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May 05, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-05

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Tihe Weather ;$
Shower, not so warm in
central portions today.

The Grading System:
Yes And No...

French Franc
To Be Frozen
In Devaluation

Hitler, 11 Puce Part Company,
But Only Temporarily --Maybe
Ir Io
q"..m. av . '............................7.,"Y .;rt{~"?n ...,N.;: . '. I .. A 2.


Prenier Daladier Pledges
Stabilized Money To End
Threat Of Financial Fall
Hint Profits To Buy
Huge Air Armada'
PARIS, May 4.-(P)-Premier Ed-
ouard Daladier notified the nation
tonight that the Frencoi franc would
be stabilized tomorrow at a rate
which could be "effectively defended."
The Premier delayed telling the
country what the new rate of the
franc would be until the level is fixed
tomorrow in the third devaluation
since the World War.
In today's foreign exchange deal-
ings, the franc fluctuated around a
point equal to about three United
States cents, opening at 33.15 to the
dollar and closing at 33.93.
Financial quarters were inclined to,
believe the new rate of the franc
would be about 35 to the dollar, or
2.86 cents.
Present gold holdings of the Bank
of France are being carried on the
books at 22.96 francs to the dollar.
Revaluation at about the existing.
market rate would give the govern-
ment a paper profit. In a radio broad-
cast tonight, Daladier said it was tak-
en ii full accord with the govern-
ments of the United States and Great
Britain, who joined with France in
the Tripartite Monetary Agreement
of Sept. 25, 1936, for currency equilib-.
He said stabilization of the franc
was decided upon because of unem-
ployment, an unfavorable trade bal-
ance, and the increasing danger of
Informed sources said one of the
first uses would be in an attempt to
double France's 1,400 first line fight-
ing planes within two years.
Coal Institute
Meet To Close
Talks To Cover Broader
Aspects Than Before
The current conference of the Coal
Utilization Institute will be concluded]
today with a series of talks to be given
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Union.
The talks today will cover a broader
aspect than the more' technical ad-
dresses of the, last two days.]
Under the chairmanship of Louis
Collins, of the Kalamazoo Ice and]
Fuel Co., the morning's program will]
open with a talk by K. C. Richmond,
editor of Coal-Heat magazine, fol-
lowed by James D. Lafferty, of the]
Ice Refrigeration Sales Co., and Kline
L. Roberts, of the American- Retail
Coal Association, Inc.r
Scheduled for the afternoon will be1
two addresses, one by Walter H. Ma-
loney of the National Bituminous Coal
Commission, on "The Accomplish-
ments of the Bituminous Coal Com-
mission," and another by Prof. Robert
P. Briggs, of the University economics
Western Bishop
To Talk Here
Will Address Methodist
Students Tomorrow
Bishop James C. Baker of San
Francisco will address Methodist stu-
dents at a complimentary dinner
given by the Wesleyan Guild in honor

of the Methodist seniors at 6:00 p.m.
tomorrow at Stalker Hall. He will
speak on "The Religious Opportunity
of a University Graduate in Our Dec-
For twentyiyears prior to his ele-
vation of the Episcopacy, Bishop Ba-
ker was the director of Wesley Foun-
dation at the University of Illinois
and minister of Trinity Church in
Urbana. His years at the University
of Illinois gave him an opportunity
to preach to a vast congregation of
student and faculty people. It has
been estimated that during that min-
istry he addressed as many college
students as were reached by any other
preacher in America.
- - - - - - - - --U I MC41f' T'k W1T " .T "

German Hopes For Colonial Expansion Form Topic
Of Discussion Before Der Fuehrer's Visit
To Giant Italian Naval. Exhibition
ROME, May 4.-(/P)-Adolf Hitler left Rome tonight to 'see a giant
Italian naval display at Naples after telling Benito Mussolini of his vaulting
colonial ambitions.
The visiting Reichsfuehrer departed on the royal train without his host
who plans to follow him by plane tomorrow for the demonstration of Italy's
sea might.
<'--An enormous crowd milled around

