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May 01, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-01

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
Use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or'not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
aecond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.0; by mail $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NatianalAdvertisngSerice, Inc.
College Pulsers Rweesetsiz'
Board of Editors
Business Department
I It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are. educational institu-
tions in the best meazing of the term.
Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials publi ed in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
s This The Real
Third Party?. .
NE OF THE OLDEST of Progressive
dreams is that there may come about
peaceful unity in American life in which all
uture-centered citizens can join. During the
ast few years especially; when all the impor-
tant issues have forcibly been brought ,to light,
has there been a widespread demand from both
' olitical theorists and the voting populace for a
ealistic political realignment based on a dis-
tnction between the conservatives and progres-
sives, without regard for the old party labels.
It was with unmitigated enthusiasm, therefore,
that optimistic liberals were hailing this week
he formation of a new national political party,
The National Progressives of America, with Gov-
rnor Philip F. La Follette, of Wisconsin, as the
rganizing genius and titular leader.
'State by state," said Gov. La Follette, "we
hall build as rapidly as,firm foundations can be
aid. Definitely and irrevocably we are in the
ists to stay until the American people recapture
their heritage. Make no mistake. This is not
ust another third party. As certain as the sun
rises we are launching the party of our time."
The need for a genuine realignment in Amer-
ica is evident, and all the materials seem on
hand for such teorientation. It would be prema-
ture, however, to credit the National Progre§-
sives with actually having lifted the old curse of
Progressive futility in America. Have we here
a really coherent political force around which
armers, workers, professional men and small
business owners can unite? Or does the LaFol-
lette escapade in insurgency merely mean a fur-
ther blossoming of the ineffectual, neo-romantic
progressivism of the pre-war era?
The National Progressives' program, listing six
major points, proposes first that "the ownership
and control of money and credit, without qual-
ification or reservation, must be public and not
private." Secondly, they declare that "the or-
ganized power of the nation must stop nothing
short of the necessary steps to restore to every
American' the absolute right to his, living."
A third point of the program proposes reorgan-

ization of the Federal government to give the ex-
ecutive branch power "to get things done." The
Governor said this was to be accomplished, as he
claims to have accomplished it in Wisconsin,
"with ample guaranties against dictatorial abuse
of such power." Fourth and most concrete, was
the suggestion that farm and industrial workers'
must be given "security founded on a definite,
decent income for all, measured by our contribu-
tion both in quantity and quality."
A fifth plan opposed "every form of coddling or
spoon-feeding the American people." Instead,
proposed the Governor, "whatever it costs, we
shall use the power of these United States to
restore to every American the opportunity to
help himself. After that he can sink or swim."
Sixth and last, the only plank to touch on for-
eignw policy,' the Governor proposed an "inviol-
able" Western Hemisphere from Arctic to Cape
Horn where man was "divinely destined to evolve
peace, security and plenty."
Of course, any leader who sharpens and de-
fines issues today becomes, not President but a
public enemy. Nevertheless, the history of Amer-
ican' progressivism has shown the futility of
buifliabro a h . rnnn r nnha '1 iw1 As r mnmpn+

