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October 29, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-29

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The Weather
Generally fair and warmer to-
day; tomorrow unsettled, pos-
sibly showers.

L r e

3k i~tg an


The New York
Election ...


_..e. _.__._




W - .

TernsAreOutlined Nazi Colonies Missing Prisoner And
A BA Stolen Cars WindPolice

By Japanese
For PeaceIn
Demand Occupation of Local 4
Northern Provinces And
Forming Of Peace Zone
O Ways of c
Battle Of Shanghai of organizal
the ilcooper
s ew Perls Arbor, will
Brins NwPrl opr
of intereste
(By The Associated Press) at the Unio
A high Japanese source disclosed Represent
in Paris yesterday what were said Committeec
to be the minimum conditions on the Indepen
which Japan was willing to negotiate and the Co
peace in China. tend the m
This informant suggested that in- rector of th
terested powers, particularly the tive Farm,o
United States, start conversations bers will als
looking toward an armistice, which The Co
he indicated the Japanese would like formed this
before intense winter cold begins in representati
certain sections of China. House, thet
Japan, he said, was disposed to' verine and
accept friendly conversations on
peace in China and suggested the
Nine-Power Conference on the Chi-
nese-Japanese war called for Brussels
Nov. 3 might give interested nations Mr
a mandate to sound out the JapaneseM
and Chinese governments on their
minimum terms. The Japanese Pri
terms were said to be:
Japanese Terms Listed
1. Temporary occupation by Japan Stock E
of China's five northern provinces:
2. Creation of a neutral zone about With
Shanghai from which Chinese troops At Tr
would be excluded and in which order
would be maintained by an interna-
tional police force of Japanese, Amer- Fedr RO
ican, British, French and Italian margin bue
troops. willing pat
The significant point of the Jap- market and
anese attitude as understood here sues gained
was that Japan intended to keep or more a s
her armies on a line to the south of The board
China's five northern provinces. The gin require
frankly admitted object of this was to 40 perc
to prevent Russia from sending per cent re
troops to China through Mongola ing, filled t
Davis To Call On Spaak buying orde
At Brussels, Norman Davis, head ing.
of the United States delegation to Some fav
the Nine-Power Conference to medi- or more in
ate the far eastern conflict, will dis- Blocks of
cuss the make-up of the conference's changed ha
agenda with the Belgian foreign who had so
minister, P. H. Spaak, tomorrow. in the ex
In Berlin, informed quarters re- clines in p
ported tonight that Germany vir- price they c
tually had decided to accept the Bel- on their co
gian government's invitation to take The "shc
part in the Nine-Power Cnference some issues
In Shanghai, meanwhile, the tide 30 minutes
of the great battle for that city rolled could be det
westward today, bringing new perils action in C
to large sections of the international at five dol
city in which many Americans and close, and t
other foreigners have their homes. States Stee
Reinforce Japanese shares, upf
Victorious at Tazang and Chapei, More tha]
Japanese army and marine units were owners in1
being steadily reinforced all along The pace(
the northern bank of Soochow Creek, buying resu
the new front west of the Interna- closing pric
tional Settlement. under the h
Major - General A. P. D. Telfer- The chan
(Continued on Page 2) policy onr
dK placed UP(
Knudsen Sees prices stea
depression d
t Taxes last spring-
Wall Stree
ever, as af
Near Danger improveme
rather than
BOSTON, Ot. 8.--PA)-William S. generally.
Knudsen, president of the General
Motors Corporation, tonight told 1,- Col
200 Massachusetts industrialists "tax- ,e C;
ation of capital is just reaching the Of

ahead of confiscation, and we all
know what that means." Nearly ev
"I sincerely trust that ways and States is re
means will be found to arrest this of men dan
class movement (taxation of capi- present her
tal) before it becomes so strong that torical Ass
nothing can stop it," Knudsen said in the year.
a prepared address before the as- All of the
sociated industries of Massachusetts. semble are
One of the leading figures in the Only three1
recent automobile strike, Knudsen formancei
expressed hope a< gulf between capi- the troupe
tal and labor would not widen. casion wast
"American industry must go for- program w
ward, fight or no fight," he asserted. Barton
"Let us hope we can go forward eral solos
peacefully and in an orderly man- with Shaw
ner, without class cleavage entering company,w
into the question. after a per
"Our standard of living has been Stadium in
obtained by narrowing the gulf be- was borni
tween capital and labor. To widen brought up
it will iint-iiiptionahl tend to lower +in^"ovy

