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December 07, 1937 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-07

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Knight & Date


Some had their "flings" one place . .. some another this week-end ... but
whether t'was one or another . . the Congressional dance, Soph Cabaret,
League Fair and many fraternity dances were the scenes of much good cheer
and heaps o' fun . . . It was one of those week-ends ... more or less differ-

entish . .. when it's not the same old thing . . . Congressional Flings are
something new . .. and Soph Cabaret always gives Michigan social life a
new slant . . The sophomore women really put on a great show and for
their hard work and success, we've much to commend . . . Everyone was
brushing up on their talents, too, at League Fair. . . "Come one, come 41...
try your skill, shoot the Big Apple and win a prize" was one of the most
reverberating "barkings" of the booths . . . and many a William Tell aspirant
tried for the mark.
Soph Cabaret was not quite the place to be looking for knights and
dates ... (just wasn't being done in most cases) ... and as we looked here
.. and there, gigolettes were now with one-now with
* another ... We saw Mary McConkey and Elaine Sandt
* looking a bit dubious about their duties as "gigolettes"
. . But not for long, for familiar faces soon appeared
and we saw Guy Howard, Bill Davidson and Dick Long
settling the matter in short order . . . Stopping in at
Wyvern's Winery for a moment we saw Mary Lavan,
John Kollig and Bill Forcey sipping some of the Follie's
Fizz . . . Betty Gatward and Gus Dannemiller were being
served by Betty Lyon and Martha Tillman (in gay
smocks and their well-known yellow hair ribbons) . .
The Congressional Fling was well under way when we arrived . .. we saw
Grete Holst with Al Champion in the lobby. . . Janet Burns and Jack Cross-
ley were in and out of the dance . . . and when the floor show came on we
saw Janet Everest and Bob Dailey much interested in the dancing of
Marie Sawyer and Doug Gregory ...
Two Claimants For Prizes.. .
Mary Jane Phelps and Bob May were caught in the mood of Warren
Foster's singing . . . and we saw Janice Jackson and Bob Kleiner swapping
stories with Dr. Brace at one point in the evening . . . After the door
prizes had been distributed there was much fuss going on . . . Miriam Pom-
eroy and Ted Linabury were puzzling over dividing some cigarettes . . . and
a cigarette case seemed to stump Jean Robinson and George Holmes (they
both were trying to claim the prize).
The Delt Christmas party was truly in the pre-vacation spirit . . . even
to a modern Santa Claus. . . . Kim Belden was "it," in a Santa suit and
derby, and he gave everyone horns to toot . . . from then on there was no
peace . . . Betsy Honhart and Bill Baxter ...
were draping falling tinsel on the Christ-
mas tree. . . and Jane Mougey and Jim Hol-
linshead were dancing to "Jingle Bells".
while Sally Monroe and Ben Jones stood by
. Dorothy Rupper and Harry Jackman
were blowing their horns into the ears of
Jane Holden and Jack Walker .. . saw MaT- ',
jorie Strand and Howard Parker dancing
. . . Doris Marschner and Erle Whetsell
were there and we saw Betty Hill, who was
with Mark Beach doing her dance from Soph Cabaret ... Kitty Ecklin and
Vince Butterly were talking with Lois King and Doug Bryant . . . Betty Ronal
and Freddy Buesser were doing something new in the line of dance--"The1
Small Grapefruit" is the name.
In A Dancing Mood .,..
At the Phi Delt formal we saw more of the festive spirit. . . Louise Garden
and TedSpangler were dancing about . . . Gertrude Hyde and Bob Mix
came in just as we walked up the steps . . . and we saw Rachel Tonkin there
with Bob Frye ... Carroll Adams came down the steps later . . . and we
saw Bill White looking for his date ... Reed Prugh and
Dedel Taylor were leading off a "Big Apple" and
*0Johnny Yantis, was showing Frances Robson just
* .! how it was done ... At the A.T.O. party we saw Marg
Cram and Johnny Clark doing a bit of trucking on
down . . while Marian Gommesen and Bud Carl stood
looking on . . Phyllis Carr was there with Frank'
Gibbs ... and we saw Harriette Babcock talking with
Dick Wangelin.
The Pi Lambda Phi hay ride was a bit disillusion-
ing. . . more snow than hay .... John Mitchell was
doing his share of snow balling . . . and Bob David was running alongside
while Dottie Glass sat calmly on the wagon . . . After the ride, they all went
back to the house for dancing . . . we saw Connie Bothman and Irv Mat-
thews . . . Arlene Frank and Sonny Hoffman were Big Appling as we en-
tered . . . and we saw Marcia Sharfman with Fred Hausman later in the

