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November 12, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-12

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FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1937


Classified Directory

michiU a a program would reduce the number refundiat Miciga U nion Mon-
c iof maternal and infant deaths and day 15th from 1-5 at Bus Desk.
LANSING--Official state, munici- would lead to racial improvement by! 179
Pal and rural health departments in encouraging child birth among those
Michigan were called upon to include best-fitted to maintain families. MODERN Beauty Shoppe - Week
in their program the counselling of Also at the conference, delegates Snecial fitch or drene shampoo and
elected Dr. Carleton Dean of Charle- finger wave with lemon ring. $50.
men and women n the hygiene of voix, president, to succeed Dr. J. D. End permanent $1.00 up.
marriage by the 17th annual Mich- Brook, Kent County 1i(alth director. - -- --
igan Public Health conference yes- John L. Lavan, Grand Rapids city 1 WANTED
terday. i health officer, was named vice-presi-
Coming from Dr. Haven Emerson, dent, and Marjorie Delavan, director DRESSMAKING: Alteration and
the call suggested that marriage ad- of the Bureau of Education of the repairing. Expert alteration of knit
vice bureaus be operated as adjuncts State Department of Health, was wear. Mrs. C. Walling, 118 E. Cath-
to bureaus of maternity and child chosen secretary-treasurer. erine. Call 4726. 133
hygiene. It was claimed that such TYPING, neatly and accurately done.
_Wisconsin Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone
H story 11 MADISON - Conspiracy charges 5244._3x
Jew s H story against seven corporations and one CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: An
individual in the Federal govern- old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
ment's gasoline price-fixing cases $,25. Ladies fur coats,typewrit-
H elps Scholar, were dismissed yesterday by Federal ers, old gold and muscl instr-
-E t - Judge Patrick T. Stone, on motion of ments. Ready cash waiting for you.

4 a t
Announcement was made by Teachers College, Columbia University, t
that hitherto unseen virus causing measles has a visible stage in thef
thrcLt. Prof. Jean Broadhurst (above) was credited with the discovery, c
expe1ted to enable doctors to detect and quarantine measles two or three e
days earlier than at present and lessen spread of measles.t
Faint H'earts Need Not Fluttere
Arty More, Washenaw Announces
Freshman Coalition Slate political destines of the Washtenaw1
party for the next four years. Otherk
Gives Out Its Platform; party mahagers include Kennethf
Seeks A Legislature Simpson, Alpha Tau Omega, publicity
chairman; Sam Henderson, Theta
Making a strong bid for control of 'Delta Chi ,campaign manager, and
the class of '41, James Tobin, caucus Helen Davids, of Helen Newberry,
chairman of the Washtenaw-Inde- caucus secretary.
pendent Coalition freshmen, laid a A resolution changing the date of
complete slate and platform before freshman elections from Wednesday,
campus voters yesterday. mNov. 24 to Tuesday, Nov. 23-was pre-
.rented to Hugh Rader, '38, chairman
Headed by Don Carr of Lambda Chi of the Mens' Council, by Washtenaw
Alpha as the presidential nominee, and State Street party leaders. The
the, slate includes Anita Carbalho, measure was designed to enable those
Mosher-Jordan Independent, for vice-msue s inedh o m nghteothose
preidet; ue laningn, n Dltstudents to vote who might otherwise
president; Sue Flanningan, Tri Delt , b oefrteTakgvn o
for secretary; and Irving Gerson, Chi the Thanksgiving hli-
forbd secreta ry; and rr.days.
Lambda Phi, for treasurer. aState Street caucus plans to come
The platform, featuring as a main out with its slate and platform with-
plank the establishment of an in a few days, it was learned today.
"aquaintance bureau" to foster "af-
ternoon meetings" between students
of the opposite sex, also emphasized Exhibit Of Marine
the following planks: Support of the
woman's swimming pool project, en- Statues Is Planned
dorsement of the restaurant clean-
up drive, backing of cooperative eat- A display of marine sculpture has
ing houses and bookstores and sup- been started with a statue of three
port of the Washtenaw Sophomore dolphins in the main exhibition hall
Student Government plan which pro- of the University Museums Building.
vides for revamping of campus poli-
tics to include a two-house student The sculpture was done by Carle-
legislature. ton Angell, artist for the University
Caucus chairman Tobin, Phi Delta Museums, and was modeled after
Theta, has been elected t# guide the scientific illustrations.
This statue appears near an en-
cased skeleton of a dolphin and was
School Site Bids designed to show the motions of liv-
ing dolphins leaping through the
Asked By Board waves. The ensculptured dolphins
By are of the variety commonly found
in the Meditarranean SeL
Plans for Ann Arbor's proposed-

Isaacs Mates
Scholars can learn much in practi-
cally any field by drawing analogies
from Jewish experience, Prof. Nathan
T. Isaacs of the Havard Law School,
told 50 persons at a faculty luncheon
Wednesday at the Union.
The numerous migrations of the
Jewish people necessitated their es-
tablishing favorable realations with
their neighbors, and the cooperation
of races of different tempermants, an
experience which should be of value
to contemporary man, he stated.
In his afternoon speech in the Nat-
ural Science Auditorium, Dr. Isaacs
applied this general doctrine to Jewish
experience with law. Jewish law, as
well as any code, including the Con-
stitution, passes through four stages,
he said.
Speaking at the Hillel Foundation
later, Dr. Isaacs stated that all
branches of study were essentially a
form of worship.

government counsel.
Here And There
Booming guns and prayers for
peace throughout the world marked
the 19th anniversary of the signing
of the Armistice.
In Arlington Cemetery at Wash-
ington, President Roosevelt stood be-
fore the tomb of the unknown sol-
dier, and listened to an American
Legion leader call for "the enthrone-
ment. of an enduring peace."
But, wars raged in China and in
Spain, and preparations for possible
conflicts to come went forward in
many countries.
Demonstrations in England and
Ireland marked the anniversary, as
King George VI honored Britain's
dead, and as Dublin commemorated
the 19th anniversary of the signing
of the document that ended the
world's greatest war.
Germany did not celebrate and
former Kaiser Wilhelm ignored the



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