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June 05, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-06-05

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a c b t0.nRJi x a n JafDE 6 mw[ AX_-
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under te authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
PUbylshearevery morning rccept Monday during the
Unliversity year and Summer Session
Member of the Assocated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Sbsriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4,00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, nc.
Colege Publishers Represantative
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Robert D. Mitchell
ditorial Director . . . , . Albert P. Mayio
Qity Editor . . . . . Horace W. Gilmore
Associate Editor . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
Associate Editor . . . . Saul R. Kleiman
Associate Editor . . . . . Robert Perlman
Associate Editor . . . . William Elvin
Associate Editor....... ..Joseph Freedman
Associate Editor . . . . . Earl Gilman
Book Editor.......... .Joseph Gies
Women's Editor . . . Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editor . . . . . . Bud Benjamin
Business Department
Business Manager . . .r. Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Segelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager .. Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in. The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positiv'ely dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions In the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
Our Poorly
Paid Governor . .
F GOV. FRANK MURPHY took a tip
from labor and went on strike for
a raise in pay, he would create quite a turmoil.
And he would be justified in so doing, for, com-
paratively speaking, he is a grossly underpaid
The Governor's salary is $5,000.
His duties are innumerable, and his working
hours never end. The problem of every citizen
of the State is the problem of the Governor. He
must lead legislation, enforce the State's laws,
ameliorate and make peace when labor and cap-
ital come to terms.
The Governor's duties, obligations and re-
sponsibilities are vast. That his services are
worthy of much more than $5,000 is obvious.
That Michigan can afford to pay its chief ex-
ecutive and number-one citizen a salary of at
least $25,000 is proved by the Federal income
tax figures at Washington which indicate that
Michigan is one of America's wealthiest states.
Not only does Michigan's governor receive a
small salary, but he goes without benefit of an
executive mansion. The Governor's home offers
a fine haven for relaxation, for study, for con-
sideration of weighty problems away from the
din of a busy capitol, and lends prestige and
dignity befitting the chief executive of the State.
Governor Lehman of New York, Hoffman sof
New Jersey and Earle of Pennsylvania are paid
$25,0000, $20,000 and $18,000 respectively. And
in each of these states, palatial residences,
steeped in tradition, are provided by the com-
monwealth for occupancy by the governor dur-
ing his term of office.
Michigan's Governor cannot live on a $5,000
dollar salary. The present salary figure appears
all the more ridiculous when one realizes that

Frank Murphy is now paid, as Governor of the
State of Michigan, only one third as much as
he received when he was mayor of the city of
Detroit. As Governor General of the Philippines
he was paid $18,000.
The chief executive's earnings in this state
cannot even be mentioned in the same breath
with the salaries paid some of the state's in-
dustrial chiefs. General Motors vice-president,
William Knudsen, renders sufficient services to
that corporation to be paid exactly $400,000 an-
nually, only 80 times as much as the man who
is listed as the chief executive of the State.
David I. Zeitlin.
The Lee Bill
Against War Profits..
WAR PROFITEERS will perhaps think
twice before they unleash hysteria-
rousing propaganda in preparation for the
next war if Senator Josh Lee's new bill against