I i

M Give Initialed Hankies Recent Initiations And Pledgings Tryouts To Be Held
Debate Team Are Announced yFraternities For Operetta Today
Is Announced c STyoufor Knaves and Maids,"
iCo cbes Kii)ke, Afderson Jane Herrick, '40. Charlotte Screi- hr rdcino hlrnsTe
GAer '40, Doris Scott, '40, Ruth Bert- are, will be held at 4 p.m. today and
:To Be C eBS Atont sch, '38, Doris Vogel, '39. Jane Ander- tomorrow in the Rehearsal Room of
IMichigan Representatives Fraternity Smoker son. '40, Barbara Guest, '40, Mobel the League, Sally Pierce, Grad., di-
To Be Margaret Ayers Douglas. '40, Jean McCormick, 40, rector announced.
Th(olwn rtriisadsr Jean Linsey, '40, Eleanor Christian- ! Knaves and Maids" is an ope-
A dBraa rafedThe folowing fraternities and st- en nyra Ean h a - tawrtnbyEenrM o, '39,
And Barbara Bratd fiel
orities announce the names of stu- on, '40, Barbara Guest'40Mabeett b
-ldesrannoyinitiated. Baker, '40, Mary Anne Young, '40. and will be given Jan. 7 and .
MaryFraer nd Mrgaet eier! jdens reenty iitiaed.Alltryouts should come prepared
Mary Fraser and Margaret Meier Acacia announces the initiation of Ielen Tucker, '39 and Marjorie Higd, Ane Miss Pierce addedd
aetetowmndbtrfrmRichard A. Conners, '40, Grant Val- "Thenece are, second o
the University of Minnesota who will e 4h ack A . edwin4, '40, Tae- Initiation of Marion Iddings. '39. Thep
gi d t Ney. 40, Jack D. Redwine.'40, Theo- duction of the Theatre this season,
rltargue" the to negative side of the ae " e'Neu-: dre T. Gibson.40. East Lansing. Mary Jane Frye, '39Iwill be given Friday and Saturday.
trality" question atsthe debate to bAlpha Phi announces the initiation Detroit. Jane Bisbee, '40, Evanston, _.. givn_.ida _nd______dy.
held at 4 p.m. TIjursday in the League of Jane Brady, '39, Marilyn Gittins. Illinois, Margaret Campbell, '38, New-
Ballroom. '39, Peggy Jackson, '39, Phyllis Lud- berry. Ela Dodge, '40, Detroit and
Miss Fraser is to represent Minne-' tke, '39, Mary McKinnon. '41A, Betty Pane Harte, '40, Detroit, is announced
sota for the first time in debating, Meyers, '39, and Mary Ann Sta 'r, '38. by Kappa Kappa Gamma. One new
and Miss Meier has had three years Delta Gamma announces the initia- pledging was made by this sorority, MONTHS
xperience in intercollegiate debat- akies, initiaued or named, make tion of Ruth Hatfield, '40, Ruth Voigt, Eleanor Sevison, '41. Cheyenne, Wy- +* AFTER
ing.rgrAnAyrs, and r-attractive,usefuland inexpensive '40. Betty Conn, '41, and Gwenyth ommg.
Margaret Ann Ayers, 38, and Bar- hita it.Te d i- Lemon, '39. CHITA
bara H. Bradfield '38, are to uphold' Christmas gifts. They add an i- iiCHRISrTLMsAS
upholdInitiates; Are Listed
the affirmative side of the "Neutral- dividual touch and are often help-
teafraiesdofte"eta-ful in carrying out color combina-1 Delta Sigma Pi, professional bus-! MID-WEEK There will still be some gifts that
ity" question. Both are members of ab mess administration fraternity, an-
the VarsityLDebates dn a ions. nuet h brh.Jeare giving real service and satisfac-
the Varsity Debate squad and have nounces that Hugh Roberts, '39, John i hnyugvepatclgfs
been elected to membership in Delta Treadway, '39BAd. Arthur Rauchle, you give this lastin
Sigma Rho, which is a national hon- '39, Robert Cox, '39, Robert Press- those practical gits need not be
orary forensic society. pich, '39BAd., Aubrey Hicks, '38, Ed- drab.. Come in and look over our
Dinner To Follow Debate gar Bixby, '39BAd., and Harry Jack- pShandsome toasters, waffle irons, and
A dinner will be held following the 1man, '39BAd., were initiated Satur- oopaste3. . . . other beautiful appliances.
debate at 6:30 p.m. in the Hostess (W1ana /(day in a formal ceremony in the Sky
Room of the League. This dinner is Club of Hotel Fort Selby, Detroit.EC
to be in honor of the four debaters. The fraternity annour.ces the MILLER SC H LENbK ER
and the members of the debate com- oau ements 1pledging of Walter Doud. '39BAd. DRUG \STORE HARDWARE CO.
mittee will also attend. Marian 6 6 George Bowden, '38, William Cobey. 727 N. Univ. Phone 9797 213 West Liberty 2-3265
Gommesen, '38, is in charge of the Miss Gretchen Hartman Bowman, '3e Arthur Powers, '39BAd., and
arrangements. issGechnHrta owaHomer House, '39BAd. ___ _____-
The debate committee is headed by'37, daughter of Mrs. Bessie Bow- More Initiations Held..
Helen Jean Dean, '39. Other mem- man of Detroit, and Christopher Ed- Gamma Phi Beta announces the ~ - -~~
bers include Miss Gommesen, Bar- ward Wagner, III, son of Christopher initiation of Kathryn King, '40,
bara Paterson, '39, publicity and E. Wagner, Jr., of Detroit, were mar- Frances Henderson, '40, Betty Walker,
Elizabeth Notley, '39, patrons. Fran-!E anr ro Dtot eemr 39, Betty Myer 40, Marian DeWeese, iIA kefl ( Ti.f
ce Mc oinney, '3, aNon.rma C ried at 8 p.m. Saturday in -the chapel '39, Edith Alcorn. '39, Eleanor Allen, c e 3 n rW
teis, '39,carein charge of contacting of Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal '39, Maxine Nelson, '40, Mary Eliz-
the men's dormitories; Harriet Church in Detroit. abeth James, '38.
