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December 04, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-04

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SATURDAY, DEC. 4, 1937

. 1,





Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
,Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
Ntion1Advertis S
College Puliske"-s R ereseijtativo
B ard of Editors
Business Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written 1)y members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Civil Service
Quaifications ..
HE ANNOUNCEMENT that more em-
Iphasis will be placed on experience
than on education in distributing jobs under the
new civil service commission undoubtedly will be
the subject of much controversy.
It will involve the age-old question of just how
important an education is to holding down such a
job. Of the 17,000 state employees in Michigan,
it is estimated that only 1,000 of them will be
required to have better than a high school edu-
cation. Of the remaining 16,000, it is thought
that about half of them will need a high school
education while the rest will be able to accomplish
their tasks satisfactorily with less than a high
school education.
This does not mean that state civil service
jobs do not require' intelligent handling by- em-
ployees. It means that the commission does not
consider the fact that a person has a high school
education to be indicative of the ability of such
a person to carry out his job. In other words,
what the commission desires is men who will be
able to do the job, regardless of how much edu-
cation they may have had.
It would seem that the commission has struck
at the very core of the problem of job distribution.
For years the question of education qualification
has been a sore spot in the civil service battle.
Many have advocated the use of stringent intelli-
gence tests as a means of obtaining competent
state employees. They have argued that an edu-
cation should be the basic requirement for all
such jobs. They have disregarded the fact that
qualifications for a certain task do not necessarily
depend on the amount of education a person
has had. What is more important, and what
the commission regards as more essential, is the
individual qualification for a specific task. It
seems logical that a person in public service with
experience and a fair education will do better
at his job than one better educated and with
no experience. This is the view that the Mich-
'igan commission will adopt when the competi-
tive examinations are administered in the near
future. It is a practical view and one that is
designed to obtain the best results in an efelcient
As the work of the commission progresses, it
becomes more evident that they mean business
and are determined to give. Michigan an effi-
ciently managed civil service system. Their ac-
tions are based on practicality and not on theory.
Richard Mann.

In Newspapers..
PROPAGANDA in the United States
is as old as the nation itself. In 1776
when George Washington saw his armies going
to pieces under the potent forces of winter and
undernourishment, he hired Tom Paine as mili-
tary propagandist to write tracts calculated to
stimulate the enthusiasm of the men in the
field as well as the people at home for the
Newspaper editors, notably Benjamin Franklin
and Samuel Adams took their cues from Paine
and devoted much space to the propaganda. The
Revolutionary war proved to the government the
efficacy of propaganda in fostering and keeping
,dive the war nsiritr

Exhibition Of Prints
No better opportunity for a little course in the
history of prints and print making could be found
than that offered in the present exhibit now
being shown in Alumni Memorial Hall. Here are
extraordinary examples of the work of many of
the great etchers and engravers, who worked in
the days when the artists of the Renaissance
found a new process which would enable a large
number of people to know their work.
Beautiful examples of the four main processes
of print making are shown in the present ex-
hibit. The first to emerge was the wood cut,
laboriously carved out of a block of wood. Then
came the etching, with an incised line bitten by
acid, or scratched with a sharp point (dry point).
Somewhat later came engraving where the incised
line was made by a sharli steel tool called a
"graver." Finally, and much later, we have the,
lithograph, in which the printing surface is
neither raised nor incised, but depends upon the
ink sticking to a drawing made by a greasy
crayon on the lithographer's stone or metal plate.
All these methods are shown. These are four
magnificent prints by Albrecht Durer, notably his
"Four Horsemen," a wood cut, and two etchings.
Three most interesting plates by Mantegna, the
great Italian painter of the Renaissance, show
the simple direct approach of the early print
makers who did not disdain to use acid and the
graver indiscriminately. Any method was used
to get the effect.
A number of the works of the earliest etchers
show an extraordinary delicacy and refinement,
as well as sure decorative quality. For etchings
by Rembrandt, and two portrait engravings by
Nanteuil represent the work of the greatest mas-
ters in their respective fields. Rembrandt's "Gold
Weighers Field" is a famous plate in which the
foreground is obviously touched up by dry point.
Almost equally well known are his "Little Jewish
Bride" and "David in Prayer," which reveal
the very modern spirit in Rembrandt's drawing.
Nanteuil's portraits of Louis XIV and Harduin
show what can be done in the way of portraiture
and the representation of textures with the en-
graved line, relatively limited and inflexibly com-
pared to the freedom of the etchers point. A little
sketch next to the Louis XIV, by Cornelius Du-
sent "The Sitting Fiddler," shows what an etcher
can do with textures. A similar contrast is shown
by Van Dyke's well-known etched portrait of Jan
Snellinx, an extraordinarily fine work in pure
etching, and the very similar print, Rubens "St.
Catherine," where the artist has strengthened
the design, first etched with acid, with strong
engraved lines.
Every print in this collection deserves special
mention, but space will only permit mention of
Hirschvogel's "Landscape With Tree" since this
artist was one of the first to interest himself
in landscape.
Turning to the few examples of modern artists
we find one of the finest prints of the great
French lithographer and caricaturist, Honori
Daumier-"The Meeting of the Legislature,"
which shows him at his very best. Meryon's
"L'Abside de Notre Dame" is one of the most
famous prints of one of the most famous French
etchers, while le Pere, another great French
etcher, is represented not by an etching, but by an
extraordinarily fine wood-cut, "Le Port d'Nan-
Then English school is represented by only
one print, but that is Sir Seymour Hayden's
"Breakup of the Agememnon," a print which
may be said almost to mark an epoch in British