Model League
O enin Is Set
For Tomorrow,
Four Basic Problems To
Be Discussed By 150
DelegatesOf Micligan
Dr. Werner Landecker, Grad., of
Berlin, will open the 11th Michigan
Model Assembly of the League of
Nations at 12:15 tomorrow at the
League with a talk, on "A New Ap-
proach to the Study ofInternational
This year's two-day meeting, mod-
eled after an international confer-
ence, will find 150 student delegates
from 19 Michigan colleges and junior
colleges representing approximately
30 member and non-member nations
of the League.
In the discussion of the four basic
piLoblems, Peaceful Change, Reorgan-
ization of the League, Minorities, and
Rearmament, each delegation has
been asked to present a stand con-
sistent with that of the state it rep-
resents, Alfred V. Boerner, Grad., sec-
retary-general, announced.
The Extension Division, headed by
Miss Edith Thomas, has distributed
extensive bibliographies on the four
problems to aid the delegates in pre-
paring platforms, resolutions and
general policies.
England, France, Germany, Italy,
Russia, Japan and the United States
will be represented by students from
Michigan State, Western State, Hills-
dale, Michigan Normal, Wayne, Al-
bion and Central State, in that order.
Drg. lJoiig To Lecture
On Chinese Resistance,
Dr. C. T. Wong, the Chinese am-
bassador to the United States will
present a lecture at 4:15 p.m. today
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on
the significance of China's resistance
to Japanese aggression.
Dr. Wong, who was described by
Prof. J. R. Nelson. counselor of For-
eign Students, as one of the world's
greatest diplomats, has been minister
of finance, minister of foreign affairs
and chief of the Chinese delegation
to the Paris Peace Conference, and
is consequently considered an author-
ity on the underlying motivations in
the Sino-Japanese conflict.

the railway station for a glimpse of
Hitler and the other Nazi chieftains
whose visit called forth new protesta-
tions of firm friendship between the
Fascist nations.
The problem of colonies, a sore
point with the Germans ever since
they. were stripped of foreign pos-
sessions in the World War settle-
ment, was the mainsubject discussed
by the two dictators in their initial
4With Hitler the speaker most of
the time and his host an interested
and sympathetic listener, the leaders
of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
sandwiched their intimate conversa-
tions in between tightly-crammed
events on the State program marking,
Hitler's visit.
BeBond the admission that Hitler
eloquently pleaded the Reich's claims
to elbow room in the world and ac-
cess to raw materials, nothing leaked
out concerning the range of their
Shortly after Mussolini's return
from Berlin last fall he said, in a
speech delivered in the presence of
a German mission, that "it is neces-
sary that a great people like the
German people should regain the
place which belongs to it and which
it once had in the African sun."
Political sources said the conversa-
tions eventually would swing into
other world political problems, includ-
ing the absorption of Austria by Ger-
many and the Italo-British pact.
Students Hurt
In ,Ball Game
Receive Fractured Skull
And Minor Injuries
Barry F. Whitehead, '39, Ann Ar-
bor, received a fractured skull when
he collided with Markham S. Cheev-
er, '40E, Detroit, in. an Intramural
softball game between Theta Chi and
Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternities Tues-
day afternoon at Ferry Field.
Cheever was bruised in the collision,
but Health Service physicians said
that he had sustained only minor in-
Whitehead was taken to St. Jo-
seph's Mercy Hospital, where an X-
ray revealed that he had a fractured
Last night hospital attaches said
that Whitehead's condition was much
improved. Yesterday afternoon his
mother reported that he was "a little

