The Weather
Generally fair and continued
cold today and tomorrow.
ci 000,4r
S4ir iga
Congress Is Still At It . .
Child Labor
Has Not Vanished .. .
The Price Of Milk ..
Japanese Take
NewKeypoi ns
As U. S. Seeks
Trade Parley
Nipponese Report Pursuit
Of Nanking After Fall
Of ThreeStrongholds
Hull Fears Closing
Of Chinese Ports
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.-(/P)-
Anxiety lest China's open door be
slammed shut has prompted the State
Department to demand that Japan
talk things over with the United
States before altering the maritime
customs service of China.
The move, announced by Sec. Cor-
dell Hull today re-aroused much
official apprehension here that the
reported intention of Japai to seize
control of the customs might have
the effect of restricting the commerce,
of non-Japanese nations.
Similar action has been taken by
Great Britain. The two nations, act-
ing independently but keeping each!
other closely informed of their move-
ments, presented their virtual de-
mands yesterday in formal notes to
the Japanese foreign office.
T h e American representations,
stressing in vigorous written phrases
the same views previously set forth in
an oral communication by the Ameri-
can Ambassador to Tokyo, expressed
strong opposition to any action cal-
culated to disturb the integrity of the
customs setup. I
Indications here were that the
American government is concerned
more with what may happen to this
country's trade with China if Japan
assumes complete customs control
than with any present financial in-
It is recalled here that when Japan
seized administration of the Man-
churian customs after setting up the
state of Manchoukuo it dealt a severe
blow to United States exports to that
SHANGHAI, Nov. 30.-(Tuesday)
-(P)-Japan's army reported today
its columns were pursuing retreating
Chinese to fortified lines close tol
Nanking itself after capture of three I
Speaks Here Tonight Pittsburgh Eleven
I:Turns Down Bids
For Bowl Contests
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 29.-{P)-
Pitt's football Panthers turned
thumbs down today on all post sea-
son football games, including the
...,r RTe ugar and Cotton Bowls.
The decision was made in a secret
and reportedly stormy meeting called
by Athletic Director James Hagan to
sound out the opinion of the players.
>' Whether Pitt actually was ap-
proached concerni g the Rose Bowl
was a subject of bate on the cam-
pus tonight.
Hagan asserted "We definitely
":: have not received a Rose Bowl bid
./ but he laughed off questions about
A a possible "feeler" from California.
'MICKEY' COCHRANE the West coast representative. Last
year, it was recalled, Pitt received no
* PT!formal invitation.
D inner To Fete John Weber, treasurer of the ath-
letic council, said:
Prep rlidders "We had invitations from the Su-
gar Bowl and the Cotton Bowl which
e e h we wanted to place before the boys, so
ler Toni h we just tossed in the Rose Bowl for
consideration too--in the event we
should be invited.
The third annual High School "The boys decided they didn't
Athletes' Banquet, sponsored by the 1 want to play in any of them and as
University of Michigan Club of Ann far as we are concerned, if California
Arbor, having as its guest speakers should now invite us, we would have
Mickey Cochrane, manager of the to reply negatively."
Detroit Tigers, and Ear' "Dutch"
'Clark, coach of the Detroit Lions Stock Exchan re
professional football team, will be""
held at 6:30 p.m. today in the Union L
Ballroom.. L e a d e r Attacks
George Burke, University attorney, e ""
will be master of ceremonies, and xperimenting
Fielding H. Yost, Director of Ath-
letics and Coach Harry G. Kipke will
also address the gathering. President Charles Gay Says
The entire Varsity football squad, When Improvements Are
football teams from Ann Arbor and P
St. Thomas High Schools, the win- Ready, He Will Use Them
ning intramural touch football squad
from University High .School, and NEW YORK, Nov. 29.-(UP)-Charles
groups representing Milan, Saline,R
Dexter, Chelsea, Manchester and R. Gay, president of the New York
Dundee high schools will attend. Stock Exchange, tonight warned
The University Band, directed by against excessive regulation and "ex-
Prof. William D. Revelli, will be on perimentation," and promised that
theproramandPau J.Ken, '9,when improved methods can be found
the program and Paul J. Kent, '39, b mata tdteecag
will lead the group in singing Michi- by impartial study, the exchange
gan sngs.would adopt them.
gan songs.
