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April 23, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-23

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Vocation Ability
Is Now Tested.
By NewMeans1
Psychology Prof. Greene's
Vocabulary Test Iased
On ConceptOf Terms
Abilities and training for various
vocations are tested by a new vo-
cabulary examination developed by
Prof. Edward B. Greene of the psy-
chology department, it was an-
nounced recently.
This ,test is designed to measure a
person's knowledge of basic concepts
in various fields by testing his grasp
of important terms used in these call-
ings. It is known as the Vocabulary
Profile test.
While psychologists have been in-
terested for some time in vocabular-
ies, both in the field of general men-
tal ability and in vocational success,
this new testing method is the first
to indicate the range of one's con-
cepts in important, independent
fields. Further, it allows for more
adequate solutions to such questions
as: What vocabularies are essen-
tial for certain vocations? What is
the importance of vocabularies in
reading skills? What is the impor-
tance of knowledge of a person's vo-
cabulary in educational and voca-
tional planning?
Master lists of over 6,000 words
were assembled by Dr. Greene from
text books with the help of techni-
cians in the fields to be tested. From
this list, which included the words
most important to work in each field,
single words of various degrees of
difficulty were selected to be used in
the test form. Thirty words were
chosen for each field to be covered,
care being taken that words in one
list were not duplicated in one of
the others.
Items were classified into eight
fields: human relations, commerce,
government, physical science, biologi-
cal science, mathematics, fine arts
and sports. Finally a careful check
was made to insure that the tests
were not confusing or too vague.

Arab Nationalist Leader Arrested

Nationalist riots in French-governed Tunisia led to the arrest of
Arab Sliman Ben Sliman and sharpened French concern over pro-Italian
activity among Moslem Nationalists. A French demand for cessation of
Italian anti-French propaganda in Tunisia may be a big point in
France-Italy pact talks.
Dr. Adler, mitet Philosopher,
to Gve To Talks To morr o
Leading Figure In II ieago sity became prominent for his ideas
Education Plan To Talk about the need of more spiritualism
in the administration of law and jus-
At St. Mary's And Union; tice.
Dr. Adler is profoundly interested
By ROBERT MITCHELL in the philosophy and tradition of
One of the men who has figured I
most prominently in the new edu-Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas.
cational program of President Rob- believing that human wisdom and
ert M. Hutchins of the University of intellectual achievement have made
Chicago, Dr. Mortimer J. Adler, will little advance over the works of these
give his views on philosophy and re- men. As a result he has played an
ligion here tomorrow in two lectures, influential part in the institution
one at St. Mary's Catholic Chapel of the new Chicago program of em-
at 4:30 p.m. and one in the Union phasis on classical studies.
Ballroom at 7:30 p.m. This program is intended to stress
Professor Adler has been with Dr. spiritual education as a means of
Hutchins at the University of Chi- keeping up with scientific develop-
cago since 1930, after Dr. Hutchins ment and as a de-emphasis on tech-
became interested in his work on the nical, scientific curricula. For this
psychology of the law of evidence it turns to the Aristotlian and Thom-
and in the philosophy of the Scho- ist traditions, not only for their in-
lastic writers at 'the University of tcllectual achievement, but because of
Columbia. Hutchins at Yale Univer- their confidence in man's ability to