ource BynMussolini
4Zlii I' DUce Celebrates His 15th
Anniversary Of Rise As
I Fascist Leader
Co-Operative I
-1ierm s Bolshevism
a ln eeTptino

coordinating the activities
Lions working to further
ative movement in Ann
be discussed at a meeting
d groups at 8 p.m. Monday
atives from the Security,
of the Progressive Club,
dent Men's Organization]
operative Council, will at-
eeting. Harold Gray, di-
e Saline Valley Coopera-
and a few faculty mem-
so be present.
operative Council was
fall and is composed of
ves from the Rochdale
Socialist House, the Wol-
the Girls' Cooperative.
gin Buying;
yes Are Up
xchange Is Filledl
Purchase Orders
ade Opening
)RK, Oct. 28.-A)- The
serve Board stimulant to
ing of securities found a
Aent todcay in the stock
the prices of leading is-
one dollar to four dollars
d's action in lowering mar-
ments for buyers from 55
cent, and imposing a 50
quirement for short-sell-
the Stock Exchange with
rs at the opening of trad-
orite issues rose six dollars
the first hour of dealings.
1,000 to 15,000 shares
rnds as.the "shorts," those
ld stocks they didn't own
pectation of further de-
rices, bought at the best
ould get to make delivery
ort-cGvering" demand in
was so heavy that it was

Menace' To Peace
ROME, Oct. 28.- (P)-Premier
Benito Mussolini today celebrated
the 15th anniversary of Fascism's
rise to power with an open declara-
tion for treaty revision that would
give back Germany the African col-
onies stripped from her at the end
of the World War.
"Peace!" Mussolini declared was
the watchword for the 16th year of
Fascist power. But he added:
"For a durable and fruitful peace
it is necessary that Bolshevism be
eliminated in Europe, starting with
Spain. It is necessary that some
clauses of the peace, treaties be re-
t Speaks In Forum
"It is necessary that a great people,
the German people, have once more
the place to which they' are entitled
and which they once possessed in the
African sun."
The speech at Mussolini Forum,
in celebration of the 15th anniver-
sary of the Fascist march on Rome,
was the first time Mussolini clearly
and openly had thrown his weight
behind Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler's
renewed struggle for colonial pos-
sessions for Germany.
More than 100,000 Blackshirt lead-
ers heard Mussolini make what Fasc-
ist commentators said was the an-
nouncement to the world of his pro-
gram for the coming year. A Ger-
man delegation led by Rudolf Hess,
German Minister without portfolio
and Hitler's personal representative,
was present.
Salute Hitler
"Heil, Der Fuehrer!" the assembled
Blackshirts shouted in German as
the Nazi delegation marched into
Mussolini Forum. Since Monday
night the Fascist leaders had been
moving on Rome by truck and train
in a symbolic reenactment of the
march on Rome 15 years ago.
Diplomats interpreted Mussolini's
espousal of German colonial de-
mands as the result of an agreement
reached during his recent state visit
to Germany by which Italy and
Germany would march hand in hand
in colonial matters.

The Ann Arbor police had a busy
day yesterday.
Five stolen cars were reported
stolen by townspeople, but police de-
partment officials said that the autos
had merely been towed into a garage
because they had been parked diag-
onally on Huron Street last night
when the parallel parking order
into effect. The motorists paid
towage charges before their cars were
Then officers had to go out and
re-arrest Floyd Macey, 38 years old
541 S. Fourth Ave., on a drunk and
disorderly charge after Mackey had
taken advantage of the confusion
at the police station where the de-
partment is being moved across the
hall to walk out while awaiting ar-
New Machinest
Outmode Craf ts,
Homer Claimsr
Progressive Club To Call
Tri-State Convention Of
Liberal Student Groups
The AFL-CIO schism springs from
changes in machine technique that
have created a mass of easily re-
placeable unskilled workers, Robert
Horner of the economics department,
told 50 persons at the rcgressive
Club meeting last night in the Union.
"Union stupidity" in maintaining
high wages in the face of seasonal
and cyclical declines in the demand
for products was criticized by Mr.
Horner on the ground that workers
have often found themselves with
"beautiful wage scales but no jobs."
More intelligent union policy, Mr.
Horner said, consists in a disciplined
and responsible fight for labor's in-
terests without ruthlessness.
An Ann Arbor convention of lib-
eral students from Michigan and
parts of Ohio and Indiana is being
planned for Dec. 4 and 5 by the Pro-
gressive Club and the Wayne Univer-
sity American Student Union chap-
ter, Chairman Philip Cummins, '39,
Harry Purdy, '38, was elected tem-
porary president of the club last
night. Joseph Boyd, '38, was chosen
chairman of the racial and social
equality committee and George Mut-
nick, '38, chairman of the civil lib-
erties and academic freedom com-
A lecture on Loyalist Spain's edu-
cational system by Joseph P. Lash,
national secretary of the American
Student Union, on Monday, Nov. 8
will climax an intensive drive during
the coming week to bring members
nto the Progressive Club.
,Madrid Off ice
Changes Place