An attendance of more than 500 is His statement was issued in answer
antici ated at the banqueth by Robi to the ultimatum of William O. Doug-
ert O. Morgan assistant al mni sec- las, bairman Hof the S.E.C., last Tues-
ert ancaistanthaluniec- day, that the exchange must reor-
-retary, and chairman of the enter- ganize or face more drastic regula-
tainment committee for the affair, tion .
who said that University students
could obtain tickets for it from Stan- p Gay quoted again from his annual
ley G. Waltz, manager of the Union, report last August, in which he
buturgd tem o aplyforticetswarned that regulation was making
but urged them to apply for tickets the market dangerously illiquid, and
early, as the supply is limited.
Low Building
Costs Sought
By Roosevelt
Seeks To Provide Building
Boom By Checking High
Labor, Material Rates
Cut First-Payments
For FHA, He Says
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.-(A')-
President Roosevelt asked Congress
to cut the cost of home building as an
anti-depression measure today-and
Congress quickly showed a liking for
the proposal.
In a special message, the chief ex-
ecutive suggested amendments to the
Federal Housing Act which, he said,
would halve the down payment on
small homes and reduce the financing
charges on them, as well as on more
ambitious structures.
He proposed, also, changes in the
law to stimulate large scale construc-
tion of houses for sale and houses for
rent, with a $50,000,000 allocation
from the Reconstruction Finance,
Corporation to give the movementi
As a supplementary project, Mr.
Roosevelt announced he would hold
conferences with industry, union of-
ficials and financiers directed at re-
ducing the cost of labor and of
building materials. He blamed the
high cost of these items for the con-
tinuing lag in construction and called
the latter "one of the principal rea-
sons" for the current business re-
He said he hoped the total effect of
this program, one of several methods
he has chosen for combatting the
slump, would be a boom in residen-
tial construction spreading economic
benefits in many directions.
"The long continued lag in build-
ing is a drag on all industry and
trade," the message said. "This pre-
sents an urgent problem which is the
common concern of industry, labor
and government. All business needs
the infusion of orders and the diffu-
sion of purchasing power that come
when building is thriving."
In addition to the liped-for hous-
ing boom, the President is obviously
counting on other lines of action to
halt the depression: tax revision, an
immediate purchase of some $245,-
000,C00 worth of Government sup-$
plies, a reduction in Federal alloca-
tions for road building and a truce
with the utilities that will encourage
them to go ahead with "ong delayed
construction programs running into
the billions.
While many Congressmen were ex-
Sregina almost enthusiastic favor forI
Tear Gas Bomb
Hits Discordant
Note At Recital
Tear gas again visited Ann Arbor,
but this time under more distin-
guishedmcircumstances, when a tear
gas bomb burst last night in Section
5 of Hill Auditorium just as Fritz
Kreisler finished the first number of
his scheduled recital.
The applause was dying out when a
loud explosion occurred and blue-
gray smoke began to rise between
seats 6 and 8, row 0, in the western
side of the packed auditorium.
The fumes spread rapidly and per-
sons for several rows on either side of
Row 0 rushed for exits. The audi-
ence remained comparatively quiet
and Mr. Kreisler did not leave the
stage. Several suffered. ill effects
from the gas and were unable to re-
turn to the auditorium.
An usher located a large blue foun-
tain-pen-like tear gas bomb and
turned it in to Edward Warren, head
usher of Hill Auditorium, who would
make no statement. They were un-
able to locate the person who threw
the bomb.
Mr. Kreisler was inclined to treat
the whole affair as a prank. "It was
probably some freshman trick," he
said laughingly. "I have had many
bombs burst in my presence but none
in such a spirit of fun."
Dr. Charles. A. Sink, president of1
tle School of Music, stated that noth-
ing of the kind had ever happened be-
fore in Hill Auditorium. Police were
not called and no explanation was ad-
Tear gas made its last appearance
in Ann Arbor Oct. 1 when police used
it to quell student rioters following a
pep meeting in the Auditorium the
night before the Michigan State foot-
ball game.
Ford Disclosesi
Car Production
Despite Strike
St. Louis CIO Head Retorts
That New Output Is All
Done ByUnskilled Men'
ST LOUIS, Nov. 29.-(iP)--Milton
N. Johnson, manager of the Ford
Motor Co. assembly plant, announced
tonight 52 cars were turned out today
despite a strike by the United Auto-
mobile Workers of America.
Britain And France
To Oppose German
Colonial Demands
The Deer Seem All Right
But Hunters Need Aid
State Conservation Director P. J.
Hoffmaster ordered an irtvestigation
Monday to determine the cause for a
sharp increase in fatalities among
deer hunters during the season which
ends today.
