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February 24, 1938 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-24

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SDAY, FEB. 24, 1938



i =_.t

Explain League Liberal Education Is
] eqieDiscussed At League
. e irements
Pf, Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
To Fresh nen ishdepartment spoke informally t
the Graduate Luncheon Club meeting
held yesterday at the League. The
A1nounce Petition Dates topic of his talk was "A Liberal Edu-
For Freshman Project'Ication in the University."
"Progressive education," Professor
250 Women Attend Weaver declared, "educates quan-
titatively, not quaiatively." He
A11lsecond semester freshman warn'ed graduates against too much
wo nen with an average of C plus arejspecialization and too little liberal ed-
elivible for participation in League ac- ucation.
tiv ies, it was announced by Angelene u _a_ __n._
Ma .iszewski, '38, head of Judiciary
Coa ncil, at the freshman mass meet-
ing held yesterday at the League.
1-Miss Maliszewski also announced ed
the dates of petitioning and interview-
ing for Freshman Project, and ex- CN' and -
pla ned how to get eligibility slips, to
thE 250 women who attended the C
me ing. Petitioning will be in prog- & igagemen ts
ress the week of Mar. 7, and inter- ______
vie uing will begin Tuesday, Mar. 15. Two marriages and two engage-
To Interview Chairmen ments of former University students
Only these interested in chair- were recently announced.
manships of committees of Freshman 'Winifred Elaine Pike, '34, daugh-
Prcject need be interviewed, Miss Mal- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William RolandI
iszwski stated. Before participating Pike of Detroit, and Ralph Lane
in my activity, each freshman woman Polk, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
mv';t have eligibility slips for each L. Polk of Bloomfield Hills were mar-
activity in which she plans to take red Saturday in the rectory of St.
P&. t.Hugo's of the Hills. The Rev. Father
;=ope Hartwig, '38, president of the Daniel T. Wholigan read the service.
Le ,gue, opened the meeting with a
we:^ome to the freshmen. The first Mrs P s afgraate of th
spoaker was Margaret Ferries, '38, University is affiliated with Alpha
ch airman of the orientation commit- Phi. Mr. Polk graduated from
te. who described briefly the work Princeton University.
of the various League committees, and Mrs. Walter Scott Bell of Elsie{
of Panhellenic Association, Assembly announced the engagement of her
an- the Undergraduate Council. daughter, Virginia Elizabeth, of Ann
Margaret Ann Ayers, '38, treasurer Arbor to Robert G. Miller, '38, at a
of the League, revealed the income luncheon Saturday in the League.
otgoof the League, vaethncoe Miss Bell attended the University
an i outgo of the League, and ex- adi ~iitdwt iBt h.
pleaned to whom the Ethel McCormick and is affiliated with Pi Beta Phi.
sclolarships and the Alice Lloyd fel- Mr. Miller, son of Dr. and Mrs. Rob-
lov'ship are given. The Alice Lloyd ert T. Miller of Muncie, is a member
Fe .owship will give $500 to a grad- of Psi Upsilon.
ua woman. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sperlich of!
Women's Editor Speaks JfDetroit announce the marriage of
Kelen Douglas, '38, women's editoi their daughter, Doris, to Stewart
of :e Daily, invited tne freshmen in- Wilson Maltby of Detroit. Mrs. Malt-
ter sted in journalism to come to the by attended the University.
Stv Sent Publications Building, to try- Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Huntington ofj
out at 4:15 today. Alberta Wood, '40, Howell announce the engagement of
chirman of last year's Frosh Project their daughter, Mary, '38, to Merlin
recounted her experiences as chair- Woodruff, '37, son of Mr. and Mrs.;
me:n, of the activity and counseled Russell Woodruff of Howell. Miss,
th. audience to plan something that Huntington is affiliated with Alpha
wo11d notabe affected by weather. Chi Omega, and Mr. Woodruff is a
wo. d n1~b affcte bymember of Theta Xi.
The last speaker was Harriet Pom- mme__T__X.
ercy, '39, president of Wyvern, junioi
woaen's honorary society, who an- SENIOR SOCIETY TO MEET
nounced that the members of Wyverr Senior Society will hold a meeting
wo ld be in the Undergraduate offices at 5 p.m. today in the League Coun-
of the League during petitioning to cil Room, Angelene Maliszewski, '38,
he]p freshmen fill out the petitioning president, announced yesterday. She
bla cks. said that attendance is compulsory.