The National Progressives, with .their blanket
repudiation of all existing economic theories and
practices; their inability to see the fundamental
causes of depressions and conflict, and their
own innocuous and naive platform, appear like-
ly to fall into the same channels as did their
An alliance of farmers and workers, which
must form the basis for any new opposition
party, would be possible only for great objec-
tives, for matters of transcendental interest. The
truth is, that while such an alliance could be
effected, the immediate present seems an inpropi-
tious moment to attempt such unification. No
labor leader, even including Mr. Lewis, though
he may have these larger policies worked out in
his mind, can afford to devote himself to them
now. He must work for narrower -objectives;
if the progressives are not to fail in everything
they must succeed in their present work of edu-
cating, of fighting for and consolidating gains of
immediate value. Natural cooperation will come
It is in this respect that President Roosevelt is
important. He has sensitized everyone to the
contrasts in American life. Furthermore, the
last election was a farmer-worker-small business
man alliance in action. It was, moreover, not a
political organization, but a popular demonstra-
tion. A truly progressive step by the La Follettes
would have been to capitalize on this demon-
stration, to give it the meaning and direction
which the President is apparently incapable of;
doing any longer. Instead they came forward
at this time, with a program which repeats the
old pre-war, meaningless slogans, contains no
elements of reality., and .which, like theRod6setW:,
program that tIey so vehemently scourge, will
leave the important problems of American life
Elliott Maraniss.
Chamberlain And
The 'Cliveden Set"
S THE BRITISH concessions to the
European fascist states continue,
openly or otherwise, the link between the Cham-
berlain cabinet and the Rome-Berlin-Tokio
axis becomes increasingly apparent. The in-
trigue weakening the democratic front against
fascist aggression continues unceasingly, under'
the guise of pacifying fascism by conciliation.
This policy of maintaining a conciliatory atti-
tude toward the fascist powers marks a reversal
in the foreign policy affected by the Chamberlain
cabinet at the time of its first rise into a posi-
tion of dominance in British affairs. There is a
powerful force behind this reversal. What is it?
The position of the pro-Nazi English financiers
with relation to the cabinet is somewhat clarified
by Ladislas Farago, the noted foreign corre-
spondent, in the current issue of the commentary
periodical, Ken: "Opposition 'groups accused the
Astor group (pro-fascist) of influencing the
Prime Minister in behalf of Hitler. and the British
financiers of giving financial support to Ger'.
many's ebbing treasury. These rumors are con-
tradicted in frantic full-page advertisements
which appear frequently in London newspapers
In spite of these denials rumors kept cropping
up. Anti-Nazi Englishmen are convinced of the
connection (of the financiers with. Germany),,
since many of the business houses accused of
contributing large sums to Germany fail to make
denials. Lever Brothers ,manufacturers of world
famous soapy products, the Morris Motors, mak-
ers of low-priced automobiles and' high-priced
guns, the Dunlop Rubber Company, the Shell
Oil group, several city bankers and even indi-
vidual directors of the Bank of England are men-
tioned among Germany's financial supporters
who failed to deny the accusation."
What influence does this group have on the
cabinet? It is interesting to note that Neville
Chamberlain is given to spending many of his
week-ends at Cliveden Manor, the country seat
of the acknowledgedly pro-fascist and pro-Ger-
man Viscount and Lady Astor. Cliveden has long
been known as the center for the conservati
elements fighting to protect their interests in the
fascist states. The reactionary Marquess of
Londonderry and the Marquess of Lothian are
said to be frequent visitors, as is Joachim von
Ribbentrop, Hitler's emissary to England.

Does the body of the English people support
this government that is seemingly controlled by
this "Cliveden set?" Attempts to bring the cab-
inet before popular election have failed,' but the
results of the recent election in West Fulham
and the poll of the British branch of the Amer-
ican Institute of Public Opinion have shown that
the public has repudiated this policy of concs-
sion to the advance of fascism, seemingly recog-
nizing the direction of the sympathies and finan-
cial interests of the industrialists and financiers
so close to the government.
The Daladier government in France has been
making feeble attempts at following in England's.
footsteps by her trade pact negotiations with
Italy, showing a favoritism toward the concilia-
tion policy. The conservative ministry's ef-
forts are handicapped by the strong French
Front Populaire, which would undoubtedly fight
any attempt at closer rapprochement with Italy.
The Front Populaire sees clearly that conces-
sions to fascism can only mean further encroach-
ment, that the appetite of fascism is insatiable,
so clearly that the mere suggestion of the com-
paratively innocuous Franco-Italian reciprocal
trade pact stirred up considerable protest in the
liberal news organs.
On Thursday Daladier and his foreign min-
ister, Georges Bonnet, arrived in London for a
short visit with Prime Minister Chamberlain.
Ostensibly the visit is for the purpose of drawing
plans for a projected military alliance to offset
the advantage of the Rome-Berlin agreement.
Why this sudden shift from a policy of making
peace with fascism to one of defense against it?
Could it be possible that the Daladier and Cham-
berlain ministries are conferring, not to create an
arms alliance, but rather to plan further con-
cessions and conciliations to fascism? The re-

