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November 12, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-12

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FRIDAY, NOIT. 12, 1931

FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1937

To 11 Frbn i 1 Iarristers Claim

Dave Strong's Story Book Past
Might Be Record Book Futurce
By TOM PHARES sity of Washington grid star and de-
Whenever Michigan's quarterback veloped his own style which differs
prospects for next year are discussed, from the orthodox in that he drops
talk invariably turns to a certain little the ball flat on his foot.
guy with a story book past who is do- Anyone who has seen him punt will
ing a lot of passing, punting, and run- testify to his accuracy, distance and
nipg for the frosh grid squad this fall. consistency. In high school for three
Yes, you guessed it, he is Dave years he averaged 42 yards and last
Strong the five-foot-eight-inch, 153 year for Illinois his punting average
pound signal-caller who played havoc was also above the 40 yard mark. He
with Wolverine chances last year has gotten off kicks in practice of 70
while playing for Illinois by booting yards.
a game-winning field goal. He beat Michigan last year but
. So He Went To Illinois , now Dave is enthusiastic in his de-
But that wasn't what Dave want- sire to play for the Wolverines next
ed. He wanted to play not against season and make up for that act
Michigan but for her. Upon his many times over.
graduation from high school in Hel- -
ena, Mont., where he was a four sport
star, he sent his application to Mich-
igan and also to Illinois, Southern I3TEO f
California, and Nmorthwestern. They
were all granted-except Michigan's. ,
So he went to Illinois. *$
Dave played frosh football at thatI
institution and then last year moved 0rA r bulance
up to the Varsity under the tutelege
of wily Bob Zuppke. A sprained ankle
kept him out of the first two games MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 11-(I)-
and he was still a bit under the Lynn Waldorf, Northwestern's gloomy
weather when the team journeyed head football coach, can rest in peace
west to play Southern California. about a Minnesota telegram asking!
Zup kept him out of action much whether he wanted an ambulance or
to his disgust for the majority of the a bus to meet his injured team at the
ball game while the Illni were hav- depot here tomorrow morning.
ing a hard time of it. However when ( Bill Price, executive secretary of
there was less than two minutes to go the Minneapolis Junior Association of
and Illinois had the ball on their own Commerce, who admitted today he
42, Zup turned to Strong who had al- sent the wire, said he would have both
ways been a halfback and asked: ready for the Purple's convenience.
"Dave, can you play quaterback?" i "Waldorf may need an ambulance
'Strong hastened to answer in the af- to bring his crippled team here," Price
firmative and was sent in with in- said, "and our hospitality committee
structions to punt. is ready to see he gets the right treat-
But Dave Had His Own Ideas ment. I haven't asked Coach Bernie
Although it was fourth down andBierman whether the Wildcats will
nine yards to go, Dave had' other need one leaving town."
ideas. He called a pass play and made Price explained the telegram was
the first down and then followed up the usual query the committee makes
completing two more passes for a before meeting Minnesota football
touchdown. From then on, Strong opponents at the depot a
was the regular Illinois quarterback
even though his first act had been to Texas Tech Is
disobey orders.
He played 243 minutes during the
last five games of the season and got 13
his biggest "kick" out of beatingTo 0 V c o
Michigan. Spurgeon, the regular
Mihgn pren h eua v rplace kicker, was not in the game Ve R uesne
when Dave wanted to try for a field
goal so he did it himself even though LUBBOCK, Tex., Nov. 11-(IP)-Two
he had never tried place kicking since brief air raids, topped off by a bit of
his freshman year. magic at the goal line, carried Texas
In High School-11 Letters t Tech's Red Raiders to a 13-0 triumph
In high school Dave left little to be today over a Duquesne night rider
desired as an atschool to win four let- team that failed to nudge pass the
ters each in basketball and track enemy 40-yard stripe.,
and he won only three in football.I Just twice did the Red Raiders i-


Theta Xis And Vilanova continues|Ho
Phi GainsWiin Streak, Wins 12 To (B
BOSTON, Nov. 11 -tP)-Villan- -Geo
S Speed all Tilts ova's undefeated Wildcats encoun- kicked
s_____1_tered stubborn opposition from the the to
With the speedball season slowly Boston University Terriers today Hoosie
coming to a close, two third place| while battling for a nard-earned 12-0 sing o
playoff games were played off yes- victory before 15,000 at Fenway Park. game
terday at South Ferry Field. In Both of the visitors' touchdowns Coac
the first game Theta Xi downed Del- were provided by John Wysocki, the Chica
tUpsilon seven to three, and in the leten.Hhbokeincrcvee ad
left end. He blocked and recovered
other game Phi Gamma Delta de- a punt before scoring with a 35-yard Rapid
feated Phi Kappa Tau eight to seven. runback in the second period, and in briefly
In the Theta Xi game P. Simpson the third, he caught a 35- yard pass prepa,
lead the scoring of both teams with a;
total of three points for the win-
M aHdrwnmade two of the STETSON
teohrtlyAlofteD.U. points featured A
came in the first half while the win- i
ners made all their taliles in the sec-
ond half.IA AGNERS -S
Leading Phi Kappa Tau seven to
three at the start of the fourth quar-
ter, a three point goal by Allen Pinker-
ton and a single goal by W. Stenewall
tied the score at seven up. In the
closing minutes of play Walt Peck-
inpaugh made a point for the Phi
Gamms which gave them the game.
C. Darling and N. Kewley each scored
three points for the winners, while
Pinkerton lead the opponents. I

sier Center Prays
For Luck. In Punting
O MINTONIpd.,Nov. l-(N
rge Miller, Indiana center, place
with a good luck emblem in
oe of hiS shoe today as the
ers practiced a kicking and pas-
offense for Saturday's football
with Iowa.
ch Bo McMillin's men left for
,o tonight on their way to Cedar
s, where they will work out
at Coe College tomorrow in
ration for the Iowa City tussle.
tote Street

-~ I;

CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Nov. 11-(/)-
Illinois concentrated on a defense
against passes in a final long drill for
Ohio State's Buckeyes Saturday. After j
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Take i frOm tiy angle yoU wiT ihe zewest
Stetson wit h its broad welt-edgt wrim has the
smartest lines of Fall.
soS T

No good in football you say? Well,I
he was the only man in history to'
ever make the first All-State team
all three years of competition.
He was men's city tennis cham-
pion for three years and played base-
ball in the city amateur league. Al-
though he prefers baseball and isn't
going out for track at Michigan, Dave
ran the 100 yard dash in 9.8 three
times in high school meets and also
competed in, the 220, pole vault, and
One of the chief reasons why Dave
is being talked up for next season's
'Varsity football squad is his punting
ability. While still in grade school,;
he practiced punting under a Univer-

terrupt a brilliant duel of kicks for
any length of time, but both times
they came up with touchdowns in
less than two minutes.
Herschel "Red" Ramsey, Tech's
great end, and a bulky substitute back,
Gene Barnett, starred in the victory
before a crowd of 12,000.
Two minutes before the second
period ended, the two, a great pitcher
and a glue-fingered receiver, started
their aerial antics. Back from his
own 40-yard stripe Barnett started
firing, contacting Ramsey twice with
11-yard darts and then finding him
again for a 15-yard forward which he
promptly lateraled to Ed Smith, who
carried on to the Duquesne nine.

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