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February 24, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-24

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FEB. 24, 1938

Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ...--...............DON WILSHER
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Daily Issues
Its Tryout Call.
T HE DAILY is more than just another
extra-curricular activity. It is, or
should be, an instrument of service to the Uni-
versity community &rd, in addition, a source of
enjoyment and practical training in newspaper
work to those who publish it.
As a fulfillment of this credo the Daily aims
to present the news in an accurate manner and
in as complete a coverage as is possible with its
existing facilities. Its editorial policy is directed
towards interpreting and summarizing the news
in an intellectually honest, dispassionate way.
That it may constantly render better service
to the University and its readers, the editors and
reporters of the Daily today are asking for second-
semester freshmen and sophomores and other
students to come out for positions on any of the
various staffs which are immediately responsible
for publishing the Daily.
There are several advantages to working on the
(1) Staff members are induced by the very na-
ture of their work to read metropolitan papers
and magazines of opinion to keep abreast of the
news events of the world beyond the campus.
(2) Reporters have splendid opportunities for
contacts with faculty members that they would
lot ordinarily get.
(3) As a student organization the Daily
draws together students from every field of con-
centration and enables them to transcend the
ordinary negative hindrances to the forming of
widespread, valuable friendships which the very
size of the University and its student body auto-
matically creates.
(4) As a journalistic and literary instrument
;he Daily affords ample opportunity to students to
continue their writing both for practice and
genuine enjoyment.
(5) As orientation into newspaper work, the
Daily gives practical experience in the different
phases of work needed to publish a newspaper:
reporting, editing, editorial writing, headline
writing, copy and proof reading and adminis-
(6) There is a real enjoyment to be derived!
from the day to day creation of a newspaper,
something akin, perhaps, to the pleasure which
craftsmen must surely feel.
This ediorial was prompted in the hope that
the Daily will attract the best of the student talent
on campus so that it may continue to be one of
the country's outstanding college newspapers and
so that it may be of greater and more satisfac-
tory service to its readers.
Joseph S. Mattes.
Tuure Tenander.
The Student Senate
And Congress .*, *
BECAUSE of an unfortunate choice of
names, there is a danger that two
worthy student bodies, both making their opening
bids for support now, will be confused and the
work of both impaired.
Congress, the older of the two, was conceived
late last year and launched as an independent
men's organization. Its aim, according to a
pamphlet available to all students interested, is
service and organizational work will be subor-

The campus has been divided into 10 zones of
approximately 400 independent men, each with
its own officers elected to a coordinating body,

