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June 02, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-06-02

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning (oxcept Monday during the
University year and summer session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled. to the
u for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it=,or' not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein.also
avtered at the Post Office at Ana Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptionsduring xegular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService Inc.
College Publishers Reresnta fti
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Robert D. Mitchell
Editorial DirectorAe . . . . Alrt P. May1o
City 'Editor.. . ' ... Horace W. Gilmore
Associate Editor . . . Robert. Fitzhenry
Associate Editor..J.. Saul R Kleiman
Associate Editor . .. .. Robert Pelman-
Associate Editor.William Elvin
Associate Editor....Joseph Freedman
Associate Editor . . . . ... Earl Gilman
Book Editor..........Joseph Ges
Women's Editor .. .......Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editor.,....... . . Bud Benjamin
Business Department
Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager .. Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G, Ruthven.
Mr. Abend
Begins To Doubt. .
anese victory in China is by no
means an ultimate certainty is furnished by a
story in the New York. Times of May 31 witten
by a staff correspondent, Hallett Abend, from
Peiping, behind the Japanese lines. Mr. Abend
declares that "after a journey through. Man-
chukuo and North China," he begins to doubt
"for the first time since the outbreak of hostil-
ities nearly eleven months ago'. . . that Japan
will emerge profitably victorious from this unde-
clared war."
According- to Mr. Abend's observations in the
territory ' which has been overrun by the Jap
armies, "it is idle to say that the Japanese
have 'conquered' many provinces . .. the Jip-
anese mandate rarely runs beyond the range of
the Japanese guns." He further asserts that
careful inquiry has shown that nine-tenths of
the puppet government set up by the Japanese
in Peiping hopes for a Chinese victory, and that
many of the Chinese officials who have accepted
positions in the new government have done so in -
the hope of being of use to their country in
their positions.
As for the economic side of the war, Mr. Abend
declares that many "frank Japanese leaders, ad-
mit the seeming impossibility of arousing foreign
interest in the development of industries in
China, while conceding that Japan does not
have sufficient capital nor large enough technical
personnel to handle the huge task alone."
An example pf the extent to which the Com-
munists and other guerillas operating against
the Japanese work with the civilian population
against the invaders is furnished by the situation
in Paoting, the former capital of Hopeh prov-
ince. The place is surrounded by 20,000 Com-

munists, who enter the city at night when the.
Japanese garrison retirescto the barricaded sec-
tor, and fraternize, with the populace, obtaining
supplies and leaving again before sunrise.
The Chinese in Peiping, according to the
writer, are fond of recounting the old Chinese
fable about the giant serpent, which tried to
swallow a bull elephant. It began by swallowing
the elephant's trunk but choked and was tram-
pled. to death.
Joseph Gies.
Mobilize Against
The Sex Criminal...
T HE WAVE of crimes against' helpless
and innocent chilUren now going on
leaves a lesson that should not be forgotten
when the first flurry of impotent excitement
has passed, for if any single thing has been
brought out by the reports as given in the papers