Ifeems to e
Heywood B ro un
History lists three tragic figures who were de-
stroyed by their own creations. Each made, in a
manner of speaking, a monster through which he
was obliterated. I refer, naturally, to Pygmalion,
Frankenstein and Edgar Bergen.
And possibly I should add a fourth, since Sin-
clair ("Whitey") Lewis has been chewed up by
Babbitt in much the same way that Charlie Mc-
Carthy has succeeded in
overshadowing Mr. Bergen.
Mr. Lewis invented a char-
acter who portrayed all the
folly of slogan thinking. His
realtor was a man who knew
that a gorilla could lick them
both, and that every radical
wore long whiskers and car-
ried a bomb. But the Nobel
Prize winner put so much of
himself into his work that he and George Babbitt
went down for the third time with their arms
interlocked, and if either body is ever recovered
identification will be impossible.
Today the casual reader is often surprised in
reading some fugitive red baiting essay to find
that it was not written by Ham Fish, after all,
but sponsored by Sinclair Lewis. The man who
issued a gloomy warning that Fascism might
come to America now seems to be devoted to
fostering the very point of view -which would
make such a calamity possible.
Sinclair Lewis Sells Red
In a recent homily in Newsweek entitled "See-
ing Red" (though "Seeing Through 'Red'" might
have been even better) Mr. Lewis laments the
innocence of those who lend themselves as fronts
for radical movements. He speaks of Donald
Ogden Stewart, Ernest Hemingway and Archi-
bald McLeish as among those taken in by the
Communists in the American Writers Congress of
last year and adds, "It's an old trick of the
Communists, and a good one, to coax an illus-
trious innocent to serve as show-window dummy
They were able to use Dreiser so, until he mur-
mured, with unexpected sincerity, that he dis-
liked the Jews, whereupon he was heaved out of
Just why an anti-Semite should be welcome in
Zion or any other civilized' citadel Sinclair Lewis
does not explain, and he seems unconscious of the
fact that he himself appears to round out an
inclination toward completion of the Fascist
cycle. He is severe in criticizing American rad-
icals whom he accuses, on the authority of
Fred Beal, of going to Moscow "on vodka-jazzed
junkets-at the expense of American workers."
Mike Gold he indicts as "the Lucius Beebe of
Communist journalism."
* * *
The Air Of Vermont
But it is my impression that the very austerity
of Vermont farm life has been crippling to the
talents of the man who wrote "Min Street." In
years gone by Mr. Lewis kept vast scrapbooks of
notes and citations before he began to work upon
a novel. He strove for factuality. More recently
it would appear that all his research is under-
taken in some dentist's waiting room upon the
funny papers of a past decade. There is less of
Plato in his dialogues and more of Pat and Mike
On the whole the playboys and girls of the gen-
eration have kept closer to events than Lewis in
his road company version of the life of Thoreau.
Some seek escape from problems which they fear
to face in city night clubs, but the same panic
may be expressed in locking yourself up with a
landscape. And if Sherlock Holmes were to ex-
amine the printed tracks of Sinclair Lewis across
a page I think he might remark, as he did on
viewing the footsteps down the lane in "The
Hound of the Baskervilles," "Watson, that man
was running for his life."I

On TheLel
Tonight the Independent Men's Congress is
throwing the "Congressional Fling" at the Union.
It will be a regular Union dance with Steinle and
the buck, but the non-affiliates have given it a
name and a new glory, which is a true Congres-
sional touch.
* * * *
At first glance, the affair seems to have poten-
tialities. The men can call each other "Senator"
and, with the Congress dividing Ann Arbor into
ten sections which house independents, the "Sen-
ators" can bring a representative from their own
* * *
Instead of asking to sit out a dance, the
girls will probably have to ask their dates if
they'd like to "filibuster this one out."
* * * *
And then when two of the "senators" want to
trade partners for a dance, they'll have to pre-
cede the trade with a little quiet "log-rolling."
Without a doubt George S. Quick will be


