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September 21, 1937 - Image 23

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-09-21

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Bon voyages . . . smooth sailings . . . and happy landings were prac-
tically all we heard early this summer . . . and now that summer is gone
it seems everyone has a European tale of adventure to tell . . . you're
almost an exception if you stayed in the States .. . almost ... There were
simply scads of students touring this summer . . . so many in fact, they
kept bumping into each other whether it were London or the Riviera ...
In one student tour we found eight Michigan-ders ... they were having
a simply wonderful time and certainly lots of excitement . . . Margaret Ham-c
ilton had quite the thrill of a lifetime when she suddenly found herselfc
dangling in mid-air in the crevice of a glacier . . . mountain climbing in
the Alps may not be so simple as it seems .. . but with the assistance of
two guides and the other girls, Margaret was rescued . . . and warilyE
made her way back to safer footing . .. Mary Johnson, Frances Sutherland,t
Betty Aigler and Mary Irwin were also in this group ... they couldn't helpt
being terribly amused at Betty Whitney in Chester, England Betty
had a bit of difficulty finding a jacket when she left the train . . . maybe -
best she give you details . . . Betty Spangler came back with loads of
English tweeds and much impressed with having seen so many buildings
'specially those studied in Fine Arts 101 last semester.
The Alpha Phis practically monopolized one trip . .. Ginny Jackson . .
Tommy Patterson . . Betty Walsh, Judy Trosper and Priscilla Abbottt
were traveling together . . . and imagine their surprise and delight..
they were on the train from Vienna to Venice with none other than,
Wally and the Duke of Windsor . . . Mary Johnson even brushed elbows
with the Duke at the Lido ... lucky Mary!
Doing The Continent.. .
Hopping from the Lido to the Alps and what did we find . . . Phil
Buchen, Pat Ratterman and Jack Stiles throwing snowballs on the 31st day
of July . . , they had purchased a second hand car in France and were
doing the continent in fine style . . . taking in the Music Festival in Salz-
burg, both the French and Italian Rivieras . .. and meeting several friends
in Munich, one spot that a tourist seldom misses ... Incidentally, a friend
of Jack Stiles . . . Graf Jean Hoyos . . . from Austria, traveled with them
all summer . . Then they met San Ladd and John Kollig in Nuremberg
and celebrated the occasion . . . Vince Butterly and Tyler Carlisle were
also gadding about through England and the continent.
The Heath girls, Barbara and Harriet, were also abroad this summer
.. . had one grand time seeing everything, they say . . . and of course Becky
Bursley, who was traveling with her family ... didn't lose a moment's time
going from one country to another . . . Willy Tomlinson and Miller Sher-
wood were touring Germany this summer . we haven't heard if they'
saw Herr Hitler or not . . . Betty Anne Beebe and Jane O'Ferrall were
much impressed with Italy and all its grandeur . . . and they met some
celebrities, too . .. a famous violinist and Beveridge Webster, pianist, who
will soon make his third concert tour in the United States . . . Bob Weeks
and"Carl Petersen were travelling together . . . here and there in Europe . .
and we found Alberta Wood visiting in England most of the summer . .
Leaving England to find what was happening to the people in the States
during the summer . . . (and there was plenty doing for those vacationers
too) . .. we saw Bruce Forbes also leaving Glasgow for home ...
Back home again . . (and it isn't so difficult to keep tab on these
jaunts) . . . we found Dottie and Betsie Baxter at the shore . . . Ocean City
.. ..for the month of July . . . having heaps o' fun and entertaining some
of their Philadelphia friends . . and then suddenly we discovered that
Elise Reeder had gone vacationing in Honolulu . . . and that somewhere
we had missed Doris Holt, Betty Sinclair, Jean Seeley and Betty Little,
who were also taking in the European sights . .

