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May 08, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-08

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League Names
To Committees
All Petitioners Not Listed
Must Turn In Eligibility
Slips By_5 P.M. Friday

New 'Miss Broadway'

The chairmen of the seven stand-
ing committees of the League yes-
terday named 245 women for member-,
ship on their respective committees.
The groups are the social, merit-sys-
tem, 4theatre-arts, publicity and
candybooth, dancing class and ball-
room committees.
Many women who petitioned for
positions are not included in the fol-
lowing lists because they have not as
yet handed in their eligibility slips,
Jean Holland, '39, president of the
League, said. Those who turn in their
eligibility slips by 5 o'clock Friday in
the League Undergraduate Offices will
'be added to the committees.
Social Committee
The newly formed social committee,
under Barbara Heath, '39, is com-
posed of the following members:
Marian Baxter, '39, Lucile Kauer, '40,
Ruth Jacobson, '40, Barbara Bene-
dict, '40, Frances Burgess, '40, Har-
riet'Sharkey, '40, Margaret Cornelius,
'41, Eilee Bohuet, '41, Jean Smith,
'40, Rebecca Bursley, '39, Martha
Cook, '40, Ruth Seecamp, '40, Mar-
cia Connell, '39, Mary Wheat, '39,
Ann Vedder, '41, Cecily Forrest, Al-
berta Wood, '40, Eleanor Sapping-
ton, '39, Mary Elizabeth Easterly, '40,
and Betty Stadelman, '40.
Others are, Patricia Matthews, '40,
Susan Kerr, '40, Jane Campbell, '39,
Madaline B. Meyers, '39, Jane B. Hol-
den, '39, Sally Manthei, '40, Doris
Nashold, '41, Clara Lenfesty, '41,
Martha Jane Nussbaum, '40, Jean
McCormick, '40, Barbara Guest, '40,
Estelle Poposki, '39, 'Zelda Davis, '40,
Ella Stowe, '40, Constance Bryant,
'40, Mabel Douglas, '40, Jane Sapp,
'40, Jaros Jedel, '39, Edith Leveene,
'41, Ruth Coler, '40, Betty Steinhart,
'40, Peggy Poulte, '39, Ellen Rhea,
'41, Virginia Lee Hardy, '41, Zenovia
Skoratko, '40.
List Continues
Barbara Zapp, '40, Betty Brooks, '40,
Ann Wills, '41, Rhea Jane Easton,
'40, Betty Bibber, '40, Annabel Van
Winkle, '41, Dorothy .Shipman, '40,
Mary Lou Mills, '41, Carol LaVigne,
'40, Elizabeth Titus, '40, Mary Cul-
bertson, '40, Barbara Weil, '39, Mary
Margaret Meloche, '40, Betty Rouse,
'40, Phyllis McGeachy, '40, Edith
Lynch, '41, Hilda Van Tuyl, '40, Vir-
ginia Mulholland, '40, Ruth Hartman,
'39, Ellen Krieghoff, '40, Martha
Dynes, '40, Beth O'Roke, '40, Nancy
Dall, '39.
Jean Thompson, '40, Betty Hill,
'40, Florence Brotherton, '40, Jeanne
Grant, '40, Roberta Meyer, '40, Judy
Strausbough, '40, Edna Kearney, '41,
Ruth Davis, '41, Janet Homer, '41,
Sue Stevenson, '40, Carolyn Ross, '39,
Carolyn Leahy, '41, Marian Price, '40,
Elinor Sevison, '41, Helen R. Brown,
'41, Virginia List, '41, Gwen Dunlop,
'40, Mildred Wililams, '41, Patty Haff,
'39, Joan Lynch; '39, Virginia Ann
Durand, '40, Elizabeth Allington, '40,
Anna Platt, '40; Charlene Ihnken, '40,
Elaine Jacobs, '40, Mary Minor, '40,
Phyllis Miner, '39. Shirley Ellis, '39
and Mary Helen Davis.
Meeting To Be Held
There will be a meeting of the so-
cial committee at 4 p.m. Tuesday at
the League. All women who pe-
titioned for membership should attend
the meeting even though their names
were not listed, according to Miss
Heath. At the meeting the organiza-
tion of the committee will be ex-
plained and the junior assistants will
be introduced.
The new members of the theatre-
arts committee, under Roberta Chis-
sus, '39A, are as follows: Burity Bain,
'39, Elizabeth Bibber, '40, Betty
Brooks, 40, Frances Burgess, '39, Jan-
et Clark, '40, Margaret Cornelius, '41,

