SUNDAY, FEB. 27, 1938
Station W300 Old English
Plans' Feature Manuscript Copies
Pas Available Here
e-WIcation in the Buletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3.30; 1 00 ajm. on Saturday.
the graduation announcement list of
our class.
Academic Notices
English 150 (Playwrighting) class
will meet as usual Monday evening,
group will meet at 7:30 Tuesday eve-
ning, May 1, 3217 A.H.
Choral Union Concerts: Georges
Enesco, Roumanian Violinist, will
give the tenth program in the Choral
Union Concert Series, Tuesday eve-
ning, March 1st, at 8:30, in Hill
free to members and to students.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A showing of the Margaret Watson
ParKer collection of Pewabic pottery,
the work of Mar; Chase Stratton, is
now on display in the central cases
on the ground floor of the Architec-
ture Building.
Three hundred microfilm repro- SUNDAY, FEB. 27, 1938
ductions of some of the best works VOL. XLVII No 105
of old English literature, whose orig-
inals are found only in the British Members of the University Faculty:
Museum, are now at the disposallCopies of the President's Report for l
of University graduate scholars, ac- 1936-3-7 may be obtained at the In- I
cording to Dr. William W. Bishop, Li- formation Desk of the Business Of-
fice, Room 1, University Hall. {
The manuscripts, "microfilmed" onI
35 mm. films, are made availabe to Students, College of Literature, Sci-y
the reader in their original makeup ence, and the Arts: No course may
by means of the Argus and Eastman be elected for credit, after the end of
projectors in the Graduate Reading the third week. Saturday, March
Room. 5th is therefore the last date on
The films are supplied by Edwards which. ew elections may be ap-
Brothers of Ann Arbor, who plan to proved. The willingness of an indi-
copy all the books printed in England vidual instructor to admit a student
before 1550. 100,000 pages or 500 later would not affect the operation4
volumes, chosen in order from the of this rule.
Pollard Short , Title Catalog, have
been reproduced during the past year. L.S.&A. Juniors now eligible forI
Library officials hope to add to Concentration should get Admission
their collection and have about 1,000 to Concentration blanks at Room 4,
volumes availabe in the future. U.H., have properly signed by the
adviser, and return the white slip
before March 5.
organ To Review A t Robert L. Williams
ewBook AttentionChinese Students: I am
in receipt of a communication from
the Chairman of the Emergency
Kenneth Morgan, director of the Committee for Far Eastern students
Student Religious Association will re- in America requesting specific infor-
view Aldous Huxley's book, "Ends mation as to Chinese students who
and Means" at 4 p.m. Tuesday, March may be in need of financial assistance
1 in Lane Hall Library in the first because of the critical situation in
discussion meeting of the Association their country. Blanks have been
Book Group this semester. furnished me and are available in my
"Unholy Pilgrimage" by Thomas office, Room 9, University hall: Any
Harris will be reviewed by the author, students who wish to avail themselves
and "You Have Seen Their Faces," of this opportunity should call at
he Modern Age publication which once at my office and fill out these
depicts the life of the Southern Ten- blanks. All information given will
ant farmer will be included in the be held in strict confidence and will
books to be reviewed in subsequent bi- be communicated to the Emergency
weekly-meetings of the Book Group. Committee in New York.
The Emergency Committce is an
Iorganization of American agencies
'FrolicSale To Open and should not be confused with the
one headed by Dr. Hu Shih.
To Public Tomorrow J. Raleigh Nelson,
Counselor to Foreign Students.
Tickets for Frosh Frolic will be
put on sale to the general public to- Senior Aeronautical Engineers:
morrow, Edward Purman, ticket Attention is called to the notice post-
chairman, announced yesterday. ed on the Aeronautical Engineering
The tickets will be sold at the Union Bulletin Board, announcing the U.S.
desk. Identification cards will be Civil Service Examination .for Junior
necessary, and only one -ticket will be Aeronautical Engineer. Students who
sold to a person. E will graduate in June, 1938, are' eli-
gible. Applications must be filed with IFb2. A manuscript will be used.