Publication in the Bulletin is constretive notice to all memb rsof'the

Black is black and white is white, until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
and never the twain shall meet, as
Albert Bein sees it in his play "Let SATURDAY, DEC. 4, 1937 4 frain from bringing small children.
Freedom Ring," presented last night' VOL. XLVIII. No. 59
at the Masonic Temple by the Fed- (
egal Theatre of Detroit. Black are To The Members of the Faculty ofE
the factory owner and mill bosses of r the Collegeof Literature. Science, Ann Arbor Art Association presents
the South Carolina cotton mill, and The Arts: a double exhibition: Prints - from
White are the uncomprehending The third regular meeting of the Durer to Derain; and a Survey of the
mountain people who are brought to faculty of the College of Literature, Michigan Federal Arts Project-
it to sweat and starve and have their. Science and the Arts for the aca- Drawings, Photographs and Sculp-
spirits crushed. demic session of 1937-38 will be held tue; in the small galleries of Alumni
"Let Freedom Ring" is not only an in Roon 1025# Angell Hall, Dec. 6, Memorial Hall, Dec. 3 through 15;
invective but a mirror of actual con- 1937, at 4:10 p.m. daily, including Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m.
riti" il o+ Lo,, c, Yr ~ I A - - X i- ..

ditons. Alpert Bein shows his be- j Edward H. Kraus.
wildered mountain people, trans- Agenda:
planted to the crushing work of the 1. Adoption of the minutes of the
saw and cotton mills in the town, to meeting of Nov. 1, 1937, which have
be the victims of social .stupidities -been distributed by campus mail
which make it impossible to reinte- (pages 379-388).
grate themselves into the new social 2. Reports.
congelation. a. Executive Committee, by Pro-
What saves "Let Freedom Ring" fessor J. F. Shepard.
from automatically falling into either 1. Consideration of recommended
of the two pigeonholes usually filled change in wording of announce-
by left-wing.drama is that it is neith- ment relative to freshman elec-
er reporting nor propaganda. It is tions.
militantly proletarian in point of b. Executive Board of the Grad-
view, without distortion of the play- uate School, by Professor F. E. Bar-
wright's keen realistic sense of char- tell.
acter or his ability to tell a pretty c. Advisory Committee o n
good labor story written within the I University Affairs, by Professor Ar-
confines of a play. It is just this con- thur S. Aiton.
sistency of character portrayal that d. Deans' Conference, by Dean E.
carries "Let Freedom Ring" along. H. Kraus. '
The people of the play built and 3. Report on Karpinski resolution
mount and unconsciously become in- of October meeting by Professor J. R.
delible in the mind of the audience. Hayden.
When the bitterness and brutality of 4. Suggested revision of regulations
a system that forces its workers to be concerning repetition of courses with
exploited to the bursting point, in D grade.
this case to strike, we see the sobriety ,
of the characters turn to sheer poig- Sophomores, College of L.S.&A.:
nnyin a display of embattled hu- Sohmrs olg fLS&
nancyindhu-Elections of courses for the second
man nature.
It was hardly the fault of the semester must be approved during
acting last night that made the list- the period from Nov. 22 to Jan. 28 in
eners believe this. Some few were Room 9, University Hall. To prevent
persuasive in their ability to show congestion in the office of the coun-
the natural dignity of human charac-ss
ters. The acting seldom came up to selors, individual postcards will be
professional standards; most of it mailed daily to a small group of stu-
was still-born. But the performances dents. Each card will be dated seven
of Louise Huntington as the patient 1days after the dgy of mailing. To be
mother; of J. Richard Gamble as admitted to a conference with a
Grandpap; of Edward Masson as the counselor, a student must present his
ambitious youth; and Chester Adams card not later than the date it bears.
as the martyred union organizer, did If he comes after this date an inter-
much to keep the play afloat. view will be granted only if there aref
It was good to see the work of no others waiting at the office.
James Doll again. His multiple set, In order to make an intelligent se-
half expressionistic, half realistic, lection of courses each sophomore
helped greatly to speed along the should give careful attention to his
action of the play. next semester elections before meet-
ing with his counselor.
J. H. Hodges
No Graeco-Roman, This E. A. Walter
A. Van Duren;