JItfeem t1e

Hi1eywoodab ro un
,Mrs.Roosevelt recently gave out a little advice
on 'the technique of public handshaking. .,Al-
though it was an interesting item, I made no
attempt to learn the rules by rote, as I had slight
expectation of ever having to
practice them. A timidity
about reception is one of the
reasons why I resolved some
yea'rs ago never to be a
Mayor or Governor or even a
President of the United
It is true at the time Mrs.
Roosevelt gave out her help-
ful hints at a press confer-'
ence I was under a pledge to appear with col-
umnar colleagues at a cocktail party in honor of
the publishers' convention. And my host said,
"We may have you columnists sitting in'a sort
of receiving line." I thought he was 'kidding.
And, anyway he did distinctly say "sitting" And
so I arrived cheerfully a little late and wholly
without trepidation. And there actually was
a receiving line headed by Mrs. Roosevelt, with
Ray Clapper next to her, and somebody said to
me, "Heywood, you go over there and stan .be-
twe Drew Pearson and Bob AIlen.'
No matter how I "znay have looked At other
times, this was the precise moment when I felt
myself to be a complete fool. I tried to watch
Mrs. Roosevelt to see how handshaking should
be done, but although I admired her craftsman-
ship it cannot be picked up in a moment, and,
besides, one probably needs. a natural aptitude.
Moreover, my technical problems were more com-
plicated than those of the First Lady, who had
both hands free.
* * * *
A Problem Of Cocktail
The man who was running the party gave me
a cigaret and a cocktail, and at the same moment
he said, "This is Mrs. Joe Doakes, who wants tg
meet you." She seemed a pleasant lady and she
held out her hand. And there I stood on a reciv-'
ing line and also in a quandary. The problem
was whether I would burn her with the cigaret
or moisten her with the Martini. I crunched
the cigaret into the thick rug and stamped, out
the flames at the. same time 'and stammered,
"I am very glad to see you, Mrs. Doakes." Mrs.'
Roosevelt was moving them alongfast, and I did
the best I could to keep up with her. Holding
the cocktail firmly in the left hand, I shortened
the formal greeting to, "Glad to see you.".
Thirty-two times without a break the same
greeting was extended, and since handshaling is
just a little more strenuous than college'fOotball,
I was constantly attempting to raise the'sustain-
ing draught to my lips. Each time I would be
interrupted by a mother and her two daughters.
Growing weary of the verbal formula, it seemed
a good idea to throw in a variation. "Glad' to
see you again," I ventured. The visiting fireman
replied, "Never set eyes on you before in m
life." There being no time, to apologize, the best
I could do was to say, "But, of course you know
Bob Allen," and gave him a pushltoward.the end
of the line.
All-Time Endurance Record
Bob took pity on me at this point and sent
me to the foot' of the class, where' the'e was
more elbow room and where it was not necessary
to introduce the fellow to your left. But, even
so, one hour had gone by and the ccktail
still remained untouched. This all-time recprd
will be submitted to the A.A.U. for official ap-
proval at its next annual meeting.
After an hour and a half ."Glad to see' you"
had lost its pristine note of cordiality. Intent on
experimenting, I put out, "How are 'you?" as a
trial balloon. "I'm very well,' said the man .
was borne reluctantly in my direction-. t
then instead of going out with the tide, ihused
and asked, "How you are?" "I'n ie, '- I tol,
him. "That's swell," he answered "You do look
a little hot. But you say you're feeling' all
right?" "And how do you feel?" We didn't seem
to be getting anywhere, and by this 'time tlie
was a long jam in the line. And so like a veteran.
lumberman I gave myself the hook and sneaked
into the next room to drink the cocktail. X
It was by now lukewarm but welcome. And
in my hiding place behind the potted palms I

looked out and saw Mrs. Roosevelt still serene,
smiling and gracious 'and giving every indica-
tion that she could fight it out on that line if
it took all summer. The lady is a marvel.
Who Are 'We?'
To the Editor:...-,
The third speaker at the Peace Strike on Wed-
nesday as "Mr. Gies, member of the Daily edi-
torial staff, who will present to us resolutions
adopted by the United Peace Committee." Ad-
dressing a crowd which had dwindled to some
300, Mr. Gies, spokesman for the United Peace
Committee, began to read the resolution adopted
by that group: "We, the students of the Univer-
sity of Michigan . . ." Get that! "We, the stu-
dents . . . " Presumptuousness'is a'very polite
word for this and other juvenile braying being
done by .a group on the campus 'whose noise
befits well the length of their .ears. Any day,
Mr. Gies and other members of the United. Peace
Committee, that you can say "We, the students§
of the University of Michigan" and' havefit un-
animous will be when I and 200 students Ilknow
have reached the stage that. we too need our