issue bonds at one per cent interest for the
We have not seen a 'copy of the original bill,
and hit is quite possible that it may contain
dangerous clauses which the newspaper accounts
may have overlooked. However, the outline.of
the bill carries the promise of effectively provid-
ing a deterrent to those who have in the past
profited most from war.
Under the terms of the bill as we understand
it people enjoying incomes of $100,000,000 or
more would be forced to purchase $75,000,000
in bonds, while $50 in bonds would have to be
bought by people with incomes of $1,000. This
"pay-as-you-fight" plan was formulated by
economist John T. Flynn, financial writer for the
New Republic, in response to the nationwide
agitation for some means of curbing the tax
burden that successive generations after a war
have to pay. This plan has met the approval
of Bernard M. Baruch, former chairman of
the War Industries Board, and Senator Nye.
During the last war, the fantastic stories of
war profits were discredited by unbelieving peo-
ple, but Senator Nye's committee disclosed that
reports of exorbitant profits and salaries were
true. In the year of 1917 and 1918, for in-
stance, the President of the Bethlehem Steel
Corporation, already a millionaire, watched his
bloated fortune swell with bonuses of over $2,-.
Again, the United States Steel Corporation
enjoyed the relatively meager income of $85,000,-
000 in 1912. Three years of war saw govern-
ments desperately in need of steel flood it with
orders until in 1917, its total income exceeded
More .than 22,000 individuals who did not un-
dergo the slime and filth of trench life rose
from "financial security" to the independence
of million dollar incomes, while the small work-
ingman bore the brunt of war physically and
Now the opportunity presents itself in the
Lee Bill to shift the burden where it properly
belongs, to those who, though they may never
be directly responsible for the actual provoca-
tion of war, profit from it once it has broken
out and feel it to their best interests to prolong
it. RRichard Harmel
The Swastika
In Canada . e .
IT COULD HAVE BEEN, of course, no
more than a coincidence that while
Adolf Hitler was planning his dramatic putsch
on Austria last March, Canadian supporters
of Fascism were uniting their forces, and plan-
ning to make their movement, through concerted
action, a political entity in the Dominion this
summer. A coincidence, surely, and an inter-
esting one. Probably an utterly disastrous one
for three fascit leaders in Canada, and certainly
a most discouraging one for their followers.
The solemn agreement of union of Canadian
Fascists was signed by Adrien Arcand, leader of
the National Social Christian Party of Canada;
by William Whittaker, leader of the Canadian
Nationalist Party in Manitoba, and by Joseph
C. Farr, chairman of the Canadian Nationalist
Party in Ontario, March 1, 1938: Less than
two weeks later Adolf Hitler proclaimed his
new German Empire from Vienna to alarmed de-
mocracies in Europe and America.
There can hardly be any question as to
the effect of the Hitler putsch in Austria upon
the immediate fortunes of the Arcand-Whit-
taker-Farr putsch in Canada. The sign of the
swastika will not be popular in the Dominion
for some time to come.
Nationalist Party leaders are keenly aware of
this, and it is bothering them. Great things were
to result from the united Nationalist movement
during the spring months. Public meetings were
to be held in Ontario and in Quebec. Names of
prominent Canadians were to be made public
as supporters. Yet spring is almost gone, and
the newly-fused Nationalist Party remains silent.
Adrien Arcand's student legionnaires demon-
strate no more at the University of Montreal. It
begins to look as though the Hitler triumph
meantt an Arcand disaster and that the Na-
tionalist Party has been beaten before it started.
Arcand, Whittaker and Farr have protested

all along that the swastika does not belong to
Adolf Hitler alone. The emblem, they declare,
is the universal symbol of Fascism. But it is also
used by German Nazis, and in spite of all the
explanations and apologies of the Canadian Na-
tionalists, it is going to be extremely difficult
for Canadians wearing the swastika emblem to
get themselves detached in the public mind from
Opponents of Adrien Arcand's National Social
Christian movement in Quebec have been point-
ing out for some time that the Nazis have proved
themselves to be anti-Christian. They ask
Arcand how he reconciles his admiration for the
totalitarian state with the persecution of Cath-
olics and the growth of paganism in Nazi Ger-
Such irritating questions as these are ignored
by Canadian Nationalist leaders. Their only an-
swer is that they are not Nazi-supported; but
merely exponents of a Canadian form of Fas-
The Nationalist Party program, adopted in
March, embraces every economic panacea avail-
able. In it are found the Townsend plan, Huey
Long's soak-the-rich scheme, Alberta's Social
Credit, Socialism's state control of industries,
Nazi-Fascist totalitarianism and extreme anti-
"Our party," says the Program, "stands for the
energetic suppression of all books, newspapers,
publications, works of art, plays, motion pictures
and associations that exert a subversive influ-
ence on morals, Christian faith, national char-
acter and acknowledged traditions."
Anything that opposes, or offers criticism
of the party, its activities, its policies or its offi-
cials, is subversive, and must be "energetically