Cam pusPeace Poll Shows
Heavy Ballot Cast Against
U.S. Neutral ty 'Legislation
Check-up Shows 142 Votes
Kirby Page DUJstS AtaC"".p hwsmz oe
r yAre Cast For Boycotting
; Prefers Neutrality Act To War Of Japan,_China, Spain

'Humiliation Of Pacifism'
Accepted Rather ThanI
Continued Warfare
Kirby Page shocked his audience
into a half-angry uproar when he
supported the Neutrality Act in the
discussion period which followed his
evening lecture.
But his support of the Neutrality
Act was based, he said, on accepting
the lesser of two evils, humiliating
pacifism rather than continued war-
"The Spanish people have suffered
more from their civil war than Italy
has under Fascism. A million killed,
damage irreparable - was is worse
than fascism. I say that as one who
looks with abhorrence on fascism.i
There's the very devil in fascism, but
there's a worse devil in the destruc-
tion of war."
He said that the application of theI
Neutrality Act, while it would have
helped Japan and perhaps brought
China to its knees, was still better
in doing this than the continued
killing of thousands of Chinese and
In the lecture itself Mr. Page laid
the responsibility for the Spanish
the Chinese-Japanese and the Ethio-
pian conflicts directly at the feet of
England, France and the United
The difference between the have-
nots and the haves is not the diff-
erence between robbers and gentle-
men, it is the difference betweenI
robbers who awoke too late to rob
and thieves who have already beat
them to it, Mr. Page continued.
England, the United States, France
and Soviet Russia have a semi-mon-
opoly over the world's natural re-
sources, whereas Italy, Japan and
Germany have not enough to supplyI
the needs of their industries, he said.'
There are only three ways by
which these have-nots can obta'n
(Continued on PP-ge 4)l
Lutheran Students'
Plan Study Group
Representatives of Lutheran Stu-
dent Associations will meet in Ann
Arbor today for the two day Ohio
Valley Regional Conference spon-
sored by the local Lutheran Student
Club, the Rev. Henry 0. Yoder an-
nounced yesterday.

Man Is Entitled To Fair'
Share Of Total Amount
Of Product, He Says
A gray and haggard social evan-!
gelist lost his grayness and his fa-j
tigue yesterday as he rose in dynamic
eloquence and blasted capitalism, its
philosophy and its practices, among
men and among nations, before two
audiences that filled Natural Science
"Religion is opium, .,religion is!
transforming power," Kirby Page,
noted author, world traveller and so-
cial evangelist prefaced his address.
"Man is entitled to a fair share of
the total amount of economic pro-
duct available to him and his breth-
ren. This is the answer of the 'high
religion' on the problem of distri-
bution." When a man lives in the
theory of this answer and in the
practice of the "Get asumuch as you
can school," he continued, "religion
is opium. It is a drug, it is paralysis."
Not till the end of his first lecture
did his audience fully understand
that the higher religion of which
Mr. Page spoke, the religion of mu-
tuality, equality and cooperation
and religion of transforming power
was a religion, a great part of whose
implications were those of socialism.
Mutuality, the ideal of the family,
service in ratio to one's strength,
consumption in ratio of one's need.
Page explained: Equality, implicit in
the idea of the brotherhood of man
under a divine intelligence. Cooper-.
ation, the only consistent method
and way of life which flows from the
principles of mutuality and equality.
Mutual suicide will be the ultimate
result of the continued existence of
our present property system, Mr.
5 Page continued. He painted a pic-
ture of millions of human beings
each struggling against each other
in the battlefield of life driven by
the idea of survival of the fittest and
of grabbing all they can.
He cited income figures for 1929;
10 billions for 36,000 families; 10
billions for 12 millions of others as
the catastrophic paradox of too much
and not enough purchasing power-_
not enough for the greater mass of
consumers of the country to keep
buying the output of industry.
"I can't give you the solution to
(Continued on P'age 2)t
Ford Will Confer
With City Manager
DETROIT, Oct. 28.-(P)-H. F.
McElroy, city manager of Kansas
City, will carry his request that the
Ford Motor Company reopen its
Kansas City branch to Henry Ford,
founder of the company, tomorrow.
McElroy, after his arrival from
Kansas City late today, conferred for
less than an hour with Harry H.
Bennett, Ford personnel director.
Bennett said afterwards that a
meeting with Ford had been ar-
ranged for about 11 a.m. tomorrow.