Nothing so poignant since Cliff
Odets "Waiting For Lefty" has paint-
ed the proletarian drama in such
broad, humane strokes as the Thurs-
day night wrestling show at the
Ypsilanti Armory. With a cosmo-
politan cast which opened and closed
-with surprising facility-the stop-
cocks of human emotions, the four-
act opus cut so deeply into the con-
sciousness of the 1,200 clients that it
almost inflamed them into open class
warfare. In a word or two, the Ypsi
grunt and gioan carnival was the,
unmitigated nuts and brought down
the house.
Italy's Tony Bommarito and Wash-
ington's Dick Merrill exchanged
grimmaces and groans with consum-
mate skill in the first act, with Bom-
marito (called Bum for short) cop-
ping the dubious honors as villain of
the piece. Boris Karloff never
achieved the mobile expressiveness of
the agile Italian as he pulled Merrill's
hair, covertly dented the, referee's
bulging paunch with his folded hand
and practiced a rude trick on Mer-
rill which is known to the parlor
trade as "tickling under the arms."

Faculty, School of Education: The
regular luncheon meeting of the Fac-
ulty will be held on Monday, Dec. 6,
at twelve noon, at the Michigan
Union. A full attendance is desired
as many important matters are to be
Bowling for Graduate Women Stu-,
dents: Any graduate woman student
wishing to join a graduatebowling
club should leave her name and tele-
phone number at Office 15, Barbour
Basketball, Graduate Women Stu-
dents: Any graduate woman student
wishing to play basketball should
leave her name and telephone num-
ber in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
Academic Notices
Sociology 51: Classes meeting at
9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Wednesday and
Saturday will not meet today (Sat-
Elmer Akers.

l University Lecture: Dr. Karl Paul
'Link of the University of Wisconsin
will give a public lecture on "Recent
Advances in the Chemistry and Bio-
chemistry of the Hexuronic Acids" in
the Chemical Amphitheatre, Room
165 Chemistry Building, at 4:15 p.m.,
Monday, December 6. The public
is cordially invited.
Public Lecture: "Cultural ReIa-
tions between the East and West
During the Crusades" by Dr. John
W. Stanton. Sponsored by the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art.
Monday, Dec. 6, 4:15 p.m. in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission
Oratorical Association L e c t u r e
Course: Dr. Victor Heiser, noted au-
thor of "An American Doctor's Odys-
sey" will appear in Hill Auditorium,
Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 8:15 p.m. He will
lecture on his experiences as "Private
Physician to the World." Tickets
are now on sale at Wahr's.
Events Today
University Broadcast: 9-9:30 p.m.
"Jack and Joan."
Les Voyageurs: Be sure to be at
the Cabin before 2:00 on Saturday,
as there is some important business
to attend to before the proceedings
of the afternoon.
Phi Delta Kappa Initiation and
Banquet: There will be an initiation
of new members this afternoon at
4:30 o'clock at the Michigan Union
followed by a banquet at 6:30
o'clock. Lee A. White of the Detroit
News, will be the speaker.
All members are urged to attend.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at Lane Hall Saturday evening
at 7:00 for a treasure hunt. All
graduate students are welcome.
Annual Hillel Charity Carnival will
be held at Lane Hall trom 9:00 to
12:00 on Saturday evening, Dec. 4.
Tickets may be secured at the Foun-
dation or will be delivered on request.
The Christian Student Prayer
Group will hold its regular meeting
in the Rehearsal Room of the Michi-
gan League at 8:00 p.m. Saturday.
Christian Students are cordially in-
vited to attend.
The Liberal Students Convention,
sponsored by the Progressive Club,
will be in session today and tomor-
row. The opening meeting will take
place today at 2 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Mr. A. K. Stevens of the
English department and Kenneth
Born of the American Student Union
will be the speakers. In addition
there will be reports from the va-
rious schools represented. All stu-
dents are invited. The attendance of
'Progressive Club members is par-
ticularly urged.
Coming Events
American Association of University
Professors: There will be a dinner
meeting of the local chapter of the
A.A.U.P. on Monday, Dec. 6, at 6:30
p.m. at the Michigan Union. Presi-
dent A. G. Ruthven, Dean Henry M.
Bates, and Professor R. W. Sellars
will speak on "Educational Objec-
tives" and there will be opportunity
for a general discussion. This is an
open meeting and all members of the
faculty are cordially invited. N
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially

Union Coffee Hour: Dean Griffin of
the Bus. Ad school will lead the dis-
cussion at the Union Coffee Hour
Tuesday, Dec. 7. All pre-business
students are especially invited to
Faculty Women's Club: The Book
Shelf and Stage Section will meet at
the home of Mrs. A. W. Smith, 1008
Oakland Ave., on Tuesday, Dec. 7, at
2:45 p.m.
Women's Research Club will meet
Monday, Dec. 6 in the Grand Rapids
'Room of the Women's League at 7:30.
There will be an informal reception
for new members. Speaker: Dr. Lila
Miller on.the subject: "Enzymatic di-
gestion of lacto-globulin."