Shackleton, '38, fraternities and sor- Fellowing the ceremony, Mr. and Chi Omega held its initiation cere-
orities; Helen Jeseperson. '38, wom Mrs. Wagner left by motor for Wash- monies Saturday, Dee. 4, and Sun.
en's dormitories and league houses. n. yDec.5. The following were initiated:
LilianTolurs, 38, is ina ge os ington and Florida. They will be at Mary Mooney, '39 Jane Brady. '40. fteoiino li ih
Lila ohrt 38 si hreo home in Detroit after Jan. 1. Of the opinion of this Mich-
contacting the men's and women'sI
honorary speech societies. Charlotte L. Hedke,33, daughte Prof. Slosson iigan ale about to go out
Committee Members Named of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hedke with his best girl would run
Barbara McIntyre. '38, Mabel Alli- of Trenton, Mich., and George Manns, moIrrow At League something like this. "I at-
son, '38 Cecile Franking '39, Mar- Ison of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Manns The third in a series of lecturesItibte my success with the
am Sanders, '38, Jean Campbell, '39, of Trenton were married at noonf
Julianna Strausbaugh, '40, Betty Saturday, Dec. 4 at the bride's home. sponsoed by the American Asoia-to
Jane Mansfield, '39, Angelene Malis- Mrs. Manns is affiliated with Alpha tin of Unies 5Women will be held swing it. Rhumba, shag,
zewski, '38, Harriet Pomeroy, '39, and Phi. will be Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the waltz, tango or fox-trot -
Betty Gatward, '38, are the other The wedding of Betty Quarton, '37 history department who will talk on they're all easy for me. You
members of the debate committee. daughter of Mrs. Fred Quarton, and current events of national and local" '
The University's negative team. Douglas Homer Hoard, '35L, son of importance. see, I learned at ROY
composed of Katherine Schultz, '39, Mrs. Emma Hoard of Ann Arbor, Tickets for individual seats may HOYER'S. It's darned in-
and Miss Mansfield, has changed its ,took place Saturday, Dec. 4 at the be procured at the box office at the expensive, too"
plans and will not meet the team bride's home in Birmingham. ILydia Mendelssohn on the day of the
from Purdue University until after Mr. Hoard is a member of Acacia lecture, Mrs. Clifford Woody, chair-
Christmas vacation. fraternity. man, announced.
Queer American Ideas About Ind'ia oyHye tui
{Ro y HoyerStuchi
Ar e Suiprising To Karala Kos fb3 Nickels Arcade Phone 22924
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first o struct the people and to s knowl- 1of Michigan. At the time she --- - --
stuttepol n osra nw-o ihgn ttersn iesea series of interviews with foreign stu-dnsatnigteUiestyo ih de h eodc sread opseprenold nt e sent 1_____Q l) l '11 8i il Ti'0#
dents attending the University of Mich- edge. The second caste was composed is enrolled in the graduate school &E
igan. of warriors who had to protect the sd
By LORRAINE LIEVROW country. These were also the ruling tisr ,mb ws ne..2.wre
sdy sin edu ation f2 oe ' ,,r
In a recent inte'view Kamala Ko- class. The merchants made up the sds Kambi was o men
sambi, Grad., a Barbour scholarship third caste and the servants the students among 2,000 man students at
student from Poona, India, stated that lower class. Mysore. "Life at Michigan is much
she has been surprised since her ar-: Miss Kosambi admit e gayer, for the students at Mahara-
rival in Ann Arbor last September, distinctions between these castes were jah's College are not at all interested
to find so many mistaken impressions formerly very rigid but she stressed in social activities," she said. However, -
of life in India prevail in this country. the fact that for the last twenty-five there is much enthusiasm for cricket r
It is her belief that Catherine Mayo's years the caste system has been rap- and many students also participate
"Mother India" is the source of most idly declining, in tennis games.
of the misinformation. Was Psychology MajorN ae O acn
oftemsnomto.Before coming to theUniversity' No Dates Or Dancng Makes a dream of a GIFT t,
"It is unfortunate, indeed," said o reM cin to the Uned There is no "dating' as we have
Miss Kosambi, "that this book should Maharajah's College at Mysore, South come to know it, nor dancing. Smok- any girl would love to receive £**
serve as the basis for comparison be- India, where she majored in psychol- ing and drinking are looked upon as
tween our two countries; for Miss great vices. By wasting money in
Maosbo irpeet odtooy. Realizing her life ambition to graaie.B wsigmnyi
Mayo's book misrepresents conditions t e cae was add such ways, the poor people of India A
as they really exist in India." aremeionrcdashpiedothenUnseityatAndnothing can exceed the
Caste System Misunderstood Barbour scholarship to the University of life. Yet the people are very tol- fabulous beauty of the gift lin-
The greatest confusion is about the erant, especially in religions matters g Goodyeais has selected
caste system in India, Miss Kosambi she said. this Christmas. Gowns pajam-
explained. Formerly, there were four i m T -YT 1 - .-!