'Miss Broadway' in a preview of
New York's World Fair is long-
haired Gizella Varga, 18, Hungar-
ian-born night club dancer chosen
from 7,000 applicants. She is danc-
ing currently at a club fronting on
the garish "White Way."
Danes inner
To Be Tuesday
Annual Installation Affair
Will Be Held In League
The annual installatin banquet of
the Michigan Dames will be held at
6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Grand Rap-
ids Room of the League. Mrs. Roy
Joyce, retiring president, is general
Mrs. Joyce will be assisted by Mrs.
Donald Kimmel, ticket chairman;
Mrs. R. F. Atkinson, program chair-
man; Mrs. D. L. Ackley, decorations
chairman; Mrs. C. W. Clapp, flow-
ers chairman; and Mrs. George Man-
ning and Mrs. W. F. Striedick, co-
chairmen of the entertainment com-
The faculty advisers who will be
guests at the banquet are Mrs. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, Dr. Margaret Bell,
Dr. Lavinia MacKaye, Mrs. Ralph W.
Aigler, Mrs. William W. Bishop, Mrs.
Ira M. Smith, Mrs. George E. Car-
rothers, Mrs. Russel C. Hussey, Mrs.
Carl V. Weller, Mrs. Roy W. Cowden,
Mrs. Alfred H. White, Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick and Mrs. D. Carl Huber.
Mary Culbertson, '40, Ellen Cuthbert,
'39, Ida May Davis, '39, Zelda Davis,
'40, Mabel Douglas, '40, Gwen Dunlop,
'41, Dorothy Dunlop, '41, Martha
Dynes, '39, Rhea Jane Easton, '40,
Janet Everest, '39, Cecily Forrest, '40,
Judith Lee Frank, '39, Dorothy Ann
Goebel, '39, Barbara Guest, '40,
Frances Hubbs, '40, Ruth Jacobson,
'40, Jaros Jedel, '39 Edna Kandelin,
Theatre-Arts Members
Dorothy Keene, '41, Una Kelley, '40,
Ellen Krieghoff, '40, Madeline Krieg-
hoff, '40, Carol Lavigne, '40, Edith
Leveene, '41, Clara Lenfesty, '41, Jean
McCormick, '40, Eleanor McCoy, '39,
Nina .McClellan, '40, Sally Manthei,
'40, Patricia Matthews, '40, Madeline
Meyers, '39, Roberta Meyer, '39, Mary
Lou Mills, '41, Jeanne Morgan, '40,
Virginia Mulholland, '39, Hellen
New, '41, Dorothy Nichols, '40, Helen
Oston, '39, Anna Platt, '40, Estelle
Poposki, '39, Jean Rutherford, '40,
Ruth Seekamp, '39, Leona Siff,' '40,
Betty Stadelman, '40, Elizabeth Sut-
ton, '40, Marjorie Tate, '39, Jean Tib-
bits, '40, Charlene Vallet, '39, Jean
Van Raalte, '40, Hilda Van Tuyl, '40,
Margaret Walsh, '41, Madeline Wes-
terndorf, '40, Joanne Westerman, '40,
Barbara Weil, '39, Alberta Wood, '40.
Merit-System Committee
Members of the merit system com-
(Continued on Page 8)

Last Of Year's
Ruthven Teas
Is Wednesday
Specially Invited Groups
Include Lawyers Club,
Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Phi
The last Ruthven Tea for this year
will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednes-
day in the President's home, Eliza-
beth Allington, '40, social committee
member in charge, announced yes-
Specially invited student groups
are the Lawyers Club, Delta Kappa
Epsilon, Phi Kappa Sigma and Pi
Lambda Phi fraternities and Alpha
Xi Delta, Pi Beta Phi and Alpha Phi
sororities, Miss Allington said.
Those pouring from 4 to 4:30 p.m.
are to be Miss Inez Bozarth of the,
Lawyers Club and Mrs. Karl Litzen-
berg, and from 4:30 to 5 p.m. Ste-
phanie Parfet, '39, Panhellenic presi-I
dent, and Mrs. Earl V. Moore. At 5
pm. Harriet Pomeroy, '39, League
publicity chairman, and Margaret
Ann Ayres, '38, former League treas-
urer, will preside and pourers from
5:30 to 6 p.m. will be Mrs. Martha
G. Colby and Betty Jean Mansfield,
Assembly president.
Faculty guests besides Mrs. Colby
will be Prof Karl Litzenberg, Prof. and
Mrs. Dwight C. Long, Prof. and Mrs.
John W. Scholl, Prof. and Mrs. Irv-
ing' D. Scott, and Prof. and Mrs.
Edgar N. Durfee.
At this last tea of the semester
the new social committee of the
League will function for the first
time, Barbara Heath, '39, social chair-
man, announced.
Whinner Of Illinois
Scarab Art Medal
Is Former Student
Rosemary Temple, of Moline, Ill.,
a former Michigan student, was an-
nounced last night to be the first
woman student in the history of the
University of Illinois to win the
Scarab medai, the highest honor
available to students in the Illinois
architecture school.
The medal is given to one junior
student each year. The problem on
which the contest was based was the
designing of a panorama including a
florist shop, gardens and restaurant,
and the Anties were judged in New
York City.
Miss Temple is a member of Pi
Beta Phi sorority, and was a resident
of Martha Cook Dormitory during the
first semester of this year while she
was enrolled here in the School of
The presentation of the medal was
made last night at a University ban-
quet given by the architecture school
of Illinois.
Allen-Rumsey To Give
Tea-Dance Tomorrow
Allen-Rumsey House will give an
informal radio tea-dance for the
women of Betsy Barbour House and
Jordan Hall from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the Union.
Members of the faculty who will
be .guests at the tea-dance are Pres-
ident and Mrs. Ruthven, Dean and
Mrs. Joseph Bursley, Dean Henry An-
derson, Dean Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Mary
Mitchell and Mrs. Mary Morley.
Specials on Sunday -