international matters and local affairs as they
bear on these events."
Campus skeptics doubt the efficacy of such an
organization and claim that it will degenerate to
a debating body. Such criticisms, made at the
outset, may deter the Senate. It needs support;
it needs the support of competent leaders to
make i successful. Senate data are also printed
and have been posted.
Joseph N. Freedman.
John Taylor Arms
Nothing could surpass the infinite delicacy and
refinement of the etchings of John Taylor Arms
now showing in the second floor of Alumni
Memorial Hall. The artist is president of the
Society of American Etchers, and one who visits
this exhibit would understand why the etchers
of America pay this tribute to the man, simply
as a super-craftsman in his field. He is more
than that, however. His prints, in composition
and design, as well as draftsmanship, reveal a
real artist.
There may be those who, while they admire the
extraordinary refinement of his treatment of the
details of stone, traceries and textures, are re-
pelled a little by the meticulous quality of his
Mlates, which must represent an infinite amount
of the hardest kind of work. Nevertheless the
themes he has chosen in the hill towns of Italy
and the cathedrals of France give almost all his
plates not only a pictorial but a dramatic quality
which make them all well worth studying.
The artist has shown his love for the grotesque
in Gothic architecture in several gargoyle plates
which are well-recognized characteristics of his
work. Particularly in his plate "Le Penseur de
Notre Dame" it seems apparent that etching can
go no further in the representation of textures
and yet preserve the effectiveness of the plate
as a design. The same is true of the "Amiens"
where the unbelievably accurate representations
of textures on the houses are only incidents in a
well-designed plate with a strong foreground and
delicate tracery in the distant church. Particu-
larly interesting is a plate in which the artist
has combined with another well-known etcher,
Kerr Eby, to produce "Medieval Pageantry" where
the latter has provided a boldly drawn and very
human procession passing before the towers of a
church which was drawn by Arms. j
Several plates, not the least effective of the
group, represent American scenes, of which the
one "Cobwebs," showing parts of New York's
bridges, is particularly interesting. The exhibit
is decidedly one that should be seen, studied, and
In the south gallery there is also to be found
a very interesting display of drawings, etchings,
and paintings of an Italian-American, Umberto
Romano, now instructor in the Painting Depart-
ment of Wooster Art Museum. He has won sev-
eral prizes and studied in the American Academy
in Rome in 1906 under a Pulitzer scholarship.
Gvalloping Europe
Austro-German developments are now in that
stage where rumor and counter-rumor, half-
truth and untruth, mingle to perplex not only the
peoples but apparently the statesmen as well.
London is busy denying rumors that ,British .
leaders knew beforehand of Reichsfuehrer Hit-
ler's intentions to turn Chancellor Schuschnigg's
complaints at Berchtesgaden back upon himself.
Rumors of a German military alliance with Italy
in reward for Il Duce's "lying low" during the
Austrian crisis will be denied only as, when and
if their usefulness is exhausted.
But among the speculations that crowd the
cables a few considerations stand out as still
pertinent to an assessment of the new weights
Herr Hitler's political penetration of Austria has
thrown into the European balance,
One is that the German advance in Central
Europe so far has been at the expense, not of
the Communist state of Soviet Russia, but of a
member of the anti-Comintern group, whose Fas-
cist leader, only a matter of weeks ago, was feted

with all the pomp Berlin could muster for him.
Another is that Italy cannot well oppose Ger-
many in Central Europe while Germany is neces-
sary as a silent partner in Premier Mussolini's
Mediterranean moves. German activity in Aus-
tria has not been the work of German-Italian
partnership but an undertaking purely for Ger-
man advancement, and one which may tell Pre-
mier Mussolini that Herr Hitler will not always
have need of him.
Again, the German minority question affects
not Czechoslovakia alone, where it is of concern
to France-and to a lesser extent to Britain-but
German minorities, in that racial sense which
underlies the Pan-Germanic ideal now being felt
in Austria, occupy also Italian territory in the
Tyrol, territory which Italy gained at the expense
of the Germanic peoples after the World War.
Reports of agitation by the League for German-
ism for "redemption" of South Tyrol already are
given direction to prophetic stiaws.
Until it is known just how much ground Chan-
cellor Schuschnigg has yielded before the Ger-
man "drive toward the east," predictions of events
to come are only-predictions. Not that German
policy has veered from the line set for,it by Herr
Hitler when he assumed leadership of the German
nation. Nor that it shows signs of veering. Today
the question is one of pace rather than direction,
as our comments on the German cabinet shake-
up pointed out. Developments have broken into
a gallop the last few days, but they may settle
down to a walk in the next few.I
-Christian Science Monitor.
The Lynching Bill
Mississippi is considering an anti-lynching bill

