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November 12, 1937 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-12

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rRIDAY, NOV. 12,;1937








1 isalary. How Arnie Herber of the
ff FrP iy..GreenBay Packers can hit his mark
ENROUTE TO PHILADELPHIA. (a plate of glass) with a forward pass
Nov. 11 ... Camaraderie is sadly at 50 yards . .. the movies of this pro
absent from the ranks of Michigan's outflit were worth while. . .And while
footballers. Before entraining for the we're on the subject, it's amazing the
Eastern. city, where Pennsylvania's way the pros bounce back fron, bad

Squad To Drill
This Afternoon
At Philadelphia'



Given Fullback ,job
Ritchie, Purucker,

mediocre squad awaits, the boys
seemed as enthusiastic about a trip
as an agraphobic octogenarian. With
subtle charges and dire whisperings
floating about them, the boys can't
make head or tails of "things" around
Ann Arbor.
Stark Ritchie was hopeful of getting
a "bonus" with his pay check this
week, although Norm Purucker would
settle for just the "bonus." Elmer
Gedeon complained of being a few
dollars shy in his pay envelope, and
Lou Levine wanted to know where all
this dough was coming from and how
one could get his fingers on some of it.
In short, the subsidization talk
amused them.
But Pennsylvania lies ahead, with a
fair foward wall, with a makeshift
backfield, including a couple of pro-
moted Jay-Vees. Harvey Harmon,
Quaker coach, lost an all-star back-
field and hasn't been the same since.
Michigan will throw a promoted Jay-
Vec back at them in John Kinsey, who
is a good punter but who gets his
chance because Tex Stanton's block-
ing leaves much to be desired. Ritchie
and Purucker temporarily eclipse
Trosko and Barclay, whereas Wally
Hook seems to be dropped from the
scene altogether. Doug Farmer re-
mains the No. 1 quarterback choice,
although Levine has suddenly been
"found." No radical alterations have
been made in the line.
The coaches have troubles, other
thanthose affecting the immediate
squad. The boys are curiously per-
plexed. And so we ride away so the
city of brotherly love . . .
Random Ramblings . ..
The periodic drawer-and-pocket-
cleanup-department is about due for
some recognition. Briefs of interest,
collected at random, follow:
well worn chapeau to Coach
Wally Weber who has picked the
winners (and without pecuniary gain)
all season. He called his shot in the
Illinois-Northwestern upset Saturday
... selected Indiana over Ohio State
..and asserted that California would
not go through the season unmarred
.. .And for Saturday, he's with the
Illini again over Ohio State ... picks
Michigan to take Penn. . . and Min-
nesota to wallop Northwestern. He
called the grand slam of the season
last year . . . Northwestern over the
Gophers . . . it won't happen again
though, says Wally.
* * *
LAUG"-Reports have it that i
Pittsburgh's supposed football
house cleaning is in anticipation of
succeeding Chicago in the Western
Conference. Can you feature our
sedate Conference heads considering
a Panther bid? . . . Strangely enough,
we can't . . We like the crack of Arch
Ward ( Chicago Tribune) who recently
remarked that Michigan had changed
from a point a minute to a point a
game ball club.
* * *
WIE WONDER: How the incom-
parable Clint Frank, Yale's re-
peat All-American halfback, ever es-
caped Northwestern ... He's an Ev-
anston product and has clinched
national honors again this year . .
Why Larry Kelley has turned pro ...
his story in a national magazine re-
lating how he intended to coach at
Peddie ending his active playing days
was inspiring ... but so is his new

defeats and take the same opponent
over the rocks the following month
. or are we being facetious.
SENSATION:-That's the label
the Chicago newhawks haveI
tagged on Bill DeCordevant, who has'
tallied over 160 points this season for
Austin High School . . . is being plas-
tered all over the Windy City sport
pages ... and is very friendly toward
a certain school in Indiana with a
pretty fair football team . . . guess?
of Notre Dame's first 33 grid-
iron representatives, including eight
regulars, will graduate in June.
Bornko Nagurski wears a size 20 shirt
Two of the guards on New York
University's freshmen eleven are Co-
hen and Kelley . . .Louisiana State's
mascot is a live 400-pound tiger.
nice playmate .. . Flash Gordon, the
Yankee hope to fill Tony Lazzeri's
vacated spot, batted only .279 last
season but knocked out 26 home runs
. ... Jack Torrance ex-shot put champ
now drives a patrol wagon in Baton
Rouge, La.

Farmer As Mates
Thirty-four Michigan football play-
ers, bolstered by three straight Con-I
ference wins and a season's average of
.500, headed for Philadelphia, Pa., yes-
terday for their third and final inter-
sectional tussle with Pennsylvania's
mediocre Quakers.
The squad left Ann Arbor at 6:41
p.m. and will arrive in Philadelphial
this morning. They will be quar-
tered at Greenville Farms in subur-I
ban Overbrook, and will drill this af-
ternoon at Franklin Field, scene of
tomorrow's game.
Roland Savilla, husky sophomore
tackle, who has been shelved by in-I
juries was a last minute choice to
make the trip but is a doubtful par-
ticipant tomorrow. Fred Olds, also'
on the injury list since the Michigan>
State game, was another surprise
j traveler.:
Final Drill Is Longl
Yesterday's drill was a long one, f
darkness finally calling a halt to pro-
;ceedings after almost three hours of
work. Offense and defense both re-
ceived attention, with Coach Cappy
Cappon directing the Jay Vees who
used Pennsylvania plays against the
first and second team. All three Var-
sity teams ran through plays and
I passing was given special attention.

