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October 12, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-12

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TUESDAY, OCT. 12, 1937

Eddy Searches
For Substitute
For Morphine;
Director Of Study Reports
150 New Substances
Found In Experiments
In an attempt to prepare a non-
habit forming substitute for mor-
phine more than 150 new substances
have been brought to light, it was!
disclosed yesterday by the pharma-
cology department.
Dr. Nathan B. Eddy has been di-
recting the study here for the past
seven years. He said that no such
ubstitute has yet been found among
the 323 compounds investigated, but
that a large number of important
facts in the chemistry and pharma-
cology of morphine have been dis-
Virginia Aids Study
The University of Virginia is pre-
paring the various compounds to be'
tested; the pharmacology department
here observes the physiological effects
of the substances on animals; and
the U.S. Public Health Service co-
operates in the clinical study of the
addicting properties.
In the work here, it was found that3
some animals react better to certain
effects of the drugs than others. For
this, reason many animals are usedz
in testing each compound.l
Mice are the cheapest animals. Dr.l
Eddy explained that they are used to
discover just how large a dose will
cause death. Cats are used to deter-
mine the pain relieving properties1
and rats to measure the ability of
the drug to cause sleep.
Monkeys Are Used1
Monkeys are used to investigate~the
habit-forming properties. Rabbits1
respond best in the matter of de-
creasing frequency of respiration. For
the intestinal effect (the usual ef-1
fect here is constipation) dogs are1
Many of the compounds tested
here were derivatives of morphine,l
substances which can be obtained
from morphine itself, Dr. Eddy said.
This line of investigation was handi-
capped by the discovery' that prac-R
tically all the morphi'e derivatives1
possess some of the undesirable prop-
erties of morphine itself.
New Compounds Made
This led to attempts to prepare the7
new substances by synthesis aboutl
a simple molecular "base," which re-7
sembles the "core" of the morphine1
molecule to some degree. It was in
this work that a large number of'
compounds were prepared that had
never been made before.
A number of these compounds, Dr.1
Eddy indicated, have a high degree
of pain relieving power. "However, for
one reason or another these syn-
thetic substances are not yet suitable.
for use in man."
It is hoped that just as the intro-
duction of the non-habit forming,
novocaine decreased addition to co-
caine, the result of the work here
will reduce addition to morphine, Dr.
Eddy said.
- A

New $10,000 Arthritis Clinic Dr. Jay Claims
Rapidly Nearing Completion Here' Dental Caries