'Puli-adinicn '1w Bullctmi constfiv notice to all mmbvhrs cif the
Univer!-ity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 am. on Saturcay.
SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1938 cook wanted for summer employmen
VOL. XLVIII. No. 143 at resort in Michigan. For furthe
information call at 201 Mason Hal
Student Loans: There will be a Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
meeting of the Committee on Student
Loans in Room2, University Hall on Occupational Information,
April 25. Those who have recently
filed applications for loans should 201 Mason Hall.
make appointments to meet the Com-
mittee at that time. Camp: Junior Counselor positio:
open in swimming department o
Senior and Graduate Students: girls' camp in New Mexico. Positio
Those senior and graduate students carries no salary, but possibility c
who have been invited to be guests commissions on any campers in
of honor at the 15th Annual Honors fluenced to come to camp. For fur
Convocation of the University of ther information call at 201 Maso
Michigan are requested to order caps Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-
and gowns immediately at the Moe Bureau of Appointments an
Sport Shop or Van Boven, Inc. It is Occupational Information,
necessary to place these orders at 201 Mason Hall.
once in order that the caps and
gowns may be delivered in time for Seniors, School of Education, Ser
the Convocation. April 29. fors who are graduating in June c
Joserh A. Bursley, Chairman
Committee on Ilonors Convo-
----MA RaH.
Sophomore, Junior and Senior En-
gineers: Mid-Semester reports for 231 Sc
grades below C are now on file and
open to inspection in the office of
the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West APOLOG I ES-
Engineering Building. For misquoting two items
Engineering Students: If you are 50c JERGEN'S LOTION, quo
planning to attend the Summer Ses- 2 GLOVER SOAP
sion of 1938. please fill out a card in 5c quotec
the Secretary's office, Room 263 West
Engineering Building.
Scholarship in Landscape Design.
Open to young women who have
completed 2 years or more of general
or special college work. This will
amount to $150 per year for two
years. It is offered by the Bloom-
field_ Hills Branch of the .Women's Everything You Ne
Farm and Garden Association. Any
young woman interested in this You'll enjoy workir
scholarship should see me as soon as you use the seeds
possible, as the award will be made etc., from Hertler'<
--- ,the work is easier ay
A few Scholarships and Fellowships
are available for graduate study in H E RT L
Religious Education, particularly in-
teresting to Episcopalians, Presbyter- 210 South Ashley Stre
ians, and Methodists. An interview
concerning these fellowships may be -
had any day from 11 to 12 in the
morning and 3.to 5 in the afternoon
in Room 9, University Hall, with E.
W lakeman, Counselor in Religious
Summer Work: Experienced woman



Classified Directory


ttain ethical ends.
They teach that man is a rational
nimal, capable of seeking, defining
nd achieving the good life, and the
hicago authorities point out that
hile science can set up machinery,
cannot give a scale of values for
easuring this machinery. "It can
Al you how to fight a war, but it
ainnot tell you whether or not you
ught to have a war."

TYPING: Experienced. Reasonable
rates. L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King-
sley St. Phone 8344. iox
VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone
0327. Experienced typist. Reason-
able rates. 232
TYPING, neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. 3x
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit-
ers, old gold and musical instru-
ments. Ready cash waiting for you.
Phone Sam. 6304.
FOR SALE: One almost new Rem-
ington-Rand electric shaver and
one Shick electric shaver. Call Art
Brandt, 2-3205. 505
ORIGINAL Princeton beer jackets
and hats with Michigan seal at-
tached. Get in on the latest fad
for campus spring wear. Natural
or M colors. Call 2-3596 evenings.
Lowest prices. 504
WASHED SAND and Gravel. Drive-
way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co.
Phone 7112. 7x

LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices.

., ,

LOST: Iota Alpha key with name
Wen-Chi Chu. Please call 4056. Ask
for Chu. 509
LOST: Suede purse containing hand-
kerchief with initial "R"; cosme-
tics, glasses, money. Please return
glasses to F. Robinson. 836 Tappan.
WANTED ROOMS: All persons hav-
ing rooms to rent for the nights of
Thursday and Friday, May 5 and 6,
are requested to write at once to
Room 213, Haven Hall, or telephone
University Extension 485, stating
number of accommodations at 50c
per person per night. 510
FOR RENT: Double room with ad-
joining lavatory. Also single room.
Shower bath. Permanent or week-
end rental. Phone 8544. 422 East
Washington. 506
- -__ - 0





may Festival Tickets

On SAle
at the
Office on Maynard Street

FOR RENT: Unfurnished apart-
ment, four room, tile shower, new,
air-conditioned, garage. West Side.
Phone 2-1414. 508

I ''



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