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October 07, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-07

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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Haroid Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R Kieman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert May, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.-
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holdei, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
VIaran Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Bd Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
And Here's
What We Think .. .
O0UT OF THE MUDDLE created by
Friday night's riot one preemi-
nent question faces the student body:
"How long are students going to be suckers?"
There may be no apparent relation bet-een
police action Friday and the obnoxious attitude
of Ann Arbor merchants, the nauseating tenacity
of landladies. But there is a deep relationship
that has as its basis a resolve to "keep the stu-
dents in their place." And the methods used
make it a place hard to live in.
Let us discuss cases in point.
Begin with the police. They are called in when
students become too tough in manifesting their
dislike of the townspeople. At these times they
do what the town expects of them-"put the
students in their place." In fairness to the police
It must be admitted they have no other course;
if they acted according to the dictates of their
own conscience their handling of students would
be normal and generally acceptable-if they act-
ed as they wished, we believe, they would no
longer be on the Ann Arbor police department.
They have treated students kindly many times.
So they must be looked upon as instruments.
Admittedly their course of action is often un-
wise. The use of tear gas was unjustifiable and
merely riled the student body further. Their
use of tear gas, if at all, should have been
preceded by a warning. There were several in-
juries, the most serious to a policeman. The
police are just as angry about that as students
would be if one of their number faced an opera-
Students should remember that they caused
upwards of $500 damage in the riot and that
only a few people are going to be held responsible
for this damage.
The police should handle students more in-
telligently; they do not show intelligence when
they begin jostling students. But they are
agents. So it is to their employers that we
must direct our action.
The Daily has printed stories proving unsan-
itary conditions in some Ann Arbor restaurants.
Those restaurant owners who serve food with
little regard for sanitation are out for money-
and at the price of student health, in rank
arrogance to those who are their livelihood.
The Common Council of Ann Arbor two nights
ago voted unanimously for an investigation of
these conditions. We are a little cynical. Will
the Council throw politics out the window, make
stringent regulations and enforce them?
Students are entitled to the assurance of sani-
tation. In the meantime we urge students to
demand clean silverware, to send improperly
cooked meat back to the kitchen.
a . .

A Daily reporter entered a local book store to
buy a book required for an English course. He
was charged four dollars. He found "Price:
$3.00" printed in the jacket. Upon complaint
he was told "it was a mistake" and was charged
three dollars. About 200 copies of the book had
already been sold for four dollars each, he was

merchant to give this assurance. We want to
be treated by merchants only as we would in
our home cities. We are scapegoats in Ann
* * * *
By the way, 75 cents is tops for cleaning and
pressing a suit in other cities. Do you like to
lay out more for the same thing just
because you live in Ann Arbor?
And our landladies. In addition to paying $5
a weekhfor andismal room, we are many times
given heat and lighting, sometimes even hot
water, begrudgingly.
Our escape lies in the dormitory movement.
Cooperate to the fullest extent with the Uni-
versity in its efforts to build dormitories.
These are some of the things that make us
resentful of the town of Ann Arbor. Friday
night's affair was merely a manifestation of
the town's attitude. We hope students will for-
get police and strike where the trouble breeds.
Any complaints made by students will be in-
vestigated fully by The Daily.
More Adequate
T HE UNIVERSITY catalogue of
classes, describing them, and giv-
ing the hours and names of those that teach
them has frequently been found inadequate by
the student body. Because of the need for brev-
ity, classes are usually described in a sketchy
manner and it is impossible to describe the
teacher and the methods that he employs. As a
result of these shortcomings, students often en-
roll in courses that they would not have taken
had they known more about them or the man
teaching them. On the other hand, students
are sometimes unable to find the subject they
want because the catalogue has been unable to
describe it satisfactorily, and courses that might
prove valuable to some are overlooked.
Campus gossip and the counsel of advisors
tend to supply this information that the cata-
logue does not offer, but a more reliable and effi-
.cient method has been adopted in some schools.
At Dartmouth, the student paper has taken up
this academic burden. Several times a week The
Dartmouth prints comments on classes, discuss-
ing the lecture topics, the reading and the
teaching technique. These are written by a
student familiar with the department about
which he is writing and they are printed with
the understanding that they are the comments
of one man:
Economics, sociology, history, philosophy and
English have been treated most frequently, and
the result has created discussion among stu-
dents and professors alike. Interest has been
aroused in the curriculum among the student
body, and courses are being chosen more intel-
ligently, because the student has more informa-
tion upon which to base his choice. In the
faculty there have been improvements, too. The
professor that was in a rut and teaching the
same material intthe same way each year has
been goaded into activity. At DePauw the
student paper went so far as to print the com-
plete text of one professor's hour lecture. Need-
less to remark, this tended to inspire better or-
ganization of lecture notes among the faculty.
Another use to which The Dartmouth puts its
classroom comments was the announcement to
the student body of forthcoming lectures in
various courses that might be of interest. For
example, during the past winter when interest
ran high on the labor situation, the paper told its
readers of lectures that would be given in the
near future in economics courses dealing with
labor. Students not enrolled were permitted to
visit the class. The same has been done with
classes in literature and music.
Because of the large classes here, It is ques-
tionable if this arrangement could be made
permitting students to visit classes. But the
amplification of the University catalogue via The
Daily, with the accompanying benefits to stu-
dents and faculty ought to be considered.


