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October 17, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-17

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Can Sanctions Halt Japanese Invasion
Of China--Or Must World War Result?

In The Air

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of The
ftverslty. Copy received at the epee at the Assiteat to the Pre..Mda
muCr 3:30; 11:00 am. on Saturdy.


II ,

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publis/o-s Representative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Mlman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert May1o, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEP~ARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publicationsand Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.

were's A
ew Idea.. .

W E WON'T MAKE any bones about
this being propaganda. It hasn't
anything at all to do with Chinese babies or the
State Street slate or the regularity of trains in
Italy or the condition of the Romance Language
Building-and we're not sore at anybody about
anything. But there's a New Idea that we hap-
pened to hear about the other day that sounds
like it deserves a, healthy pat on the back.
The name of the New Idea is "The Association
Book Group" and it's a protege of the Student
Religious Association. Here's the proposition:
Once every two weeks 12 or 15 students drop
in at the League on Tuesday afternoon and
gather around in a circle of easy chairs in one
of the upstairs rooms. One of them gets up and
spends a quarter of an hour telling about a book
that he's read. Then the rest of the group
discusses it, asking questions, disagreeing, and
generally bulling, for an hour or so. That's
the procedure and this is why it can be
made into a really good thing if it's handled
1. For the individual it only means reading
one outside book a year, while for the group it
means getting acquainted with at least a dozen
worthwhile volumes.
2. The group isn't going to be a literary so-
ciety, but is going to combine reputable litera-
ture with pressing and interesting problems of
the day in its selection of books.
3. The limited size of the group (or groups)
will insure that informal atmosphere which is
the only sensible medium for an enterprise like
It is expected that more than 15 students will
be interested,but the sponsors intend that they
be divided into groups of that size, functioning
The thing ought to go over. There is plenty
of room for something of the sort on this campus.
Once properly organized, it can do a lot of good
with a minimum of effort. Meeting No. 1
is going to be held this Tuesday afternoon at the
League. If you're willing to take a flyer at some-
thing a little different, we advise you to drop in.
County Jails Branded
"THE MAJORITY of county jails are stinking,
lousy places, unsuited for :habitation." That
is the testimony of an expert, Warden Joel R.
Moore of Southern Michigan Prison.
The language is not pretty, but probably is
accurate. At least Warden Moore is not alone
in holding such an opinion. A couple of years
ago, Sanford Bates, then director of the Federal
Bureau of Prisons, said: "Under present deplor-
able conditions, the local jail often, is a sort of
third-degree place in which even a decent, inno-
cent man would be tempted to confess a crime
that he might get out of jail and into a state
When one considers that in these jails in many
cases youthful first offenders come in contact
with hardeneI criminals, one must protest that
the warnings of these experts must be heeded.
-Detroit News.