Jifeew ib 1e
1Heywood Broun
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-The yeast of eco-
nomic strife and organization begins to fizz in
the most curious places.
I dropped off the rattler from Miami intent
upon spending a quiet afternoon at some spot
where there would be no talk
of politics, labor problems or
any other serious subject.
And so naturally I decided to
drop in at the bar of the Na-
tional Press Club, the most
staid of all journalistic fra-
Imagine my surprise to be
greeted with the cry of "Join
the picket line" the moment
I came through the portals. It seems there'has
been a schism.
The bar was deserted, while some fifty or sixty
rebels were lined up at the tables on the other side
of the room drinking their own liquor out of large
bottles in order to deprive the ruling powers in
the organization of any profit in the sale of mixed
It would be presumptious for a non-resident
member to take sides in such internal strife.
Moreover, the only information which I have at
the moment comes from the Insurgent Group.
It is their assertion that the ruling powers have
passed an ordinance that from this time forth
each bartender must address a member as "Sir,"
and not by his given name.
They Say It's Against Tradition
The rebels contend that this is against tradi-
tion. In- the old days, according to the seces-
sionists, it was customary for an erring brother
to say, "George, I have a terrible hangover this
morning, and not a nickel on me."
Under such circumstances it was not unknown
for the bartender to reply, "That's too bad, Bill,
why not have a whisky sour on the house?"
But as a result of some such incident, George
was suspended for a week, whereupon the rebels
took up a collection sufficient to double his fine,
and they also firmly resolved to boycott the bar.
As I have said, it would be unclubby for a visitor
to take sides in an internal dispute with which
he had not fully acquainted himself. But I'm no
one to pass a picket line under any circumstances.
This demonstration is, a combined picketing
,nd the sitdown technique, retaining the best fea-
tures of each.
"Free men deserve free drinks," seems to be the
slogan of the embattled reporters. I took a drink.
Indeed, I fear I violated neutrality by going to the
nearest lunch room and getting two bottles of
buttermilk with which to sustain the pickets.
After all, I might as well be hanged for a sheep
as a lamb. "You came in here at just the wrong
time, Commissar," a friend assured me. "This
started two hours ago, but you'll get the blame."
knd that I gravely fear.
There Ought To Be A Union
In Miami when I was buying a two-dollar mu-
tuel ticket, which.I did not cash, the seller said,
"Mr. B., we ought to have a union here in these
windows. Will you help?"
And when that comes to pass I suppose I will
be barred from Hialeah as well as the Press
Conference of President Green, but it was not my
There is some slight consolation in the fact that
I met a fellow sufferer right after the third, or as
Mr. Widener has it, "the 3 o'clock race," in Flor-
I ran into Bill Dineen, and as he approached I
thought, "There's General Johnson. Does he bear
down on me in peace or anger?"
But it was Bill Dineen who used to pitch for the
Red Sox, and who is now an umpire. I spoke of
the resemblance between him and the columnist,
and he said, "Yes, I've found that out. I'm trying
j to rest down here and forget about umpiring, but
people are always coming up saying, 'I enjoy your
work, but of course, I don't always agree with
you.' "

Expectant Fathers
For some inscrutable reason buried deep in the
folklore of the race, the plight of the man who
expects to become a father is supposed to be
funny. Of course it isn't anything of the sort,
but that apparently doesn't matter. The picture
favored by the jokesmiths and the cartoonists is
of a terribly worried fellow, jittery and in need
of a drink, who paces feverishly up and down hos-
pital corridors (sometimes, heaven help us, ac-
companied by his mother-in-law) bothering peo-
ple, making foolish questions and driving himself
crazy. All right. Leave it that way. Now the
Western Hospital Association has opened an ex-
hibit space in San Francisco "to articles designed
to help the worrying male through hours of anx-
iety." It is said that most hospitals provide no
regular quarters where prospective fathers can
"smoke, read or walk the floor in relative com-
fort." Let them do all this sort of thing they
like, and it still will have little effect. The spur-
ious notion that a man about to become a father
is a comic figure will not die so easily. This idea
appears to have become so ingrained in people
that even doctors and nurses, who surely ought
to know better, usually enter into the spirit of
the hollow jest and have a whale of a good time
for themselves. Not all the "comfortable smoking
rooms" in Christendom can change it.
-New York Herald Tribune.
"Without waiting for the slow improvement of
human nature through eugenics, great progress
can be made toward the 'good society' by the bet-
ter development of the capacities we already pos-
sess." Dr. Edwin Grant Conklin. rofessor emer-