By Heywood Broun
THERE can be no question that Hugo Black
started behind the eight ball, but I think his
radio speech gained him enough clearance to
give him a fair shot.
The fact that he joined the Klan and retained
membership for four years constitutes a blemish
on his record. But in spite of popular miscon-
ception to the contrary, few Justices of the Su-
preme Court swing up to the High Bench as
immaculate as Little Eva on the way to Heaven.
It is a good rule in politics, and in life in gen-
eral, to judge a man from where he stands today
and not on the basis of what he did or thought
once a Socialist, and John L. Lewis was an
ten years ago. After all, Walter Lippmann was
ardent Republican.
Hugo Black might have been better advised
if he had spoken much earlier. I mean before
he took his vacation abroad. On the other hand,
it now seems to me that he was justified in
avoiding any statement to the press while he
was in Europe. It came more effectively upon
his home coming.
I also think he was wise in using the radio.
His hint that some of the papers might not
print what he said I can hardly support. The
press of America, with very few exceptions, is
against him, and American newspapers are not
always 100 per cent fair in their news treatment
of public figures to whom they are opposed. But
there are spots where a full text just has to be
* * *
The Ring of Sincerity
On the other hand, the radio was helpful to
Black, because his statement sounded a good
deal better than it read. This was no prose
masterpiece and there were inconsistencies. The
end was too abrupt. At least one listener was
waiting for at least a sentence or so of answer
to the almost obligatory question:-"But why
did you join the Klan if you are against intoler-
When read, the tribute to the Bill of Rights
may seem no more than traditional lip service,
but Black in speaking put it over. Unless the
gentleman is the greatest actor in the world
this dramatic reviewer gives it as his opinion
that this was an utterly sincere expression. It
rang true.
Naturally there will be much comment back
and forth abouth the statement, but I think
that Hugo Black has a right now to sit out the
rest of the discussion.
* . *
Beyond His Right
Moreover, I think it is preposterous to say that
President Roosevelt must make a statement.
Indeed, I think it would be highly improper for
him to do so, and it is utterly inconsistent for
"defenders of the Constitution, to urge any such
thing. I believe in adding additional justices
to the court, but I would certainly oppose any
suggestion that in certain cases a President of
the United States may call upon a duly ap-
pointed Justice to resign. That would be an
overextension of the executive power.
I do not think that Mr. Roosevelt should make
any comment of either censure or praise, unless
the notion is that he is to go all the way down
the line and also tell the general public what
he thinks of Butler and McReynolds.
The new man on the bench does not start
from scratch. He is under a handicap, but
judging from his past performances in the Sen-
ate I feel confident that in the days to come
he can make it up. Mr. Justice Black, be seated.
On TheLevel


Mother Meets Daughter
Alfred de Liagre, Jr., presents Yes,
M~y Darling Datighter, a comedy in
three acts'by Mark Reed with Flor-
ence Reed. Staged by Mr. de Liagre.
Settings by Raymond Sovey. At the
Cass Theatre this week; matinees today
and Saturday.