An Editorial
were excoriated in yesterday's
correspondence by a pacifist who called for "eco-
nomic boycotts" as a means to stop these "mon-
strosities." We are surprised that he did not
attack this column for its stand of a few days
back in which this appeared:
"It is evident that American cooperation with
the League or the other seven powers in the
Nine-Power Pact in economic action against
Japan must be backed by the willingness, even
the desire, to use military force if such sanctions
are not to be futile."
On the basis that war can not settle anything
the editorial went on to advocate an isolationist
stand and the utilization of the "neutrality act."
It seems now that it is far from evident to many
people that an international economic boycott
of Japan means war. An expansion of our view
on sanctions seems in order.
- If the Japanese are to be "starved out," it is
obvious that each nation that is in a position to
ship needed raw materials to Japan must with-
hold them. What are the possibilities that this
will happen?
There can be no question of Italy's and Ger-
many's non-cooperation with economic sanctions
against Japan. The German-Japanese anti-
communist pact and the recent withdrawal of
Italian aviators from the Chinese army pre-
cludes that. Italy and Germany condemning
Japan would be much like a resurrection of
Dill~nger and "Dutch" Shultz shaking a finger at
Al Capone.
It is also difficult to believe that some of the
fascistic South American countries would give
_up an opportunity to reap a bounteous harvest
from a fertile market.
A paper on "Raw Materials and Colonies" is-
sued by the Royal Institute of International
Affairs in London tells us that Japan's main
difficulties with raw materials would be defi-
ciencies in cotton, petroleum, rubber and iron.
These shortages would appear to make Japan
particularly vulnerable to sanctions. But the
appearance in this case is deceiving.
China Great Cotton Producer
China is the world's third largest producer of
cotton, growing 10 per cent -of the world's supply.
Most of this is planted in North China. Peiping
dispatches indicate that Japan's conquest of
North China is near completion. And Brazil
would undoubtedly supplement this with her 4.7
per cent of the world's supply of cotton.
That the United States controls 60 per cent
of the world's petroleum is little consolation when
Venzuela taps 9.8 per cent. Moreover the extrac-
tion of petroleum products from coal has reached
a point where Germany with only 0.1 per cent of
the world's oil declares herself self-sufficient.
And Japan has a sufficiency of coal.
Brazil, in addition to cotton, has rubber to
sell. If this does not suffice the Japanese can
manufacture their own. A synthetic rubber is
on the market now which excels the natural.
Its price is from five to seven times that of na-
tural rubber. But cost is no deterrent to a nation
at war,
In regard to iron, Japan is only partly depen-
dent on outside supplies. Reclamation of scrap
iron would undoubtedly carry her on for several
years. If not, Chile produces as much iron as
does Japan.
But skepticism is always deplored. "Why not
attempt to bring all nations into sanctions
against Japan before assuming the defeatist
garb?" the query might go. Why lower the
lifeboats when the iceberg is sighted ahead?
Why not wait until the pumps fail?
The pumps in this case seem to have been
fouled. The Nine-Power Conference seems so
surely doomed that none of the three possible
skippe'rs will take the wheel. The United
States, England and France have all refused to
hold the conference in their capitals for fear that
the onus of an unproductive discussion will place
the responsibility for action upon themselves.
* * * *
Are Sanctions Desirable?
Nevertheless, even if the dreams of the collec-
tive security hopefuls come true and sanctions,
by some mysterious means, do become effective,

is the result a desirable one?
It is *certain that effective sanctions would
not affect Japan for six months or a year,
Possibly longer. It is hardly believable that
the Japanese people would realize in this period
that they have been led astray by their leaders.
They are bombarded by government propaganda.
They trust fanatically in the Mikado, who sup-
ports the Chinese expedition. It seems more
probable that they would become unified under
outside pressure, just as the Loyalists of Madrid
grimly clench their teeth as Franco's bombers
roar overhead.
w Then, if the international hold on the Japanese
throat should tighten to the point where a drink
of petroleum and a chew of rubber is indispensible
to a continued battle, would the Japanese give up
the struggle?
In the World War Germany invaded Roumania
and lubricated its war machine with Roumanian
oil. Is the analogy too far fetched to say that
the Dutch East Indies produce three-fourths
as much oil as Roumania and 37.4 per cent of
the world's rubber supply?
In the World War Germany did not fear
'American entrance into the war. She felt that
our supplies to the Allies were injuring her to
such an extent that our active participation in
the war against her could do little more damage.
And she continued her submarine warfare. Japan
could hardly feel differently about the Dutch. ,
It must be remembered that a nation at war

