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December 04, 1937 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-04

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Independent Group To Sponsor Congressional Fling'


Feature Acts
Wift Highligl
Dance At Uni
Dance Team And Si
Will le In Floor SF
Door Prizes Are Offt
Congress, independent men'
ganization, will hold its Congres
Fling from 9 p.m. to midnight
in the Union Ballroom. Adding
embellishments to the usuall
dance with door-prizes, a floor
and featured artists, "The Fling
aroused a good deal of interest.
In an announcement yest
Robert May, '39E, chairman o
social committee, said that ther
still some tickets available at$
couple at the Union desk. For
unable to contact the Unionc
the day tomorrow, he said, t
may be secured from the de
the time of the dance.
Bab Steine Will Play
Music for the affair will b
nished by Bob Steinle and his o
tra. As special featuresattra
and part of the floor show,
Sawyer, '38, and Doug Gregor
will present their conceptions of
erni dances, and Warren Foster,t
will sing popular songs.
Door prizes, both valuable
amusing, will be offered durin
course of the evening.
President and Mrs. Alexand
Ruthven are guests of honor an
be present in addition to the p
and patronesses announced ear:
the week.
. Foster Has Sung On Radi
Mr. Foster was graduated fro
University of Miami and is no
ing graduate work at the Univ
He has appeared in night clu
New York, Philadelphia, and
cinnati and has also done wo
the radio and moving picture;
Assisting May in running the
are Edward Wetter, '39, George
'38, Edward Egle, '39E, Arthur
man, '40, Murray Silverman, '4
bert Braun, '40, Martin Sche
'39E, William Strasser, '39E,
Davis Peet, '41, members of th
cial committee.
Congress was initiated last
It has been active in various fie
activity for unaffiliated men a
designed to embrace all of the
pendent undergraduates on can
Stanley G. Waltz, managerc
Union, was elected a memberc
advisory board of the Salvation
at a meeting of the board Thu
night at the Salvation Army C
:C f
X 19 NOR
332 So

