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December 02, 1937 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-02

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. ......... . ......

Foreign Policy
Of U.S. To Be
Debate Subject
League Sponsors Contest
With Minnesota; Trip
To Purdue Also Planned
"Resolved: that the United States
should adopt a policy of complete
nuetrality in international disputes,"
is the subject of the debate which the
League is to sponsor next week, Helen
Jean l5ean, '39, chairman of the ar-
rangements, announced yesterday.
Margaret Ann Ayers, '38, and Bar-
bara H. Bradfield, '38, members of
the Women's Debating Team of the
University will uphold the affirmative
and two women students from the
University of Minnesota are to take
the negative stand, Miss Dean said.
At the same time, Betty Jane
Mansfield, '39, and Katherine
Schultz, '39, also members of the de-
batirjg team, will debate the negative
side of the issue at Purdue University,
and two women students from Purdue
a're to argue the negative at the'
U hiversity of Minnesota.
"This is the first time that the
League has sponsored such an ac-
tivity," said Miss Dean, "and its pur-
pose in doing so is to interest the stu-
dent body in becoming acquainted
with world events and world prob-

Is Chairman. Of Project

List Of Patrons fFencing Clb To Honor Prof. W. A. Reichart
Is Announced Moping On The Mall Dr. George Mayth e IsTo Lecture Tod
Dr. eore My, of the physical _____
" education department of the Univer- Po.Wie .Rihro h
By Chairman ___________________n'__un a^.
fly Mehadrmang(Mi'YI'isity, will be the guest of honor at a Gemain dpartment, will gpeak to the
-.--_tea, sponsored by the Women's Fen- Deutscher Verein on "Reiseeindrucke
Ydgk ng Club at 4:30 p.m. today in the von Deutschland" at 4:15 p.m. today
Your old friend, Meandering Minnie, missed the boat last week, and, Women's Atheltic Building. h' oom20ngl al
Pres. And Mrs. lRuthven the colunn didn't run. But here it is again, and will be in every week until The tei bildg tir n Room 003 Angll Hall.
Are Among Chaperons that long-awaited Christmas Vacation finally arrives. The tea is being held to interestZ his is the first in a series of lec-
" women in the sport of fencing, Eliza- Itares sponsored by the Deutscer
Of Sophomore Cabaret There is a haribed bunch of girls working over at the League this week. beth White, '39, president of the club, Verein, an organization of students
The climax of this noble, unflinching work will be the "French Follies"- announced. Miss Marie Hartwig, in- interested in German. Mr. Werner
The list of patrons and patronesses the Sophomore Cabaret of 1937-which will be given in the League Ball-' structor for women's athletics, will Striedieck. an instructor in the Ger-
for the Sophomore Cabaret to be room tomorrow and Saturday. pour. man department, is adviser to the
tooro adSaura ' *;~ Only those who have had thej group. The general public and espe-
given tomorrow and Saturday has h Lowe Aiway ,n aor Jut . equivalent of one season of fencing cally students majoring in German
been announced by Betty Slee, as- may attend. are invited to attend, he said.
sistant chairman of the production. Ella Stowe. in a blue sailor suit, was helping Maxine Nelson teach the -_ted
Friday night Dean and Mrs. Joseph numbers for the floor show. Roberta Leete, Harriet Thom and Betty Hill
A. Bursley, Dean Alice C. Lloyd. Mrs. were over in the corner trying to get the steps of the Rockette chorus
IByrl F. Bacher, Prof. and Mrs. How- straightened out. Harriet Sharkey was also included in the line, but fell
ard Y. McCluskey, Prof. and Mrs. on the ice while sprinting over to a sweet shop a couple of days ago, and Every Girl a
Philip E. Bursley, Prof. and Mrs. Karl will have to remain on the sidelines tomorrow night.
Litzenberg and Mrs. Lucille B. Con- W.A.A. is now in a state of 'twixt and 'tween. The new indoor season k A U TE 'T

Miss Dean, a member of Gamma
Phi Beta sorority, is general chair-
man for the debate project which
the League is to sponsor. She is a
member of the Daily business staff,
a member of Wyvern honor society
and was chairman of the Panhel-
Icnic Banquet held Oct. 25.