1,831 Ballots Cast
During Voting Here
Thumbs were turned down on neu-
trality legislation yesterday and Wed-
nesday in a crushing negative vote,
the final tabulations of the 1,831 bal-
lots cast in the peace poll sponsored
by the Student Religious Association
and the Daily indicated.
A complete check of ballots cast
by less than 20 per cent of the Uni-
versity students revealed that only
142 votes had been cast for the boy-
cott of Japan and China, Loyalist
and Insurgent Spain together.
Draws 375 Votes
Yesterday's balloting which closed
at 1:30 p.m. drew only 375 votes and
these left substantially unchanged
the majorities and pluralities that
had been returned Wednesday.
The questions and complete results
for both days are:
1. I believe in the present crisis the
United (States should officially boy-
a. China ................214
b. Japan .................961
c. Loyalist Spain... ...270
d. Insurgent Spain.......676
e. No Nation.............810
2. With regard to American na-
tionals and business interests in
China, I believe the United States
a. Protect them by military
force if necessary.......231s
b. Protect them only by
diplomatic measures ....789
c. Withdraw all protection .587
i. I will support the United States
a. Any way..............202
b. A war to defend conti-
nental United States . .1,258
c. A war to defend any de-
mocracy against fascist
invasion ...............170
d. A war to check Japanese
aggression in China . ... 48
d. No war ................360
4. With regard to student activity
in promoting peace, I favor:
a. Education by lectures,
discussions, etc. ......1,167
b. An annual nation-wide
student strike ..........354
c. Organized pressure on
Congress ..............715
d. No activity, because it is
Correlations Given
Correlations between votes showed
that 350 had voted to boycott Japan
and Insurgent Spain together, 254 to
boycott Japan alone, 43 to boycott
Japan, Loyalist and Insurgent Spain.
Twenty-two voted to boycott Japan
and Loyalist Spain; 19 voted to boy-
dott Insurgent Spain, 11 pressed to
boycott China and Japan.
Five voted to boycott Loyalist Spain,
(Continued on Page 4)
Floods, Gal e s
Take One Life;
Many Homeless
(By The Associated Press)

or so before opening prices Co0-perative 01
ermined. The first trans-
hrysler was 10,000 shares To Public Sui
lars up from yesterday's
he opening sale of United;


el was a block of 15,000 The Rochdale Student Co-opera-
four dollars. tive House, 640 Oxford Road, will be
n 1,000,000 shares changed open to the general public from 4 to{
the first hour's trading. 6 p.m. Sunday for an open house.
then quieted down, but Mrs. H. L. Pickerill and Mrs. E.
med in the last hour and W. Blakeman will be chaperons. Fifty
es generally were not far invitations have been sent to pro-
highs for the day. fessors and Ann Arbor townspeople
ige in the Reserve Board's known to be interested in coopera-
margin requirements-an tives.
from the restrictions The Rochdale House started by Mr.
on speculation as stock k H. L. Pickerill three years ago, has
dily advanced from the increased in membership from three
depths to the peak reached to 20, with six extra boarders.

-was quickly approved in
t. It was regarded, how-
factor for the short-term
nt of the stock market, 1
an element for the long-
of business conditions

Sophomores interested in trying
out as assistant basketball managers
are asked to report at 7:30 p.m. to-
day at the Yost Field House.

e Men From All Sections
U.S. Compose Shawn Troupe'
very section of the United I but was educated in Massachusetts.a