Student Organizations: Officers of
student organizations are reminded
that only such organizations as are
n~nnm7A b hrlpCnf mifn

T IS THE SECOND ACT of the ( app1'JvCU Dy LIIL-jini1eL~ ,UuLLee
comedy at the Cass this week that on Student Affairs may insert notices
in the Daily Official Bulletin. Untill
does the bunesas ostnout ing:wit, hOct. 25 last year's list of approved
it, it is, as long as it lasts, a combina- organizations will be used, but after
Lion of something that is almost that date only such groups as have
drama and something that is almost qualified for approval this year, by
farce. Strangely enough, they blend submitting lists of officers to the
almost as well as they do in the Dean of Students, 2 University Hall,
Cass' next play, Tovarich. and otherwise complying with the
It is in this second act that Mother Committee's rules, will be allowed to
and Daughter argue whether Daugh-
ter can have what Mother wrote,I.e.r
battled, and was arrested for twenty To the members of the University
years before-the right for a woman Senate: There will be a meeting of
to live her own life as she sees fit. the University Senate on Monday,
Daughter's argument is considerably Oct. 18, at 4:15 p.m. in Room C, Ha-
reinforced when she recites to Mother ven Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secy.
a few episodes from Mother's career
in Greenwich Village before the war. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
She had come upon the information ence and the Arts: Attendance re-
when she was doing research for an port cards are being distributed
English thesis at college. Her profes- through the Departmental Offices.
sor had told her of course to write on Instructors are requested to report
an original subject that she was really absences to my office in accordance
interested in. So she chose "The In- with the rules printed on these cards.
fluence of Greenwich Village on W. R. Humphireys,
American Literature and Morals" or Assistant Dean.
words to that effect.
That is the basic theme on which School of Education, Changes of
Mark Reed (he wrote Petticoat ke- Election: No course may be elected
ver) has written his amusing play for credit after Saturday, Oct. 16.
which wavers between comedy, farce Students enrolled in this school must
and drama. The wavering is best report all changes of elections at the
when it stays away from sentimen- Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer-
tality as it does not do when Mothersity Hall.
bids a tearful God-speed to DaughterMity Hall.
after she finds she cannot prevent Membership in a class does not
her from ging saw a aottaevfolcease nor begin until all changes have
hrfom going away to a cottage for bee thus ffical eiterd. Ar
a week-end with her young man. tus oficially registered. r-
(P.S.: She marries him in Act III rangements made with instructors
And as we said, Act III is less inter- only are not official changes.
esting than Act II
Florence Reed plays the mother, Identification Cards will be given
the part at the center of things. And out in Room 4, University Hall to all
she does play her charmingly. Brus- students on Wednesday, Oct. 6 from
queness, sophistication, understand- 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and on Thursday,
ing and a delightful sense of humor Oct. 7 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Card
are all in her convincing characteri- will also be given out during the noon
zation. Only rarely does she hit a hour of these two days. It is essen-
comedy line too hard. But remember tial that these cards be properly
she played Mother Goddam in The signed with owner's name and address
Shanghai Gesture for four years. On as they will be invalid until this is
the whole it is to her we are in- done. Please call for your card at
debted for an evening's entertain- once. It will be required for football
ment. Agnes Doyle is sincere and games.
charming as the daughter, forceful J. A. Bursley,
as well. Lawrence Grossmith is Dean of Students.
suave as the mother's Past and it is
a pleasure to watch him and to listen Students, College of Engineering.
to him because he never noticeably Sophomore, junior and senior stu-
forces a line or movement. dents who are working for degrees in
Yes, My Darling Daughter has any of the following departments are
finely realized comedy in its best mo- requested to report at the secretary's
inents, "a good evening's entertain- office, 263 West Engineering Bldg.,
ment" with more than occasional unless they have done so this semes-
(ut not disturbing) g lapses into ho-I -ter.
2um both in the writing and in the Five-year programs combined with
direction.,_ ,