and real opportunities to meet the problems pre-
sented by it. They can find courses in the
University which deal objectively and scientifi-
cally with the social aims of delinquency, faulty
heredity and treatment of offenders of this na-
ture, and with such a knowledge they can decide
intelligently on legislation pertaining to the
prevention of intermarriage of the feeble-mind-
ed and to isolation or preferably sterilization of
homicidal sex criminals, of whom many are
known to be at large in all communities.
Social reform is the watchword of today, and
it is just as essential that this reform take place
in matters of safety and freedom from abuse, as
it is in matters concerning wage earning, child
labor, and old age pensions. Experience has
shown that many of the perpetrators of the
crimes against children have behind them a
record of imprisonment for previous offenses
of similar .nature. A famous warden who is
noted for his sympathy and understanding for
prisoners on parole has made the statement
that the type of criminal mentioned can never be
trusted if released.
With this as one thing to think about, it is
time that society began to look for positive pro-
grams of education against vicious and abnormal
crime, and of legislation to end it entirely. Cer-
tainly the safety of the citizens who take a con-
structive part in society should count far more
than maudlin sympathy for' irresponsible and
dangerous social unfits who prey on children
and take innocent lives.
Robert Mitchell.
Senior Lets OffI Steam
To the Editor:°
The past contributors of this letter column
have consistently shown their ability to express
their ideas well through their excellent command
of the English language. Hence, I hesitate to ex-
press for the first time my opinions of the fac-
ulty and student body of the University of Mic-
ian. But, as a senior, I think I should let
others know how I feel on the following issues.
The Michiganensian editors in the past years
have followed the practice of writing a letter to
the parents of those seniors who did not purchase
a yearbook. The purpose of the letter was to
beg the folks back home to buy a yearbook for
their son in college. Of what interest have those
hundreds of Michigan students who worked their
way through college in a yearbook which por-
trays fraternity life as the only college life? I
have no interest in a yearbook. The editor in
the letter to my folks said that it was probably
a mere oversight on my part that I did not order
a yearbook. Listen, editor of the 'Ehsian, I have
Been entirely on my own for nearly four years.
Every decision I made during that time, I made
myself. When I decided that I wanted no year-
book, I knew what I was doing. You suggested
that I do not have enough intelligence to know
what I am doing. Poof for you!
My next bone of contention is the lack of
more friendly and companionate "relationship
between the faculty and. student body. The cof-
fee hour was a step in the right direction, but
there. was a noticeable lack of cooperation on the
part of the faculty. The teas and receptions are
a farce as for promoting such relationships.
What about a more equitable distribution of
part-time jobs to the working students? By
equitable distribution I refer to the Union which
has part-time ,jobs which pay in some cases as
much as 60 cents an hour while other jobs in
other departments of the university pay half
that; and these jobs are just as responsible as
the Union work! Such a discrepancy should be
The dating situation here on this campus is
by no means satisfactory. Despite the fact that
there is a large surplus of boys, there are a few
girls who, on the evenings when the dormitories
have formals, stay in their rooms and cry, be-
cause they have no boy acquaintances. What
can be done about it, I don't know, but the
fraternities and sororities have developed a sort
of grapevine system to take care of their pledges.
This brings me to my next point.
The fraternity and sorority versus the inde-
pendent situation has usually been an under-
current issue. I cannot say anything about the
pros and cons of being a member of a Greek
letter society, but when you ask a sorority girl
for a date and she asks you to what house you

belong, then I get irritated. Don't the sorority
girls think the independents know how to dress
and how to use their manners? Being a mem-
ber of a fraternity doesn't insure one of possess-
ing the manners of a gentleman, and neither
does being an independent bar one from knowing
such refinements. Although I have met and
dated-some very nice sorority girls, I can't help
but retain my general impression of the majority
of them-an impression which is not very com-
I realize my comments are not constructive,
but I am sort of disgusted. Can you blame me?

