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May 08, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-08

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olverines Drop Fifth Conference Ball Game To Indiai

ia, 4-1

Michigan Fails
To Bunch Hits
In The Pinches
Fishman Lapses In Third
When Hoosiers Score
Three Runs To Win
Indiana and one of her strong-arm
sons, hefty Bill Smith, had too much
on the ball for Michigan's baseball
team yesterday as the Wolverines
dropped their fifth Conference game
of the season 4 to 1 at the Ferry Field
diamond. '
The Hoosier husky pitched his
teammates to a steady seven hits vic-
tory. He walked two and fanned the
same number in doing it, but Wil-
liam had a real scrap on his hands
all afternoon, and he needed plenty
to finish on top.
Fishman Allows Six Hits
Little Herm Fishman pitched bril-
liantly for Michigan- allowing but
six hits, fanning five, and walking
two. The veteran southpaw let up
only once during the game, but that,
along with the oft recurring Mich-
igan misplays, was ample for Indiana.
Strictly speaking the Hoosiers de-
served to win. Two of their runs were
earned and two were Michigan gifts.
The Wolverines' only tally was the di-
rect result of a Hoosier error in
the second. Johnny Hobson dropped
Danny Smick's terrific clout in cen-
ter, and it fell for two bases. Elmer
Gedeon promptly singled him home
with the lone tally of the day.
The whole story of yesterday's de-
feat lies in the failure of the Wol-
verines to bunch their hits. In five
innings, the first, second, third, fourth
and seventh, they connected for single
blows. In the eighth they added two
more, and it was in this frame that
they made their only bid.
Hoosiers Go On Spree
The Hoosiers on the other hand
went on a three hit, three run spree
in the third and that spelled victory.
Fr'om then on, Fishman was complete
master of the situation-but it was
a hopeless affair.
Here's how Indiana hits and Wol-
verine courtesy did the trick in the
big third. Break number one-Bill
teldt scratched a hit down the third
base line and trotted to second on
Johnny Nill's sacrifice. Break num-
ber two-Smith was safe on Brewer's
poor throw, Heldt to third.
Then came the one-two punch.
Tommy Gwin singled cleanly to right,
scoring Heldt. Ernie Andres, all-
Conference basketball ace, doubled
just as cleanly to left, scoring Smith.
Run number three crossed on Frank
Filchok's infield out.
Wolverine Attack Fizzles
The Wolverines were still in a giv-
ing mood in the fourth, and the Hoo-
siers were gratefully receptive. With
two down, Heldt singled and Nill
walked. Smith hit to Brewer, and
Don, trying for the short f ce play
at second, threw past Lisagor, the ball
rolling to the edge of the infield. It
lay there as Heldt scampered all the
way home for the Hoosiers' last run.
That was all-despit occasional
rumblings by both teams-until the
eighth. The Wolverines had all their
power on tap that inning, but their
attack fizzled with bases loaded and
one out.
Pink led off, beating out his sec-
ond bunt of the afternoon. Brewer
singled him to second, and it looked
like trouble with Peckinpaugh, Kre-
mer, Smick and Gedeon on deck. The
only trouble, however, was Smith.
Peck popped out, Kremer got a life
on Smith's error, but Bill made up
for that by getting Smick and Gedeon
on, pop flies to end matters for the

Freshman Golfers
Defeat Reserves
One down before their second meet-
ing with the Varsity reserves yester-
day, the Freshman golfers made an
about face to whip their adversaries,
but only by the narrowest of mar-
gins-14 to 13.
More matches will be arranged
between the two teams, with the pos-
sibility of a third meeting next Sat-
urday. Thereafter, anattempt will
bemade to bring the linksmen to-
gethcr at least once every week.
The Freshman team was comprised
of- Lamb, Dannenfelser, Simon, Clapp,
Barr and James. The'Varsity reserves
included Johnson, Schwarze, Robin-
son, Loar, Yearnd, and McCarren.
U, ____ -- - -- -ilt