Lists Rulings
For Rushees
Choice Of Lunch, Dinner,
Not Both, May Be Givenj
By Houses Saturday
(Continued from Page 17)
written form. There shall be no
calling in person.
12. During the intensive rushing
season, a sorority woman may not
converse at all with any independent
eligible for rushing: this includes
those not eligible for pledging at the
end of the intensive season.
15. A sorority may not have more
than four dates with one rushee.
16. One of the initial teas shall
count as the rushee's. first date; she
may be asked for a second date by
invitation in the tea invitation or
during the tea; she may be asked for
a third date during the first date.
17. A rushee may not be asked to a
formal until during the second date
except in case of a rushee entering
school late; or in the case of a soror-
ity being unable to make an engage-
ment with the rushee until the sec-
ond week of rushing.
19. Sororities may have andinner
party Monday, Wednesday and Fri-
day of the first week and Monday,
Wednesday and Friday of the second
week. The Saturdays of the first and
second weeks a sorority may have
either a luncheon or a dinner not
20. Formals shall be Monday and
Tuesday of the third week, Oct. 11
and 12.
21. Dinners shall last from 6:15
p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; the formals from'
6:15 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; the luncheor
from noon to 2 p.m.
22. A rushee may attend only one
formal at each sorority house.
23. No rushee is to be called for or
taken home by the sorority or any-
one connected with the sorority, ex-
cept in the case of the formal en-
gagements when the rushees may be
taken home but not called for.
24. An invitation to a formal doe;
not necessarily mean a bid.
26. From 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct
12 until 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 16
there shall be absolutely no communi
cation with any rushee.
28. Pledge day shall start at noon
Saturday, Oct. 16.
33. A rushee is bound for one cal-
endar year to the sorority on her lis
which has bid her and for which sh
has designated her preference. Pref
erence slips may not be withdrawn.
Additional information may be ob
tamned from Miss Shackleton.

W.A.A. Sponsors
Program For I
Friendships Are Stressed
As Much As Competition;
Clubs Are Formed
A chance to be a part of an or-
ganization, to have that spirit of "be-
longing," and an opportunity to par-
ticipate in sports where friendship
and meeting people is stressed asI
much as sheer competition, is given
in the Women's Athletic Association,,
said Mary Johnson, '38, president.
Although W.A.A. was organized for
the purpose of exposing women toj
sport and getting them interested,
the social contact is also stressed. A
chance for mixed recreation is of-
fered and this isd6Kein such sports
as badminton, archery, tap and crea-
tive dancing, bowling, rifle, swimming
and hockey. In hockey the women's
team plays against a lawyer's team
and in rifle the women compete with
the R.O.T.C. squads.
Freshmen May Participate
First semester freshmen are al-
lowed to participate in sports and
this is the only outside activity in
which they are given this opportunity.
Therefore they are given a good
chance to meet other students andl
*to work into an organization, Miss
Johnson pointed out, for representa-
tives of all the organized sports, some
K of them being club presidents, are on

Women Students
-wments for all campus participation
the clubs arrange a number of in-
vitational matches with outside
groups. While here competition is
important, social contact is also
stressed, Miss Marie Hartwig, in-
structor of physical education for
women, pointed out. Badminton, {
archery, basketball, riding, dance,
fencing, golf, rifle, swimming and
tennis clubs are active under W.A.A.
In addition to the clubs there are
the departmental activities which are
organized by the department with the
assistance of student leadership fur-
nished by W.A.A. There also are
elective activities, those not offered
in the other two groups and which
are voluntarily elected by students.

The W.A.A. I
a 1 s o sponsor
the Youth Hof
m o v e me n t
Bell stated. A
the point v
brought out t)
since gymnasi
equipment is
expensive, the
not be able t
may get in tot
assistance in1
In the fall
style show of
exhibition of
of theOrien
first outdoor
airchery and

has. the Board of Regents, has been so
res well received by the
red general campus that It E
stel several of the larger
Dr. class projects have
turned over money
was to it. The J-Hop
hat committee gave $300
ium jand the Frosh Frolic
so -committee gave $75.
ose students who may There is now a fund-
to afford a great deal, of approximately
ch with the W.A.A. for $1,000 for the pool,
this matter. Miss Hartwig stated.
Gives Style Show A yellow and blue scarf with an
the W.A.A. sponsors a "M" insignia may be earned by a
sports fashions and an, student who has coipleted two sea-
various sports, as part sons of sports activity. A season con
station program. The sists of at least 12 participations in
season includes golf one or a combination of not more
tennis open tourna- than three sports. Cups are awarded
ell added that it is im- to -the winners of team sports and an
women sign up early all-participation cup is presented to
for the tournaments. the organization which has the great-
indoor season, which est number of participations at the
fter Thanksgiving fea- end of the year.
rhouse open basketball Women of this JJniversity are given
nterhouse rifle matches the opportunity to participate in nu-
vidual bowling tourna- merous sports, the grade of which is
improving all the time, according to
indoor season offers a Dr. Bell. They can compete with
)ubles tournament, club those who share their love for that
n basketball, individual activity, Dr. Bell stated, and they