Heywood Broun
It was an old family doctor who cured me after
five psycho-analysts had given me up. Or may-
be I gave them up. At any rate I met Dr. Wil-
liam (Butch) Smithers in a two-dollar limit
poker game. In less thandan hyour he had dis-
covered my guilty secret.
Possibly he was a little lucky
in getting to the heart of
k ; the matter so quickly. But I
{ ;'= "'':,: believe it was by intuition
ethathe picked up the full
house which I had dropped
to a man holding two small
pair, saying as I tossed the
good hand away, "You win,
old fellow."
The doctor did not show my full house to
the rest of the players but merely grinned at me
to indicate that he knew what I had done. When
we recessed for a late breakfast he asked me to
go to the bar with him and picked a table in a
deserted corner of the room. After ordering a
whisky sour and some wheat cakes he said to me
abruptly, "You're a neurotic, are you not?"
I nodded assent.'
"Yes," he continued quickly, "and I can tell
you the cause of your difficulties. You are af-
flicted with a compassion for losers."
I blushed, but I felt constrained to admit that
it cut me to the quick to take money away from
poor unfortunates who happened to be behind
in the game. That was why I h'ad dropped the
full house. The man with two pair was a Wall
Street broker who hadn't won a pot for an
Sticky, Sentimental Emotion
"You realize," Butch Smithers went on, "that
this so-called compassion of yours is a sticky,
sentimental and self-indulgent emotion?"
I was about to debate the matter, but Dr.
Smithers held up an imperious hand. "You are
married," he explained. "You have a wife and
children and possibly some aunts and uncles.
You owe a duty to them. You even owe a duty
to yourself. You can't afford to be a snookie.
Get wise to yourself and get wise to the nature
of a loser. Did you ever attend an autopsy on a
loser and watch him being dissected?"
I shuddered with horror.w
"Don't pull any of that horrified stuff on me"
said the good gray physician. "It would be a most
enlightening experience for you. I trust that you
are not so tender that you have never caught
a fish."
Briefly I confessed to having pulled in one
pickerel and maybe a couple of dozen bullheads.
"Good," responded Dr. William (Butch)
Smithers. "A loser is very much like a fish. In
fact we may almost use the word 'fish' and
'loser' interchangeably. The central ganglia
are practically atrophied. The knee jerks are
feeble. The vegetative nervous system is a mass
of weeds. There is barely a trace of calcium. The
cortex is encrusted. Do I make myself clear?"
* * * *
The Doctor Wasn't Clear
"No," I said.
"Follow me more closely," replied the healer,
"and I will try to make it simpler. I am saying
that the fish, or loser, has very little feeling.
He sees nothing, hears nothing and says nothing
except 'that's good.' Forget about his sufferings.
The habitual loser is anaesthetized right up to
the margin of point 6 decimal 4718. Of course,
it is a good idea not to hook him through the
eye. But beyond that think of yourself. You
don't even have to give him much line. Just
haul him up to the side of the boat and gaff
him good and plenty.
"You are no longer a young man. I should say
that you are all of 35 and I want you to make
your decision here and now whether you are
going to be a sucker all of your life. As one of
the poets has said, 'If you'll do this and that
you'll be a man, my boy.' I think I hear them