ifeeiu lo Me
Heywood, Broun
Gettysburg was consecrated by a conflict and
dedicated anew by what is probably the finest
speech in the English language. And so there
might well be a sound tradition that these acres
should not again be exposed to war or oratory.
Senator Vandenberg is no violet, but I think
that Arthur was audacious
when he stood in Lincoln's
spot on Monday and at-
tempted to match 'his
phrases with those of the
'The Michigander's effort
to interpret the Gettysburg
address as a defense of re-
action was presumptuous.
But the Senator's willing-
ness to challenge comparisonwith the prose pace
of Abraham Lincoln puts him into the class of
the foolhardy.
In a place where words have been set to
marching, no man should be permitted to make
them parade in limping lines. Vandenberg men-
tioned the fact that Lincoln had his say in
"272 vital words." But then he arrogated to him-
self the right to stay no longer.
Abe And Little Arthur
Keep in your mind the compact, quality of the
enduring address and then compare it with such
'.a slack-wire sentence as this from the pedestrian
performance of Arthur H.:-"Our deadliest foe
will be our own complaisance-our own indivi-
dual self-centered inclination to take the easiest
way-if, as and when the plea'of some emergency
invites us to the first relatively inoffensive steps
which turn our feet away from the paths of
which Lincoln spoke."
That is not English prose; that is Choctaw.
There ought to be an anti-lynching bill to pro-
tect our native language. Men in public life
should not be permitted to leave clauses hanging.
The pity of it is that Senator Arthur H. Van-
denberg is still seriously mentioned as a possible
candidate for the Republican nomination in 1940.
His povrty of ideas stands logically as a greater
barrier than his ineptitude in sentence structure.
And yet I think there bught to be a literacy
test for Presidents. The job makes it necessary
for our Chief Eecutive to be articulate, and to
set down words which cannot be drained off
down the sluice pipe. '
And in this respect, it seems to me, that
America has been extremely fortunate. In spite
of the fact that Mr. Harding was technically a
newspaper editor I would say that only five of
our Presidents were men trained specifically in
the art of writing. Possibly I am being unfair to
the Adamses, but my list would include Madison,
Wilson, both Roosevelts and Jefferson. And yet
Cleveland, who wrote awkwardly, left some tell-
ing phrases behind him. The Coolidge legend
had the solid foundation of a few good cracks.
Washington, the first business man in the
White House, coined noble phrases.
Top In The Ranking
Lincoln, of course, was not only the finest
stylist of all American Presidents but also a man
who set a mark at which all men of letters
can shoot. It is possible that even as ponderous
a tub-thumper as Vandenberg might take on
something of grace, dignity and humility if ele-
vated to high office. The risk is too great.
Certainly he imposes on the public when he
undertakes to say that Lincoln was an Old Guard
Republican at heart. Let this little man chew
upon the fact that Lincoln undeniably did say:
-"This country with its institutions belongs to
the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall
grow weary of the existing government they
can exercise their constitutional right of amend-
ing it or their revolutionary right to dismember
or overthrow it."

Behind Autarchy
Secretary Hull did not exaggerate last week
when he described the dangers of autarchy, or
absolute sovereignty and national self-sufficiency.
As he pointed out, the development of order
under law and the growth of international com-
merce have been two of the principal forces in
shaping the growth of Western civilization, and
the revitalization of these forces is "an urgent
and outstanding task." In the long run, as he
continued, excessive efforts toward autarchy will
undermine and break down the domestic eco-
nomic structure of the country persisting upon
such a course, yet "too many nations in the
world are today steering straight in the direction
of such an economic, political and social Niag-
The same point has been made powerfully by
Ludwig von Mises, the Austrian economist, in a
recent pamphlet on "The Disintegration of the
International Division of Labor." As Mises shows,
the new, like the old, arguments for protection-
ism and autarchy are primarily not economic
but political and military. He examines all the
"modern" arguments in turn-the argument of
national prestige, the war argument, the war ar-
gument in neutral countries, the wages argu-
ment, the overpopulation argument, the mone-
tary or foreign exchange argument-and shows
that each is partly or wholly fallacious, and that
protectionism, exchange control and autarchy
time and again defeat their purpose and often
bring about the very opposite of the results they
are designed to achieve.
Autarchy, it is important to remember, is
never an isolated phenomenon. It is alway