suicide. Hara-kiri. Japanese fliers do not carry
parachutes. If defeated, they want no escape.
Officers in command of minor skirmishes cut
their abdomens open if they are decisively de-
Invasion Means War
The invasion of the Dutch East Indies by the
Japanese means a world war. England is sure
to become involved on the side of the Dutch.
Germany, Italy and certain of the fascistic
middle-European states, in return for certain re-
muneration, would probably aid Japan. The
question of who would win such a war is unim-
portant. The point is that there would be war.
Isolation, although not an infallible guarantee
of peace for America, seems the only practicable
solution. However, to those advocates of inter-
national cooperation who seek more protection
than a "bomb-proof" cellar offers, we tender this
suggestion. There is a peace plan more pleasing
theoretically than sanctions. It too seems im-
practicable. But is indefinitely more worthwhile
than economic boycotts and would probably end
the bloodshed in the Far East. It is the idea
advanced by the Rt. Hon. George Lansbury when
he spoke here some time ago:
"We should call a new world conference of all
the nations-get our experts around the table
and have them devise a scheme of dividing the
markets of the world equitably and with justice
... What we need is a purge of spirit. We must
give up our imperialistic notions."



By Heywood Broun
Many of the critics of President Roosevelt hold
against him the fact that he is a superb show-
man. I think there should be no ground for
complaint in that. In a sense the Chief Execu-
tive of the United States is under an obligation
to sell the business of government to the people.
And when the issues are dramatized in effec-
tive fashion the debate becomes more general.
Dictatorships prefer to have things arranged
with a minimum of free discussion. The meth-
ods of Franklin Delano Roosevelt are certainly
provocative. Granted that many of his theories
are in themselves contentious. I also maintain
that he has often flung them out in such a chal-
lenging way that he was actually inviting his bp-
ponents to declare themselves.
Take, for instance, the Supreme Court plan.
At the moment we are not discussing its merits.
I can think of no other President except pos-
sibly the preceding Roosevelt who could have
brought the man in the street into the argument
on such an abstruse problem. For centuries
the average American has regarded all things
legal as constituting a kind of game preserve
on which only the barristers were allowed to bring
their shotguns. But, after all, the judicial is one
of the three co-ordinate branches of our system.
Surely bits preservation or revision should not
be left to a small minority of the members of
a democracy.
* * * *
Everybody's Job
Again it seems to me that the threat of war is
intensified at such times as our' millions remain
ignorant about the issues involved. Practically
nobody in America was aware of the fact when
the spark was struck which brought about the
last world conflict. I do not want to commit
myself right off as to whether the President's
declarations in the existing international situa-
tion seem wise or unwise. Like many of my
fellows, I wouldn't know. But, whatever occurs,
none of us will have a right to say that the
question has not been underlined and boldly
put forward into the national forum. Our eyes
are opened. The decision should and will lie
with us.
Certain excellent arguments may be raised in
favor of isolation. But even the most ardent ad-
vocate of remaining in our own back yard can
hardly say that complete indifference or com-
plete ignorance will be helpful in framing a na-
tional policy.
President Roosevelt has been criticized for
making what are called surprise moves. And yet
in many cases there is ample evidence that these
are not in reality snap judgments. The most
bitterly unfair thing which has been said by
any partisan is the assertion that the Chicago
speech about lawless nations was simply pulled
out of a hat in order to get the issue of Justice
Black off the front page. Many experienced
newspaper commentators in Washington are de-
cidedly opposed to the President politically, but
practically all of them admit that whether for
wear or woe the Chicago speech was the fruit
of discussion with Secretary Hull and other na-
tional leaders.
* * * *
Surprise As A Technique
I think it is sound statesmanship and good
stage management to emphasize problems by
throwing them out in a dramatic way rather than
by having them straggle into the popular con-
sciousness by little leaks unauthorized or de-"
liberate. Statesmanship must have in it some-
thing of the game quality which makes for suc-
cess in the theatre.
Every President hopes that those things in

