the public can ill
afford to do without let the colleges be represented
by professional teams who are paid for their
services from an athletic endowment. Let the
students interested in athletic participation sat-
isfy themselves with the, intramural program
which is fast gaining ground throughout the
country. As for the spirit of the thing, it would
be of little moment to the crowds whether 23-
year-old Tony Hamas from Alaquippa, Penn.,
represents the University because he is enrolled in
Geology 12 or whether he represents the Univer-
sity because he is a skilled athlete being paid
for his services.
Separated from the trammels of the Univer-
sity, intercollegiate football might become a game
of experts. Separated from the trammels of in-
tercollegiate football, the University might be-
come a community of students.
Robert I. Fitzhenry.

I/ feeinr 10 Mc
Heywood Broun
I assume it is quite useless for me to express the
timid hope that the last All-America football team
for 1937 has been chosen. Probably it will be,
necessary to wait until the Rose, Sugar and Citrus
games are played so that somebody can compile
an All-Bowl aggregation.
I have nothing against football, and the way
in which a sports writer in Manhattan can direct
the genius of an Oregon end
whom he has never seen is
both amusing and amazing.
Possibly there is something in
mental telepathy, after all.
But I think that Walter
Camp's first pioneering into
the "All" field was a kind of
flying wedge which has cut
deeply and injuriously into
American psychology.
When Camp in his modest way chose ten
Yale players and a fellow from Princeton as the
pick of the puppies he did not know that in a
little while the entire nation would become list-
conscious. and that capsule criticism would in-
vade every field of art and endeavor. Indeed, I
hold that Charles Eliot of Harvard was uncon-
sciously a disciple of the Yale football mentor
and that the five-foot shelf stemmed logically
out of the five-man line. The end result of it
all is Dale Carnegie, and I trust that there is
some turning in the grave of Camp and that of Dr.
Compilation On Compilation
Within a week I have seen compilations of the
ten greatest books of all time, the six best novels
published so far in December, the nine most
beautiful girls in Port Jervis, N.Y., "six things
which must not be forgotten while doing the Big
Apple," the twenty-one cardinal points of social
etiquette, the eighty-eight Armenians who have
done the most for their country and the twenty-
.six articles of faith necessary for salvation.
And so, from marketing in the morning until
going to bed at night, the average American
lives by one list or another. He counts his cal-
ories and rotates his toothbrush in the manner
prescribed in the drill manual. He sleeps on his
right side, uses a pillow of standard size and sets
the 'alarm clock for 7:30 so that he may catch
the 8:15. Going in on the train he nods his head
in approval as he reads the editorial which says
that Americans never have and never will be
regimented. No longer is our calendar divided
into the months familiar to our ancestors.
I wanted to make out a check and asked the
date. A bystander informed me, "It's the last day
of Cheese Week and the eve of Be Kind to Dumb
Regimentation Vs. Regimentation
There ought to be a revolution. One week of
the year. should belong neither to cotton nor the
improvement of English diction in the grammar
schools of the United States. More than that.
there should be one day set aside as a national
holiday, and during those twenty-four hours
everybody should read some book contained on
nobody's list. He should see a show which re-
ceived one-half a star from all the critics. In-
stead of spinach, truffles might well adorn the
groaning board. Since the old rhyme says "Beer
and whisky, pretty risky," these mild stimulants
should be attacked in just that order.
Perhaps it is a mistake to suggest that some
new holiday should be set. That would be at-
tacking regimentation with regimentation.
It is a long time to wait, but Columbus Day
could be devoted to the breaking of fetters. After
all, the great navigator sailed uncharted seas.
When-he pointed his caravels toward the setting
sun he had the courage of his own convictions
but never a list in all his cargo. "This voyage is
on me," said Christopher. Let's emulate him.

On The Level
The dismissal of Harry Kipke is greatly remin-
iscent of the intrigue in French courts prior to the
Revolution of 1789, except for the fact that Louis
and Antoinette were given a slight warning before
they had their heads chopped off.
All Kip got was a phone call from a reporter
and a lot of sympathy after everything had hap-
pened. However, the scores of the Minnesota
and Ohio State games must have been something
like the Fall of the Bastille as far as he was
Few men have ever done more for Mich-
igan football than Kip did, and the "Ward
to the Wise" column in the Detroit Free Press
paid him a grand tribute, Thursday. It was
unfortunate that the paper had to give the
column a final Rockwellian touch and carry
over the last few inches to an ominous posi-
tion beneath the obituary columns.
The greatest optimist in the country couldn't
have expected Kipke to win more than four games
this year with the material he had, and just as
Michigan was coming out of its slump without
jeopardizing her simon-pure position, the man
who had done most to pull her through the de-

Comes Through Again
(From the Boston Globe)
Finland goes on paying its war
debt to the United States. It is the
only one of 13 war debtors that has
not defaulted. This week, also, Su-om - s t e F n s c l th i c u tr
mi-as the Finns call their countr
-celebrates the 20th anniversary of
its independence from Russia.