Proposed Plan of Swimming Pool To Be Addition To Women's Athletic Building Announce 1937 Sophomore Cabaret
it Prom Theme Gives Performance
WlTo Capacity Crowd
run Will Be 'Stars,
The "French Follies," Sophomore
Cabaret, opened yesterday in the
nger& D coraion Co-haimenLeague Ballroom playing to a ca-
ow; To Feature Wine, Silv er pacii crowd.
eredAs Colors For Danee The floor show opened with the
~rdtrio, composed of Veane Clemmons,
sonal The theme of the 1937 Soph Prom Barbara Telling, and Donna Short,
stoday _____ ~-z--. will be "Stars," itewas announced y accompanied by the chorus, singing
today ."Josephine." The original lyrics were
novel Lucllle Kauer and Benjamin Jones, written by Jane Nussbaum. The
Union ~,decorations committee co-chairmen. French Rockettes next came on the
show, - Soph Prom, which will be held from floor, doing a routine and line chorus
" s-~9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday in the number.
~ UnionBallroom, will have wine and Ella Stowe and Maxine Nelson then
erday, silver featured in its decorations, Miss did the "Taps de Paree," a specialty
the 4 _ _._7_ _ __ _ .___ Kauer said. dance. A chorus of dancers dressed
e were Stars will be placed on the curtains in white gowns interpieted the Chain-
$1 per -and on the drapes behind the or- pagne Waltz. Three couples danced
those chestra stand. Reggie Childs and an apache dance, called the French
during his orchestra, who will play for the Clog. The Maids and Chefs, dresed
~cketsw - dance, will have their stand roped off as traditional cooks with huge chef
sk at with silver gilded pine boughs. At hats and French maids, closed the
- .t. *' -- -the entrance will be a large wreathprogram with their number.
{ P , jof gilded boughs, and Christmas trees, The Cabaret will be given today
e fur- Schedule F our n W ith e t m m ingP ool, Dra tickets gilded.similarly will be placed around from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 8:30 p.m.
rches- the bageirore ilbehn to midnight. Floor shows will be
rche-~ rin s '-- r ii t ~ lage irroed allwillbe unggiven at 4:30 and 10:30 p.m. General
c Iaoi ances Tonight; I JWomen's Plea, Brings Results Today At Fair from the ceiling to give the effect ofadmission tickets are 25 cents and
y, '39, -__la more stars, and mistletoe will also be Jdance tickets are five cents apiece.
'md A li placedaI W ~ 'sAheichsbendan p h ie a around the ballroom. Jean Smith, general chairman, is in
Grad., a r a o Building abeen erom a pool n hea Roa Selection Will Take Place Arthur Brandt, ticket chairman, age of the affair.
An(I Gymnasium Were Forum. The feasibility of having In League 'Paris Salon' announced that anyone who desires
and Winter Formals, Dances Aided By Organizations sliding doors in order that there can o re un ticketo Cruzan AlexanrI
g the Albe both outdoor and indoor swimming Drawing of the winning tickets for ATciA;GFEeu
And Sophomore Cabaret By MARY ALICE MACKENZIE is being investigated. The top will the League Fair clothes contest will1 ctera chairman; John Flower a theu TRN LET
Will Be Entertainment "On with the swimming pool" could be open for sun bathers. And ter- take place at 11 p.m. today, Hazel De- desk of the Union.
d will well be the official motto of the Wom- iaced sand and grass plots are seen Groot, '38, finance chairman an Fd
atrons Ib may be because Sophomore Cab- en's Athletic Association. Their tothe left of the pool itself, where nounced yesterday. Frederick Seyfried, chairmanof
ien in mybbeasSohmrCa-esAtltc Ascain Ter bathers may lie. Holders of winning numbers for thIlo'omitehs none
aret is exectedto overshadow every-jswimming pool project has been ap- that his assistants will be George '
th is esec gan ton , b aevery proved by the Board of Regents and A women's pool has been needed the three prizes for both men and Jones, Lewis Garrison, Phillip New-
thig else again tonight, but whatever both men and women, students and for some period of time. In fact the women, need not be present at the man and William Brown.
m the the cause, there are only five dances non-students have united in this drive first plan of the League Building drawing to win she said. The drawingd b
w tak- scheduled for tonight. to make a dream a reality. included such a pool. This need be- will take place in the "Paris Salon," Reggie Childs, who has done broad-
ersity. Acacia's winter formal, a dinner- The propose extension to the Wom- came more acute in 1933 when the in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room casting work for several years and
in -ha played in New York and Cal-
ibs in dance, is being held with Rus Rollins' en's Athletic Building has been care- pool in Barbour Gymnasium was con- where the outfits are on display. fornia, was chosen for the dance by
Cin- fully thought about and it is hoped demned. The Union was then verTickets will be on sale at the Fair an all-campus oll This is the first
orchestra furshing the music. Pr to offer as much as possible. The generous in offering use of their pool and Sophomore Cabaret from 1 to 9 year that this voting has taken place
and Mrs. Ralph W. Hammett and Mr. above picture shows the plan which to women. However, there the hours p.m. today.
dance and Mrs. C. Russell Pryce will chap- -- - -...------ are of necessity limited and the 25 The three ensembles for women
Kost- ma n and Mrs. CharleseWl Pmany women.hsport
