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September 21, 1937 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-09-21

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Many Students
Entertained By
Alumni Group
Increase Of 25 Awards
Offered By Association;
Scholars Meet R uthven
Seventy-five entering scholarship
recipients and 100 students whose
scholarships have been renewed, were
entertained yesterday by the Alumni
Association, Robert 0. Morgan, as-
sistant general secretary, announced.
This is an increase of 25 over the
number of last year's new scholarship,
These scholarships, granted by the
Board of Regents, are the University
of Michigan Alumni Undergraduate
Scholarships. The candidates were
sponsored by alumni clubs through-,
out the state and the winners picked
by competitive examination. Need,
scholarship and character were con-
sidered in giving the awards. They
cover full tuition and fees.
A reception was given at 11:15 a.m.
yesterday in the University Club in
he Alumni Memorial Hall where the
students were introduced to Presi -
lent Ruthven. At noon their pic-
ures were taken.
The winners were guests of honor
at a luncheon, given at 12:15 p.m.1
.n the Union Ballroom. President
Ruthven, Dean Clarence S. Yoakum
of the Graduate School, and Regis-
rar Ira J. Smith were the speakers
at this event.
At the luncheon alumni sponsors
and University hosts presided. The
atter group was composed of Dean
Joseph E. Bursley, Dean Alice Lloyd,
Dean Walter B. Rea, Dean Yoakum,
Registrar Smith, Emory J. Hyde,
resident of the Alumni Association,
Mr. Morgan and Mrs. Lucille B. Con-
ger, executive alumnae secretary.
During the afternoon the women
scholarship recipients for the present1
rear were entertained at tea in the;
garden of the League.

Paris Openings Feature Accessories
. Full of Fantasy, Whimsical Humor

By SUZANNE POTTER white hankies for come-what-may.
It is often chanted by the fashion- The new ones have very dark back-
minded, that -accessories make the grounds, usually brown, black or navy,
costume. Well, they may not always blue, with splashy flowers. They are1
"make" it, but they can certainly gay and impudent, reminiscent of the
"break" it. And bright, amusing aforementioned summer bandanas.
touches do a lot toward sprucing up Butfashioned influencepg with theold-
an otherwise severe or dull outfit. ithis
This year's crop of fantasies are season are the dark handkerchiefs
more whimsical than ever with a de- sprigged with small nosegay prints.
cidedly old-fashioned air about them. Vogue features "The Handkerchief of
This business of head dresses all the Month," which is carried by the'
began with the flashy bandana hand- leading stores. They are usually in
kerchiefs that spent the sumier tied I three distinct colors. The pattern
under a pretty girl's chin. Then some varies according to the season of the
one in Hollywood began wearing chif- year, with appropriate colors and
fon scarves for evening, tied over the prints. Fine white handkerchiefs lav-
head in the same saucy fashion. Many ishly trimmed with lace are always
of them spangled with sequins, - or dainty and suitable. Some of them
sprinkled with stars. And now, the fbroida veritable froth of net and em-
latest thing is the English baby-bon- Corselet Influence Seen
net introduced by Mainbocher at the C
recent Paris openings. It is made of The corselet silhouette started by
dotted black net shirred to extend out the Duchess of Windsor has given rise

seems tobe gaining in popularity.
One Detroit shop has a stunning
black antelope bag in a diamond
shape with a pointed flap as the
opening, and two soft leather handles.
It is beautifully lined in black satin
-really a lovely thing. The triangle
is another much featured shape, and
the wide, flat-bottomed affairs that
came out a season or two ago are
still being used.
Suede Used For Pouch Bags
Alligator is used for square, stiff
more sportsy types of purses. Suede,
however, is ideal for the pouchy gath-
ered ones carried with dressy clothes:
The finest suede is as easily shaped as
cloth. Creed's antelope bag is shirred
to a frame shaped like an old-fash-
ioned lunch-basket. Maggy Rouff
has three entirely separate bags