Band Makes Hit Number Of Large Industries

At Purple Tilt;!
?t To Hold Benefit


Research Is Made Possible
By Grant From Horace
H. Rackham Foundation'
(Continued from Page 1)
of the most important diseases, he
said, for it ranks at the top eco-
nomically with anyof the more fatal
diseases, such as tuberculosis and!
cancer, which heretofore have caused
greater concern because of their high
mortality rate.
However, although seldom fatal,
Pledges Total
494; Average
12 Per House
Council President Advises
Investigation To Uncover
Cause Of Less Pledging
(Continued from Page 2)
Marino, William Mogel and Philip
Phi Sigma Delta: Harvey Acker-
man, James Berger, Sumner Cotton,
Harold Epstein, Hartley Goldstein,
Edmund Harris, Richard Klaus,
George Nedler, Lester Persky, Ber-
nard Sissman, Samuel Soloman and
Jack Stahl, Howard Greenberg, Herb
Raskin. ,
Phi Sigma Kappa: Robert Hamil-
ton, Harold McGregor, Richard Ma-
har, Richard Northway, John Sobe-
sky, Laurence Smith, Ralph Clark,
Harold Weekler and Robert Hartnett.
Pi Lambda Phi: Stanley Botwinik,
Irwin Clamage, Robert Cohl, Sheldon
Ettinger, James Frankel, Richard
Harmel, Bertram Lefkowich, Jerome
Rusem and Sheridan Winkleman.
Psi Upsilon: Marcus Arthur, Wil-
liam Briggs, Henry Calcutt, Glen
Callandar, Gordon Carver, Hugh
Clayton, Jack Crosslay, Paul Durfee,
John Haglin, Clarence Kleinschmit,
John Kumler, Rex Latham, John Mc-
Elfresh, George Miller, William New-
ton, Donald Spencer and John Van
Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Quentin
Baker, Robert Bogle, Robert Burke-
halter, Arthur Davidson, Joseph
Foote, Robert Hague, Raymond Ing-
ham, Glen Kendall, William Kloep-
pel, Robert Moorhead, Joseph Ohman,
Miles Porter, Robert Roy, Carl
Schlegel, James Schooley, Chandler
Simonds, Henry Tuttle, Bennett Root,
Richard Shetter, Thomas Holcomb
and William Cannon.
Sigma Alpha Mu: Julius Aisner,
Robert Bieberstein, Bernerd Bloom,
Robert Cohn, Arnold Dana, Leo
Federman, Charles Handel, Mortimer
Kohn, Harold Levinson, Richard
Posmantur, William Simon, Milford
Ungerman and Howard Weisberg.
Sigma Chi: William Bigler, Edward
Bragg, Peter Brown, William Coch-
rane, William Collette, John Cory,
Merton DeLancey, William Gambill,
Frank Hook, George Hughes, Steven
Johnson, Alvin Kelso, Charles Knapp,
Douglas Knight, Edwin Lorig, Blan
Lucas, Allan Markham, Talmus
Markham, Joseph Mason, Herman
Nordstrom, James Ogle, Robert Reut-
ter, Robert Rimqke, John Shepard,
James Wilkinson and Robert Shulters.
Sigma Nu: Wayne Belles, Robert
Bragg, William Buchanan, Kenneth
Eckhardt, Arthur Fox, Harry Gibson,
Jack Grant,Jack Merriweather and
Clarence Foessler.
Sigma Phi Thomas Aigler, Dallas
Cameron, Philip Clapp, Gil Conger,
James Hynes, Paul Johnson, Stephen
Johnson, Robert King, Walter Lait-
ner, Frederick Linselle, Verne Mark-
ley, Neal Seegert and John DeVine.
Sigma Phi Epsilon: Thomas Arm-
strong, John Canavan, Franklin Clif-
ford, Robert Cranston, Edward Har-
rison, George Howard, Robert Lowert,

Ben Munn, Bruce Smith and Edward
Tau Kappa Epsilon: George H.
Boyce, Robert J. O'Brien, George
Scott, Gordon Stumpf and John
Winne, Jr.
Theta Chii: Edward Clark, Law-
renceCrawford, Edwin Deale, Samuel
Henderson, John Overton, Jack Sul-
livan, William Taylor, Francis Col-
lins, Lowell Williamson and Karl
Theta Delta Chi: John Barr, Basil
Edwards, Burns Huttlinger, Fred
Lamb, Edward Martin, James Mona-
han, Roger Muzzel, James Neilson,
Paul Parks, Karl Schairer, William
Sherzer, George Thomson and Gene
Theta Xi: Vernon Applegate,
Thomas Black, Philip Cavanaugh,
William Carter, Philip Conley, John
Harwood, John Henry, William Hep-
pinstall, John Lamb, Harry Lynn,
William Mayo, Thomas Nesbit, Ar-
nold Mignery, George Rulison, John
Sinclair, William Wood, Brooks Latt,
Harvey Ellsworth.
Triangle: Robert Bishop, Russell
Carey, Earnest' Petersen and Steve
Trigon: . John Collman, Maurice
Dalby, Wesley First, Richard Howard,