ger will be the patrons.
Saturday afternoon includes Dean:
and Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Dean
and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Prof. and
Mrs. Robert C. Angell, Prof. and Mrs.
Emil Lorch, Prof. and Mrs. Ivan H.
Walton, Dr. and Mrs. George M.
Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
H. Sink.
The list for Saturday night in-
cludes President and Mrs. Ruthven,
Dean and Mrs. Wilbur R. Humphreys,
Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea, Prof.
and Mrs. Preston W. Slosson, Dr.
Margaret E. Bell, Mrs. Martha L.'

has just rewaecd the old decrepit outdoor one. Anyway it's too cold to
:un around Palmer Field after a hockey ball. And here's hats off, con-
gratulations, and even a blue ribbon to Betty Hood who,
won a dipped doughnut in a horse show down in Cleveland
last week. Lois Gillen was also selected from Crop and
Saddle to go. Fencing is going to start off with a bang,
cr would thrust be better in this case, today at a tea
in the W.A.A. Building.
Rifle started the same way and is having much suc-
cess. We have seen nigh unto millions of people prac-
ticing over at the W.A.B. rifle range. Mary Richardson
(who by the way was the only student from Michigan1
represented at the National Hockey Tournament in Chi-
cago last week-end), Nancy Saibert, Helen Nutting, Dor-
othy Cowan. Viola Rugis, Kay Forberg, Edna Kandelin
rid Ev'Ivn Thrin ame onnili a fpt of tho wpalka i.r, rnnmna nrnin-,a

when she leaves us!
Experienced operators in beauty
culture. . . . also Expert Barbering
by Mr. Boettger.
5 Nickels Arcade

Phone 9616

English, German
Visitors Are Among

-s-u r.-. ,-Y -

Ruthven Tea Guests Ray and Miss Jean E. Keller.
The Cabaret, to be given in con-

. .. .


les" jncin ih h LaueFir il;anr zeyr ~ pp ijie ny L ew o ue wea er sex roamng around the
ins." Three visitors from foreign coun- junction with the League Fair, will uilding armed with guns
Miss Dean stressed the fact that employ the spirit of Paris as its
is Deatessethemry fat ta tries were among the guests at the theme. Hostesses are to be known as Tin Ered withaguns
this debate is not primarily for stut-emlytesitofPrsa is The Eternal Retan1"glef'
dents and professors in the speech third Ruthven Tea, held from 4 to 6 "Gigolettes" and the decorations will* *
department, but is for the benefit of p.m. yesterday at the President's transform the ballroom of the League The W.A.A. board met yesterday and there was much excitement trying
everyone on campus. There will be home. into a Parisian street scene. A floor to get everyone signed up to work on their booth at League Fair. It's going
no admission charge. Sara Mason and Rs yPw show of singing, dancing choruses to be a swimming pool. Will those people never cease talking about their
from London, England, were seendgI proposed pool? However, Mary Jane Mueller, Betty Whitney, Margaret
from" Lonn, England, were sen General admission tickets at 25 Waterston, Marjorie Merker, Olive Reed and Norma Curtis were doing much
Prof.".A. j. E.« a7o d chatting with Patricia Haff, '39, and' cents will be sold at the door while ;tlig
* Mary Wheat, '39. Also in the group tickets at 5 cents a dance will be sold
E inas Gabriel Bosschieter, from the in the ballroom. The ticket cor
University of Leyden, Germany who mittee is in charge of the passport----
is taking work here for a few months. tickets and the selling of fresh flow-
ers throughout the production.
P ena I Sstem Pledges of Phi Kappa Psi attend- ro n
ed the tea almost to a man-amongrther ReucionsoN
them, James Krieger, '41, Bud Fauld-
Mieiugan Plan Discussed 'er, '41 and Russ Egan, '41. Out i n1Cones Contest SU E DE FOOTW EAR
the sun room Rob Barnes,'4wa
By Graduate Luncheon having tea with . Doris Marschner,
Speaker At League '40, and Ruth Allen, '41. Sale Contilles
Freshmen and sophomores were;
"For years Michigan has had a not the only classes represented ati"
very much disjointed penal system," the tea, however, for Goff Smith, '38,League Fair To1Featurt ;
ALew Bulkeley, '38, Hope Hartwig, '38, Ensembles As Prizes formery 6.O to 7.50
fA A-. E-. Wood.l £ .i. , ofa B L h ', r e