Payoff' Dance
Guests Named
By Committee
Arrange For Decorations
And Entertainment; Men
Will Receive Favors
Guests of the central committee of
"Payoff," Mortarboard Dance, to be
held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in
the League Ballroom were announced
Betty Gatward, general chairman
of the dance, will have Frank Danne-
miller, '37, as her guest. Marie Saw-
yer, music chairman, will attend with
Douglas Gregory, '39, Margaret Curry,
who is in charge of programs and fa-


vors, will bring Edward Greenwald,
Mary Johnson, of the entertainment
omnittee, will attend the dance with
Bruce Donaldson, '39M, and Bruce
Telfer, '38, will be the guest of Betty
Whitney, who is in charge of patrons
a~nd patrone ses .
RPberta Melin, chairman of pub-
licity, will attend the dance with
Harry Herman, '38. Betsy Baxter, who
is in charge of tickets will have Frank
Lathrcp, '38F&C, as her guest. 1
Decorations forthe dance will be
in the form. of a large mortar board
fashioned after the pin. This will be
outlined in gold and placed behind the
orchestra. There will be program
favors for the men.
Special entertainment will be pro-
vided by Miss Sawyer and Gregory
who will do two dance routines, a
waltz and a foxtrot. They will also
give their interpretation of the Little
The dance is to be a woman's date
affair, and tickets may be obtained
from Mortarboard members or at the
main desk at the League. Informality
will be the keynote, Miss Gatward
Jimmy Raschel and his negro bandI
will furnish the music.
Announce Last



Pk~4 "JAe ewna.w
$3.QQ to $4.95.

Day For J.G.P.
Eligibility Slips
Health Rechecks Will End
Tomorrow; Schbe dunle
Committee Meetings
Eligibility slips for the 1938 Junior
Girls Play, "The Mulberry Bush," a
mythical comedy, must be in by to-
morrow, according to Roberta Chis-
sus, general chairman.
The last chance to get health re-
checks is from 2 to 4 p.m. today and
tomorrow, Jean Holland, assistant
chairman, announced. Laboratory
tests and appointments should be
made immediately.
Eligibility slips can be obtained
from the secretary to Dean Bursley
in Room 2, University Hall. Health
recheck and eligibility slips should be
handed in before tomorrow.
Committees for the play will meet
today and tomorrow, Miss Chissus
announced. If women are unable to
attend the meetings they should get
in touch with the chairman immed-
iately or they will be automatically
dropped from the committee.
The finance committee of which
Martha Tillman is chairman will
meet at 3:30 p.m. today. The program
committee headed by Jane Holden
and the ticket committee of which
Madeline Krieghoff is chairman will
meet at 4 p.m. today.
The ushers committee will meet
at 4:30 p.m. today, according to
Rebecca Bursley, chairman. At 5 p.m.
today the publicity, makeup and cos-
tume committees will hold meetings.
The property committee of which
Elizab'eth White is chairman will
meet at 4 p.m. tomorrow.
The rooms for the committee meet-
ings will be announced on the bulle-
tin board. Committee members
should hand in their slips to the
chairman at these meetings.