---- -- - - n

Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee
conductor, Viola Philo soprano. Ko-
daly's Dances from Galanta, two
movements from Stravinsky's Fire-
bird Suite, Suite from The Bolt by
Shostakovic, songs and Pohola's
Daughter by' Sibelius 11:30-12:30,
NBC Blue.
New York Philharmonic-Sym-
phony, John Barbirolli conductor,
Marjorie Lawrence soprano, Charles
Kullmann 'tenor. All-Wagner pro-
gram of the Flying Dutchman Over-
ture, Scene 3 from Act I of Die Wal-
uere, excerpts from Die Goetterdaem-
merung. 2-4, CBS.
World' Fair Music Festival, Walter
Damrosch in charge with the Schola
Cantorum and New York Oratorio So-
ciety. Three Bach chorales, the open-
ing chorus from Horation Parker's
Hora Novissima, finale from Beethov-
en's Ninth Symphony. 7-8, NBC blue
and CBS
Columbia Concert Hall, Bernard
Herrmann conductor. Handel's Con-
certo Grosso No. 8 and Matthew
Locke's Tempest Suite. 4-5, CBS.
Boston "Pop" Concert, Arthur
F' Pf conductor. Chabrier's Marche
Joyeuse, Kodaly's Dances fromn Galan-
ta, "Delirien" Waltzes of Josef
Strauss, Tschaikowsky's Overture
1812. 8:30-9:30, NBC, Blue.
Cincinnati Conservatory faculty
program. Beethoven Piano Trio, Op
97, in B flat; songs by Chausson
Fourdrain, and Duparc; piano pieces
by Chopin, Schumann, and Albeniz
10-11 a.m., CBS.
NBC Symphony, Pierre Monteux
conductor, John Powell pianist
Chausson's Symphony in B flat
"Negro Rhapsody for Piano and Or.
chestra" by John Powell, Poem by
Davis, Crazy House Suite by Jon
Cowley, Sierra Morena by Emerson
Whithorne. 9-10:30, NBC, Red.
The Drama In Ann Arbor
This department has been various-
ly praised and condemned for th
stand it took on the coming Ann Ar
bor Dramatic Season. If you remem
ber, we stated that nothing mor
could be asked by way of casting bu
that the plays selected were, as a
whole, merely remnantsdof Broadway
Be that as it may, we may profit b
learning something of the nature o
the plays to be presented at the Lydia
Sidney Howard, in "The Ghost o
Yankee Doodle," has approached hi
theme from the point of hard-pressed
liberalism faced by another world wa
and tangled up in the complexities o
neutralities. He tells his story through
the medium of a sizeable mid-wester
family of old American stock: a lib-
eral publisher who sticks to his chosen
course nothwithstanding its lack o1
profits, a manufacturer who refuses
the financial gain of belligerent con-
tracts, a mother (Aline MacMahon)
who thinks of national strife in terms
of her children, and an unscrupulous
newspaper owner who measures hs
actions by the yardstick of circulation
We omit all critical commentary on
Howard's play, as we shall on the
others to be discussed, using this space
merely to give information on the
contents of the plays.
In "Liliom," Ferenc Molnar's most
lasting drama in a list that includes
"The Guardsman," and "The Swan,4

a delicate vein of poetic fantasy is
caught in the story of the cocksure
ne'er-do-well whose soul is eaten by
life and is left in shreds and patches
beyond redemption. Liliom, the circu
barker, has been so buffeted about by
life that love can never find verbal
expression in him. Molnar has mixed
heartbreak, reality with unreality, ht -
mor with hardness. He has made of
"Liliom" a sparkling classic of the
contemporary theatre.
Sidney Howard is again represented
in the drama season, this time with
an adaptation of a French comedy,
"The Late Christopher Bean." Mr.
Howard transferred the French char-
acters and locale to a New England
household, thoroughly Americanizing
his people and situations to meet them
for an American audience.
The astonishingly huge London suc-
cess, "French Without Tears," by Ter-
rence Rattigan, has an interesting
title source derivation. The title was
not an invention of the author but
was cribbed by him from a series of
French textbooks forEnglish kinder-
garten children that was a highly
popular in England in the late Vic-
torian period.
Rattigan's comedy has to do with a
group of adult Britishers attempting
to learn French in advance of en-
trance into the diplomatic service by
living in a Frenchman's villa on the
Riviera - and there finding an un-
scrupulous flirt domiciled in the same
house provides a too romantic dis-
traction for study beyond the word
"amour." Hence the title "French
Without Tears."
The last show of the season will be
! w T7 .1. ..«. . . .. { 7 . . . ...«, T.. ..