recital in the School of Music Audi-
torium, to which the general public
is invited, Tuesday evening, Oct. 5, at
8:15 p.m.
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University organist, will inaugurate
the Twilight Organ Recital Series in
an interesting program of varied or-
gan numbers, Wednesday afternoon
at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The
general public is invited without ad-
mission charge, except that for ob-
vious reasons small children will not
be admitted, and the public is re-
quested to be seated on time.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower,
Thursday evening, Oct. 7, from 7:30
to 8:30 p.m.
University Lecture: Einar Gerstad
Director of the Swedish Academy iin
Rome will lecture on the subject,
"Excavations in Cyprus," on Friday,
Oct. 8, 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium. The public is cor-
dially invited.
University Lecture. Dr. Edward J.
Dent, Professor of Music, Cambridge
Uiiversity, will lecture on the sub-
ject "History of the Fugue" Thurs-
day afternoons, Oct. 7, at 4:15 p.m.
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This
lecture given for music students is
open to the public, and all those in-
terested are invited without admis-
sion charge. .
Charles A. Sink, President.
Events Of Today
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 4 p.m. in Room
303 Chemistry Bldg. The speakers
will be Prof. O. S. Duffendack, Prof.
K. Fajans and Prof. H. H. Willard.
Phi Sigma Society: The first meet-
ing of the year will be held on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 6, at 8 p.m. in Room 2116
Natural Science Building. Dr. Henry
van der Schalie of the University Mu-
seums will speak on "A conchologist
attempts to keep ahead of progress."
Visitors are invited.
Phi Epsilon Kappa Meeting: There
will be a meeting of the National
Physical Education Honorary Fra-
ternity, Phi Epsilon Kappa, tonight
(Wednesday) at 8:15 p.m. in Room
302 of the Michigan Union. A guest
speaker is scheduled to appear and
all members are expected to attend.
Sphinx will hold its regular weekly
meeting at noon today in the Union.
Ed Magdol will speak on "Why I Am
So Attractive To Women."
The W.A.A. Board will meet at 4:30
p.m. Wednesday in the Women's Ath-
letic Bldg.
Alpha Nu: There will be a meeting
of all members of Alpha Nu tonight
at 7:30 p.m. The purpose of this
meeting is to make plans for the com-
ing year and so it is urged that all
members attend.
Coming Events
Carnival In Flanders: The box of-
fice will be open at the following
Thursday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-8:30
There will be a matinee Friday at
3:15 p.m. All seats are reserved.
Phone 6300.
Scandinavian Club: There will be
a meeting of the old members in
Room 319 at the Union on Thursday
evening at 8 p.m. for the purpose of
opening the year's program.

The Hillel Foundation extends a
cordial invitation to all members of
the Freshman Class to attend a tea
in their honor at the Foundation on
Sunday afternoon from 4 to 6 p.m.
The Foundation is located on the
corners of Oakland and E. University.
Dance Club: The Modern Dance
Club of W.A.A. will meet at 7:15
Thursday evening, Oct. 7 in Sarah
Caswell Hall in Barbour Gymnasium.
Anyone interested come prepared to
Institute of The Aeronautical Sci-
ences: The first meeting of the
University of Michigan Student
Branch of the Institute of the Aero-
nautical Sciences will be held on
Thursday evening, Oct. 7, at 7:30
p.m., in Room 1042 East Engineering
Building. This is an organization
meeting, and part of the meeting will
be devoted to the election of a vice-
chairman, an honorary chairman,
and a treasurer. All students inter-
ested in aeronautics are invited to
Engineering Council: Very import-
ant meeting at 8:30 p.m. Thursday

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Ubiversity. Copy received at the mie at the Alsdataat to the sr..a
w&Wi 3:30; 11:00 am. on Saturday.


Combinations of any two programs.
Mathematics, or combinations of
mathematical and technical pro-
Physics, or combinations.
Astronomy, or combinations.
Engineering-Law program.


To the Editor:
It has been suggested that the picture pub-
lished in Tuesday's Iaily was one taken by a
photographer for Panorama, that the negative
was taken from the Panorama offices, a print
made and the print turned over to Prosecutor
Rapp and/or the Ann Arbor city police. It has
been further suggested that this negative was
taken and the subsequent print turned over to
Rapp and or the police by-
a. Clinton B. Conger, of Ann Arbor, and
b. Clayton Hepler, also of Ann Arbor.
It has been further suggested that due to the
activities of Conger and Hepler, Richard Eubank
faces a sentence, if found guilty of the charges
filed against him, of ten years in the peniten-
tiary for endeavoring to protect himself and
the girl with him from a brutal police attack on
two peaceful citizens. Would The Daily check
the authenticity of these three reports?
EDITOR'S NOTE: Editors of Panorama
have stated that the negative of the picture
published in yesterday's Daily was taken
from their offices without their knowledge or
consent by the above named persons, that a
print was made of it and given to Prosecutor
Albert Rapp. According to the best infor-
mation of The Daily, decision to arrest Rich-
ard G. Eubank was made before Mr. Rapp
received the print, however. It is true, ac-
cording to our information, that Eubank, if

Ann Arbor

is a city of house dogs and "dog

* * * *
Long before the present football depression,
Michigan had gone to the dogs.
* * * *
The fraternities started the huge popula-
tion of dogs in town when they found that
they could avoid having hash for dinner once
a week if they had a large canine to eat up
the kitchen scraps.
, ' * *