calling us. .Let's get back to the game. I want
to see you get in there and play to win no mat-
ter who is hurt."
The bill of Dr. William (Butch) Smithers was
$25 and I would have considered it pretty steep
but for the fact that I held a small flush against
his high straight in the last pot of the closing
round of roodles.
Ever since Hitler rose to power we have heard
of a "Volksauto" or "people's car' which was to
be so cheap that every German workingman
could afford to buy it and speed into the country
for a week-end. Fluctuating as it did from
700 to 1,200 marks, the quoted price became an
indication of oratorical favor, That the "Volks-
auto" lies close to Hitler's heart there can be
no doubt. He has heralded its coming at every
automobile show that he has attended in the
last four years. That it will be, a reality in a
year or so is a foregone conclusion after the
ceremonial laying of the cornerstone of a huge
plant at Fallersleben in which it is to be turned
out by the million. Dr. Potsche is said to be
its designer. He is an engineer of such high
standing in Germany that its practicability can
"hardly be doubted.
In the light of the 1,450 marks-$640 at the
current rate of exchange-charged for the ex-
cellent Opel car which is made according to
American methods but which would barely
satisfy American expectations, Hitler's "Strength
Through Joy Volksauto" official price 990 marks
or $396-will leave much to be desired.
Americans will agree that in this machine age

The Editor
Gets Told.
Letter published in this column should
not be construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily. Anonymous contribu-
tions will be disregarded. The names of
communicanis will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, the editors reserving
the right to condense all letters of more
than 300 words and to accept or reject let-
ter's upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Answer To Mr. Keaton
To the Editor
The letter in today's Daily from
the Building and Construction Trades
Council offered most Daily readers
some insight into what last week's
action by the Student Senate "call-
ing for a boycott of Greene's Clean-
ers until that establishment agreed
to bargain collectively with its em-
ployees" was all about. But readers
are selfish; they pay for a paper and
want the whole truth not just a
We have no quarrel with organized
labor, but an unjust attack merits a
rebuke even though it be to labor
itself. The main thing to be under-
stood is that there has been abso-
lutely no trouble between the man-
agement and employees. To ques-
tion any employee will bear this out.
The trouble arose because we decided
to enlarge the plant, to increase the
payroll, to extend greater facilities
than had been offered before. Pos-
sibly it was selfish, since now is an
ideal time to build, and though in-
vestment and overhead would be
more, yet it meant greater volume
hence more profit. Five bids were
received. The lowest was rejected!
It was fromdan out-of-town contrac-
tor. Instead, the bid of a local man
was accepted. Possibly selfish on
our part since we wanted the money
to remain in Ann Arbor where it
would give everyone-and us--more
business. The general contractor is
erecting our addition. His employees
are not ours. No labor troubles, have
arisen; should they arise they would
be the problem of the general con-
tractor who is to be paid his bid price
for a completed building. As a matter
of interest, three of his six sub-con-
tractors are union. The other three
were once all union men but became
dissatisfied. There is a problem for
the Senate and organized labor to
wrangle with. But to infer that the
management of Greene's is having;
trouble with its employees is grossly
libelous. Should investigation be
made, there would be found-no la-
bor trouble of any kind, but instead
satisfied employees who all receive
better pay than do similar employees
anywhere else in the city (and in
some cases, job for job, are paid
practically double theamount re-
ceived elsewhere). This too may be
selfish since good workmen are an
asset, providing higher quality work,
thus increasing the volume-and so
the profit.
There's the whole story, not just
the teasers that have appeared. A
selfish gesture probably prompts this
letter since "when you put in more-
more comes out."
A. E. Greene, Mgr.
Relief Corps
Asks Stamps
To the Editor:1
The Woman's Relief Corps is very
much in need of additional funds to
carry on the work it is doing in Ann
Arbor. The appeals for milk for
undernourished children increase

each week as well as other forms of
relief which we have undertaken. Thel
members of Welch Relief Corps No.
218 would be grateful indeed if you
would save the cancelled stamps,
which are on the letters and packages
you receive, and give ,them to us. We
can sell them thereby enabling us to
continue our work of relief which is,
as it has always been, the reason for
our existence as an organization. We
are not asking for money but for the'
used stamps you would otherwise de-.
The Women's Relief Corps, an Aux-
illiary of the Grand Army of the Re-
public, is the oldest patriotic or-
ganization in the country. It was
organized in 1864 by loyal American
women for the purpose of relief for
3oldiers and sailors who served their
country in time of need. We are still
caring for those in need. Welch Re-
lief Corps No 218 was organized in
1891, and named in honor of Colonel
Norvel E. Welch of the 16th Michigan
Volunteers and who was killed in ac-
tion in 1864.
The money which we raise by
means of this stamp campaign will
be used for no other purpose than
for relief. We are asking the co-
operation of those of you who are
not now saving stamps for any other
If you call us, we shall be happy
to call for the stamps.
Ruth Bacon Buchanan, President.
Telephone 5558.
Maria A. Bergman, Secretary, Tele-
phone 7551.