Suomi has plenty to celebrate. Not Rickert, Prof. of Diagnosis, Dental'
perhaps what a good many Ameri- Therapeutics, and Radiology.
cans would think sufficient cause:-
size and wealth. The New England[ Angell Hall Observatory will be'
States plus New York and Ohio are open to the public from 7:30 to 9:301
larger than the whole of Finland. tonight to observe the moon and the
Helsingfors, the capital, is less than
half the size of Boston without our planet Saturn. Children must be'
suburbs, and situated in the same accompanied by adults.
latitude as Labrador. Grand though
Finnish scenery is, the land raises Beta Kappa Rho Christina1 Party,
more rocks and trees than it does' Saturday, Dec. 11, 8:30 p.m. in the
crops, though they do a thriving Mary B. Henderson Room of the
trade in lumber and fisheries. But Michigan League.
not until after you have told howI
the Finns earn their livings does the*
excitement beg in .s The Outdoor Club will meet at 1:30
Illiteracy is virtually nil. Next, p.m. Saturday at Lane Hall to go
imagine a city no larger than Wor- skating on the river. Everybody in-
cester, plus Portland, but supporting terested is invited to attend.;
a resident opera company, two resi-
dent repertory theatre companies, a' The Christmas party of the Ann
notable conservatory of music, a Arbor Friends will be held tonight
first-rate university, a library and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
museum of fine arts, a park system Gray, 1416 Hill Street. Guests are
which criss-crosses the city with invited to bring a ten cent gift for
shaded avenues, architecture that is Santa's pack. Refreshment charge,
noble, monumental public sculpture 20 cents.
as dignified as any in Boston and far
more frank, hotels with genuine at-!
mosphere, a cafe hight life that
knows how to be at once entertain- I German Table for Faculty Mem-
ing and mentally alive and how to bers: The regular luncheon meeting'
be amusing without being vulgar. will be held Monday at 12: 10 p.m. inI
Here is a society of cultivated people the Founders' Room of the Michigan(
who are "lovers of beauty without Union. All faculty members interest-I
extravagance," who subsidize poets ed in speaking German are cordially;
and musicians and support the most! invited.
voluminous bookstore in Europe out-
side of Paris. To The Faculty and Graduate Stu-
At Helsinki ( which is what the l dents of Education: The December'
Finns call their capital) one sails in- get-together of the Graduate Educa-j
to a harbor which, instead of looking tion Club is to be held on Tuesday,
like a rabbit-hutch of firetrap freight Dec. 14, at 4:30, in the University
sheds, looks more like Copley sq-I Elementary School Library. Refresh-
or would, if Copley sq were 20 times ments will be served. All Education
large and more imposing than it is. Students are urged to attend.
This harbor is fronted on three sides!
by stately edifices: the President's The Music Section of the Faculty
Palace and Government Building, Women's Club will meet Tuesday,I
two domed churches, cathedral-size, Dec.14, at 8 p.m. at the home of
set on hills, and by commercialstruc-i Mrs. E. B. Stason, 1719 Hermitage
tres that are handsome. The quays -Rd. The program will be given by
are stone. And at elbows with the School
harbor starts the main boulevard, a of Music faculty and Mrs. Marian
park-like thoroughfare where foun- Struble Freeman, violinist.

Publication in the Bulletin is conItrue no, ,i(< to mm all i 'r I the
University. Copy received at the omice of the As'istant to the Pre .dent
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday

(Continued from Page 2)
Jack and Joan. Prof. Eich.
University Broadcast: 5:45-6 p.m.
"Dental Nostrums," Dr. U. Garfield!

day. 5 p.m. at the Michigan League.
Leslie D. Shaffer of Philadelphia,
executive secretary of the Friends
Fellowship Council, will speak on
"Independent Meetings and the
Friends Fellowship Council."
Lutheran Student Club will hold it's
annual Christmas program Sunday
in Zion Parish Hall. There will be
special music and speakers talking
on Christmas in various foreign coun-
tries. Students attending will please
bring a 10 cent gift for an exchange.
The student choir will meet at 4:00
p.m. as usual.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
Lane Hall at 2:30 Sunday .afternoon
for a trip to Camp Newkirk. Hikinig

and supper.
are welcome.