Ell e




Have Lunch
With Your Friends
at the
Betsy Ross Shop
13-15 Nickels Arcade


', I! I
} li
k l

distinct castes. In the first caste were !To Be Held At 5 Today
the clergy, whose duty it was to in-
--- --- -- - There will be an Assembly Board
meeting at 5 p.m. today in the League,
MID-WEEK Helen Jesperson, '38, president of As-
sembly, announced.
She said ,that it is necessary for
pC l! every board member to be present at
this meeting as it will be very im-
500 SHEETS ___ _ _
KLEENEX . . . oC
1 % t1P- ;t S PtV Tip:

_ . .
---i--- ' . -- r




DIAL 5931


727 N. Univ. Phone 9797

N -

1 1 1
.-_ - I



I J 3 I.' 1
To Be Given Today
Detroit alumnae of Zeta Phi Eta,
national speech society, will hold a
tea at 3:30 today at the League in
honor of the new pledges of the Ann
Arbor chapter.
Those recently pledged are: Mary
Jean Shields. Mildred M. MacArthur,
'39, Betty Jean Pence. '39, Marian K.
MacGregor, '40, Bettie Howard, '39,
and Dorothy Caulderman. President
of the Detroit alumnae club is Mrs.
Marceline Hemingway Sanford, sister
of Ernest Hemingway, American au-
(40 weeks peryear)
SC H 0' Ayteroon-3 3years
FOUNDED 1899 Evening--4 years
Mon., Wed., Fri.,
AN 6:30-9:20
1 A F ( rT E o - a




STUDENT SPECIALS Friday, Dec. 18th
To Buffalo, 12:30 p.m. -- To Chicago, 12:45 p.m. -- To New York,1

12:30 p.m.

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Give her one of these!

Chic, dressy
rich 'suede,

bags in
and fine

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Des Moines.
Ft. Wayne

. 7.95

St. Louis.








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