Predict Heated
Debate Today
On Rhine Talk
A lively discussion session will fol-
low Prof. J. B. Rhine's lecture on "The
Conflict over Extra-Sensory Percep-
tion," at 4:15 p.m. today in the Na-
tural Science Auditorium, Thomas N.
E. Greville of the mathematics de-
partment and president of the Para-
psychology Club, predicted yesterday.
Professor Rhine's theory asserts
that some persons are capable of re-
ceiving information either from
physical objects or from minds of
others, instead of through recognized
sensory channels.
Evidence of the nation-wide fac-
tionalism which extra-sensory per-
ception has aroused, hi the letters of
exchange between Mr. Greville and
Prof. Norman Maier of the psychology
department in the Daily's forum col-
"My accusation," Mr. Greville as-
serted in his reply to Professor Maier,
"was clearly directed at unknown
character and integrity of one whom
I regard as a friend."
Professor Maier asserted that "most
of the investigations are by former
people on this campus who had been
circulating rumors derogatory to the
students of Rhine and seven of the
nine (including Rhine who is a Bot-
anist by training) do not hold even
associate membership in the Ameri-
can Psychological Association."
NLRB Reviews
ITU Testimony
In Wiltse Trial
Gargoyle Business Head
Testifies In Washington
On Status Of Comumerce
The National Labor Relations
Board, which opened its hearing Mon-
day in Washington on charges of un-
fair labor practices leveled at the
Ann Arbor Press by the striking local
of the International Typographical
Union, yesterdiay heard Nicholas
Chamblin, ITU member, testify that
Superintendent Howard Beatty of the
Press told him "we are trying to weed
out union men," the Associated Press
reported in a special dispatch to the
Beatty would not comment last
night on the statement Chamblin at-
tributed to him.
Samuel Krugliak, Gargoyle busi-
ness manager, arrived yesterday in
Ann Arbor by plane from Washing-
ton (with expenses paid by the gov-
ernment) after presenting the local
humor magazine's books at the hear-
ing Monday in the controversy over
1 the interstate character of the Ann
Arbor Press' business.
Monday the Press attorney entered
a blanket objection, which was over-
ruled by Trial Examiner Frank Bloom,
to all proceedings of the NLRB on
the ground that the case is already
in litigation in the Washtenaw Cir-
cuit Court.
Beatty made the statement before
the ITU called the strike in the Press'
(Continued on Page 8)
Progressive Club
Hears Williams
En glish Teacher Discusses
Spring Parley Tonight

Mentor Williams of the English
department, will give his impressions
of this year's Spring Parley at a meet-
ing of the Progressive Club at 8 p.m.
today in Lane Hall. The club is meet-
ing to decide what action it will take
on topics discussed at the Parley.
Subjects to be discussed at the
meeting include housing contracts,
grants for dormitories, working con-
ditions of students and methods for
insuring their security, remedies for
the high price of cleaning and dyeing
and expansion of student rooming co-
Reports recommending action on
these topics will be presented by stu-
dents present at each of the five sec-
tions of the Parly and committees will
be set up to cooperate with the Stu-
dent Senate and other organizations
working to effect the erforms and
suggested at the Parley.

Welcomes School Editors

Huge Parade
Is Set To Open
'38 Michigras
A parade with over 50 units and
stretching more than six blocks long
will herald the opening of the 1938
Michigras tomorrow. It will be com-
posed of two sections with a band in
front and in back of each section.
The Michigras, a huge carnival-for
the benefit of the Women's Athletic
Association's proposed swimming pool
and the University Varsity Band's
trip to Yale next fall, will be held to-
morrow and Saturday in Yost Field
Paul Brickley, '39, is heading the
parade committee. He has made ar-
rangements for the huge cavalcade's
formation in front of the Ann Arbor
News Building, and reports that it will
wind through the campus down to the
Yost Field House. He has not yet
divulged just who will lead the parade,
though it was at first rumored that
some high University functionary
would pave the way on a calliope.
The University Band will play a
major role in the parade. Among
other groups are the freshman wom-
en's project of a haywagon, the Ann
Arbor high school band, Psi Upsilon's
characterization of "On the Steps of
Psi U.," Zeta Psi's Bavarian band,
rand Alpha Sigma Phi's Lady Godiva.
Daily Sponsors
Buying Power,
Survey Today