General Ticket Sale
Moping On The Mall Will Begin Tuesday
The ticket sale for Frosh Frolic will
By Meandering Minnie remain open only to freshmen until
Tuesday. it was announced by Don
--Ryker, general chairman, yesterday.
Tommy Dorsey really beat it out down at the old Yost Field House Tues- Identification cards must be pre-
day night. The boys were in the groove-I mean actually. The crowd ;onted when tickets are purchased, he
looked like the audience from a Mickey Mouse comedy; just a mass of ;tated, and no one may purchase more
bobbing, twitching, jiggling individuals. than one ticket.
siting There have been, three changes
Mary Rall was there with Ed Shady, doing some snappy trcking' sittingTade in the committee for the dance,
down. Jane Hardy, Bert Reedy, Bamby Boucherle, John Kollig, Tiny Blod t was also announced. Burns Hutt-
gett, Reed Alexander. Enora Ferriss and Hugh Hig- \Glinger and James Duthrie will be
ginbottom were there, too, warming up the bleachec p- ,chairmen of the music committee and
seats. Sitting fascinated by the rendition of "Peckin'" /atrons chairman will be William
were Ginny Handeyside, Jim Gould, Virginia Weidlein C . Ip Rockwell.
and George Hanson. We hear teil that one Dotty _ _- ____~___ __
Barrett fell into a swoon over "Stardust" and fell I)
down between the seats. Frances Bonisteel and Al-
len Fisher were all eyes and ears. Kay Steiner
came running in about a minute before the concert
began with two men from State in tow-Howard Burr
and Bob Dawson by name. Charlotte Schreiber and Jack Cooper were there
oc, as were Anita Carvallho and Matt Marin. Fee Menefee was sitting with
Bob Wurster watching the jam session with round eyes. The campus mu-
sicians were there full blast, too. Charlie Zwick planted himself on a "fu- DORTH]
neral chair" right close behind the band, taking it all in, and Shirl Cros-
man, of the Union Crosmans, was there with Ned Replogle.
T. Dorsey Be ats1ftOut That brilliant young
designer whose fasci-
Gray Nelson, Jean Stoe, Alberta Wood, Bill Devereaux, Katherine Rod-
erick. John McDonald, Bill Jacobs, Rita Chappell, William Barr, Walter ating fashions we're
Scholes, Joan Outhwaite, Maxine Blaess, Ruth Shewman, Larry Vanden showing at our
Berg, Don Dressel. Bob Isgrigg, Ed Greenwald, and Jim Rae and his sister College Shop
were seen climbing all over Mr. Yost's plank seats. One quartet of maleC
students swinging away with all their strength were a source of great
pleasure to Temmy D. as he "egged" them on in their clapping. The concert
was given by the Alums to raise money for scholarships and the now-
familiar, though nebulous, W.A.A. pool. Hello Juniors
Pool or no pool, of their own, that is, the swimming club still meets
in the Union. Twila Traber and Helen Wolf were at it again yesterday. The gr
W.A.B. is going to town these days. Olive Reed, rifle chairman, has mar- I know... I'm you
shalled her forces to give their all in the intercollegiate telegraphic meets with juniors...s
now being held. Mary Richardson, Florence Dyer, Nancy Saibert, Mildred secrets, your am
Perkins, Doris Nashhold, Frances Hubbs, Dorothy Goebel and Doris Newman
are some of the old faithfuls who have been down shooting. so long I've desi
Bowlers also do a lot of hanging around the building. Marian Wiess won smart Junior frie
the individual tourney with high score of 175. Or is it the low score ..and now for a.
that wins? Or is that golf? Mice just don't seem to know the score when
it comes to bowling. That's what comes of being the exotic, Dietrich type other cities...
of mouse instead of a Babe Didrickson. see the exciting
1iW.O9.C.'s 7, T sto y a to perk you up fo
abouting.. .I kno
The freshman girls met in the League yesterday afternoon to listen..do drop' in ra
to the campus big-wigs tell them about extra-curricular activities. Janet
Hmer, Virginia Kielholtz, Marjorie Strand, Beverly Bracken, Jane Peterson, Jun.
Marjorie Everett, Cornelia Davidson, Barbara Wheat, Carolyn Coller, Patsy
McKinnon, Dorothy Killam, Ginny List, Mary Henderson, Barbara Grill, Tad
Lynch, Margaret Hubbard, Joan Matheson, Betty Kep-
ler, Dorothea Ortmayer, Helen Barnett, Mary Martha
Hobrock, Betty Nixon, Shirley Hepler, Margaret Whit-
temore, Betty Ann Chaufty, Constance Berry, Margaret The New Gro
Woodruff, Betty Mandel, Eleanor Stiveson, Helen
1I l Nutting, Suzanne Morgan ,Ruth Davis and Helen Culley 12 9
4were only a fraction of the class of '41 that turned out.
Helen Newberry Residence became women's basket- Exclusi
ball champeens yesterday for the second consecutive year when they defeated
Alpha Epsilon Phi by a score of 17 to 13. Very good gals.
The Helen Newberry team was made up of Norma Curtis, Jane Dunbar, G ood
Margaret Thornhill, Anita Goldstein, Ruth Seekamp, Eileen Boorsma and
Jean McKay. Alma Simon, Lee Siff, Phyllis Diamond, Ruth Frank, Mar-
garet Greenhouse, and Miriam Szold played for Alpha Epsilon Phi.
The little women of our fair firetrap of a campus are busily calling
up their gentleman friends for dates this week. Friday night is Mortar- ON TH
board's "Payoff" dance at the League to which the
women must ask the men. And, incidentally, Ardemis
Kouzian received a message Chat she is now a cousin. \
Congratulations, Ardie!
Just got a scoop! Senior Society is going to sell
carnations at the Assembly Ball, but they're being
very tricky about the whole thing. You pay in ad-
vance, and at the dance turn in your little ticket
to receive a fresh bouquet from the flower table.
There's so many things going on that the column just won't hod it all
any more. But for those that got eft out-there'll come a day, she says,
she says!
-- - - .- _ -- -

.thn luscious
;.4 now rosy
color for
Use Your I
Charge Account
f ,
Other Styles
shirt is suave simplicity
... it's the accessory
color that's making low neck . . strictly m
all fashion headlines! tailored . . . made of lus
A rich red-copper shantung broadcloth
tone in Suede, as.
the fringed step-in I fabric that has been scie
above...or in a gab- a long life of wear and
ardine "peep" toe 14 stirringly vivid color
tie, with triangle or fade) . . . at a price
eyelets! Wear Straw-
berry with black, must have" about six c
brown, blue...well,
IAAJ:;'simply evervthin'! $1 i

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a i

613 East Williams Street

4 doors off State

-~ S
& as sketched 3
light up the whole
spring picture . . pastel $22.95
frocks touched with V
dark. Note the perfect£
swing circular skirt
achieving youthful
a collection from
9.95 and up

There will be a meeting of the
social committee of the League at
4:15 p.m. today in the League, Betty
Gatward, '38, chairman, announced.
It is most necessary for all members
to be present.
As broadcast - - while ourI
stock lasts - - you get a full
..a1 . t 1 .& , f -

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