Radio scouts are always on the look ti r u1AmLra-
for something new and so another tion program.
"different" feature takes the air to- Metallurgical Engineering program.
night at 7:15 via WJR. Hobby Lobby A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
digs up persons who have strange
hobbies and gives them the chance Women Students Attending the
to tell the radio audience all about it. Northwestern Football Game: Women
The music is by Dave Elman and students wishing to attend the North-
orch .. . Mary Lyon, pioneer woman western-Michigan football game are
educator, is the topic of Cavalcade of required to register in the office of the
America at 8-a WABC feature . . . Dean of Women.
Also at 8 is Eddy Duchin and his A letter of permission from parents
band. For you who do not like Du- must be received in this office not
chin, just listen to Patricia, his vocal- later than Friday, Oct. 8. If a student
ist-she's mighty fine .. . WJZ carries wishes to go otherwise than by train,
this air ing . . . Eddie Cantor, Deanna special permission for such mode of
Durbin, Pinky Tomlin and others travel must be included in the par-
run Texaco Town at 8:30 over WJR ent's letter.
The Michigan Network has that Graduate women are invited to reg-
man who runs the ball club at Lan- ister in the office.
sing tell a few things at 8:45-Charlie Byrl Fox Bacher,
Bachman is the man and WXYZ the AsitFox DacherWoen
station . . . Andre Kostelanetz and Assistant Dean of Women.
Deems Taylor start the Chesterfield P
show off at 9 via WJR . . . Walter Phillips Scholarships: The examin-
O'Keefe m. c's Town Hall at the same ations for these scholarships, which
hour-WWJ the outlet ... are open to all freshmen in the Col-
General Hugh Johnson, commen- lege of Literature, Science and the
tator now for Bromo-Quinine, talks Arts, will be held on Tuesday, Oct.
plenty at 10 via WJZ . . . The Hit 12, at 4 p.m. in 2016 Angell Hall. Can-
Tunes of the Week played by Mark didates will be examined on four units
Warnow at 10 and this is a WWJ of Latin or four units of Latin and
affair . . . Frank Dailey again swings two of Greek. Freshmen who wish
his great band over a CBS network to participate should register with
at 11 with WABC carrying it . . . Professor Blake, 2024 Angell Hall, or
Ted Weems takes. to the MBS via Dr. Copley, 2026 Angell Hall, before
CKLW at 11:30 . . . Midnight finds Thursday, Oct. 7.
the bands of Tommy Dorsay, WABC;
Frankie Masters, WBBM; and Bob Freshmen Glee Club rehearsal and
Crosby, WJR-Crosby and Dorsay are tryouts, Room 305, Michigan Union,
the best bets . . . Red Norvo, with one 4:30 p.m. today.
of the swing'nest bands in the coun-I-
tryside, and Mildred Bailey, gets in a Varsity Glee Club: Leave for Battle
good solid groove, and sends all at Creek concert from the Michigan
12:30. WJR is the local piper. Union at 4:30 p.m. sharp today.
"earls From Naziland , dn g' Ntices

Now there are so many hounds in town
if they were laid out in a straight line,
would scratch from Ann Arbor to Detroit.


Most of the house dogs are better known than
many of the campus celebrities, and in a recent
"Do .you know on sight" contest, three dogs beat
out President Ruthven and Joe Rinaldi.
"Buck," the Theta Chi dane, is famous for
having passed Physics 45, and for having
gotten on the stage for every scene except
the "Eliza On The Ice" scene in "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" a few years ago.
* * * *
But "Rum" and "Major," of the Chi Psi and
Lambda Chi Alpha houses respectively, can claim
the campus dog-fight championship jointly,
People are waiting for the two to meet and
decide which house will have to buy a new
* * * *
But the Betas claim they are training a new

News comes from Berlin that the
Nazi party organ, Voelkischer Beo-
bachter, considers American news-
papers guilty of engaging in an "atro-
city campaign against Japan."
The Nipponese war machine is, of
course, engaged in a noble campaign
to save the Chinese from the great
Red Peril-if they have to kill them
all to do it.
What this country needs is an up-
to-the-minute Bureau of Public En-

Make-Up Examinations in History:
The make-up examinations in all
history courses will be given at 9 a.m.,
Oct. 23, in 25 Angell Hall. Students
presenting themselves for this ex-
amination must bring with them a
written statement from their instruc-
tor permitting them to take a make-
up. f
Preliminary Examinations for the
Ph.D. Degree in Economics: These

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