Tommy Dorsey
The rafters in Yost Field House
must have thought on Tuesday night
that the Conference basketball cham-
pionship was being decided on the
floor below. The bleachers were filled
with students clapping, stamping and
or whistling while the powerful lights
shone down on the hardwood court.
But the rafters were wrong. The
causes for the din raised from the
stand were 15 men and a girl. (We
refuse to recognize the gentleman
who moved the microphones around
as a vital factor of the festivities).
Needless to say, most of the cus-
tomers left the scene of battle raving
about the band. Tommy Dorsey put
on a well-balanced program, one to
satisfy all types of listeners. The
gentlemen who stood out were Thom-
as himself on trombone, Bud Free-
man on tenor, Johnny Mince on clar-
inet, Peewee Irwin on trumpet, How-
ard Smith at the piano and Maurice'
Purtill on the drums.
As could have been expected, Tom-
my's tromboning at times reached
brilliance. His tone and technique
were of the highest order and he
had the ideas when he needed them.
His sweet solos were also of the finest.
Bud Freeman, who has seen better
days, achieved some fine results in
Loch Lomond and several other tunes
near the end of the program, but it
seemed for the most part that Bud
lacked ideas. After two or three
choruses he would lapse into techni-
cal exercises that had no beauty ex-
cept precision.
Johnny Mince played some fine
clarinet at intervals and his efforts
were enthusiastically received. Pee-
wee Irwin's trumpeting was better
than at thebother times weahave
heard him but he is still far re-
moved from Bobby Hackett and Nor-
man Ayres.
Maurice Purtill's drumming dis-
played excellent technique and an
obvious admiration for Gene Krupa
but was slightly lacking in taste. The
former Norvo man kept pecking
away at his cymbals a bit too consis-
tently. He seemed to forget that
sticks and snare are still a pretty
goodcombination, not to mention his
rather neglected woodblock. His work
on ride choruses carried a strong
rhythmic lift.
Oneof the best features of the pro-
gram was The Origin of Swing. Al-
though admittedly limited in scope,
the musical sketch was interesting
and enlightening. And enlighten-
ment was sorely needed, for many;
members of the audience were clap-
ping on the on beat and some were
even clapping off three beats to a;
measure. Bix Beiderbecke's In A Mist
and Candlelight were highlights on<
the program.;
It was unfortunate that the sceneI
had to be laid in the Field House.
For certain officials to deny the use
of Hill Auditrium, obviously the
place for the session, is ridiculous.
Long-haired musicians need not fear
the boys who have their pates clipped
a little closer. We hope that the1
gentry in charge of Hill Auditorium
will not refuse any of the May Festi-
val artists the use of the hall on the
ground that they have appeared in
Carnegie Hall, lately besmirched by
Benny Goodman.
W'hite Elepaints

Jonny, my little boy 5 years of age,r
with a sad tone in his voice, awakened
me saying, "Papa, someone has2
knocked over our elephant." At first
I could hardly gather what he wasI
talking about, then I realized that
just the evening previous, the small
children and myself all combined in
an effort to fashion out of the recentg
snow, a large white elephant.
We built it large and wide aq-id
thought that we had made it quite
solid and resistible to winds or qr-c
dinary conditions.
Jonny had to watch the progress t
of work from the window as he had a c
cold but our boy of 7 and our boy ofv
11 both worked strenuously in rolling D
snow balls over the lawn towards the
building up of our big white elephant.
They had considerable pride in it
and were looking forward with much t
anticipation to showing their friends u
and neighbors what we could build in
our front yard.k
During the night, however, some
husky male-as his foot prints weree
left at the base of the snow-came"
around and with a degraded feeling1
of fun in his premeditated havoc he
had the pleasure of gratifying his
selfish interests in pushing over and
seeing his muscular energy and cute
mental turn of mind receive satisfac-
tion at other's expense.,
After seeing our own white ele-j
phant made into ruins, I noticed thatI
a number of other snow statues inr
the neighborhood have been de-t
molished in a similar manner.-
I am wondering if, to an adultt
mind, the gratification that comesi

