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September 21, 1937 - Image 31

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-09-21

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Year By Year
History Given
Of University
Site Of Present Campus
Chosen In 1837; Funds!
Borrowed From State

At Centennial

Alumni Celebrate First Century
Of University's Ann Arbor Site

George Pray
Describes Life


-with all its rejoicing and sports. sion on the influence of thE cheap-
The Democrat's county mass meeting ,ness of literature.
too plce oda. Terewas also a °July 7th. We attended the Satur-
day exercises. got a lecture upon loud
good Sabbath school celebration- laughing from Professor Whiting. in
and a ladies fair. At an early hour which he said that it was an indica-
in the day the people began to pour tion of a vacant mind. Saw some very
in from all directions, their wagons cute caricatures of Tutor Beach got
shaded with young hickory and up by some dissatisfied freshnan,
s micand then I went to my room and
streaming with beautiful banners. read and wrote till noon.
The people all assembled at the depot August 5th. It was a gloomy, wet
to welcome General Cass but they! day and rained nearly all day. I
awaited in vain. They returned to I,. wroteand ,r ,anarl y i ,lda in my

Dr. Glenn Frank Praises months' work by the Central Com- Y L 52Q { e t ' ll
School; Comnmencement mittee( followed exactly the program
and was not marred by unfavorable Women Students Enticing;
Ends Week's Festivities weather.
Six thousand alumni from all parts As a finale to the proceedings, the
of the world, gathered here from, class of '37 was graduated before As Much As Ever'


(Continued from Page 28) June 15 to 19, shut the portals on the more alumn than had ever before
University's first 100 years in Ann witnessed the commencement exer-
Arbor and ushered in a new century cises.
ter fraternities forced to resign. Med- with the predictions of noted scholars Representatives of every class from
ical School organized. First Medical that it would see greater glories. 1888 to the present attended the Cele-
bulig'opeed othwn I Asked to bring to a focus the week's bration, according to the registration
building completed. South wing o Akdt rn oafcstewe' records. Housing facilities in Ann
old University Hall built. ativities, Dr. Glenn Frank, ousted Arbor were taxed, and many frater-I
pesident of the University of Wisco nities provided rooms for the visitors.
1850 - October - Fraternities re- I sinpesm outlined a plan for a model ni proh r freeisitors.
instated. Medical Department opened university. Hanji Sohma, representing Jap-
with 90 students. "I covet for the University of Mich- anese alumni, formally presented to
1851- April 8 - Regents made ~ igan," he said in conclusion," a near- theaknin a herry tre
cosiun ato tt oenetCHRHSTAIN GAUSS ness of approach to the model uni- Speaking in Japanese he said, "We
constituent part of State government C TANGA'_ersity whichIhavetall-oo-inad bring these cherry trees in memory,
under Organic Act of new Constitu-vesywhcIhael-toid-
dionn i quately sugested." of our years here.I
tion. 1868 -Course in Pharmacy estab- Festivities began Tuesday with the "We hope they will stand as a'
1852 - December 22-Henry Philip lished. Community Banquet in the Intra- symbol for purity of heart, both of
Tappan inaugurated as the first pres- 1869 -Legislature granted Univer- mural Building at which 1,700 diners the alumni of Japan and of the whole
ident of the University. (Previous to sity $15,000 for two years, as well as watched members of Play Production body of University students, graduates
this time members of the Faculty had accumulation resulting from the first unfold the history of the University and faculty."
acted annually, in turn, as President). e e in skits and music. Seven University Dean Christian Gauss of Princeton
1853 - Alexander Winchell became abaoeThi the firt appro presidents, impersonated by students, University on the second day urged
Professor of Physics, later Geology. abandoned. This was the first appro, repeated their statements which were faculty members, students and Cele-'
1 priatio received from the State, significant in the growth of the Uni- bration visitors to cast aside policies
1855 - Detroit observatory erected outside of the original $100,000. Fac- ,fnro ainls nfvro
as result of gift of $15,000 by citizens ulty salaries increased to the $2,000 veisity. of narrow nationalism in favor of a
in Detroit. A course in Civil Engineer- originally provided for in 1857. Pres- The Celebration, culminating nine recognition of world citizenship.
ing established in connection with ident Haven resigned. Henry S. Frieze
Department of Physics. (Harvard was appointed acting' President. Legisla- 1878 - Athletic Association organ- separate department, with Charles E.
the only other school in America hav- ture voted $75,000 for erection of ized. Green as Dean.
ing a course of this kind.) Henry Sim- main section of University Hall. 1879 - University salaries reduced 1897 - Harry B. Hutchins, Dean of
mons Frieze appointed Professor of. 1870 -January 5-Regents estab- following effects of panic of '73. Mu- the Law School, Acting President of
Latin. lished co-education, through a res- seum built. First chair in science the University during President An-
1857 - Andrew D. White appointed olution that "no rule exists in any and art teaching in any American gell's absence as Minister to Turkey.
Professor of History and English Lit- University statutes for the exclusion university established, with William Barbour Gymnasium erected.
erature, the first chair of History frthu
ertrtefrtcaro itr f evnrson from the University H. Fayne, as first professor. 1899 - Mill-tax increased to one-