Going Up

Fred Martin, who took third in the
Penn Relays last week in the jave-
lin throw, broke the dual meet
record by five feet yesterday in the
Illinois meet when he hurled the
spear 205 feet 41,4 inches.
Too Bad, Herm

Varsity Track
Team Defeats
Watson Scores 14 Points
As Michigan Triumphs,
87 2-3 To 43 1-3
(Continued from Page 1)
more loafed far back behind Walt
Stone, content to finish second to
the veteran Michigan runner as he
lowered his own meet record with a
9:33.9 for the route. A final sprint
brought Schwarzkopf within a foot
of Stone at the finish with Yarcho of
Illinois almost a full lap back in
Stan Kelley, who applied for a
place in the Michigan dog house by
placing completely out of the money
in the high hurdles, retrieved his for-
tunes by outracing his touted oppon-
ents, Brunton and Robinson of the
Illini, to take the 220 yard lows in
It's Kelley's Fastest
Kelley broke fast after the field
had jumped Doc May's gun four times
and was never headed as he broke
the tape three yards in front of Rob-
inson in the second spot, coming up
fast. It was the fastest time Kelley
has turned for the distance and two-
tenths off the late Capt. Steve Ma-
son's Big Ten championship time last
Michigan's 440 forces also saved
their face by whipping- Illinois' fa-
vored mile relay after a dismal flop
in the open quarter when Faulkner
barely managed to salvage the show
spot after leading the pack for 300
yards of the distance.
Illini Nab 880
Abbot, Clarke, Hayes and Faulk-
ner, passing the stick in that order,
maintained a lead accrued by Hayes,
on his leg, against the anchor lap
threat of Burton Downs who earlier
in the afternoon had handed Michi-
gan's quarter men a thorough thump-
ing as he clipped the 440 in 48.6, fol-
lowed by his teammate Wilbur Mc-
Capt. Harry Gains gave the Illini
one of their four wins by beating out
Dye Morgan and Tommie Jester of
Michigan in the 880. Hogan rode well
up during the entire race but his final
bid against the leading Gains fell
just short and he was passed by Jes-

In A Breeze


Michigan 1 AB R
Pinkcf.............4 0
Brewer, ss ............3 0
Peckinpaugh, 3b......4 0
Kremer, if...... ....4 0
Smick, rf ............4 1
Gedeon, lb ..........4 0
Lisagor, 2b ..........3 0
Beebe, c .............3 0
Fishman, p.........3 0
*Trosko ............1
* *Campbell...........1 0

Michigan Catcher, '71,
Returns To Old Haunts
Yesterday, at Ferry Field, which
was the scene of another Varsity
track triumph,, this time at the ex-
pense of Illinois, Michigan students
made the acquaintance of a former
wearer of the Maize and Blue.
White-haired Arthur Bishop, who
was a catcher on Michigan's Varsity
baseball team 67 years ago, waved a
friendly greeting to the crowd which
was quick to respond with a long roll
of applause, and with numerous cries
of "Yea Bishop."




One mile run won by Schwarzkopf,
Michigan; second: Heyl, Michigan;
third: Krivic, Illinois. Time 4:9.
440-yard dash won by Downs, Il-
linois; second, McCown, Illinois;
third: Faulkner, Michigan. Time:
100-yard dash won by Purucker,
Michigan; second: C. Culver, Michi-
gan; third: Ashley, Illinois. Time: 10.
120-yard high hurdles won by Ged-
eon, Michigan; second: Brunton, Il-
linois; third: Robinson, Illinois. Time
14.3. (Ties meet record).
880-yard run won by Gains, Illi-
nois;second: Jester,nMichigan; third:
Hogan, Michigan. Time: 1:55.2.
220-yard dash won by Ashley, Il-
linois; 'second: Culver, Michigan;
third: Purucker, Michigan. Time:
Two-mile run won by Stone, Michi-
gan; second: Schwarzkopf, Michi-
gan; third;. Yarcho, Illinois. Time:
9:33.9 (betters meet record).
220-yard low hurdles won by Kelley:
Michigan; second: Robinson, Illinois;
third: Brunton, Illinois. Time: 23.7
One-mile relay won by Michigan
(Abbot, Hayes, Clarke, Faulkner).
Time: 3:19.6.
Pole vault won by Kingsley, Michi-
gan; three way tie for second: Cush-
ing, Michigan, Farrell, Michigan and
Keller, Illinois. Height: 12 feet 6
High jump won by Allen, Michigan;
second: Diefenthaler, Illinois; third:
Watson, Michigan. Height: 6 feet 4
Javelin wcn by Martin, Michigan;
second: Brown, Illinois; third: Kirar,
Michigan. Distance: 205 feet 4%/
inches (betters meet record)
Shot put won by Watson, Michigan;
second: Townsend, Michigan; third :
Frary, Illinois. Distance : 49 feet 3%/
Discus won by Watson, Michigan;
second: Townsend, Michigan; third:
Frary, Illinois. Distance 152 feet 8%
inches (betters meet record).
Broad jump won by Brunton, Il-
linois; second: Watson, Michigan;
third :C. Culver, Michigan. Distance:
23 feet 9 5/8inches.