THURSDAY, FEB. 24, 1938
VOL. XLVIII. No. 102

Smoking in University Buildings:
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Uni-
versity buildings except in private of-
fices and assigned smoking rooms
where precautions can be taken and
control exercised. This is neither ,a
mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-
tempt to meddle with anyone's per-
sonal habits. It is established and
enforced solely with the purpose of
preventing fires. In the last five years,
15 of the total of 50 fires reporter, or,
30 per cent, were caused by cigarettes
or lighted matches. To be effective,
the rule must necessarily apply to
bringing lighted tobacco into or
through University buildings and to
the lighting of cigars, cigarettes, and
pipes within buildings-including
such lighting just previous to going
outdoors. Within the last few years
a serious fire was started at the exit
from the Pharmacology building by
the throwing of a still lighted match
into refuse waiting removal at the
doorway. If the rule is to be enforced
at all its enforcement must begin at
the building entrance. Further, it
is impossible that the rule should be
enforced with one class of persons if
another class of persons disregards it.
ft is a disagreeable and thankless
task to "enforce" almost any rule.
This rule against the use of tobacco
within buildings isperhaps the most
thankless and difficult of all, unless
it has the winning support of every-
one concerned. An appeal is made to
all persons using the University build-
ings-staff members, students and
others-to contribute individual co-
operation to this effort to protect
University buildings against fires.
This statement is inserted at the.
request of the Conference of Deans.
Shirley W. Smith.
All Students in the College of L.S.
& A., and Schools of Education, For-
estry, and Music receiving a grade of
I (incomplete); X, (absent from ex-
amination), or (.) (no report), should
make up all work by March 14 or the
grade will automatically lapse to an
Students who handed in manu-
scripts in the Freshman Contest are
asked to call for them in the Hop-
wood Room on Wednesday, Thurs-
day, or Friday afternoon of this week.
R. W. Cowden.
Following the practice of many
years a series of talks and discus-
sions designed to acquaint studentsl
of the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, and others interested
with the preparation necessary for
admission to the various professionali
schools of the University has again
ben arranged. This series of talks
will be given as follows:
March 3, Law, Dean H.' M. Bates,
1025 Angell Hall.
March 8, Dentistry, Dean R. W.
Bunting, 206 Dentistry Building.
March 10, Pharmacy, Professor H.1
B. Lewis, 313 W. Medical Building.
March 15, Library Science, Dr. W.3
W. Bishop, 110 Library.
March 17, Medicine, Dean A. C.<
Furstenberg, 1025 Angell Hall,
March 22, Business Administration,
Dean C. E. Griffin, 1025 Angell Hall.
March224, Music, Professor E. V.
Moore, 1210 Angell Hall.
March 30, Engineering, Dean H. C.
Anderson, 225 W. Engineering Build-
March 31, Education, Dean J. B.
Edmonson, University High School
April 5, Nursing, Miss Marian Du- I
Yell, Lobby of Couzens Hall.
April 7, Forestry, Dean S. T. Dana,r
2045 Natural Science Building. r
April 21, Architecture, Dean W. I
Bennett, 207 Architecture Building.
April 26, Graduate Studies, Deant
C. S. Yoakum, 1020 Angell Hall.
All of these talks will be given att
4:15 p.m. of the dates scheduled.

Participants in Extra Curricular'
Activities are reminded that certifi-
cates of eligibility received from the
Office of the Dean of Students must'
be submitted to the managers orr
chairmen of activities in which they
wish to participate on or before.
March 1.
Managers and Chairmen of Extra
Curricular Activities are reminded
that they must file with the Chair-
man of the Committee on Student
Affairs the names of all those who
have presented Certificates of El-
gibility and a signed agreement to
exclude all others from participation
Blanks for this purpose may be se-
cured in the Office of the Dean of
Summer Work: Jewish girls, 19
years old or over, who live in the
Metorpolitan Area of New York City
and are interested in assistant camp
counseling, are asked to call at the
University Bureau of Appointments.+
It is essential that the girls be in the
Metropolitan Area for personal in-
terviews during Spring Vacation. Po-
sitions are open in almost all activi-
ties, swimming,;nature lore, pioneer-
ing canoeing, and arts and crafts.