Best Short Stories
1938, edited by Edward J. O'Brien.
Houghton Mifflin Co., New York.
Of particular interest to Ann Arbor
readers of Mr. O'Brien's annual short
story anthology is the inclusion in
this year's collection of a story by
Harvey Swados, a student at the{
University. The story "The Ama-
teurs," first appeared in the late
Contemporary in the fall of 1936.
The best criticism of the story
which I have heard came from Mr.
Swados himself. Mr. Swados, al-
though he may not be my best friend
is certainly one of my most intimatE
friends. He told me, in a moment of
confidence, that although the plot of
the story is good, the naivete and in-
genuousness of the style place "The
Amateurs" pretty definitely in thn
rank of second rate stuff. It is, in hi,
conception, a mere fragment, inter-
esting in itself, but not too well done
This, I think, is the fault of a good
many of the stories in this year's col-
lection. Mr. O'Brien himself recog-
nized this when he wrote in the intro-
duction, "A year which produced on(
great story would be an exceptional
one." This year the stories can, I be-
lieve be divided into three categories
a few stories which you will read and
remember, a great many which yot
will enjoy and then forget, and a
few which are so bad as to be un-
In the first category -I would put
The Spaniard, by Prudencio de Pe-
reda, a fine story of a Spaniard wht
fights on the Fascist side during th
war, but realizes that he is a Span-
iard before he dies; Christ In Con-
crete, by Pietro di Donato, about a
group of workers who are crushed tc
death when a building collapses, ane
Pro Arte, by Allan Seager, a former
instructor at the University.
In the second category belong most
of the stories, in particular Frederick
Prokosch's A Russian Idyll, a beau-
tifully written little "escape" story.
Mark Schorer's Boy In The Summer
Sun, a story of dying love (for those'
who like Schnitzler), and Meridel I'
Sueur's The Girl, about a typical
youngishschool teacher on vacation
who is propositioned by a husky,
kind hearted young fellow.
In the last category I personally
wouldput Elizabeth Madox Roberts'
The Haunted Palace, a pointless and
boring piece, Manuel Komroff's pot-
boiling kiddie story, The Whole,
World Is Outside, and a thing by
Jesse Stuart called Huey, The Engi-
neer, which might just as well have
been written in Swahili.
The main fault which I find with
this year's collection is that too many
of the stories read like The Ama-

VOL. XLVIII. No. 173
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the following rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
Feb. 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the
last day of classes of each semester
or Summer Session. Student loans
which fall due during any semester
or Summer Session which are not
laid or renewed are subject to this
regulation; however, student loans
lot yet due are exempt. Any unpaid
Accounts at the close of business on
;he last day of classes will be reported
'o the Cashier of the University, and
"a) All academic credits will be
vithheld, the grades for the semester
or Summer Session just completed will
aot be released, and no transcript of
:redits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
:ounts will not be allowed to register
n any subsequent semester or Sum-
ner Session until payment has been
S. W. Smith, Vice-President and
Commencement Tickets: Tickets
'or Commencement may be obtained
mn request after June 2 at the Busi-
iess office, Room 1. University Hall.
Inasmuch as onzy two Yost Field
louse tickets are available for each
enior, please present identification
ard when applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins.
Registration Material: Colleges of
..S.&A., and Architecture; Schools
f Education, Forestry and Music:.
Summer Session registration ma-
erial may be obtained in Room 4
J.H. Please see your adviser and se-
u.e all necessary signatures before
Tune 24.
Representatives of the Committee
>n Personnel of the Detroit Public
Schools will be in the Office of the
School of Education on Thursday,
rune 2, between the hours of 3 and 5
1) confer with members of the present
unior or senior classes and gradu-
Lte students who might desire to
:ualify for later appointment to a
eaching position in the elementary
;chools of Detroit. Only those can-
iidates will be considered who have
i 1.5 average in scholarship and who
"ank high in matters of health and
;eneral ability. To be eligible for
appointment students must be pre-
)ared to plan a program involving a
emester's work in directed teaching
md related subjects at Wayne
Jniversity. Further information may
te secured on application at the
School of Education office.