Caused ByDie

arthritis is no less disastrous, Dr.
Freyberg believes, for the sufferers
incapacitated are more numerous
than those euffering from tubercu-
losis, heart disease and cancer com-
bined. In 1932, it was estimated:
that there was a loss of 7,500,000
work-weeks with a monetary equiva-
lent of $200,000,000 to those disabled
by chronic arthritis.
Arthritis, commonly known to the
layman as rheumatism, is a painful,
crippling disease of the joints for
which medical science has, as yet,
found no cure, he said.
"Because the study of this disease
has been so long delayed compara-1
tively little is known about it and!
the large bulk of patients afflicted
with arthritis have one or more types,
the cause of which is entirely un-
Continued from Page 4)
13, 8:15 p.m. "The Present Crisis in
China's Affairs," Arno L. Bader. Not-
ices have been sent to all members
whose addresses are unchanged from
last year. Student members should
consider this notice as an invitation.
Alpha Kappa Delta: The first regu-
lar meeting will be held at the home
of Prof. Arthur E. Wood, 3 Harvard
Place on Wednesday, Oct. 13, at 7:45
p.m. Please be prompt.
Pi Lambda Theta meeting Wednes-
day evening at 7:30 p.m .in the Pi
Lambda Theta Room of the Univer-
sity Elementary School. Members are
urged to be present. Plans for the
programs for the coming year will be
The University of Michigan Radio
Club will hold its first meeting of the
year Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m. in Room 318-
20 Union. The club invites every one
having an interest in radio communi-
Alpha Nu: On Wednesday evening,
Oct. 13, Alpha Nu will hold an open
meeting to which all freshmen and
new men on the campus are cordially
invited to attend. We wish to acquaint
you with the program of Alpha Nu
and at the same time get acquainted
with you. Some of those attending
will later be invited to join this hon-
or society.
The program will consist of a dis-
cussion of a talk by Prof. Harold
Dorr on the subject, "Mr. Black's Ap-
pointment to the Supreme Court."
Prof. Dorr is an able person to dis-
cuss this very important subject and
his discussion will be very interesting
to all.
The members of Alpha Nu will be
expecting to see the freshmen and
other friends in the chapter room on
the fourth floor of Angell Hall at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday evening.
Reserve Unit
Names Cadet
Officers Here
(Continued from Page 1'

I (Continued from Page 1)
More Than 5,000 Nurses, (Co__1_.___ ro_- Page 1)
Physicians, Educators Liam D. Revelli, of the School
ysic, director of the band.

of Mu-I

Hear Dentist Lecture
Rampant dental caries (ulceration
of bone) can be effectively treated by
restricting the carbohydrate in the
diet, Dr. Phillip Jay of the School of
Dentistry told more than 5,000 physi-
cians, health officials, educators and
nurses in attendance at last week's
conference of the American Public
Health Association.
He questioned the popular belief
that dental caries is a manifestation
of malnutrition, declaring that there
was no use in adding mineral and
vitamin preparations to food to avert
tooth decay.
Caries Is Germ Caused
In Dr. Jay's opinion, caries is a
germ-caused disease in which Lacto-
bacillus-acisdophilus played an im-
portant part. The number of these
germs in the mouth is determined by
amount of sugar and starch (carbo-
hydrates) eaten. Dr. Jay referred
skeptics to a children's home in
Ohio. "Only eight per cent of the 300
children there suffer from tooth de-
cay, a remarkable achievement inI
comparison to the average of 95 per
cent among children," he said. No
refined sugar in any form is given
these children, he added.
Back in Ann Arbor for a week be-
fore leaving for Texas this Saturday,
Dr. Jay elaborated on newspaper re-
ports of the dental caries studies in
the Dental School here.
"In these troublesome cases it is
first essential to determine the pa-
tient's lactobacillus count. The pa-
tient is then placed on a diet in which
the carbohydrate is moderately re-
stricted. This usually involves the
omission of all forms of confection,
cake, candy, pie, ice cream and other
artificially sweetened deserts. After
two weeks another count is taken.
If there should be no striking change
in this diet, it then becomes neces-
sary to reduce the amount of starch