the Civil Service Commission before Kenneth Rowe
March 7. 1938. Economics 51 and 52: The final
Aeronautical Engineering Students: examination make-up will be given
on Thursday, March 3, at 3 p.m., in
Students obtaining either bachelors Room 207 Ec. Bldg. Permission must
or masters degrees in Aeronautical be received from Mr. Palmer by all
Engineering in June or August, 1938, students expecting to take the
should fill out the Department per- -make-up.
sonnel records at the earliest possible Psychology 31 makeup examination
date. Blanks for this purpose may be will be held Thursday, March 3, from
obtaihd in the Department office. 7 to 10 p.m. in Room 1121, Natural
Requests for information concerning Science Bldg.
our graduates are already beginning --
to come in from manufacturers, and Mr. Milburn's and Mr. Seager's
it is essential that personnel records
on all students be on file in the office
in order to supply the manufacturers
with accurate and complete informa-
tion. G
AUiltoium. ,E..,&94/NGad
Public Lecture: "Trade Routes be-
Exhibitions tween China and the West" by Dr.
Robert McDowell,' Sponsored by the
An exhibition of paintings, draw- (Continued on Page 3)
ings and drypoints by Umberto Ro-
mano is offere; by the Ann Arbor' Terrace Garden
Art Association in the South gallery Dancing Studio
of Alumni Memorial Hall, and ran
exhibition of etchings by John Tay-' /Linstructions I n a i
Feb. i orms. daclassical, social,
for Arms in the North Gallery, Feb. dancin Ph 9695.
14 through March 2. Open 2 to 5 p.. dwuerth TheatreBldg.
daily including Sundays, admission
The Bureau has received notice of
the following United States and
Michigan Civil Service Examina-
Junior Landscape Architect, $2,000
a year; National Park Service, De-
rartment of the Interior, and The
National Capital Park and Planning
Medical Pathologist (Research),
$3.800 a year; Associate Medical
Pathologist (Research), $3,200 a
year; National Institute of Health,
U. S. Public Health Service, Treasury
Landscape Architect, $3,800 a year;
Associate Landscape Architect, $3,-
200 a year; Assistant Landscape
Architect, $2,600 a year; National
Park Service, Department of the In-
terior, and The National Capital
Park and Planning Commission.
Interviewer and Manager Classes;
Salaries ranging from $115 to $300
per month; Michigan Civil Service
For further information, please
call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Choral Union Members. Members
of the Choral Union whose records
are clear will be issued pass tickets
for the Georges Fpesco concert Tues-
day night, who call in person at the
School of Music office between the
hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4, Tues-
day, March 1. After 4 p.m. no tickets
will be issued
, __.
Call for and deliver. Phone 4863 for
other prices. 360
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices.
MEN and women are offered the high-
est cash prices for their discarded
clothing. See Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. Phone 2-2736. 388
VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone
6327. Experienced typist. Reason-
able rates. 232
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit-
ers, old gold and musical instru-
ments. Ready cash waiting for you.
Phone Sam. 6304.
FOR RENT Seniors School of Education: The
final collection of Senior Class dues
LARGE double with adjoining lava- will be held on Monday, Feb. 28, and
tory. Also single room. Shower. Tuesday, March 1, in the School of
Steam heat. Phone 8544. 422 E. Education Office, University Ele-
Washington.414 mentary School. Will you please pay
your dues this time so that your
name may be immediately placed on
PIANO: Modern upright. Very good
condition. Must sell at sacrifice. Call
wood Boulevard. Exclusive and re-
stricted section. Cash. Phone 8544.
j 416
FANCY APPLES, sweet cider, pop-
corn. Will deliver. Phone 3926. 1003 c
Brooks. 390
OAK WOOD, best grade, for fireplace, o
or furnace. Delivered. 106 Barker A TOUCH OF
Road, Whitmore Lake. Phone 57 THE FAR EAST
or 2-1964 mornings. 392TAS
WASHED SAND and Gravel. Drive-
way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co. 300-B South State Street
1Phone 7112. 7x
TYPEWRITER, Royal portable. Good Phone 2-3600
condition, but outmoded by Xmas
gift. Sell for $20. Call 2-1250.>;
Today 1-3-5-7-9 p.m.
Today thru Tuesday!
:> A'Y~ 1 E}D ..PlT y , °