Each year Ted Husing, the dean of American
sports announcers, chooses an "All Radio" foot-
ball team from the ranks of teams which have
played games covered by the CBS. This year
Ted placed Jack Brennan, of Michigan on the
mythical eleven, and further complimented the
University by picking the Michigan band as the
finest he had seen.
In eleven games this year Husing has seen
fifteen teams in action, six in the Midwest, six
in the East and three in the South. From these
Ted chose Bob Green of Harvard and Chuck
Sweeny of Notre Dame as ends, Fred Shirey of
Nebraska and Lou Midler of Minnesota as tackles,
Jack Brennan of Michigan Mason Mayne of
Texas Christian as guards, Charles Brock of
Nebraska at center and George Peck of Cornell,
Andy Puplis of Notre Dame, Vern Struck of Har-
vard and Don Heap of Northwestern as backs.
Guests tonight on the Saturday Night Swing
Club will be Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra,
Art Tatum, one of our better jazz pianists, and
Joe Sodja, guitarist. Leith Stevens will conduct
the orchestra in special arrangements of "Dipsy
Doodle," "If You Were Someone Else," and
"Farewell Blues." Paul Douglas will again act
as the session's master of ceremonies. The pro-
gram should be a real jim session with the Dor-
sey band, Tatum and the Steven's organization,
but there is one thing that may detract. That
is the presence of Bud Freeman, the much-
disputed Dorsey tenor man.
1914-17. Each day metropolitan papers print
pictures of women and children killed by Jap-
nna a n- hnn r hr rhol in5za ~ m-

Of such magnificent depth was the
villain's artistry that a dignified cus- Concerts
tomer in Aisle B, row 3, a lady, we
believe, rose in a moment of unbridled ( University Symphony Orchestra.
exuberance and exhorted Merrill to Concert: Thor Johnson, with Was-
"Kill the dirty devil." At this, Bum sily Besekirsky as violin soloist, will
(for short) struck an unsuspected present the University Symphony
chord of "terror" that caused the Orchestra in a concert Sunday after-
referee to feint, Merrill to beat his noon, Dec 5, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill
hairy bosom and emit weird chal- Auditorium. There will be no admis-
lenges of the underdog and a Legion- sion charge, but patrons are request-.
naire in Row R, seat 7 to lose con- ed to be seated on time, and to re-
sciousness. It was excellent theatre.-
The second act was brief and to the pressionist, qualifies for thuggery
point, proving that the "Polish Cor- roles in any modern drama. Both ac-
ridor" isn't yet the arid land generally I tors reached far into the bag of
supposed. John Gudiski, represent- thespic goodies for their grimaces,
ing Poland, met England's Walter and when an unkind soul in the au-,
Percy, a suave gentleman of restraint dience heckled Lord Finnegan, that
and purpose, on the Clark Gable plan, worthy revealed a ready and sharp'
physically. The Polish artist missed wit by returning a resounding "rasp-
several of his cues and delivered one berry."
or two of his lines poorly. He blasted Lord Finnegan's curtain speech be-
the aridity theory when, in a fit of fore the 3rd fall was theatrical piece
studied anger and disgust, he per- de resistance. In his impeccable
mitted some expectoration to drop Hamtramck accent, he berated the
onto an innocent client in the first i crowd for ''xpectin' me and de op-
row. He won, but Percy drew the ponent to monkey around when wel
major share of the applause. rassle de scientific way. If you ain't
Matty Matsura Japan and Tony satisfied, de management'll be glad
Faletti Italy, enacted a reincarnated to give ter dough back." Whereupon,,


scene from "Way Down East," witht
variations, in the third act. After aX
fervent prayer that drew tears from:
a maudlin gal in the rear, and anI
accusation that Faletti was using gar-
lic, an illegal accoutrement, Matsura1
reached a histrionic height. He fellt
out of the ring, with Faletti enlocked
around him, incited a small riot
among the audience and then, upont
al - --i-n t , ,r sn n-ha ua n-n 4n in-4

the Lord

and his adversary matched
in a side-kicking, face-
denouement that rocked,

the Golden Horseshow and ended in
a draw. Lord Finnegan was so ex-
hausted from his inordinate effort he
neglecteda to shake Balbo's hand-
and sneered.
Next Thursday night, the Bull
Curry troupe will present another


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