*~ * *
Donal H. Haines_
Will Welcome
Student Press
Expect 700 To Assemble
For Annual Convention'
Of High School Papers r
Almost 700 high school students are
expected to attend the opening meet-
ing of the Michigan Interscholastic
Press Association at 4:30 p.m. today
in the Union Ballroom under the
direction of the journalism depart-
ment. The convention for members
of secondary school newspapers, an-
nuals and magazines will last through
today, tomorrow and Saturday.
Miss Thelma McAndless, Roosevelt
High School in Ypsilanti, will preside
at the opening general assembly and
Prof. Donal Hamilton Haines, of the
journalism department, will give the
address of welcome. A trip through
the Student Publications Building will
follow the assembly.
Another general assembly at 9 a.m.
tomorrow, presided over by Prof. Wes-
ley H. Maurer, of the journalism de-
partment, will hear Prof. John S.
Myskens, of the speech department,
Round-table discussion groups will
begin at 10 a.m. tomorrow with Dr.
Howard Y. McCluskey, School of
Education, discussing vocational
adaption; Mrs. Pearl Orcott, North-
eastern high school, Detroit, taking
up staff qualifications; Prof. Mylo
Ryan, Wayne, on headlines; Miss
Eileen Bitzer, Ithaca high school on
mimeographed papers; Arthur
Hughes, Fordson high school, on jour-
nalism problems.
At 11 a.m. tomorrow the following
groups will meet Dr. George E. Car-
rothers, School of Education, on op-
portunities of press; George Stauter,
Associated Press, will give a demon-
stration interview with Coach Herbert
"Fritz" Crisler; Dr. Marion Magoon,
Michigan State Normal, on feature
writing; F. Earle Mayville, Alma high
school, on business problems; Arthur
Hughes, Fordson, will lead a forum
and Professor Ryan will lead a group
on news writing.
Miss Harriet Bfum, Eastern high
school, Detroit, will preside at an
advisers' luncheon -at 12:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union. Professor,
Haines will preside at a third gen-i
eral assembly at 1:30 p.m. in the
Union Ballroom at which A. L. Miller,
editor of the Battle Creek Enquirer
and News, will talk.
Round-table discussions will start
at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow with Mrs. Flor-
ence Davies, women's editor of the
Detroit News talking on "If You Seek
the Truth;" Miss Doris Trott, Grosse
Pointe high school, on poetry; W. H.
Barton talking on economies; Miss
Mary E. Hetherinton, Saginaw, school
news reel demonstration.

Florida Voters
Return Pepper
With Decisive
Roosevelt Poll
First Effects Of Victory
May Be Felt -In House
Vote OnWage-Hour Bill
Senator Accorded
2-1 Endorsement
WASHINGTON, May 4.-(,P)-The
Roosevelt Administration took the
Florida primary in its stride; but
under circumstances illustrating the
party discord that has split Demo-
cratic ranks repeatedly in this Con-
Florida Democrats turned in an
emphatic endorsement for Sen.
Claude Pepper, running for renomin-
ation on an. out-and-out record of
loyalty to the Roosevelt New Deal.
At the sametime they polled a sub-
stantial minority for Pepper's lead-
ing opponent, Rep. J. Marx Wilcox,
frequent foe of Roosevelt policies.
Wilcox did not run as anti-Roose-
velt candidate. His attack on Pepper
as a rubber stamp New Dealer served,
however, to add to the pro and anti-
Roosevelt tinge that marked the con-
If that was the issue in the minds
of Florida Democrats who trooped to
the polls, their answer was definite.
They voted more than 2 to 1 for Pep-
per as against Wilcox.
Many observers believe the first ef-
fects of the Florida test may be felt
in connection with the Administra-
tion's effort to obtain a wage-hour bill
vote in the House before adjourn-
ment of Congress.
There is even a possibility that the
Pepper victory may affect the ad-
journment date should President
Roosevelt exert pressure to prolong
the session for completion of wage-
hour or any other part of his legis-
lative program. That the Florida pri-
maries increased his prestige and in-
fluence in marked fashion was the
reaction among many observers.

Business Staff Will Quizj
Students And Faculty,
On Purchasing Practices1
Beginning today, more than 1,000
students and faculty members will
receive a four-page questionnaire pre-
pared by the Daily's business staff
to determine the purchasing power
and buying habits of undergraduates
and professors.
The pamphlet, drawn up and dis-
tributed by Norman Steinberg, '38, of
the business staff, lists 20 questions,
and is based on a test survey which'
he made on 50 students. Every tenth
name in the student directory and
seventh in the faculty directory were
chosen for the poll.
Results, which will be publicized
after tabulatioi, will be made avail-
able to prospective freshmen, the
Daily's advertisers and the Univer-
sity. It is believed to be the first
survey of such detail of student and
faculty budget expenditures ever tak-
en on the Michigan campus.
Sample questions, different for men
and women students and for faculty
members, include the following:
What is the source of your weekly
income? What items of expense does
your weekly income cover? Do you
eat your meals from place to place
or at a regular eating establishment?
Do you have your clothes laundered
in Ann Arbor or are they mailed
home? Where did you buy your last
Cinema League To Offer
Gorki's 'Lower Depths'
"The Lower Depths," Maxim Gor-
ki's famous play made into a French
film with English subtitles, will be
shown by the Art Cinema League at
8:15 p.m. tomorrow and Saturday at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All
seats are reserved for the perfor-
mances, which will include a Disney
The picture, produced under the
supervision of Paul Renoir who di-
rected "Madame Bovary," received
the French critics' award for the best
film of the year.