Gens, eron. Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Blake-l makes swimming a luxury for consist of a gold satin formal; sports loday Is Fina Sal
Kost- nsaters Drive Akin To That For League outfit of angora sweater, plaid wool
0, Al- Spooner will chaperon Alpha Lambda -The drive for the pool is somewhat skirt, ankle socks and pigskin belt; Of Chinese Bazaar
chter, ac' akin to the drive for the.LeagueIand a reversible top coat. Men's LENTHERIC'S three tri-
and E."~~* 7
n Ka wi play.kbuilding. Thisfinally was built when prizes are composed of a reversible The Christmas bazaar, sponsored angLar flacons of their fa.
ie Prof. a a real desire for the project became top coat; a top hat, white scarf and by the Chinese women students of mous After Shave Lotion,
Prof. and Mrs. A. D. Meacham and B . imbedded in the student body. While gloves; and a cashmere sweater, the University, will have a final sale Men's Eau de Cologne, and
year. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blakeman will NeutraliyToB e Suject the present project is not as ex- scarf, gloves and socks. from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. today in Scalp Stimulant settle ma-
Ids of chaperon the Hermitage pledge for- For Minnesota Debate pensive an undertaking as that of the -the Grand Rapids and the board culine grooming troubles in
nd is; mal. Bill Sawyer's orchestra will League building, the idea is being completed in 1897 also received the Rooms of the League, Bing-chung a tice. These "TH REE
inde- play. Mr. and Mrs. Harwin and Mr. A dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m. taken up with the same spirit s ia umnaeor iationstheLing, general chairman, announced, MUSK ETEERS' are con-
npus. IfAThursday,rDec.l9, in the ldHostess Room I The Alumnae Association recently AMichiganiAlumnaeeeAssociationsgethe
and Mrs. Sam Levine will chaperon i of the League, following the debate donated $5,000 to the fund. Last year League, Ann Arbor committees, stu- A collection of jewelry, tea, lingerie, tained compactly in a
Phi Beta Delta's radio dance.Ld dent organizations, the Daily, the Or- embroidery, tapestry, candies, lichee mannish band-box for $1 .9.
RD A carnival is being given tonight on "Neutrality," Helen Jean Dean, '39, $600 was made at the Michigras nuts, stamps and an assortment of
announedayeterda. whihbwasniveninvconectiogwithatorical Association, and private do- ntsapxn a soteto
of the by Hillel, in Lane Hall. Dr. and Mrs. Thairman,announced yesterday. hihhae men students. The J-Hop coi nations made the gymnasium a real- curios are on sale, d
of the Meyer Teitelbaum and Dr. Bernard ofithe two women from the Univer- mittee gave $300 and the Frosh Frolic ity. The Women's Athletic Building Miss Ling said, "We take this occa-
Army Heller will- chaperon, with the music committee $75. and Palmer Field were also made pos- sion to thank all our friends, Amer- G ood/yea rs
srsday being furnished by Larry Morse and ity of Minnesota who are comingc sible in a like manner. ican as well as foreign, who have
iitadel i his Dance Barons. here to argue the negative side of Money Made At Carnival With all the help that has been cooperated so wholeheartedly to make DOWNTOWN
the "Neutrality" question, their coach, Last year $135 was made at a swim- given, with the need recognized, and the bazaar a success."
\\ \\ \-4 ', and the two debaters representing ming carnival, sponsored by the with so many people and organiza -_-~~---_~_
Michigan, Margaret Ann Ayers, '38, W.A.A. and this year at a similar car- tions helping it is very probable that -- - - - - --
and Barbara Bradfield, '38. The de nival $202 was made. $1,600 was women will soon be swimming in a
bate is to be held at 4 p.m. Thursday, taken from a cabin fund of the As- pool of their own; a pool built onto
C H R ISTMAS G I FT Dec. 9, in the League Ballroom.- sociation. The Men's Dormitory corn- the Women's Athletic Building, a pool
At the committee meeting held yes- mittee, the Union, and the League which offers both outdoor and indoor
terday, Marion Gommesen, '38, was have also given their support. swimming and sun bathing, a pool
elected chairman of the dinner ar- Barbour Gymnasium, which was which will be their dream come true.
' -1 1 1----- .

rmic's jancts

I ov a

,ily at

at the

rangements. Baroara L Paterson, ;59,
is chairman of publicity; Elizabeth
Notley, '40, of patrons; Frances Mc-
Kinney, '38. and Norma Curtis, '39,
are in charge of contacting the men's
dormitories; Harriet Shackleton, '38,
sororities and fraternities; and Lil-
lian Tolhurst, '38, men's and women's,
honorary speech societies.
Miss Dean announced that this de-
bate is to be open to both men and
women students as well as to profes-
sors of the University and to towns-
people. There will be no admission
Pi Lambda Theta, national educa-
tion fraternity for women, will hold
its annual Christmas tea in honor of
the faculty of the School of Educa-
tion at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Uni-
versity Elementary School Library.

Dairy Store
)uth State Street

N \ \\ K' " \ ->





Pre - Christmas
Sale o f
Through the co-operation of the
manufacturer, we are offering our
customers, in this Sale, 10 new
ELLEN KAYE frocks made to sell
from $16.95 to $25.00 at this special
price of
Frocks for All OccasioIns
Sizes 9 to 17 and 12 to 40







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