First on the program will be a com-
petition open to the more talented
musicians in Ann Arbor. Members
of the band and anyone who can play
a musical instrument will be eligible
to participate. The award for this
section will be one semester of free
study with any teacher in the School
of Music or the financial equivalent.
The second portion of the show is
to be in a humorous vein, following
the lines of an amateur hour, much
like last year's. Anyone who can
put on some funny antic or skit may
tryout, according to Professor Revelli.
The applause of the audience will de-
cide the winner of this part of the
performance, while judges will rule
on 'the winner of the musician's con-
as well as sugar," Dr. Jay explained.
Handling Important
These cases require intelligent
handling by physicians who have a
thorough knowledge of dietetics, Dr.
Jay pointed out, since very serious
disturbances may arise when all car-
bohydrate containing foods are re-
stricted without regard for the caloric
requirements of growing children.
Competent dieticians can plan diets,
however, that are low in sugar and
starch but nutritionally adequate, he

Justify Ann Arbor's Existence
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first nishes the world with a variety of
of a series of articles on Ann Arbor's
industries prepared by the city staff of products ranging all the way from
The Daily) popsicles to heavy duty machinery,
By DICK MANN and from midget cameras to baling ma-
STAN SWINTON chines, from books to ball bearings.
To the student Ann Arbor begins Radios, coil springs, dashboard gad-
at the Washtenaw fraternity district gets. telegages, stamping machines
and ends just west of Division Street. and home work shop equipment, all
Yet entirely aside from the Univer- contribute to industrialuprosperity.
sity Ann Arbor fulfills a variety of Not ending here, the' list of products
urban functions which would justify goes on to include candy, castings,
its existence if it had no student pop- cigars, high-speed steel forgings, fur-
ulation. Center of a rich farming niture, lamps and silk lamp shades,
area, a steady flow of money comes piston pins, pumps, literature racks,
into the downtown shopping district sashes, pharmaceutical and toilet
which, on the traditional "going to articles, scientific instruments and
town" day of Saturday is thronged apparatus, rugs and screw machine
with rural visitors who are drawn parts.
from a 15-mile area with a population The assessed valuation of the city
i of over 60,000. ' is unusual for a town of 36,000-$37,-
But more important than this rural 146,860. Located here are two banks
trade to the town is the industrial and one trust company with total de-
function which the city serves. Home posits of $19,528,600 and total re-
of 23 manufacturing establishments sources of $21,700,000. A building and
which employ a total of 2,300 men loan association not included in these
and 1,100 women, Ann Arbor fur- figures has assets of $3,000,000.

I E1-

Fur Coats


p N




E. L. Greenbaum



448 Spring Street

Dial 9625

r ....,........ .... _,. ..... .. .



I A,. I






Trumble, '38E; and J. F. Wisler, '38E.
The Cadet Second Lieutenants
named are R. A. Bowman; G. T.l
Christiansen; J. J. Earley, '38; G .P.
Fuentes; R. E. Fryer, '38; G. W. Ham-
mersmith, '38E; K. B. Hook, '38; R.
C. House; F. J. Kidder, '38E; J. G.
Lambertsen, '38E; V. B. Lindquist;
G. T. Peterson, '38E; G. S. Quick, '38;
J. J. Skiriski, .'38E; and A. J. Sol-
oway, '38E.
13th University
Year In Radio
"The Michigan University of the
Air," under the supervision of Prof.
Waldo Abbot, director of broadcast-
ing service here, will inaugurate its
13th season, Oct. 18.
The University programs, 189 in
number, have been designed to stim-
ulate interest in all fields studied up-
on the campus.
Eighty-three members of the fac-
ulty have agreed to participate in the
broadcasts this season. Dr. Joseph
E. Maddy will be i ncharge of 35
music instruction periods, Professor
Densmore will bring his class in
pronunciation to the air.
Kenneth Kelley, Thomas Lawton,
John Lehner, James Lovett, Donald
McGaw and Colin Weymouth.
Zeta Beta Tau: Robert Barnard,
Henry Brown, Alan Englander, Oscar
Feferman, Warren Friedman, Howard
Goldman, Jerome Grossman, Julian
Harris, Jerome Mecklenburger, Mil-
ton Peterman, Melvin Schlemenson,

Finest, most up-to-date portable
on the market! Actually ecsier
than writing by hand! With
Royal's sensational Touch Con-
trol, you can instantly adapt the
key-tension to your exact finger
pressurel Many other exclusive
Royal improvements. Costs only
few cents a day.

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