(Continued from Page 28) the Upper Town and listened to sev-
. eral speakers.
mate Fish is love sick and has one July 5th. Rather a dull day. I did'
mhs a h g not hear the bell this morning so
hnmt t cm lhc rnarn aeq d ohim -i

name to see nis dearie ana cure nm-
self. Very probable it is so. I pity
him if it is. This evening there was
a cry of fire which was found to be
at Judge Mile's house. It was soon


that I did not go to prayer. Attend- and has been grumbling that the Pro-
ed today as usual the lectures of Dr. fessor crossed out the best part of it
Comstock. No recitation in chem- -not because it was not good and
istry. Finished writing a composi- true-but because he was afraid that
tion but was not called upon to read. because it was true it might offend
The celebraton and the 4th all the some.
talk today. In the evenng I attended August 9th. Today Deidamia left
the meetings of the society. Discus- (Continued on Page 30)

in an American university. Old Chem-
istry building erected, the first chem-
istry laboratory erected in America.
1859-October-Law School openedj
with 92 students, with faculty com-
posed of Judge James V. Campbell,
Charles I. Walker and Thomas Mac-
Intyre Cooley.
1863 - June 25 - President Tap-
pan dismissed from Presidency of
University because of antagonism of
certain members of the Board of
Regents. Dr. Erastus O. Haven, for-
merly Professor of Latin and English
Literature, appointed to Presidency
on same day. First Law Building built.
Students numbered 652. Baseball first
played in the University.
1867 -Latin and scientific course
established, substituting modern lan-
guages for Greek. Tax of one-twen-
tieth of a mill, yielding $16,000 an-
nually, granted by Legislature, pro-
vided a Professor of Homeopathy be
appointed. Regents refused to make
the appointment.

oI any Pei61 I~itl LLCa
who possesses the requisite literary
and moral qualifications." February
2-Madelon L. Stockwell of Kalama-
zoo enrolled as first woman student
in the University. Certificate system
of admission from high schools estab-
lished. First recorded game of foot-
1871 - June-James Burrill Angell
inaugurated President of the Univer-
sity. 1,110 students in the University.
Faculty, 35. University income, $76,-
1875-1879 - Douglas-Rose contro-
versy over discrepancy in books in
chemistry laboratory.
1875 - College of Dentistry estab-
lished. Homopathic Medical College
1876 -Pharmacy established as
separate department with Prof. Al-
bert B. Prescott as Dean.
1877 -English course established
Legislature cancelled original Uni-
versity debt of $100,000.

1880 - Professor Frieze, acting fourth mill.
president during President Angell's 1900 - Homeopathic Hospital (now
absence as U.S. Minister to China. South Hospital) erected. Regular
1882 - Old Engineering s h o p s Summer Session established as sep-
erected (additions later). arate division, with Prof. John O.
1883 - The old library erected Reed as Dean.
(torn down in 1918). 1903 -- New Medical Building (now
1887 - Fiftieth anniversary of West Medical Building) erected.
Universit celebrated. 1904 - Engineering Building erect-
ed. Michigan Union organized.
1888 -Effrt to eovdefedic 1906 - Department of Architecture
Department to Detroit defeated by established. Judge Cooley's home on;
President Angell. State Street purchased as Union club-
1891 -Main Building of old Uni- house.
versity Hospital erected. 1907 - Phi Beta Kappa established
1892 -Graduate School organized' in University. Mill-tax increased to
in connection with Literary Depart- three-eighths mill.
ment 1908 - Dental Building erected.
1893-University mill-tax increased 1909 - Alumni Memorial Hall com-
from one-twentieth to one-sixth of pleted as result of gifts from alumni.
a mill. Ferry Field first opened to Dr. Angell resigns the Presidency.
students. Dean Harry B. Hutchins appointed
1894 - W a t e r m a n Gymnasium acting President. Students number
erected. Summer courses inaugurated. 5,223.
1895 - Tappan Hall erected. Col- j 1910 - Chemistry Building erected.
lege of Engineering established as ai (Continued on Page 50)

June 28th. In the morning I went t
on my usual walk in the woods. In -
the afternoon our class and all of
the University were excused from re-
citation in order to listen to the Rev.
Mr. Kincaid who has been a mis-
sionary 12 years in Burma. The mis-
sionary mass meeting of the Baptist
Society was held in the Presbyterian
church. The building was crowded.
both in the afternoon and evening.
He gave a very interesting descrip-
tion of the Burman Empire-and an
account of its religion and religious
ceremonies. He urged very forcibly
and elegantly the Foreign Mission
Dull Day
July 1st. This forenoon I read over:
my chemistry lesson and so much of
soporifics had it that with my last
night's exposure it put me into a
sound sleep from which I did not
awaken at the ringing of the bell so I
missed recitation. A little after din-
ner when I had just commenced writ-
ing a composition I was surprised to
hear in the other end of the building
a confused and awful yelling as if of
a great company. I dropped my com-
position and ran to see what could
be the matter. When I got to the
recitation room I found all of the
students assembled-some yelling
with all their might and others con-
vulsed with laughter. I learned that
it was a lecture on Elocution by Dr.
Comstock of Philadelphia. He pro-
posed to give a number of lectures to
the students gratuitously provided
they would each buy one of his books
at one dollar each. It was highly
recommended by the "Profs" and
nearly all of the students entered in
to it. He gives two lectures a day, one
at 8, the other at 5 o'clock.
July 4th. The glorious Fourth has
at lengthecome with all its ennobling

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