New Dictator Of Siam
2:00 Una A. Kelley. Quiet rise of gentle Col. Phya
2:10 Norman Kiell. Bihol (above) to dictatorial post as
2:20 Paul T. Lahti. prime minister of Siam was almost
2:30 Sydney Liff .lost in the thunder of Europe's bet-
2:40 Morton L. Linder. tr lnwn digtators.
2:50 Francis W. McDonald.
3:00 Albert P. Mayio. Michigras parade, get in touch with
3:10 Robert D. Merer. John Weller as soon as possible. Phone
3:20 Reginald Olsen.2-40
3:30 Beatrice A. Parsons. 2-1740.
3:40 Morton L. Linder.
3:50 William A. Rosow. Modification of Rules Governing
4:50 Williay . oshehed.Participation in Public Activities. Ef-
4:00 Dorothy G. Shepherd. fetive September 1938.
4:10 Evelyn Stiles.em .
4:0 Barbara LStroebel.-Participation in Public Activities:
4:30 Daniel B. Suits. Participation in a public activity is
4:40 Anns L. yls. defined as service of any kind on a
4:50 Russell E.oWilson.committee or a publication, in a public
performance or a rehearsal, or in
Attention: Literary Seniors: The holding office or being a candidate
ommencement Booklet and Folder for office in'a class or other student
nnouncements are no longer on sale organization. This list is not intended
y the senior class committees, but to be exhaustive, but merely is indica-
rders will be taken by the Burr, Pat- tive of the character and scope of the
rson & Auld Company, 603 Church activities included.
treet, beginning Tuesday, May 3I
itil further notice. Certificate of Eligibility. At the be-
ginning of each semester and summer
Attention:. Literary Seniors: The session every student shall be con-
enioi1 Literary Class has chosen clusively presumed to be ineligible for
reorge Moe's Shop to supply caps any public activity until his eligibility
rid gowns. Inasmuch as Swing-Out is affirmatively established (a) by
May 22, be sure and get yours before obtaining from the Chairman of the
iat date. Committee on Student Affairs, in the,
Office of the Dean of Students, a writ-
The Bureau has received notice of tenCertificate of Eligibility. Partici-
he following Michigan Civil Service pation before the opening of the first,
xamination: semester must be approved as at any
Physiotherapist B, $90 - $110 per other time.
onth and full maintenance. For Before permitting any students to
irther information please call at the participate in a public activity (see
ffice, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: definition of Participation above),
-12, and 2-4. the chairman or manager of such
University Bureau of Appointments activity shall (a) require each appli-
And Occupational Infomation. cant to present a certificate of eligibil-
ity, (b) sign his initials on the back
Electrical Engineers: The Bureau of such certificate and (c) file with
as received notice of a special class the Chairman of the Committee on
r graduates in Electrical Engineer- Student Affairs the names of all those
g which trains men to operate Elec- who have presented certificates of
ic Power Systems as Load Dispatch- eligibility and a signed statement to
s and System Operators. This course exclude all others from participation.
offered by the Dispatchers Institute Certificates of Eligibility for the
Oneonta, N.Y. The tuition is $150. first semester shall be effective until
br further information, please call March 1.
the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office III.
:urs: 9-12 and 2-4. Probation and Warning. Students
University Bureau of Appointments on probation or the warned list are
And Occupational Information, forbidden to participate in any ublic
Phi Eta Sigma members, interested IV.
helping to make a float for the Eligibility, First Year. No freshman
Classified Directory A
FOR SALE: HOUSES rates. L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King-
slySt. Phone 8344. lox
EX-ROOM bungalow, very desirable, y Phone 8344. 1_ x
All modern. An exceptional income TYPING, neatly and accurately done.
property. Taxes $6.50 per year, close Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone
to school, in well restricted section. 5244. 3x
Offered $4,750 two years ago; willW
sacrifice for much less now. 1954 OLOTHIG WANTE TO BUY: Any
Independence Blvd., off Packard old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
Rd. Extra good deal for substantial $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit-
down payment. ers, old gold and musical instru-
ments. Ready cash waiting for you.
FOR RENT Phone Sam. 6304.
OR RENT: June 1st, four-room fur- LAUNDRY
nished apartment. Frigidaire, lan- ----I
dry. First floor. Phone 3403. 209 LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
N. Ingalls. 511 Careful work at low prices.
FOR SALE FOR RENT: Summer or school-year.
4 room furnished apartments. Frig-
ASHED SAND and dravel. Drive- idaire, laundry. Phone 3403, Os-
way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co. borne, 209 N. Ingalls. 511
Phone 7112. 7x
)TICE: Princeton beer jackets and cust011-Made Boots to Your Measure
hats with, Michigan seal. Natural Riding Boot, hand-sewn welt, hand-
lasted, from $6.75 up. All kinds of
or M colors. Lowest prices. Call oxfords made to measure from $7.50 up.
2-3596 evenings. 504 534 Forest Ave. Ann Arbor. Mich.
in his first semester of residence may
be granted a Certificate of Eligibility.
A freshman, during his second se-
mester of residence, may be granted a
Certificate of Eligibility provided he
has complete 15 hours or more of work
with (1) at least one mark of A or B
and with no mark of less than C, or
(2) at least 2%/2 times as many honor
points as hours and with no mark of
E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D--1,
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Certifi-
cate of Eligibility if he was admitted
to the University in good standing.
Eligibility, General. In order to re-
ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu-
dent must have earned at least 12
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or six hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding summer
ession, with an average of at least
, and have at least a C average for
his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades of
X and I are to be interpreted as E un-
til removed in accordance with
University regulations.
Students otherwise eligible, who in
the preceding semester or summer
session received less than a C aver-
age, but with no grade of E, or grade
interpreted as E in the preceding
paragraph, may appeal to the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs for special
Special Students. Special students
are prohibited from participating in
any public activity except by special
permission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs.
Extramural Activities. Students who
are ineligible to participate in public
activities within the University are
prohibited from taking part in other
activities of a similar nature, except
by special permission of the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs.
Physical Disability. Students ex-
cused from gymnasium work on ac-
count of physical incapacity are for-
bidden to take part in any public
activity, except by special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
In order to obtain such permission, a -
student may in any case be required
to present a written recommendation
from the University Health Service.
General. Whenever in the opinion of
(Continued on Page 4)
Cheatintg Oi State
Exams Is Charged
LANSNG, May 2.-(AP)-Civil Serv-
ice Director William Brownrigg said
today he was investigating rumors of
a "leak" through which clerks in the
state's. employ obtained advance in-
formation concerning their civil serv-
ice tests.
Brownrigg told of reports that some
questions in a "refresher" examina-
tion given to clerks in the Depart-
ment of State last week corresponded
closely with the questions contained
in a civil service examination to
which they were subjected Saturday.
N showing
Now: "Topper's" Girl 1s Back?
, Roa.,d. MGM Comedy Smash.
Read, It In The Daily
The 1938 Dramatic Season
May 16 through June 18
"The Ghost of Yankee Doodle"; "Lidiom"; "The Late Christopher
Bean;" "French Without Tears;" "Rain from Heaven."
Prices: $2.50, $3.60, $4.80 and $6.60 for Season Tickets
Garden Room - Michigan League
DAILY at 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. I
I is Shirley's Best!
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