N.U. Golf Team
Purple Faces Wolverines
Here Tomorrow
It'll be nip and tuck at the Uni-
versity golf coursettomorrow when
Nortnwestern, the present Big Ten
champion and undefeated in Con-
ference play this year, comes here
to meet Michigan also unbeaten in
the Big Ten with four straight wins.
Yesterday at East Lansing North-
western dropped its first meet of the
year to the strong Michigan State
outfit which had previously defeated
Michigan. The Wildcat squad boasts
a record of six wins and this one
Purde Has Big Ten Champ
Leading the Northwestern team
will be Sid Richardson, winner of the
Big Ten individual title last year
and considered one of the leading
Conference golfers since Johnny Fis-
cher and Chuck Kocsis. Frank Pep-
rich, Chester Bland and Harry Lazier
will complete the team.
Michigan closes its Big Ten season
in this encounter except for the Con-
ference meet at Minneapolis. How-
ever, the determination of the league
championship does not rest on the
season's showing of the team but
how it comes out in the Big Ten
Varsity Putts Poorly
Coach Ray Courtright will start
the same crew he used against Illi-
nois, Bill Barclay, Al Karpinski, Lynn
Riess, and Bob Palmer, in that order.
Whether Bill Black and Tom Tussing
play depends on how many players
Northwestern brings along.
I Baseball's Big Six

0 -. a



CHICAGO, May 7.-(IP)-Joe Mar-
ty's single with two on base arid one
out in the 10th inning drove in Billy
Herman with the run that enabled
Chicago's Cubs to defeat Boston, 5
to 4, today after the Bees had come
from behind a four run disadvan-
tage to tie the score. The victory gave
the Cubs a sweep in the two-game


Michigan's Varsity baseball nine
will be seeking its sixth victory in
fifteen starts when it meets Hills-
dale College at Hillsdale tomorrow.
Ed Andronik, who hurledhis team-
mates to a 6 to 5 triumph over
Ypsilanti Friday, is slated for the

ii- , w "Nommummp"Num

Player, Club G
Trosky, Indians . . .17
Fox, Tigers.......17
Hayes, Athletics . ..15
Klein, Phillies ......16
Rizzo, Pirates ......18
Slaughter, Cardinals 17

AB R H Pt.
54 20 24 .444
75 13 30 .400
40 6 16 .400
63 14 23 .365
69 13 25 .362
69 12 25 .362

Total .. 34 1 7 27 8
Indiana 4 AB R H O A
Gwin, cf...........4 1 2 3 0
Andres,2b'..........4 0 1 2 2
Filchock, 3b .........4 0 0 1 2
Becker,if ...........4 0 1 2 0
Clark, 1b ............4 0 0 11 0
Hobson, rf ...........4 0 0 2 0
Heldt, c ......... ....3 2 2 2 0
Nill, ss ...............2 0 0 4 4
W. Smith, p .........4 1 0 0 3

At Minneapolis: Iowa-Minnesota,
postponed, rain.
At Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern 11,
Ohio State 3.
At East Lansing: Michigan State 5,
Notre Dame 2.






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