But it is around Toscanini's un-
paralleled genius and reputation that
the undertaking has been planned,
and it is for him, the most exacting of
:3onductors, the NBC is spending some
$400,000 to bring together 96 of the
finest artists of this country and
abroad into a super-super, all-star
symphony orchestra. What willhap-
pen with all the instrumental prima
donnas thrown together in one re-
hearsal room is intriguing to antici-
pate. The ability of the players to ad-
just themselves to each other and to
new and unfamiliar (accoustically)
playing conditions, to achieve not
only unity and flexibility of tech-
nique, but also the equally important
solidarity of morale, is a matter of
some question.
It is a noble undertaking, if also a
risky one. It is a signal and neces-
sary step forward, by which radio be-
comes not merely the friend and abet-
tor of the symphony, but a sort of
father and protagonist in its own
right. But if it is an ill wind that blows
nobody good, it is no wind at all that
blows no one ill. Old, established or-
chestras have been robbed of their
leading players; eligibilities for serv-
ice pensions have been destroyed and
replaced only with a one year con-
tract punctuated with a question
mark; the competition of the pluto-
cratic NBC has raised the pay-level
for artists, making it more difficult
than ever for the smaller, deficiency-
fighting orchestras-which are really
the symphonic backbone of the na-
tion-to make ends meet.
But these disruptions, and the na-
tural readjustments which go to mend
them, are inevitable with progress in
any field. What is a matter of more
concern at the moment is the hour
for the broadcasts. When Olin
Downes, in the New York Times of
Sept. 19, announced and approved
the choice of Saturday evening from
9 to 10:30 as the appointed time, he
drew a whole barrage of disappointed,
indignant-and what is more, per-
tinent and, to us, unanswerable-let-
ters. The managers of the St. Louis
and Cincinnati Symphonies were the
leaders in a long line of correspon-
dents who made, at length and in toto,
the following summarized points:
(1). Thursday evening, which best
fitted broadcasting schedules and was
originally proposed, was later relin-
quished because it interfered with the
regular subscription concerts of the
New York Philharmonic. But where
broadcasting is concerned it is the
nation at large, not one (even-the
local chauvinists notwithstanding -
New York) city, which is of para-
mount importance.
(2). In New York, Saturday night
may mean "only" the Students' Series
of concerts-but in the remaining,
the backwoods portion of the coun-
try, Saturday night, almost without
exception, is Symphony Night; and
local subscribers to the home town
concerts would either be unable to
hear Toscanini or else unwilling to
undergo two symphonic operations in
the same evening. Unloyal citizens


ever-increasing role played by ra-
dio in the musical life of the nation,
the music department of the New
York Sun has announced that hence-
forth it will offer reviews, not only of
the regular New York concerts and
recitals, but of the more important
musical broadcasts as well. Oscar
Thompson, successor to the late W. J.
Henderson as Musical Editor of the
Sun, intimates that the reviewing
approach for the radio may differ
slightly from the usual, since most
radio concert programs are planned
with an eye to breadth and variety of
appeal rather than to artistic depth.
And, Mr. Thompson admits, the selec-
tion of the few "more important" pro-.
,rams out of the vast multitude of
musical broadcasts will probably lead
at times to a good deal of quibbling.
However, we can think of one pro-
gram out of the many planned for the
young season which, we wager, will be
admitted to the chosen group without
,o much as a solitary quibble. In fact,
it was probably the inauguration of
this program, more than any other
one thing, which brought about the
forward-looking decision on the part
of the Sun. We refer to the series of
Toscanini concerts to be broadcast
during the winter by the newly-
,ormed NBC Symphony under the di-
rection of the illustrious Italian
Perhaps to label the series by Tos-
canini's name is to be both unfair and
inaccurate, since the former guest
,onductor of the New York Philhar-
mnonic will be in charge for only 10
weeks out of the Orchestra's 52-week
Season. The series will open on Sat-
urday night, Nov. 13, with Pierre
.Aonteux, of the San Francisco Sym-
)hony, as conductor for three weeks.
Then will come Artur Rodzinski of
the Cleveland Symphony for a short
stay before Mr. Toscanini finally ar-
rives to conduct the first of his 10
broadcasts on Christmas evening.
The conductors to follow Toscanini
are as yet unnamed.