The Mses
A gleaming holiday x
slipper in traced gold
or silver kid.
GOLD ...7.50
SILVER .6.50
Goodyear S


x'rr. runr x wooaor ne o-and Bud Lundahl, '38, were there.
ciology ,department, stated at the Sarah Chakko and Hans Berg, both'
weekly Graduate Luncheon held yes- l graduate students, also attended. j
terday in the Russian Tea Room oft
the League. 'Po.''F
As in most states, Professor Wood . .. Coby
said, the matter of appointments for J-
carrying on these functions was dom- Wil Speak Tea
inated by the political spoils system,k
the results of which have been gross Prof. Walter F. Colby of the physicsg
inefficiency and mismanagement. department, will speak on "The Newr
Penal administration can be divid- Physics" at the meeting and tea ofr
ed into three parts: that pertaining the American Association of Univer-'
to prison administration, parole ad- sity Women which will be held at 3
ministration, and that of probation. p.m. Saturday in the League.
Professor Wood said that until the Professor Colby will discuss the a
present administration in Michigan, practical side of his subject and its'
these three functions were handled practical application, particularly the
quite independently. There was no recent developments in the field of1
organic connection between guiding radioactivity.
the person and his release. The second of the Sunday night
According to Professor Wood, the The seond of the Sndarnit
public has been very much misin- suppers sponsored by the internation-
formed on the parole system. Michi- al relations department of the group
gan paroles some 2,000 men a year. will be held at 6 p.m. in the Union.
If these men are not to be paroled, Mrs. John Shepard is in charge of
there is only one alternative-that is the supper.
to build new institutions. Prof. Preston E. James of the geog-
A department of correction has raphy department will be the speak-
been set up under Gov. Frank er. His subject will be "The Po-
Murphy's administration, consisting litical Significance of Recent Changes
of a board and commissions with a in Brazil."
prison bureau, bureau of parole, and
a bureau of probation. Michigan has
recently adopted the merit system for
state employes which safeguards the
personnel. According to Professor Eve
Wood, the whole thing is a great im-
provement over anything that has!
been known.

Ticket sale for the League Fair:
clothes' contest will be continued
through the week until 9 p.m. Satur-
day, Elizabeth Baxter, '38, general
chariman, announced.!
Tickets, priced at 25 cents, may bel
purchased from members of League l
Fair committees and from Under-
graduate Council members. Frater-.
nity houses will be canvassed by l
members authorized to sell.
Three ensembles, for both men and
women. are the prizes for the con-
test. Women's gifts are composed of
a sport's outfit, consisting of angorra
sweater, plaid skirt, pigskin belt and
ankle socks. This group is on dis-
play in Wahr's window. The second
prize will be a reversible gabardine-
-uweed top coat, which is on display I
in the Parrot. The third gift will be
a gold formal.
Friday and Saturday
Friday-Saturday, Dec. 3-4
ing ine Paris"

STYLES for sports, street, and dress in
all suede or suede and leather combinations.
All heel heights . ... brown, black, navy.


NOW I I WIN mwmwm



Congress Dance
Patrons Named
To Spopsor Congressional
Fling Saturday In Union
Patrons and patronesses for the
Congressional Fling, to be held Sat-
urday. were announced yesterday byl
Robert May, '39E, social chairman of
Congress, independent men's organ-
Cuests of honor for the dance will
be President and Mrs. Alexander G.
The patrons and patronesses are:
Dean and Mrs. W. B. Rea, Prof. and
Mrs. A. D. Moore, Prof. and Mrs.
Bennett Weaver, Prof. and Mrs. J.
M. Cork, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Goodale,
Prof. and Mrs. R. D. Brackett, and
Dr. William M. Brace.
May also announced that the sale
of tickets will be limited to 300. Tick-
ets, $1 per couple, may be secured
from the Union desk or from com-
mittee members, he said.

. . R


by Bourjois

A LOVELY GIFT SET consisting
of eau de cologne and bath pow-
deri. Packaged in deep blue and

Bourjois' Evening in aris per-

; :


ELEANORE WHITNEY -- kDnns the tst t i an da.twin he w..r.II wui l h .

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