(Continued from Page 3)
Fred Cowin, Minister. 5:30 o.m, So..
cial hour and tea. 6:30 p.m., .iscus-
soricn 'You and the Next War."
After the presentation of points of
view r'lating to the subject the
C'uild will be divided into small
groups for discussion.
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m
"Healthy Mindedness" will be th
subject of the sermon by Rev. R. Ed-
ward Sayles, at the morning worship.
Church School meets at 9:30. The
Junior High Group meets in the
c:urch at 4:30, and the Senior High,
at 6:00.
Roger Williams Guild. Noon class
omitted for balance of year. 6:15
p.m. Four student speakers will dis-
cuss Christian ideals as faced by
campus atmosphere. The speakers
will be Marvin Michael, Roberth
Grifith, Miss Frances Burgess and
r Miss Ruth Enss. Friendly hour with
First Church of rist, Scientist.
409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject, "Everlasting Punishment."
Golden Text, Ezekiel 18:23.
Sunday School 11:45 after the
morning service.
First Congregational Church, Ann
4.rtor, Mich.
Corner of State and William.
10:45 a.m., Service of Worship.
- Dr Leonard A. Parr will preach on
"Shortsighted People." The music
of the morning will include the organ
number "Meditation" by Faulker; the
soprano solo sung by Miss Lois Greig
of "The 'Lord's Prayer" by Melotte
and the anthem "Cast Thy Burden
Upon the Lord" by Mendelssohn..
6:00 p.m. The Srudent Fellowship
will meet for a six o'clock supper. At
7:30 in the church auditorium M.
SFrank McCulloch; a distinguishedi
Chicago attorney, will speak in a
J public meeting on "The Church's Re-
lationhip to Labor."
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship at 10:40 oclock. Dr. Bra-
stwres will preach on "Divine Dis-
e content."
Notice to All Faculty Members and
SOfficers: Arrangements have been
t made with the purpose of having in
a the General Library both for present
purposes and for future historical
' value, a file of the portraits of mem-
f bers of the Faculty and University
f officials. From an historical point
of view, it is highly desirable that
f this file be kept up to date, and from
s the Library's point of view it is im-
portant that the file be of portraits
r of uniform size.hThe portraits al-
fready on file which were taken six
f years, or more, ago should be re-
placed with up-to-date ones. Por-
traits will be made without cost to
any Faculty member or officer by
Messrs. J. F. Rentschler and Son.
Members of the Faculty are cordially
invited to make appointments with
Rentschler and Son for the purpose.
Any special questions arising with
respect to the matter may be asked
either of the Secretary of the Uni-
. versity, Shirley W. Smith, or of the
Librarian, William W. Bishop.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Michigan Civil Service
Physiotherapist B, $90 - $110 per
month and full maintenance. For
further information please call at the
office, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours:
9-12, and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
And Occupational Information.
Electrical Engineers: The Bureau
I has received notice of a special class
Ifor graduates in Electrical Engineer-
ing which trains men to operate Elec-

tric Power Systems as Load Dispatch-
ers and System Operators. This course
is offered by the Dispatchers Institute
at Oneonta, N.Y. The tuition is $150.
For further information, please call'
atthe office, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
And Occupational Information.
The first preliminary examination
(general experimental) for candidates
for doctors' degrees in psychology will
be held Monday, May 9, at 2 p.m. Re-
port at Room 2123 N.S. Dates for
the remaining examinations will be
announced at that time.
Community Recreation F 208 will
meet at the Intramural Sports build-
ing Tuesday, May 3, at 8a.m.
Senior Life Saving Class for Men
and Women at the Intramural Build-
ing next week. Call 8109 for details.-
An Exhibition of paintings by Er-
nest Harrison Barnes and of paint
ings and pastels by Frederick H. Ald-t
ricr, Jr., both of the faculty of the
College of Architecture, is presented
by the Ann Arbor Art Association in
.the North and South Galleries of