(Continued from Page 3)
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the current
academic year, 1937-38, are informed
that examinations will be offered in
Room 108, Romance Languages Bldg.
from 2 to 5, on Saturday afternoons,
Oct. 30, Jan. 22, May 21, and Aug. 13.
It will be necessary to register at the
office of the Department of Romance
Languages (112R.L.) at least one week
in advance. Lists of books recom-
mended by the various departments
are obtainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the nature
of the requirement which will be
found helpful, may be obtained at
the office of the Department, and fur-
ther inquiries may be addressed to
Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Saturdays at
10 and by appointment).
Hillel Foundation: Classes in con-
versational Hebrew will begin at
10:30 Sunday morning at the Hillel
Foundation. There is no charge for
the courses.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carilloneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower, Sun-
day evening, October 17, from 7:30
to 8:30 o'clock.
The Annual Ann Arbor Artists Ex-
hibition, held in the West and South
Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall,
is open daily, including Sundays, from
2 to 5 p.m. The exhibition continues
through Oct. 27. Admission is free to
Graduate Outing Club: Lane Hall,
Sunday, 3 p.m. Transportation pro-
vided to Camp Newkirk, Dexter
Sports, refteshments and fireside
program. All graduate students in-
Phi Eta Sigma Meeting: Union
6:30. Important business meeting.
Hillel Foundation: Leader, Prof. A
D. Moore, "The Machine Age-Some
Misconceptions." 8:00, social hour.
Research Club: Room 2528 E. Medi-
cal Bldg. Wednesday, Oct. 20, 8 p.m
Speaker: Prof. Bradley M: Patten
"Micromoving Pictures Applied to
the Study of Living Embryo." Annua
election of officers. Council meeting
at 7:30 p.m.
All Freshman Men: Monday, Oct
18, 4 p.m., Natural Science Auditor.
ium. To make plans for class games
Full attendance requested.
Tryouts for 'Ensian Business Staff:
Monday, Oct. 18, 4 p.m., Student
Publications Bldg. All students in-
terested please report.
Phi Lambda Upsilon: Tuesday, Oct
19, 7:30 p.m., Room 303 Chemistry
Bldg. Important business meeting
Faculty Women's Club: Book Shelf
and Stage Section at home of Mrs
Ernest F. Barker, 18 Ridgeway, Tues-
day, October 19, 2:45 p.m.
Geology Journal Club: Room 3065
Natural Science, Tuesday, October 19
Speaker, Mr. L. B. Kellum, "The 17th
International Geological Congress in
the U.S.S.R."
Physics Colloquium: Speaker, Mr
Harold Lifschutz, "Recent Innova-

tions in Geiger Counter Work, Mon-
day, Oct. 18, 1041 E. Physics Bldg.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry:
Talk: Dr. R. W. Gillette, "The Wave
Mechanical Theory of the Covalent
Bond with Special Reference to the
Resonance Energy. Part I," Wednes-
day, Oct. 20, 4:15.
..Phi Sigma Society: Wednesday,
Oct. 20, 8:00 p.m., 2116 Natural
Science Bldg. Talk: Dr. Kenneth L.
Jones, "Bacterial Variation." Visitors
Bibliophiles: Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2:30
p.m. at the Michigan League.
Iota Sigma Pi: Tuesday, Oct. 19,
7:30 p.m. at the League. All mem-
bers urged to attend this business
Deutscher Verein: Tuesday, Oct. 19,
8:00 p.m., League. Talk: Mr. W. F.
Striedick, "Reisseindrucke von Deut-
Striedick, "Reiseindrucke von Deut-
ed invited.
Nell Gwyn: Tryouts Monday, Oct.
18, and Wednesday, Oct. 20, 7:30 at
the League. See bulletin board for