Loses In 12th
To Toledo, 9-8
Wastes Early 5 iun Lead
As Last Inning Error
Blasts Wolverine Hopes
Michigan's baseball team couldn't
stand prosperity yesterday afternoon,
wasted an early five run lead, and
gradually fell by the wayside as an
ahggressive Toledo University nine
dropped the Wolverines 9 to 8 in 12
The game started off in impressive
Wolverine fashion with the locals
scoring all eight runs in the first five
innings. But any delusions of grand-.
eur were rudely shattered when the
Toledoans embarked on a four-run
extravaganza in the seventh to final-
ly knot the score.
The Ohio contingent really got
tough after that bit of encourage-
ment. They got some strong left-
handed ptching from Dick Smith,
who had relieved Howard Camp in
the second, kept alert in the field,
and hung on for 12 rather drab
innings before a Michigan miscue in
the final frame turned an expected
defeat into victory.
Coach Ray Fisher turned a couple
of his sophomore hurlers loose for
yesterday's fray, and the result was
the direct antithesis of the expected.
Russ Dobson and Jack Barry were
the pitchers, and they both surprised.
Dobson, the big, lanky Ann Arbor
product, was figured to breeze through
with ease against the' under-rated
Toledo bunch. Big Russ topped the
yearling mound corps last year and
has been highly regarded in local
Russ was shelled from the mound
after 5 1/3 innings yesterday, having
given eight hits and seven walks
during his tenure. He was directly
responsible for seven Toledo runs.
Yet, discounting his wildness, the be-
spectabled sophomore showed plenty
yesterday. His curve at times was
superb, his fast ball had ample zip,
and his form was excellent. Yet the
opposition popped away with annoy-
(Continued on Page 6)
SRA Council Reelects

Course InMarriage Relations
Advocated By Prof. McCloskey

Saginaw Forest Solves Housing
Problem For 2 Lucky Students

This is one time of the year when
the two forestry students who live in
the cabin at Saginaw Forest have it
all over their fellows.
Instead of returning to stuffy quar-
ters in a rooming house in the center
of the city, they go to a compact little
cabin on the shore of the Third
Sister Lake in the heart of the Uni-
versity's experimental woods, Sag-
inaw Forest.
Orvel Schmidt, '39F&C, and Dan

but spring offers the most advantages,
in the way of recreation, according to
Schmidt and Collings.
"We take turns each week doing
the various household jobs," Schmidt
volunteered as he punched the air-
holes in the crust of an apple pie
he was preparing for the evening
meal. Both students admit that they
are excellent cooks. While neither
minds the cullinary assignment both
believe they would rather have some-

Strongly supporting the develop-
ment of a course in marriage rela-
tions at the University, Prof. Harold
McCluskey of the School of Educa-
tion, yesterday urged that such in-
struction be carried out by a staff
capable of discussing all phases of
married life.
At the same time commenting upon
the possibility of government mar-
riage subsidies for college students,
Professor McCluskey suggested that
such a proposal carefully worked out,
might be valuable in building more
lasting marriages.
It is extremely important that a

Marriage subsidies for college grad-
uates from the political viewpoint, he
said, offers the difficulties besetting
class legislation and government in-
terference in the lives of individuals.
But in working towards happier
home-life such aid should have the
effect of creating marriages among
the group best qualified to maintain
them. At the present time the divorce
rate for marriages among college
graduates is one of 75 or one-tenth
that of the rest of the nation.
This is largely due to the more fa-
vored economic status of college
graduates, to greater emotional sta-

Sigma Rho

Tau Holds
Parley May


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