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October 07, 1937 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-07

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Professor W eaver W il Address Freshmen Today


Will Give Final
Orientation Talk
At Mendelssohn
Judiciary Head To Define
Hours, Penalties;' Study
Lectures Will Follow

To Talk On


use Rules League Council Costume Jewelry Is Fashioned
I Will Introduce Similar To Pirates' Stolen L


Prof. Bennett Weaver, of the Eng-
lish department, will be the speaker
at the second and last League Ori-
entation lecture which will take place
at 5 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. The topic of the
speech will be "A Primer In Culture."
After Professor Weaver's talk, An-
gelene Maliszewski, '38, chairman of
Judiciary Council, will define the
house rules for dormitories and
League houses and will explain the
discipline imposed for any infraction
of those rules. - Margaret Ferries, '38,
chairman of Orientation, will intro-
duce both speakers.
All freshmen are expected to be
present at the lecture, Miss Ferries
stated. She urges that everybody be
prompt because the program will be
concluded at 5:45 p.m. in order to
give those attending enough . time
to get back for dinner.
As part of the Orientation program,
these lectures were designed to en-
able the new student to get a better
start in the University, Miss Ferries
explained. It was planned that the
viewpoint of both the faculty and
the student would be presented. Last
week Dean Alice Lloyd spoke on "Col-
lege Conduct" and Miss Ferries gave
a talk on "Your University."
Although this series of lectures will
be, concluded today, another group
will be started soon, Miss Ferries said.
These talks will be on the topic of
"How To Study," and will be given
by faculty members.



Dazzling costume jewelry will ac-
cent this year's group of frocks.
f Big Apple, Michigan Shag weighty gold and silver, looking as
Will Be Taught; Year's if they might have been taken from
a pirates' chest of stolen jewels have;
Calendar Is Announcedbeen fashioned into sets of necklaces,
bracelets, rings and hair ornaments.
The introduction of a weekly Brighter and gaudier jewels willf
Swing Session for experienced danc- sparkle on everything from the most
ers at which the newest steps will be tailored of suits to dressy gowns and
taught, and the calendar of events formals.
for the year ending in April, 1938, oc-; Colored Jewelry
cupied the attention of the -League! The Pandora set is one version of
Council yesterday in its second meet- E this new type. The dark, heavy gold
ing of the semester. gives a mysterious air, enhanced by
The first Swing Session will be 7:30 intricate designs. The Jewels of
p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 13, in the India are the gaudiest articles from
League, Hope Hartwig, '38, president ( this treasure chest. These multi-
announced. Douglas Gregory, '39 colored pins, bracelets and lockets
will teach the Big Apple, Trucking, are life-savers for those who find
the Susie-Q, the Washington-Lee 'plain black, or dark colors, drab or,
Drage anduis- ownt ce a in te nM c unbecoming. A lively set will give a
Dag and his owh creationwthe n rather plain dress some of that zip
can sign up for this instruction, so necessary to the all-important
"These sessions are to be in the individuality.
nature of social gathernigs for good Bracelets similar to slave chains in
dancers," Miss Hartwig explained, dark gold or silver are bound to catch
"and they will be prefaced by an ex- the eye. Especially is this true of4
hibition of the latest steps given by those "antiquish - looking" Saints',
a selected group of dancers at the medals and coins dangling from them.
League Ballroom, this Friday and
Saturday.'' om s da n Women's Archery Club
Opening the League's social pro- To Hold Meeting Today
gram for the year, the first Under-
graduate Tea will be Friday, Oct. 22. The archery club will have its firstj
Panhellenic Banquet, at which scho- meeting of the year at 4:30 p.m.I
larship and activity awards are pre- today at the Women's Athletic Build-
sented to sororoities, will take place ing, according to Ruth Carr, '38, ar-
Monday, Oct. 25; and Monday, Nov. chery manager. All women on cam-'
8, will be the date of Assembly Ban- pus who are interested in archery
quet. are eligible for membership, said Miss
The dates for the Panhellenic Ball, Carr.
Assembly Ball, Sophomore Cabaret An all campus tournament will be
and the Junior Girls Play will be an- held during the week of Oct. 18th,
nounced in the near future. Miss Carr disclosed.


One particular bracelet has tiny gold
crosses attached at intervals along
the fairly large links.
Lockets Replace Pearls
The new lockets also have that
same old--fashioned charm and are!
ideal for women who prefer them in
place of last year's pearls. One of
these which is quite extraordinary
has a setting of the old, square, raised
style with the small round locket'


i M
i f

Just the right thing to wear
to class, to the games . . .
thov' chic little two piece
knits you favor for casual
wear. Smarter than ever in
these breezy Tic-Toe weaves
in bright shades on subdued
backgrounds. You'll like the
interesting new neck details,
and nice tailoring.