University will addess the Guild on
the subject, "The University of Mich-
igan Around the World."
The First Congregational Church,
William and State St.
10:45 Service of worship. Sermon
by Dr. Leonard A. Parr. His subject
will be "Three Things Every Man
Should Know."
6:00 Student Fellowship. Student
panel discussion led by Mr. Howard
Holland. The subject for discussion
will be "When Is A Student Well Edu-
First Methodist Church: 10:40
a.m. Morning worship. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Give Me
Four Years."
Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
class. Prof. John S. Worley of the
Transportation°Department will lead
a discussion based on Link's book
"The Return to Religion."
6:00 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Prof. Bennett Weaver will speak on
"Sources of Power." Supper and Fel-
lowship Hour following the meeting.
All Methodist students and their
friends are cordially invited to attend
,he class and Wesleyan Guild.
First Presbyterian Church.
Meeting at the Masonic Temple 327
S. Fourth Ave.
10:45 a.m., "If I Were You" is the
subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon
it the Morning Worship Service. Mu-
sic by the student choir is under the
direction of Dr. E. W. Doty. The mu-
sical numbers will be as follows: Or-
;an Prelude, "O Lamb Gottes" by
Bach; Anthem, "Salvation is Creat-
Ad" by Tschesnokoff; solo, "Prayer"
'y Guion..
5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu-
dlent group, supper' and fellowship
.our. At the meeting which follows
?rof. Stuart A. Courtis will speak to
'he group on the topic "Can We Have
Common Ideas about Religion?" A
cordial invitation is extended to all
students of Presbyterian affiliation
and their friends.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Liberty
and Third:
The morning service will be con-
ducted by the pastor and begins at
10:45. His topic will be: "Earth has
no sorrow that heaven cannot heal."
Lutheran Student Club: Prof. John
L. Muyskens of the department of
speech will be the speaker- Sunday
evening at 6 p.m. at St. Paul's Luth-
eran Student Club which meets at
Liberty and Third streets. His ad-
dress on "Personality" will follow the
upper. Lutheran students and others
nterested are cordially invited to hear
W Trinity Lutheran Church. Fifth and
Williams.. Services at 10:30 a.m. Dr.
T. Kantonen of Hamma Divinity
School will preach on "Meeting The
Vital Needs."
Lutheran Student Club will meet in
Zion Parish Hall corner of Fifth Ave.
and Washington St. Sunday at 5:30
p.m.. Supper will be served at 6 p.m.
The Dr. T. Kentonen Ph.D. of Hamma
Divinity School, Springfield, Ohio,
will be the speaker. His theme will be
"Practical Implications of A Student's
Unitarian Church:,11 a.m. service,
Mr. Marley will speak on "Two Bos-
ton Reformers-Theodore Parker and
Edward Filene."
8:15 p.m. Church party, music by
Campus Commanders.
Harris Hall: Prof. Robert Angell of
the Sociology Department will speak
to the Episcopal Student Guild Sun-
da night at Harris Hall, The meet-
ing will begin at 7 p.m. Refreshments
will be served. All Episcopal students
and their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8

a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
Church School, 11 a.m. Kindergarten,
11 a.m. morning prayer and sermon
by The Rev. Frederick=W. Leech.
First Baptist Church, Sunday,
10:45 morning worship and sermon,
Rev. Howard R. Chapman.
Roger Williams Guild, 12 noon, fol-
lowing church worship, student class
meets at Guild House. 6 p.m. the
guild meets for address and forum.
The speaker will be Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Ed-
ucation, whose subject is announced
as "Ostrich Christians at Michigan."
Social hour and refreshments.
Sunday's Program at the Hillel
Foundation is as follows:
10:30 a.m.-Council meeting.
3:00 p.m.-Pop concert.
4:30 p.m.-Meeting of the Pales-
tine Club.
8:00 p.m.-Forum. Speaker, Prof.
H. Y. McClusky, "If I Were a New
Student." Social following the forum.
Lutheran Student Club Choir will
again be organized this year under
the leadership of Mr. Clifford Burg.
Mr. Burg comes to us with every good
qualification and the choir is con-
templating a successful year. This


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