anyone who has completed one or
ore years in Architectural or En-
neering Schools.
Maritime Research Assistant, $3,200
year; United States Maritime Com-
Assistant Electric-Rate Investigat-
$2,600 a year; Federal Power
Maritime Personnel Representative,
1,600 a year; United States Mari-
me Commission.
For further information, please call
the office, 201 Mason Hall. Offiee
>urs: 9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Senior Engineers: Attention: All
niori engineers who have 'rented
ips and gowns from the Cap and
own Committee must return them
the League Saturday night, Judne
1, between 8 and 11 p.m. in order
obtain refunds. Receipts must be
esented when applying for refunds.
e League bulletin board for room
Commencement Announcements:
he Burr, Patterson & Auld Cor-
iy, 603 Church Street, will begin
.eir distribution of Commencement
nnouncements on June 1. An extra
pply of booklets and folds are like-
ise available and may be secured by
ose who failed to place their orders.
Literary Seniors: Commencement
nnouncements will be distributed in
e lobby of Angell Hall from 2:00 to
:00 in the afternoon on Wednesday
d Thursday, June 1 and 2. All
Tniorsare urgedntoesecure their an
ouncements during those hours.
Senior Engineers: Commencement
nnouncements will be distributed
crough Friday of this week, from a
sk outside the Mechanical Engi-
eering office in the West Engineer-
ig Building. Hours: 9:00 to 12:00
id 1:00 to 3:00.
Please present your orders imme-
iately, as it will be extremely in-
>nvenient to make distribution later
an Friday.
School of Music Seniors. senior an-
ouncements may now be obtained
the School of Music building. Hours
rsted on bulletin board.
Rochdale Cooperative House: Ap-
licatiohs for membership for the
iming Summer Session are now be-
g received. Application blanks are
vailable in Dean Olmsted's office,
oom 2, University Hall, or at the
ochdale Cooperative House, 640 9!-
rd Road.
Hillel Library. All books were due
[ay 31. Please return immediately.
Crop and Saddle members: There
'ill be no more Crop and Saddle rides
ntil next fall.
To All Students Having Library
1. Students having in their posses-
ion books drawn from the.University
re notified that such books are due
Monday, June 6.
2. The names of all students who
lave not cleared their records at the
library by Tuesday, June 7, will be
;ent to the Recorder's Office, where
;heir semester's credits will be held
p until such time as said records are
leared, in compliance with the regu-
ations of the Regents.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
Comprehensive Examination in
Education scores are available in the
office of the School of Ed'ucation,
1437 University Elementary School.
Officers of Honor Societies and
Professional Organizations: At a re-
cent meeting of the Committee on
Student Affairs the following resolu-
tion was adopted:
RESOLVED: That the officers of

honor societies and professional or-
ganizations be notified (1) that such
groups are expected to comply with
standard of financial responsibility as
are other student groups, and to con-
duct initiations and other public
meetings in an orderly manner and
(2) that they will be required 'to
demonstrate their capacity to comply
with such standards of responsibility
and orderly conduct; RESOLVED
FURTHER: That a sub-committee of
the Committee on Student Affairs be
appointed to examine the present fi-
nancial conditions and conduct of
such organizations and to discuss with
their representatives methods of as-
suring future compliance with the
standards applicable to all student so-
Acaxdemic Notices
Abnormal Psychology 32 will not
meet today.
Geography 2. Final examination in
this course will be held Thursday,
June 9 from 2 to 5 p.m. Names be-
ginning with A through J in Room
25 A.H., K through P in Room 35
A.H., and R through Z in Room 1035

Pu)lication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Universtty. Copy received at-the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