alternative lecture hour is Thursdays
at 5, for those who cannot meet with
the class for the published hour
Wednesday at 11. Same place; Room
246 West Engineering Building.
English 190: The class will meet at
the Union. Bennett Weaver.
Geography 111: Supplementary
final examination. A supplementary
final examination in this course will
e iven Friday, Feb. 25 at 2:30 p.m.
in Room 19 A.H., for those students
who failed to take the final exainina-
tion at the regular time.
History 11, Lecture IV. The lecture
will not meet on Thursday, Feb. 23,
at 8 a.m., but section 29 will meet as
usual at 11 a.m. Thursday.
History 82: This course will not
meet on Thursday, Feb. 24.
Make-up Examinations in History:
The make-up final examinations in
all courses will be given at 3 p.m.
Friday, March 4, in Room C, Haven
Students who have missed more
than one final examination in his-
tory should call at the History De-
partment Office before Friday, Feb.
25; to make arrangements to avoid a
Students must get a note from
their instruct r before Friday, Feb
25, and presen this note at the time
of the final examination. No stu-
dent will be permitted to take the
examination without written per-
mission from his instructor.
Please see your instructor during
his regular consultation hours. Ex-
cept in the case of students who have
missed more than one final examina-
tion in history, this is the only make-
up examination which will be given
in history.
Hygiene 210: Adult Health Edu-
cation, will not meet Saturday, Feb.
An exhibition of paintings, draw-
ings and drypoints by Umberto Ro-
mano is offered by the Ann Arbor
Art Association in the South gallery
of Alumni Memorial Hall, and an
exhibition of etchings by John Tay-
lor Arms in the North Gallery, Feb.
14 through March 2. Open 2 to 5 p.m.
daily including Sundays, admission
free to members and to students.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A showing of the Margaret Watson
Parker collection of Pewabic pottery,
the work of Mary Chase Stratton; is
now on display in the central cases
on the ground floor of the Architec-
ture Building.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Big Ten Art Exhibition, consisting
of representative student work in
drawing and painting, architectural
design and sculpture, murals, cera-
mics, and applied design from the
following universities: Chicago, In-
diana, Northwestern, Purdue, Illi-
nois, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio State,
Wisconsin, Michigan. Open daily ex-
cept Sunday, Feb. 23 through March
8, 9 to 5. The public is cordially in-
Professor A. R. Morris will give the
annual mid-year faculty lecture (i
the English Journal Club on Feb. 25,
at 4:15 p.m., in the League. The
faculty, members and guests are cor-
dially invited to attend. Professor
Paul Mueschke will make an import-
ant announcement at the business
meeting at 4 p.m.; all members are
urged to be present.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Salvador de Madariaga, for-
merly Spain's Ambassador to the

United States and to France and
Delegate to the League of Nations,
wil lspeak in Hill Auditorium on
Thursday, Feb. 24, at 8:15 p.m. His
subject will be "What is Peace?"
Tickets are now available at Wahr's
State Street Bookstore.
Lectures: Professor Conrad H.
Moehlman, Ph.D. of the Colgate-
Rochester Seminary will present two
public lectures in Natural Science
Auditorium: Thursday, Feb. 24, 4:15
p.m. upon "Has State Conquered
Church?" and Friday, Feb. 25, 4:15
p.m. upon "Is the United States
La Sociedad Hispanica announces
the second lecture of its series, Dr.
Charles N. Staubach will talk on
"Ciencia e Invencion Espanolas," Feb.
24 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 103 R.L.
Prof. Hanns. Pick will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "Schweizerische
Volksmusik" today at 4:15 in Room
2003 Angell Hall. This is the third
of a series of lectures sponsored by
the Deutscher Verein.
Mr. Paul R. Krone, professor of
floriculture at Michigan State Col-
lege and executive secretary of the
Michigan Horticultural Society will

Publication in the B3ulletin is constructive notice to ail members of the
University. Copy received at the offce of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; i1:00 a.m. on Saturday.

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