Dr. Carroll Rockey, formerly pas-
Of Governm ent tor for Lutheran students at the
University of Wisconsin will speak
at the opening fellowship dinner at
MADRID, Oct. 28. -(/P)-Home! 6:30 p.m. today in the Trinity Lu-
Secretary Julian Zugazagoitia an- theran Church.
nounced in a broadcast tonight from 1 At the meeting tomorrow morning,
Madrid that the seat of the Spanish Rev. Harold Yochum, national ad-
government was being transferred visor and Hortense Hage, acting stu-
from Valencia to Barcelona. dent secretary of the American Lu-
He gave as the reason the neces- theran Conference, will speak. The
sity of consolidating all forces for group will go to Greenfield Village
victory in the Civil War. tomorrow afternoon and will return'
The process of transferring the to hear Paul Kauper of the Law
government from Valencia almost a School address them at the confer-
year after its removal there from ence banquet. The student choir'
Madrid already is in progress, he said. will sing a number of Beethoven and
The Home Secretary announced one by Palmer.
the transfer was due to "strict na-
tional necessity" and said its com-
petion would be positive proof of Deadly Elixir V
solidarity between Qatalonia and the
government. By A t o i es
He explained the move would be By IU th'rities
no flight and had not been decided
upon precipitately, but rather only:
after most careful investigation and The recent deaths of 59 people,
many consultations. % poisoned by sulfanilamide elixir re-
During these consultations, Pre- sulted from the sale of a produci
mier Juan Negrin went to Barcelona., which had not been tested by com-
President Luis Companys of Cata- petent medical authorities and which'
lonia went to Valencia and both visit* under present laws, despite its deadly
Ioed Madrid. potentialities, does not have to bE
The move will entail transfer of tested, Dr. Ralph G. Smith of the
The oen lldip aimatranisferof iopharmacy college declared yesterday.
all foreign s diplomatic missions The chemical, a recently developed
which were established in Valencia synthetic compound is of great value

presented in the company
rcers that Ted Shawn will'
re Tuesday for the Ora-
ociation's first program of
eight members of the en-
college men and athletes.
took part in the first per-
in Boston in 1933, when
was founded. This oc-
the first on which a dance
as given by an exclusively
in an American theatre.
[umaw, who will have sev-
on the program, has been
n for six years, joining his
then a mixed ensemble,
formance in the Lewishon
the summer of 1931. He
in Pennsylvania but was
in Florida, and attended

He went to several different schools
in the Bay State, graduating from
Newton High School. When ShawnE
gave a performance in West Fal-
mouth, Mass., he became interested,
although he had never danced be-
fore. After a solid year of training,
under Shawn he had progressed so'
well that he became one of the
members of the men's group in its
first season.
Wilbur McCormack joined the
group as a result of Shawn's course
at the International Y.M.C.A. Col-
lege at Springfield, Mass., in 1932-33,
the first of its kind to be given in an
American college. A member of the
college wrestling team, he became
a member of Shawn's company after
his graduation.
Another athlete, Dennis Landers.




One life was lost on the West Coast
T and more than 200 families .were
as Not Tested driven from their homes in the East
last night by torrential rainstorms
Dr~ m th S ys andflooded rivers.
Dr. Sm ith Says A 60-mile galelashed the coast of
Washington, disrupting communica-
tions on the Olympic Peninsula and
since no positive evidence exists that causing one death.
it may be safely used internally. In the East, a steady downpour
While not fatal, sulfanilamide, too, bloated the rivers of Pennsylvania,
is an extremely dangerous chemical, Maryland and West Virginia, threat-
producing skin eruptions, rashes and ening a repetition of the floods that
certain kinds of anemia. The at- ravaged those areas early this year.
tempts of some of the victims to use The situation at Cumberland, Md.,
the elixir without doctors' orders ap- became so menacing late in the day
parently were responsible for some that a company of the national guard
of the deaths. was ordered out for flood duty., The
In many cases, however, the drug main business district stood under
was prescribed' by physicians. The eight inches of water. The Potomac
death toll graphically illustrates the River continued rising, although at
dangers of using solutions which have a diminishing rate.
not been subjected to exhaustive clin- Half of Ridgely, W. Va., across the
ical investigation. river from Cumberland. was under
It has been determined that the I water,
sulfanalimide was not responsible for!
the deaths. Patients who had been Rotten Apples Thrown
using the solid form experienced no I

las Noembr ater te government I
left Madrid.
Chebatoris Given
Death For Murder
BAY CITY, Oct. 28.-UP)-A Fed-!

in treating various forms of strepto-
coccic infections as well as several
types of pneumonia, meningitis and
urinary diseases. It has hitherto
been sold in the form of tablets which
have been approved by the American
Medical Association. The prepara-
tion causing death, however, was dis-
solved in another compound, di-ethy-

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