Ti Toe Knits


Miss Maliszewski, chairman of
Judiciary Council, will speak to the
freshman women today concern-
ing the definition of house rules
for dormitories and league houses.
Included also in the talk will be an
explanation of the disciplinary ac-
tion to be taken if the rules are

. a..

placed on a high leaf-like base. A
modified version of the plain gold
cross has a modernistic motif shadedE
mottling which produces a dull and;
bright design.
Sequins Introduced
Sequins, or paillettes, have been in-
troduced into this season's fashions
in a novel manner. They have been'
fashioned into clips which can be
worn as hair ornaments, or for dec-
oration at the neckline of your frock.
These vari-colored spangles would
brighten anyone's spirits.
All in all it seems that the jeweled
accessories are going to be larger and
more conspicuous in this year's ward-
A novel form of jewelry may be ob-
tained by purchasing peanuts from
the correct machine. These contrap-
tions are so arranged that, once in a
great while ,a white pony, dog, cat orj
bird will be returned for the small
sum of one cent. When enough of
these have been acquired, one can
make a unique bracelet of the booty.
Why you know
Turn to Page 6

SIZES 12 to 20



Little Symphony
on ert Series
Will Be Revived
Orchestra To Give Sunday
Evening League Music;
Tour Is Planned
The Little Symphony Orchestra,
which last played in 1935-36, is being
revived this year under the direction
of Thor Johnson, instructor in the
School of Music, according to Dr.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music.
"The group this year consists of 12
or 15 of the most talented players
in the music school symphony or-
chestra, representing the various or-
chestral choirs," said Dr. Sink. He
added that present plans include two
brief hours, the first of which will
be in the south sometime during mid-
winter and the other probably
through Northern Michigan during
spring vacation.
Four concerts are being planned,
which, through the cooperation of
the League, will be Sunday evenings
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
League and will constitute a part of
the student activities of the League,
Dr. Sink said. The definite dates
for these concerts will be announced
later. 1
Mr. Johnson, the new director of
the Little Symphony, was also the
director during the 1935-36 season.
Last year he was on leave of absence
as holder of the Beebe scholarship
which carried with it a year's study
in such music centers as Salzburg,
Austria and Prague, Czechoslovakia.
He studied under Bruno Walter,
Nicholai Malko and other distin-
guished masters, Dr. Sink stated.
Foreign Students'
Tours Begin Oct. 9
The first of the series of educa-
tional tours planned by the Interna-
tional Council for foreign students
will be conducted Saturday when the
group will visit Greenfield Village in
The party will leave by chartered
bus at 1 p.m. to see "Mr. Ford's out-
door museum" and will return by 6
p.m. Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counsel-
or to foreign students,'urges all who
wish to make reservations not later
than Friday noon.
Other trips which have been plan-
ned by the council will include visits
to the Ford factory, the Toledo Art
Museum, the Saline Valley Farm and
Cranbrook School..
The purpose of these tours is to af-
ford an opportunity to foreign stu-
dents to become acquainted with
American life and American young
people. A limited number of reser-
vations will be held for American

New Manager
Of BadniHinton
I s, Announced
Sally Orr, '40Ed, has replaced Dor-
othy Gardiner, '39Ed, as badminton
manager and representative on the
Women's Athletic Association Board,
announced Mary Johnson, '38, W.A.A.
Miss Orr was last year one of the
leaders in the organization of league
house zones for women's athletics
and is a physical education major.
Miss Gardiner, who resigned the post,
is also president of the physical edu-
cation club and athletic manager for
Jordan Hall. The first meeting of
the W.A.A. board will take place at
4:30 p.m. today in the Women's Ath-
letic Building, Miss Johnson said.
Extra-curricular activity in ath-
letics is open to all women, including
first semester freshmen, and is one
of the few outside activities the lat-
ter may participate in. Miss John-
son pointed out that by coming out
for athletics, women may work into
the W.A.A. organization and perhaps
be represented on the board, either
as a sports head or in an executive
Cleveland Alumnae
Brqnch Will Hold
The second meeting of this year
for the Cleveland Michigan Alumnae
Organization will be held Saturday
in the Chamber of Commerce Build-
ing at Cleveland, according to Mrs.
Lucille B. Conger, executive secretary
of all alumnae from this University.
It will be a luncheon meeting, Mrs.
Conger said, for the purpose of dis-
cussing the propositions submitted
for the next ten year program of the
entire alumnae organization.
The Cleveland group has been ac-
tive for over a period of many years,
and as part of last year's work award-
ed a tuition scholarship to Sally
Kenny, '38Ed, Mrs. Conger said. Miss
Kenny is president of Martha Cook
Building this year.
The officers of the Cleveland group
for this year are: Lucretia Hunter,
president;, Helen Beaumont, vice-
president; Helen Gram, treasurer;
Jane Folsom, secretary; Mrs. Eugene
Smith, alumnae councillor and Edith
Fite and Alda Webber, board mem-

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So readers' ballots confirm our editorial judgment that Broun is one of 7K'.
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