(Continued from page 3)
Professional Organizations: At a re-
cent meeting of the Committee on
Student Affairs the following resolu-
tion was adopted:
RESOLVED: That the officers of
honor societies and professional or-
ganizations be notified (1) that such
groups are expected to comply with
standard of financial responsibility as
are other student groups, and to con-
duct initiations and other public
meetings in an orderly manner and
(2) that they will be required to
Idemonstrate their capacity to comply
with such standards of responsibility
and orderly conduct; RESOLVED
FURTHER: That a sub-committee of
the Committee on Student Affairs be
appointed to examine the present fi--
nancigl conditions and conduct of
such organizations and to discuss with
their representatives methods of as-
suring future compliance with the
standards applicable to all student so-
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
nce and the Arts: It is requested by
he Administrative Board that all
nstructors who make reports of In-
complete or Absent from Examina-
ion give also information showing i
he character of the part of the work
vhich has been completed. This
nay be done by the use of the sym-
ols, I (A), X (B), etc.
To The Members of the Faculty ofI
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: The eighth regular
meeting of the Faculty of the CollegeE
of Literature, Science, and the Ats
for the academic session of 1937-38,
will be held in Room 1025 Angell
Hall, June 6, 1938, at 4:10 p.m.
Edward H. Kraus
1. Adoption of the minutes of thee
meeting of May 2, 1938, which have1
been distributed by campus mail
(pages 428-435).
2. Reports,
a. Executive Committe, by Profes-
sor Arthur S. Aiton.
b. University Council, by Professor
Warren E. Blake.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, by Professor A. E. R.
d. Advisory Committee on Univer-t
sity Affairs, by Professor PrestonI
e. Deans' Conference, by Dean E. H.
3. Election of six members of the
University Council (4 regular and
2 substitute) and two members of the
Administrative Board. Nominating
Committee: Professors R. C. Angell,
Rene Talamon, and Paul S. Welch
4. Resolutions on the retirement of
the following members of the Facul-
Associate Professor G. C. Cone,
Professor E. W. Dow, Professor J. W.
Glover, Associate Professor J. A. C.
Hildner, Associate Professor Mar-
garet Mann and Professor C. L.
June Graduates: The University of
Michigansends bulletins several times
a year to the complete alumni body.
These bulletins contain interesting
and instructive information that you
will greatly appreciate and enjoy. In
order that you may receive these,
please see that your correct address
at all times is on file at the Alumni
Catalog Office.
Lunette Hadley, Director.
Registration Material: Colleges of
L.S.&A., and Architecture; Schools of
Education, Forestry and Music:
Summer Session registration ma-
terial may be, obtained in Room 4
U.H. Please see your adviser and se-
cure all necessary signatures before
June 24.
Architect classifiers will post a no-
tice when they are ready to confer.
Robert L. Williams,

Assistant Registrar.
Registration Material: Colleges ofA
L.S.&A., and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Summer Session registration ma-
terial may be obtained in Room 4j
U.H. Please see your adviser and se-
cure all necessary signatures before,
June 24.
To All Students Having Library
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books drawn from the University
are notified that such books are due
Monday, June 6.
2. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Tuesday, June 7, will be
sent to the Recorder's Office, where
their semester's credits will be held
up until such time as said records are
cleared, in compliance with the regu-
lations of the Regents.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
The Maison Francaise, 1414 Wash-
tenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, will be
open for the coming Summer Session
under the auspices of the French De-
partment of the University of Michi-