All graduate students

'The Secret Garden'

The newest presentation of the Children's The-
atre is a thoroughly pleasing version of Frances
Hodgson Burnett's "The Secret Garden." Richard
McKelvey has put into his adaptation enough
mystery and boisterous fun to engage completely
the attention of a not over-tolerant type of audi-
ence. The strange crying which convinces Mary,
the little orphan girl who has come from India
to the lonely house on the Yorkshire moor, that
there is a mystery to be solved, was "spooky"
enough to call forth the approval of the small
boy who sat next to me. Nor does Mr. McKelvey
commit the serious but easy error of indulging in
the talking-down sort of whimsy that immediately
betrays the heavy hand of the adult.
The charm of the play is due in large measure
to the direction of Sarah Pierce, who has given
the production a proper broadness of outline
without the omission of those details that height-
en the excitement, an intensity of pitch, and rap-
idity of tempo. Queer sounds, vigorous fits of
hysterics, and a lively boxing-match follow each
other in quick succession. The characters are
played robustly by an almost uniformly good cast.
Betty Spooner makes Mary Lennox, who has been
well acquained with rajahs but knows nothing
about skipping rope, a very real child-at first
rather unattractively imperious to those whom
she meets in the strange house, but quite lovable
once she has made friends with her fellow-con-
spirators, Martha, the maid, Martha's brother
Dickon. and the robin who shows her the way
to the secret garden. Ruth Menefee is a genial
Martha, running about her errands in a rather
jittery manner; Evelyn Smith is a sufficiently
horrid Mrs. Medlock, frightening poor Martha
almost to death. And Teddy Maier plays Colin
Craven, the little invalid whose cure is brought
about under Mary's high-spirited supervision,
with a delightful unaffectedness and a poise
that few children could achieve.
Frederick James' sets are simple and effective;
Mr. McKelvey's dialogue is swift, lively and witty.
And the costumes contribute to the general spirit
and color.
Action is the most important element in any

tains splash and casino orchestras'- _-
play good mush,. Sasltwateflos Physics Colloquium: Professor R.
in amongst the city streets and A Sawyer will speak on "Recent$
around its environs. The sea is a Worki on Doublet Spectra" at the
main street. Domestically-that is, Physics Colloquium Monday, Dec. 131
in house interiors, manners, food and at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 E. Physicst
drink-one feels half in a drama by Bldg.
Ibsen and half in a novel by Tolstoy. Suomi Club Meeting: Dec. 12, 8
At the same time. Finland's mod-' u ElbMetn:Dc 2
ernistic architecture has the distine- p.m. Lane Hall.
tion of preserving a tone of dignity
and sincerity, which is more than1 Research Club Wednesday, Dec. 15,
can be said for most of its equivalent at 8 p.m., in Room 2528 East Medical
closer by. Building. Program: 1. Professor
Suomi has done something else N.R.F. Maier: The effects of cortical
that nobody bargained for. In the injury on the behavior of rats in com-
one supreme art of modern times, the, plex test situations. II. French and
orchestral symphony, a Finn hasI Provencal treatises on arithmetic be-
walked off with the highest honor;, fore 1500. (a) Professor L. C. Kar-
he has advanced the symphony be- pinski: Their place in the history of'
yond where it was left by Beethoven mathematics; (b) Professor E. L.,
and Brahms. German noses are out Adams; The development of French
of joint, for Germans think that no- arithmetical terminology.
bodys can compose a symphony ex- S
cept a German. The French nose is Sunday Forum: Professor Artl.ur S.
likewise awry. But it is too late Afton will talk on the Spanish prob-
They should have thought of this Ilem, Sunday, Dec. 12, at 4:15 p.m. in,
before they dragooned their talented the small ballroom of the Union.I
boys into killing one another. Finland There will be discussion, and coffee
has the prize. His name is Sibelius, will be served. The public is cordial-
and today is his 72nd birthday. iy invited.
America is fortunate in Finland's Choral Union Rehearsal:Th
human exports. They are the back- R he
bone of our local cooperative move- Choral Union will hold a rehearsal:
ment, a people who understand the on "The Creation" Sunday afternoonj
basic art of social organization. in Hill Auditorium at 4:00 o'clock in-
Thus one thinks of Finland as a stead of 2:30 as previously an-
Nordic Hellas, with Russia as her nounced. All members are expected
Persia, Germany as her Egypt and to be present.
Scandinavia as her Rome. What is t
respectfully commended to the at- IcIta Alpha: The Beta Chapter will
tention of Americans is this spectacle I hold its regular monthly meeting for
if how much can be achieved by a j December on Monday, Dec. 13 at
nation young in years but ancient of 7:30 p.m. in the Seminar Room (Rm.
race, poor in resources but rich in 3205) East Engineering Bldg.
sagacity. small in size but great in The speaker will be Mr. H. R{
spirit. Crane, Department of Physics, whose!
topic will be ''Recent Developments
I in the Study of Atomic Nucleus."
Every member is urged to be present.
Ministerial' Students: All students
interested in the ministry are invited
- ° to a luncheon at Lane Hall Monday,
By THOMAS McCANN Dec. 13. Reservations should be1
Have you ever gone berserk? Have made before 10 o'clock Mondayl
you ever known anyone who went Morning.J
that way? We haven't, but Cab Cal- I -n.
loway has given us a reasonably ac- j Christian Student Prayer Group
curate facsimile in the past fewj will hold its regular meeting at 5:30'
months because, believe it or not, the p.m. Sunday in the Hostess Room of
Cab has come out with a brand 1 the Michigan League. All Christian
spanking new combination which, for students are invited.
a change, has its merits.