by reservation
Phone Ypsilanti 958W
1602 Packard Rd at Marion St.


A g
tor of
she de
New Y
of Mr
of eas
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be ass
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w Dramatic Season Director Dance To Be Held
T ls Pr Of P r p By Polonia Circle
The Polona Liteiiiy Cizeic Will
By MARIAN SMITH X1a.na department and a S asl uch hold its annual informnal dance froiuij
;enuine interest and belief in I as the one opening at the Mendelssohn 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday, May 14,$
was expressed yesterday by next week." A clover contact should at Lane Hall.
Arthur, new executive direc- be made, she feels, between the drama Chaperones for the affair include
the 1938 Dramatic Season, as students and the professional the- Prof. and Mrs. Felix W. Pawlowski,
scribed the work she is doing in atre, thus preparing them for future Mr. and Mrs. John Kleinek and Mr.
York as a member of the George work. and Mrs. Martin Lewandowski.
BTalent In Ann Arbor Ray Carey's orchestra will play for
aie tha after . deat "Ann Arbor is honeycombed with the dance, which is for students of
explained that after the death talent," Miss Arthur said, emphasiz- Polish extraction and their friends.
. Baker, who founded the fa- ing that this fact is well established Admission will be 35 cents per person
Woriksiop' 47 at Harvard and in the East. When she came here to and refreshments will be served.
this groij) was organized to direct the 1938 Drama Season, Miss
rage and assist youni women Arthur said she had the slogan in
ates from drama departments mind: "Real plays for real people," CURIIHRII PROGRAM
'tern schools, "Airy woman who and several of the season's selections Miss Claire Coci will give a pro-
to us with a letter of applica- were chosen because they had some- gram on the organ at 4 p.m. today
rom her academic directors will thing real to say about American life. as part of the dedication service of
isted in making her entree into the new First Presbyterian Church
ommercial theatre," Miss Ar- W.A.A. SCHEDULE Building and Student Center.
stated. Riding: Crop and Saddle ride I

Tryouts To Be Tuesday
Fo r Fireshman Project
T'aW, ~iifor IOtawru io vh to par-
ticipale in .te entertainment for
Preshmnan Project will be held at 8
p.m. Tuesday in the Game Room of
the League. All eligible freshman
women are urged to apply.
Women are specially reminded that
they must be able to procure eligibil-
ity slips in order to participate, and
these should be presented Tuesday
when they come.


School of Social
raug daey, 10 to 10.
STelr.rue Grd~t The- I

. : .as Warr a W C Inr 1.1{RhI In I
2d Floor, Wuterth The-
ter Bldg. Phone 9695.
Red aiyClasfe d



Present Annual Play 1
Each year these women present a
production in New York, sponsored
by this group, to which actors, di-
rectors, and talent scouts are invited.
In this way, she explained, many tal-
ented artists, who would otherwise
have been lost to the theatre, have
been given their first "break."
Miss Arthur also spoke of the need
for young actors to be "protected,"
as she described various instances in
which young artists needed their
dreams encouraged before they could
develop their talents. By "protected"
she did not mean coddled, she ex-
plained, but only that their creative
talents should be fostered by those
who can understand and aid them.
"In a town such as Ann Arbor,"
Miss Arthur said, "there should be a
direct tie-up between the University

at 5 p.m. Thursday.
Softball: Intramural tourna-
ment: Helen Newberry Residence
vs. Chi Omega and Betsy Barbour
House vs. Collegiate Sorosis at 5:10
p.m. Monday; Kappa Alpha Theta
vs. Delta Delta Delta at 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday; Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi at 5:10
p.m. Wednesday; Alpha Phi vs.
Zones 3 and 4 and Pi Beta Phi
vs. Alpha Gamma Delta at 5:10
p.m. Thursday; Martha Cook vs.
Ann Arbor Independents at 4:30
p.m. Friday.
Tennis: Fourth round of singles
tournaments and first round of
mixed doubles tournament. Tennis
club: Match with the freshmen
men's team at 4:30 p.m. Friday at
Palmer Field.

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In white perforated bucko
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"College Swing" is now being
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Betty Grable's feet, she wears
nothing but Rhythm footwear!


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