the W.A.A. board.
This is headed by a

--- W- --, ments. Dr. BE
president and also: portant that
includes a vice- in the season
president, secretary, The first
treasurer, intramur- Thrtsijst i
al manager, awards is just af
manager, A.F.C.W. tures an inte
representative and tournament, i
manager. and an indiv
publicity mna mr ent.
A council is made met. n
up of the athletic The secondo
managers of the badminton dc
jAnntition i

_ sorority houses, dormitories, and
league house zones. The board di-
rects the policy and activities of
W.A.A. and the council directs the
recreational program.
s rtMany Clubs Are Active
The term intramural is used to
cover all organized athletic activities
in which there is voluntary partici-
pation, Miss Johnson said, adding
that the aim of this program is to
offer wide opportunity for recreation
in sports. The tendency of the
t W.AA. is to promote more and more
e tournaments, Dr. Margaret Bell, di-
rector of women's physical education,
said.sHowever participation in sports
-sponsored by W,A.A~ has nothing to
do with the physidal 'education re-I
quirements. But a physical examina-
tion re-check is needed and Dr. Bell
asks all women to get this during the
- Orientation week when the facilities
s are available.
-_ Clubs are organized on a basis of
.. common interest in a particular ac-
tivity. Besides sponsoring open tour-

Ili lljG 111 1 1.

Off To Camp.. .

Camps, of all descriptions . . . as usual . . . absorbed lots of vacationers
this summer . . . Eleanor Skiles was counselor at a girl scout camp in
Michigan . .. Mary Skinner spent several weeks on an island camp in
MacGregor Say, Canada . . . and Marnie Holden was a counselor at Camp
Wapameo . . for eight weeks, Betty Shaffer, Mary Wickes, Janet Mac-
Ivor. . . Joe Hinshaw and Fred Cody . . . were roughing it at Geography
Camp . . 'twas really sport, we hear . . . and they did manage to get
back to civilization at least once a week . . . And speaking of camps . . .
John Cummiskey and Erle Whetsell were at R.O.T.C. camps ... and Jack
Hamilton was at a camp in Maine for the summer . . . Mary Lou and
Jane Willoughby were at a cottage in northern Canada . . . if you didn't go
to Europe, the next best place seemed to be Canada or at least somewhere
Coming back East however, We found Hope Hartwig and Adeline Single-
ton . . . spending the last few summer weeks at a sailing camp in New
Hampshire ... and what healthy tans they acquired. . . Hope finished up
her summer school work and decided to take a few weeks rest before taking
up the duties of League president. . . Betty Strickroot visited Helen Doden-
hoff at Van Ettan Lake . . . and we also saw Shirl Crossman there . . .
she was visiting her brother for a few days . . . Angel Maliszewski, who will
soon be presiding as head of,Judiciary Council ... spent much of her sum-
mer visiting here and there . . . seeing Joanne Kimmell in Cleveland . . .
Nancy Kover in Fort Wayne . .. Berta Knudson in Springfield ... and
Dorothy Gittleman in Lake View. . .
Traveling West . . . we saw Margaret Waterston sight-seeing in some
of our national parks ... and Mary Lavan spent her time at Grand Lake,
Colorado . . . riding, swimming, mountain climbing ... and doing a bit of
painting on the side ...
All in all, 'twas a grand summer ... and filled with many hours of pleas-
ant vacation .


The appointment of Kenneth W
Morgan of New York City to a posi
tion as director of student religiou
education at the University has re
cently been announced here by Pres
ident Ruthven..

__ _ _

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