partment of the University of Michi-
gan. Rooms will be $30 and $35 for
Sthe eight-weeks term. Board will be
$6.50 a wek for breakfast an4t'1d di-
ner. Application for residence must
be made through the Office of the,
Dean of Women.
Senior Lits: Those Senior Literary
students who failed to secure their
Commencement announcements may
do so by calling at the oflice Af the
Dean of Students Room 2 Ujniversity
Hall 11onday morning between the
hours of 10 and 12.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Michigan Civil Serv-
ice examinations:
Personnel Administrator Classes,
$160-250 per month; minimum age
21 years.
Practical and Graduate Nursing
Classes, $55-100 per month and full
Soils Surveyor II, $210 per month;
ninimum age 23 years.
Egg Grading Classes, $80-125 per
Teaching Classes in State Institu-
tions; Salary rate of $55 to 210 per
For further information, please call
at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Summer Addresses: Everyone regis-
tered with the Bureau is reminded to
leave a summer address as soon as
possible. This should be done, wheth-
er you are staying in Ann Arbor or
going elsewhere. All registrants this
year whose records may not be c4om-
plete should check up on this matter
with the office.
Registrants who have secured em-
ployment, either summer or perman-
ent, must report this fact to the Bu-
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
201 Mason Hall. Office Hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
English 102. For final examination,
June 10, 2-5, students A to -M report
to 1025 A.H.; M to Z to Room2 B,
Haven Hall. J.L. Davis,
English I and II Final lExamnton
Schedule, Tuesday, June 7, 2 to 5 p.m.
English II
Ackerman, 3231 A.H.
Allen, 3209 A.H.
Baum, 201 U.H.
Calver, W. Phys. Lect.
Dean, 205 M.H.
Ellinger, 2215 A.H.
Everett, 203 U.H.
Giovannini, 205 M.H.
Green,103 R.L.
Haines, 103 R.L.
Hanna, 103 R.L.
Hart, 1020 A.H.
Hathaway, 16 A.H.
Helm, 225 A.H.
Knode, 1209 A.H.
Nelson, 101 Ec.
Ogden, 229 A.H.
O'Neill, 2219 A.H.
Peake, 205 S.W.
Peterson, 2203 A.H.
Roellinger, 18 A.H.
Rowe, 215 A.H.
Stevens, W. Phys. Lect.
Stibbs, 2003 A.H.
Stocking, 101 Ec.
Taylor, 101 Ec,
Walcutt, W. Phys. Lect.
Weimer, W. Phys. Lect.
Wells, 2003 A.H.
White, 101 Ec.
Williams, W. Phys. Lect.
Woodbridge, W. Phys. Lect.
English I
Bertram, 6 A.H.
Ford, E. Haven.
Geography 2. Final examination in
this course will be held Thursday,
June 9 from 2 to 5 p.m. Names be-
ginning with A through J in Room

25 A.H., K through P in Room 35
A.H., and R through Z in Room 1035
History 12: Lee. Section 1., Final
Examination, Thursday, June 9, 2-5
p.m. Mr. Slosson's quiz sections in
Room 103 Romance Languages. All
others in Natural Science Auditoxium.
Bring outline map of world as well as
German 1, 2, 31, & 32. Room Assign-
ment for Final Examinations, June
14, 1938 2-5 p.m.
German 1. All sections: 1025 A.R.
German 2. Diamond, Schachtsiek,
Braun, Striedieck, Van Duren: West
Lecture Physics. - A
Graf, Philippson: 25 A.H.
Gaiss, Sudermann: 231 A.H.
German 31. All Sections: C Haven
German 32.
Graf : 25 A.H.
Gaiss: 231 A.H.
Wahr: 201 U.H.
Van Duren: C-H.H.
Scholl: 301 U.H.
Nordmeyer: 203 U;H.
Philippson: 25 A.H.
Willey: C-H.H.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
VUaiver-ty. Copy received at the offie of the Assistant to the President
until 3.30; i11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

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