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received ast the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

the exhibition room of the School of
Architecture. Daily (except Sunday)
from 9 to 5.
Henry Russel Lecture: Professor
Heber D. Curtis, Chairman of the
Department of Astronomy and Di-
rector of the Observatories, will de-
liver the Henry Russel lecture for 1938
at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, May 3, in Na-
tural Science Auditorium. His sub-
ject will be "Receding Horizons." An-
nouncement of the Henry Russel
Award Till be made 'at this time.
University Lec:-ure: Professor Bar-
ker Fairley of the University of Tor-
onto will give a lecture in English on
"Goethe and Frau von Stein," on
Wednesday, May 4, at 4:15 Natural
Science. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Professor Einar
Hammarsten, Professor of Chemistry,
Carolingian Medical University, will
lecture on "The Secretin of Bayliss
and Starling" on Monday, May 9, at
4:15 p.m. in Natural- Selece Audor-
ium under the auspices of the Medical
School. The public is cordially in-
Alexander Ziwet Lectures' in Mathe-
matics. The next three lectures, in
the series being given by Professor
Erich Hecke of the University of
Hambuxg, will be given Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday (May 2, 4,
and 6) at 3 o'clock in Room 3201 An-
gell Hall.
Events Today
Kappa Phi is holding a special
pledging service today at 9:30 a.m.
in the Methodist church office. All
members are urged to come.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at Lane Hall on Sunday at 2:45 for
a trip to the Saline Valley Farms.
There will be hiking and supper. All
graduate students are welcome,
cca'ker Hall. 9:45 am. Class under
the h adership of Prof. r'arrothers. 6"
o.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting. There
will be the following discussion groups
andi -r student leadership:k The Fam-
il', Adventures in Per onal lreligion,
Th'i Church and Modern Society,
Recrx.tion, Vocatios and Profes-
sions. Men and Womn fbelationships.
7 p.m. Fellowship Hour and sup-
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue.
° 10:45 a.m., "The World on May
Morning" is the subject of Dr. W. P.'
LcInou's sermon at the Morning Wor-
shiip Service. T'.vc student choir d-
recte':i by Miss Caire Coci and the
cldlren's choir -under the leadership
of Mrs. Fred Mo .ns will take part in
the service. The musical numbers
will include: Organ Prelude, "0
Mensch, bewein dein' Sunde gross"
by Bach; Anthem, "Incense and a
Pure Offering" by Cameron Brock;
solo, "Come Ye Blessed" by Scott,
Burnette Bradley Staebler; Organ"
Posalude, "Toccata. and Fuge in D
Minor'; by Bach.
5:30 p.m., The Westminster, stu-
dent group, supper and fellowship
hour. Dr. W. P. Lemon will speak
on the subject "Introducing John
Doe to Christianity" at the meeting
at 6:30.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Services of worship today are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
garten, 11:00 a.m Holy Communion
and Sermon by The Rev. Frederick
W. Leech.
Harris Hall: The regular meeting
of the Episcopal Student Fellowship

will be held tonight at Harris Hall at
seven o'clock. Mr. A. K. Stevens of
the University English Department
will speak 'on the "History and De-
velopment of the Cooperative Move-
ment." Refreshments will be served.
All -Episcopal students and; their
friends are cordially invited.
Trinity Lutheran . Church, corner
5th Avenue and Wiliams Street. Rev.
H. 0. 'Yoder, pastor, "Building an
Altar Unto the Lord" will be the ser-
mon. Services at 10:30 a.m.
Litiheran Student Club Wii meet
Sunday at 5:30 in Zion Parisa1 .H0
Speaker is Dr. .Carrout ers of the
Education School. Every member is
urged to be present due to the fact
that e'ections for next year's officers
will be held.
Unitarian Church, State and H1ron
11 a.m. There will be held the first
of a ceries of Sunday Morning' For-
urm, cn "the general subject of a
"World Clinic." . Ching K. Yang and
Rev. H. P. Marley will discuss the
topic: "China Forced to Unite."
7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union.
The general subject of the Month is
"Popular Prejudice." Professor Rich-
ard Fuller of the Sociology Denart-

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