With one day to go, the Con3erva-
tion department recorded 11 deaths
from gunfire in the woods since the
season opened Nov. 15. A twelfth fa-
tality, a hunter who tripped over his
gun and was killed at his home as
he prepared to go deer hunting, was
not included in the department's
records. At least a dozen hunters
were wounded.
New Invention
Is Described To
Acoustic Group
Phonograph 'Needle' Does
Not Injure Discs Even
After Hundred Playings
More than one hundred playings
of a disc recording without injury
to the record is now possible by means
of an exceptionally light, high-fidelity
reproducer developeu at Harvard
University, the Acoustical Society of
America was told by Dr. F. U. Hunt
yesterday at its meeting in HutchinsI
The reproducer, which was built by'
Drs. Hunt and J. A. Pierce of the
Cruft Laboratory at Harvard, places
a weight of less than five grams upon
the record in comparison with a
weight of from 30 to 50 grams for
most standard transcription repro-
ducers. It can be moved across a ro-
tating disc record without producing
a scratch and can be dropped on the
record from a height of one-half inch
without producing a dent, yet it re-
produces the recording without dis-
tortion from 30 to 18,000 cycles, Dr.
Hunt told the meeting.
The mass of the entire moving sys-
tem is approximately 50 milligrams
or about one-fifth the weight of the
standard steel needle now in use. In-
stead of a needle, an inverted conical
shell, whose apex bears a sapphire
stylus, is used. The base of the shellI
is attached to a loop of phosphor
(Continued on Page 2)
Bryan To Show
Films On Japan
Premiers Of Two Nations
Agree Time To Concede
Has Not Yet Arrived
Organize Program
To Proinote Peace
LONDON, Nov. 29.-(IP)-The pre-
miers and foreign ministers of Britain
and France today decided in a "suc-
cessful" eight hour discussion of ma-
jor world problems they were not yet
ready to grant any German political
or territorial demands.
French Premier Camille Chau-
temps said the British and French
ministers were in "full solidarity" -in
their search for peace. "We made a
tour of the world," he said as he left
Prime Minister Neville Chamber-
lain's official residence.
Diplomats Pleased
The diplomats appeared pleased
with their first day's work and au-
thorized this official five point ac-
count of the conference:
1. France fully understood the lim-
ited scope of Lord Halifax' explora-
tory talk with Reichsfuehrer Adolf
Hitler and agreed with Britain it ful-
filled its purpose;
2. The ministers discussed the co-
lonial question in all its aspects and
agreed it required further examina-
3. Both governments expressed
themselves as concerned for preserva-
tion of peace in central Europe and
discussed Germany's ambitions there;
4. They also expressed their appre-
ciation of the "seriousness" of the
Chinese-Japanese war and their
"need for vigilance" to safeguard
their interests;
5. They pronounced non-interven-
tion the right policy in the Spanish
civil war.
The ministers were understood to
have dwelt seriously on French For-
eign Minister Yvon Delbos' coming
tour of France's eastern and central
European allies.
Informed sources said the two na-
tions had declared their desire to
cooperate with all nations but needed
a great deal more preparation before
a detailed plan could be drafted.
The premiers and foreign ministers
of the two powers, which-with the
United States-largely dictated a new
map for Europe after the World War,
sat through the first of two days of
talks which observers in both Lon-
don and Paris described as among the
most important since the war ended.
U.S. To Be Informed
While the United States took no
part in the conference. It was under-
stood Washington later would be in-
formed on any phases of special in-
As the convc. ations began among
Chamberlain, Foreign Secretary An-
thony Eden, Chautemps and Foreign
Minister Yvon Delbos, the chances for
settlement of Europe's problems were
held generally brighter than in sev-
eral months. The conflict between
China and. Japan, however, cast an
ominous shadow.
But equally important in the re-
view of the entire post war era were
the issues raised by a Germany reborn
under Hitelr-her claims to colonies
and demands for special rights in
central and eastern Europe. Of only
slightly less importance was the
Spanish Civil War and its attendant
threat to Mediterranean security.
Behind the Anglo-French meeting,
was believed to be a determined ef-
fort by Chamberlain to find some
method of European settlement that
would lead to arms limitation.
Britain, spending vast sums on an
armament race from which she would
like to withdraw but cannot, has
shown recently a more conciliatory
attitude toward German demands.
Like France, however, Britain was in-
sistent any concessions be coupled
with peaceful guarantees from Ger-
important strongholds.rd
Harried by heavy aerial bombard-
ments, the Chinese were reported
falling back to the line of Chinkiang Medical Exam
Tanyang-Kintan, 40 to 60 miles easta
and southeast of Nanking. China's Pl n e Frl
almost deserted capital.