teurs: they are pathetic or sentimen- The following schedule will mark N
tal incidents drawn from a moment -he lifting of the Automobile Regu-
in the life of an individual, and lation for students in the various
nothing more. That is why Mr. Sea- jolleges and departments in the Uni-w
ger's Pro Arte and Mr. Pereda's The versity. Exceptions will not be made u
Spaniard are exceptional-in each nor individuals who complete their
case you are given a character whole. work. in advance of the last day of
I would have liked to have seen a 'lass examinations. All students in B
few examples of the experimental the following departments will be
writing which is being done in this required to adhere strictly to' thiss
country by Elizabeth Bishop, James schedule.a
Agee and others. However, The Best College of Literature, Science, and1
Short Stories oe 1938 is quite repre- the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June
sentative of the work of American 14, at 5 p.m.h
short story writers. And if the writ- College of Architecture: All classes. L
ing is not better than it is, the fault Tuesday, June\14, at 5 p.m.,
can hardly be ascribed to Mr. College of Pharmacy: All classes.t
O'Brien, whose choices on the whole Tuesday, June 14, at 5 p.m.L
are sensible and judicious. School of Business Administration:c
All classes, Saturday, June 11, at 121
School of Education: All classes.
COttonAgain Tuesday, June 14, at 5 p.m.
School of Engineering: All classes..
From Washington come reliable re- Tuesday, June 14, at 5 p.m.-
ports that there was more to the deal School of Forestry and Conserva-1
between Prime Minister Chamberlain tion: All classes. Tuesday, June 14,
and Mussolini than was made public. at 5 p.m.
It seems that London has had the School of Music: All classes. Tues-1
jitters ever since Mussolini conquered day, June 14, at 5 p.m.-
Ethiopia. London feared that Mus- School of Dentistry: Freshman;
solini's control over Lake Tana, in class; Wednesday, June 8, at 12 noon.-
Ethiopia, would jeopardize the flow Sophomore class; Friday, June 3, at
of the Nile. For the Nile is dependent 12 noon. Junior class; Saturday,
upon Lake Tana for its water sup- June 4, at 12 noon. Senior class;3
ply. Without water from Lake Tana Saturday, June 4, at 12 noon. - Hy-
it would be impossible to irrigate gienists; Tuesday, June 7, at 5 p.m.
Egypt and British Sudan, two cot- Law School: Freshman class; Tues-
ton-growing sections. day, June 7, at 5 p.m. Junior class;
So Mr. Chamberlain and Mussolini Tuesday, June 7, at 5 p.m. Senior
have negotiated a lease giving Lon- class; Wednesday, June 8, at noon.
don the right to exploit the waters of Medical School: Freshman class;
Lake Tana. The lease is said to be for Thursday, June 9, at 12 noon. Sopho-
66 years and may be extended after more class; Saturday, June 11, at 12
that period. noon. Junior class; Saturday, June
In return for the privilege of ex- 11, at 12 noon. Senior class; Wed-
ploiting these headwaters Chamber- nesday, June 8, at 5 p.m.
lain has promised a large sum of mon- Graduate School: All classes, Tues-
ey to Mussolini for the purpose of de- day, June 14, at 5 p.m. Candidates
veloping Ethiopia, now a white eli- for Masters' Degree; Tuesday, June
phant on Il Duce's hands. 14, at 5 p.m. Candidates for Doctors'
How severely this will affect the Degree; Saturday, June 4, at 5 p.m.
South we do not know. But we do
know that this latest bit of interna- Mechanical Engineering Seniors and
tional chicanery will make it more Graduate Students: You are request-
difficult for the South to regain its ed to fill out an information sheet
foreign cotton market. For one can- for the Department of Mechanical
not expect the realistic British to Engineering, upon the presentation
give millions to Mussolini without a of which you may receive your copy
proper quid pro quo. And from of the group picture.
this distance it appears that the quid
pro quo is extensive cultivation of Hopwood Contestants: All contes-
cotton fields to supply Lancashire tants are requested to call for their
mills. manuiscripts at the Hopwood Room

'Texas ,Jack'
In Alaska the inhabitants hold a Yukon
sweepstakes as often as Nature permits, which
is once a year. The lucky person guessing near-
est to the exact moment when the ice will start
down-river gets a prize. .This year, if memory
serves, the pool came to $15,000 and went, by
poetic justice, to a happy couple who needed that
amount, or a little less, to get married on. In
Washington Vice-President Garner is "making a
book" on the date when Congress will adjourn.
Nobody knows whether he is hedging or not, be-
cause he bets blind. The date, or dates, he sug-
gests are in plain sealed envelopes, not to be
opened till payday. The rate is fifty-fifty.
There are evidences here of what the psychiat-
rists would call a suppressed desire. Mr. Garner
is tired of presiding over the Senate and wants
to go back to Uvalde. There is also an indica-
tion of why Mr. Garner is popular with friend
and foe alike. In almost every part of the
.world except the United States people carry po-


St. Louis Star-Times.

on either Thursday or Friday after-
noon. June 2 or 3. Copies of the

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