strung on a gold chain. One could
put cosmetics in one, mad money in
another, and leave the third one for
odds and ends. Schiaparelli put out
some of hers in the shape of life
buoys. One of them was done in
"shocking pink" patent leather. You
can really let yourself go on the mat-
ter of evening bags, however. Can
you imagine anything madder than a
lame bag, strewn with vari-colored
dots, cut in the shape of a flower pot
and dangling from a long handle?
Gold Trims Black Gloves
Even gloves are going in for their
share of sparkle and glitter. One
black suede pair reveals a flash of
gold when the hands are opened wide.
The inner side of each finger is gold
kid, which results in a most startling
and unusual effect. Another black
glove has narrow stripes of black se-
quints along the back of the hand
and down each finger. Black suede
seems to be the prime favorite in
dress gloves, probably because the new
gown fashions stress black above all
else. The classic four-button pull-on
is as good-looking as ever, but the
trend is toward the more fancy types.
Black fur garnishes the tops of some
of them.
Sports gloves are wilder than they
ever have been. Schiaparelli, who
loves bright colors, introduced an
amusing pair with each-finger in a
different shade. Dark brown or black
gloves hand-sewn in white or cream
colored thread are new and dashing
without being too fantastic for ordi-
nary wear.

Straggly Summer
Locks Necessitate
The women who have let their
once curly locks, natural or other-
wise, grow long and stringy into a
'Rasputin Bob" from summer bath-
ing and laziness, should take heed of
the new coiffures for autumn.
You know the, first i pression
created on campus is an inportant
one and your hair comprises a large
part of that impression. Here is
some "head-line" news that may aid
you in your next selection of styles
at the beauty salon.
Indications are there'll be a vast
variety of hairlines with considerable
attention to feminine elaboration, or-
naments, and almost 100 per cent
adaption of shorter hair. It seems
there will be an absence of tight little
curls and fussy treatment. Brush
hair effects are to be extremely pop-
ular and require little time in keep-
ing groomed.
Off The Face Hair Styles
The approaching season of sporty
English tweeds, funny little hats and

lovely evening costumes seem to de-
mand careful hair grooming. The
swoop of the hair up and severely off
the face concentrates attention on
the features while the narrow rolls at
the neckline, in single fashion for
daytime and in dual unity for eve-
ning, comprise the striding de.tails.
The always-engaging halo braid
will receive new prominence this fall
with the advent of 'The Prisoner of
Zenda." The majority of hair styl-
ists believe that women the country
over will fall prey to this alluring
style and will resort to extra hair-
pieces to achieve the coiffure effects
worn by Madeleine Carroll in a re-
cent picture. The long bob has been
skillfully waved and curled, and the
hairpiece added to give the halo. This
halo may be worn in three or more
different positions-straight across
the crown, in circular fashion high on
the head in back, or braid twisted po-
sition quite low on the neck.
Curls Worn High
If you have long hair, have your
beauty operator take the long locks
and snap them up into a top-knot of
graceful curls for evening-with an
upward sweep of the hair in front
and perhaps indentation of fringe
and waves at the hair line.

over the face like a poke-bonnet. Tied
around the neck by a black ribbon,
the soft folds fall over the shoulders.
The bonnet itself only covers the
front half of the head. The gal's
back curls are left to the mercy of the
winds and man's idle curiosity.
Hankies Have Glamour
Handkerchiefs are coming in for
their share of glamour, too. Gone
are the days when the girls stepped
out armed with a couple of clean

to a new type of belt. It distinctly
widens out in the front and slopes
away from the center so that the back
is narrower than the front. One of
them in suede, has three buckles in
the front, the whole effect being
rather Robin Hood-ish. However,
manyof the fall clothes have no belts
at all. The corselet silhouette, when
used on a dress, needs no belt. Direc-
toire evening gowns, fitted over the
bust and falling rather loosely to the
floor employ no fastening at all at
the waistline.
Bags are literally bigger and better
than ever this year. Suede and an-
telope, the aristocrat of leather, are
shown as much as ever, and alligator

1 I

cArcade jewelry shop

A Complete Assortment of PATTERNS and COLORS,
All the New Pastel Colors and Dark Shades.
White Martez Towels with Striped Borders.5c

College and
Fraternity Jewelry

High Grade
Watch and Jewelry
Repairing - Engraving

, I

K WI_________________________________________

.......... . . ....




Jnion Ballroom .. .
lnnounces its Fall Opening Friday
evening, September Twenty-Fourth.
The dances will continue Saturday

/ ul


evening, Septe m b e r

Twenty Fifth

and succeeding week-ends. Bob
Steinle and His Melody Men, the
favorite campus orchestra, will furnish
the music, featuring the voice of Shirl
Crosman. One dollar the couple.

Friday Evening - - Nine Till


Saturday Evening - - Nine Till Twelve



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