Chinese Desperate
Far to the south the' desperate Red
Chinese right wing stalled Japanese Aptitude Test Is Required
progress from Hangchow Bay. On For Most Schools
the north the Kiangyin ports, over-
i oking the mighty Yangtze River, The Medical Aptitude Test of the
_were stubbornly held, although out-Asoitnof meca Mdcl
flanked and threatened with mom- Association of American Medical j
Cnlle es. a reauirement fnr admis- 1
"I would be less than candid if I
failed to say that recent market de-
velopments have confirmed my belief
that in the interests of the public
and thA iv tnr the t fnn nn o f
.Informed of this production report,
Delmond Garst, strike leader and a'
regional director of the CIO union,
"I guess Johnson is proving one
I Uthinp -thnLt t '.JIA d't npri aZiA1pU.
ana Le nves or, tie quesuion of .Ir,-16C11v
what are wise restrictions upon the (Cont
scope of the market is an urgent one."'
Usually well-informed Wall Street Bus I
sources had asserted that Douglas'
ultimatum to the exchange liad fol-
lowed a long controversy with repre- en
sentatives of the SEC over Gay's;
Auw st renort. which some felt tended i
inued on Page 6) men to build automobiles. If they
built that many cars I'd hate to ride
ne Orders in any of them."
Seek To Reach Quota
Garst charged Ford was operating
To Retuirn with imported labor and not with reg-
ular employes..
Johnson denied this as he did also
ome Back Or the Union charges which precipi-
s -Final Word tated the strike call last Wednesday
-that the company discriminated
D; Nov. 29.-(-P)-Grey- against union men, fostered a com-
ne officials ordered their pany union and forced employes to
rt ni ht tf r onrt fnr sign "loyalty pledges.
to place the blame for the autumn
slump at the SEC's doorstep.
entary capture. "-'bC", t ,SSXS.-CLV *sJ± w .....t N
But elsewhere the story was of al- sion to practically all medical schools
B and to the University medical school,.
most unimpeded Japanese progress. will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday General Ludendorff
Kiangyin City-not the forts-Wut- in Rooms 25 and 1025 Angell Hall.
coumns whichad falleno Jaese: The test is given only once a year, uht r Death
into the heart of China, leaving their so all students who expect to enter a ___
rising sun flags fluttering from Pa- medical school next fall should take M
godas and postoffices in capr the test, it was said. It is not neces- Ludendorff, German World War com-
towns. sary that all pre-medical require- mander
towns. .~~~~I ments be completed at the time the*mnewsna et oih.
Shanghai Tense ets be t the r imet An operation performed by Prof.
in Shanghai the tense internation- reis taen, if the e qfren Ludwig Kielleuthner failed to give
al situation arising from Japan's sei- trance to bmedicaletedschool in timhe forl en-of the General relief from a bladder
zure of all Chinese communications 193n. The tests are used by the ad- infection. His pulse was irregular
facilities and efforts to gain control1938. Thers are ueda sth a and there were other complications,
of the. Chinese maritime customs was mission officers of the medical schools the surgeon said, adding that there
somewhatneased. mas one of the criteria in admitting was little hope for recovery.
students. Gen. Ludendorff is one of the last
An authoritative source said for- The cost of the test is covered by a surviving World War iilitary figures.
eign officials of the customs service $1.00 fee which each student must He is 72. During the war he was chief
and Japanese had reached an agree- pay at the cashier's office immediately of staff under Field Marshal Paul Von
menu which would permit emumption I if he intends to take the test. Hindenburg.
of virtually normal cargo landings ini
the port of Shanghai. Previously the I
customs had refused to authorize
cargo landings in the Japansse-oc- Galens Start Drive To Provide
cupied sections of Yangtzepoo, Hong-
kew and Pootung, in which the majorI Christmas For Hospital Children
docks are lotted. T
'Either C
Quit' I
hound Bus Lin
striking drive:
work at noon
themselves "a
The "deadl
sent to striki
Greyhound L
rs 'nJg1I t, Lo epj J I
Wednesday or consider
s having resigned."