Disciple Guild (Church of Christ):
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister.
12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class.
H. L. Pickerill, Leader.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea.
6:30 p.m., Mrs. Grace Sloan Over-
ton will speak on "Marriage in the
Modern World." Mrs. Overton is an
author of several important books
and is a nationally known lecturer
on marriage and the family. She
has spoken in more than 40 colleges
and universities during the last few
months. A discussion period will
follow the lecture in which Mrs.
Overton will answer questions. All
students are welcome.
First Congregational Church: Cor-
ner of State and William.
10:45 a.m. Service of worship.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach
on "Preparing for the King." There
will be special Christmas music fur-
nished by the choir under the direc-
tion of Mr. Henry Bruinsma. Choir
selections include "Praise to the
Lord the Almighty," by Strakund-
Bach, "Sanctus et Benedictus" from
Gounod's "St. Cecilia Mass," "Beau-
tiful Saviour' by Christiansen, "Glor-
ia" from Mozart's "Twelfth Mass";
Mis Lois Greig will sing the so-
Drano solo "O Holy Night" by Adam;
and Miss Mary Porter, organist, will
play "Christmas" by Foote and "The
Hallelujah Chorus" by Handel.
6:00 p.m., Professor L. M. Eich will
present Dickens' "Christmas Carol"
to the Congregational Student Fel-
lowship at its supper Sunday eve-
ning. There will be carol singing
and special Christmas music. The
meeting will let out in time to allow
attendance at the Candlelight Serv-
ice in the Church at 8:00.
First Methodist Church:Morning
Worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W
Brashares will preach on "To Be
Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
Class under the leadership of Mrs.
5:45 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Meet-
ing. A Christmas program of music
and readings has been planned. All
Methodist students and their friends
are cordially invited. This will be the
last meeting before the Christmas
EtFirst Presbyterian Church meeting
at the Masonic Temple:
10:45 a.m. Christmas Worship
Service. Dr. W. P. Lemon will speak
on the topic "The Childhood of God."
Special Christmas music will be fur-
nished by the Children's Choir and
the Student Choir. The musical
numbers will be as follows: Organ
Prelude, "From Heaven on High" by
Bach; Antiphonal Anthem, "While
By My Sheep" (17th Century) arr.
by Jungst; Solo, "Nazareth" by Guo-
nod; Prayer Response, "Lead Me
Lord" by Wesley, The Children's
Choir: Anthem, "The Three Kings"
by Willan, The Senior Choir.
5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild
will have a special Christmas sup-
per and program of carols, readings,
and pictures. It is hoped that all
members and friends of the West-
minister Guild will be present for this
last meeting before Christmas vaca-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
The services of worship Sunday are:
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30
a.m. Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kin-
dergarten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Pray-
er and Sermon by The Reverend
Henry Lewis.
Harris Hall: "One Man's Answer to

Carol Sing: Professor Mattern will the Problem of War" is th
Right now Cab, Bill Robinson -/d lead a Carol Sing at Lane Hall Sun- of the address to be given
the Calloway orchestra are the stars day evening at 8:15. All University evening by Mr. Harold Gra
of the current show at the new students welcome. Episcopal Student Fellowsh
downtown version of the Cotton Club. meeting will be at seven o'c
But the most important thing about Scandinavian Club: The December refreshments will be ser
this show is the music. The Cal- pen meeting will be held in Lane Episcopal students and thei
loway orchestra has been such a Hall, Monday, Dec. 13 at 8:00 p.m. are cordially invited. The ne
seedy organization for so many in the form of a Christmas party. ing will be on Jan. 9. 1938.
moons that its present broadcasts Each person will please bring a small
are really a pleasure. This newest toy or trinket for the "grab-bag."' St. Paul's Lutheran Church
edition has a unity that is almost, These will later be sent to the chil- at Third. C. A. Brauer, Pa
foreign to the Calloway musicians, dren's ward at University Hospital. "A Sermon in the Wildern
and Cab himself has toned down a !__be the pastor's sermon topi

e subject
ay to the
.ip. The
lock and
ved. All
r friends
ext meet-
h. Liberty
ness" will
ic in the

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