Kromer Tells Board
Rumor Is 'roundless'
Late last night no further de-
velopments had been reported in
the Athletic Board's investigation
of the subsidizing of certain fresh-
man football players.
It was revealed that Paul Kro-
mer, star halfback from Kiski
Prep, had been interviewed by the
board and had vehemently denied
the rumors declaring them to be
Kromer stated that the reason
he had come to Michigan was be-
cause he had wanted to attend
*this University for many years. His
three teammates who also attend-
ed Kiski were not called before the
board. They previously stated they
had decided to attendtthe U. of M.
because they all wanted to go to
the same school.
Kromer declared his belief that

M a X c I efinl COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 1.()
The Ohio State grid squad went
Starts Trainii through a snappy drill today featur-
ing Coach Francis Schmidt's trickiest
for Two B outs lnois here Saturday in the Bucks'
F T Bplays which might be used against I-
last home game of the season. Guard
Alex Schoenbaum was in the first
NEW YORK, Nov. 11.-P)-Max string lineup, his injured shoulder ap-
Schmeling came back across the At- parently sound again.
lantic, today to begin a tune-up cam-
paign he confidently believes will NEW STYLES Fl
place him atop the heavyweight i SEE OUR NEW

-- *-.*'uc IC '*".11 -**'-'rrooru Jan. U, then return for an en-
the whole affair would blow over core job of polishing off Joe Louis in
for the simple reason that there is June.
nothing to it. 1 Between the Foord and Louis bouts,
- 1 Schmeling may tackle another oppo-1
IOWA LOSES GUARD nent in this country, possibly in
IOWA CITY, Ia., Nov. 11.-()- Miami. He professed ignorance of
The guard situation on the Univer- cable dispatches from Berlin that he
sity of Iowa football squad became would fight Walter Neusel in April.
acute today when Bob Allen, regular "I have been doing light training
right guard, was injured in the final, and am in very good shape," said
hard practice before the Indiana Max. "About all the conditioning I
game here Saturday. Allen, who suf- need is some road work and a little
fered a recurrence of the ankle in- ring work to sharpen up my boxing."
jury which prevented him from start- Training quarters have been estab-
ing the early games, had teamed with lished at Summit, N. J., and Schmel-
Chuck Brady at guard since the Wis- ing will pitch camp Saturday. He'll
consin game. begin boxing early next week.

T lan, Pro Sprint Coach Harry G. Kipke was pleased
with the team's snap and stated that
hamp, ThreatenS the drill was highly satisfactory. The
passers-Stark Ritchie, Wally Hook,
To Abandon T Norm Purucker, and Fred Trosko-
were throwing the ball exceptionally
DETROIT, Nov. 11.-(IP)-Eddie 1well, and Kipke indicated that the
Tolan, stocky Negro runner, former team will take to the air at Phila-.
Wolverine star, and holder of the delphia if needed.
world's professional sprint champion- Kipke Shifts Starting Backs
ship, today threatened to abandon The starting backfield will be Doug
the crown. Farmer at quarterback, Purucker and
rRitchie at the halves, and John
Tolan, who won the title in Aus- Kinsey at fullback. Purucker has
tralia two years ago, started train- been shifted from tailback to wing-
ing several months ago for a defense back, while Kinsey, promoted a few
of his crown next month. The race weeks ago from the Jay Vees, will
was to have been held in Australia start his first game at full.
and the promoters expected Jesse The line is set. Dan Smick and
Owens, Ben Johnson and Eulace Pea-
cock, the three top Negro sprinters John Nicholson at ends; Fred Janke
in this country, to furnish major op- and Bill Smith at tackles; Ralph
position for Tolan. Heikinnen and Jack Brennan at
Tolan learned today that the trio guards; and Archie Kodros at cen-
of stars will not go to Australia be- ter.
cause Marty#Forkins, Owens' manager The following players made the
and formerly manager of Tolan, trip:
wants the race to take place at the Ends: Nicholson, Smick, Valpey,
World's Fair in New York. Gedeon, Floersch and Rogers.
Left without a race, Tolan said he Tackles: Smith, Janke, Siegel, Sa-
planned to relinquish the title be- villa, Luby and Kuhn.
cause "I am not getting any younger Guards: Heikkinen, Brennan, Olds,
and the title is no good unless you Vandewater, Pederson and Marzonie.
defend it." Centers: Kodros, Rinaldi and Tink-
"If I have to wait until the World'sI er.
Fair to compete, I might as well re- Backs: Farmer, Purucker, Ritchie,
tire now, when I'm still undefeated," Kinsey, Trosko, Levine, Barclay,
Tolan asserted. Stanton, Renda, Campbell, Hook,
Laskey and Piotrowski.
Northwestern's Wildcats, 35 in num- LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov.
ber, headed for Minneapolis tonight, Coach Mal Elward, after watching
hopeful of being able to stop Minne- his Purdue Boilermakers pass and
sota's charge Saturday. In a final kick here today, declared an armistice
workout, the Wildcats drilled on on scrimmage sessions until after Sat-
running plays and were cheered by urday's gridiron clash with Wiscon-
the performance of Don Heap, who sin.
has been nursing injuries since the The squad will leave tomorrow
Illinois game. night for Madison.


, ' I

COAT . .. Cut with Broader Shoulders, and softly con-
structed to give that added Comfort- Fitted at waist-
rather snug at hips - broader lapels - double- and
VEST ... Higher from opening - Athletic Shoulders -
Single plait above lower pockets to match plait in trousers.
TROUSERS ... Semi-Peg - with one deep, small plait -
English back straps -- Talon if you wish - high waisted.
40. to 65.




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