ine" was set, in letters
ng drivers of the nine
ines affected, a short
time after T. J. McGrath, counsel for1
the drivers, had reported that "pros-'
pects for settlement are getting
The letters advised the drivers of
the contract terms which were ac-
ceptable to the company in its nego-
tiations with the Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen which called the
"Sufficient time has now passed to
enable you to determine whether you
wish to continue to work for Grey-
hod"said a letter sent to drivers i
The plant manager asserted he was Julien Bryan, roving reporter for
going ahead with plans to reach the "The March of Time," will give an
December quota-135 cars a day- illustrated lecture on Japan as the
and needed 50 or 60 more men to do second attraction of the Oratorical
that. Association Lecture Series at 8:15
Police Guard Is Ready p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Watchers at the main gate counted! For many years Mr. Bryan has
552 men leaving tonight in automo- been considered one of the ace
biles. Police cars dropped into. the cameramen of the country, depicting
string of cars at regular intervals and I through the medium of his motion
the exodus through a picket line was pictures, history in the making as
made without incident, caught by the eyes of his camera
Two Ford workers Floyd Atwell throughout the countries of centrall
and Dallas Ashburn, reported they and northern Europe.
were waylaid and beaten "by union During the past year, Mr. Bryan
men" six blocks from the plant this overcame the prejudice of the people
morning. (Continued on Page 4)
11 1l1 , a2t i C le a tlj4'U1Y t
of Central Greyhound Lines, Inc., by Litzenberg Tells Fraternal Meet
R. WV. Budd, president.
'The company, therefore gives no-
tice that those of you whose records To Abolish Artificial Boostng
warrant employment must report for
Sp inx Inducts 1.3
Initiates Into Group
Sphinx, junior literary honorary
society last night invited 13 persons
into membership. Included in thel
number was one faculty member,
Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak, of the his-
tory department.
The invited students were Ralph
Heikkinen, John Brennan, Walter
Peckinpaugh, Richard Fox, Robert
Perlman, Burton Benjamin, Hamilton
Morris, Harvey Clarke, Ross Faulk-
ner. Max Hodge, Philip Woodworth
With the opening of the Galens
tag sale tomorrow at all points on the
campus, the Christmas season will
unofficially begin in Ann Arbor.
Galens, honorary society for junior
and senior medical students was
founded in 1914. Ever since that
time, the society has conducted an;
annual drive for the children in the
University Hospital.
Galens uses the funds for a Christ-
mas party for children who are con-
fined in the hospital during the
Christmas holidays. The annual
party includes a dinner and the dis-
tribution of candy and toys. This
work by 12 o'clock noon Wednesday,
$1,000 a year to keep the workshop Dec. 1, or you will be considered as Fraternities were urged to improve
open.having resigned from the service of themselves by self-criticism and re-
In 1928 Galens held their first tag the company." verse the attitude which has caused
sale on campus, and by this new No conferences were scheduled to- them to be "losing caste in recent
method more money was obtained. I night between company officials and years," by Prof. Karl Litzenberg, of
The tag drive took in $1,000 that John L. Conner, Federal conciliator, the English department, speakingI
year and provided a Christmas party I who has been seeking to bring the two Saturday before the 29th annual ses-'
for 350 children. sides to agreement. McGrath, dis-: sion of the National Interfraternity
The tag drive reached its peak in cussing hopes for a settlement, said Council in New York.
1930 when students apparently had "much depends, of course, on develop- He stated that fraternities could
I more money than in later years. That ments- no longer afford to "raise songs of
year Galens received $1,825, surpass- * false praise" and to have a "laissez
ing all their expectations. (In that Ann Arbor Friends faire" attitude. He pointed out that
year also the Galens decided that the picture of fraternal America is
women were more human and gen- To Meet Tomorrow discouraging, because of the "naive
erous than men, according to an edi- fakery" known as 'boosting," and
fi v r +1- lb.. l-, 1 11r,'aad ,inn fr-q, fPniHACnc . rpla~n n-!
ideals or by the moral force of what
it pretends to represent. I am inor-
dinately suspicious of the booster be-
cause he always exerts more energy
in praise than he spends time in
He went on to say, "It is my firm
conviction that your most solemn
duty is . . . to convince your frater-
nity members that they cannot longer
raise songs of false praise; that they
can no longer take a laissez-faire at-
titude toward the system; that they
can no longer practice that windmill
tilting which I have called boosting.'
He charged that the fraternity sys-
Government Denies
Insurgent Air Raid
MADRID, Nov. 29.-(A)--Govern-
ment army headquarters tonight offi-
cially denied military reports that
an Insurgent air raid caused almost
100 casualties in Guadalajara, 30
miles northeast of Madrid.
The Government communique said
that 30 Insurgent planes flew over
the city but that Guadalajara au-
thorities declared no projectiles were