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April 22, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-22

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APRIL 22, 1938

English. Professors
To Lecture Here
Two English lecturers, Miss Mar-
jorie Daunt of the University of Lon-
don and Alfred J. Ayer of Christ
Church College, Oxford University,
will speak in the University lecture
series here next week.
Ayer, will speak on "Some Prob-
lems of Perception" at 4:15 p.m. Mon-
day in Room' 1025 Angell Hall under
the auspices of the department of
Miss Daunt will lecture on "The
English Language-What Is It? How
Is It?" at 4:15 p.m. Thursday in the
Natural Science Auditorium. Miss
Daunt is an authority on the history
and phonetics of the. English lan-
uage. She is at present a visiting
lecturer at Smith College and is being
brought here under the auspices of
the English department.
Federation Of Teachers
To Continue Discussion
The American Federation of
Teachers will continue the discussion
of last month on the theme, "How
Can Educational Planning Be Made
Truly Democratic," at a luncheon
meeting at 12:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Room 116 of the Union.
The meeting may bet divided into
smaller groups to allow everyone to
participate- in discussion. Interested
persons are invited.

Treakers' In $500,000 Idaho Flood

Local Men Address
Lduca ion Council
Dean James B. Edmonson and
Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman of the
School of Education addressed the
Michigan Council .on Education in
Jackson yesterday.
Dean Edmonson spoke on the na-
tionwide educational proects, reports
.and investigations that are now be-
ing carried on and are of particular
interest to Michigan educators. Pro-
fessor Moehlman presented an an-
alysis of the report of President
Roosevelt's. Advisory Committee 'on
Dean Edmnonson left late yesterday
for Chicago where he will attend the
five day conference of the Educa-
tional Policies Commission to be
held there from April 22 to 26. The
commission is an agent of the Na-
tional' Education Association and tChe
American Association of School Ad-
ministrators formed to study educa-
tional practices, appraise them and
spread them throughout the country.
- - - - __________________________7
Gradtuates Are Advised
S. t) Mss tr j.. at a da..aaaaka

ClassifiedDirneelory I

LADIES tailoring and dress-making
formals, suits, coat relining. all al
terations. Expert service, reasonable
rates, work guaranteed. 320 E. Lib
erty. Call evenings. 2-2020. 8x
MEN and women are offered th,
highest cash prices for their dis
carded clothingr See Claude Brown
512 S. Main. Phone 2-2736. 388
TYPING: Experienced. Reasonabl
rates. L. lb. Heywood, 803 E. King
sley St. Phone 8344. lox
VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phon
6327. Experienced typist. Reason
able rates. 232
TYPING, neatly and accurately don
Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phon
5244. 3x-
old and new suits, overcoats, at $
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typew'ril
ers, old gold and musical instni
ments: Readv cash waiting for yot
Phone Sam. 6304.


Rampaging flood waters poured down thin normally quiet residential
street of Wallace, Ida,., like a stormy sea during a flood which caused
$500,000 damage and claimed' four lives in Idaho and neighborhood
sections of Canada. Submerged constructions kicked up what appeared
to be breakers in this photo.

With the warning that busines
school graduates will find little 0p
portunity in financial fields, Alber
Hodge, formerly professor at th
University of Chicago, and now;
mrcrha.ndising cou~1nsellor, advise


II them yesterday in the Romance Lax
SDA lY OfFICIAL desk on the second floor of the, Painting, Draw. 24s and 30s, will be guage Building auditorium instea
T West, Engineering Building just out-, given by Associate Professor Sus- to go into some branch of merchax
I BIJLLETI side the Mechanical Engineering of- sr diing.
Iflee- in front of the main bulletin Professors Brigham, Fowler, and He stressed that in all modes
board. Slusser may be consulted at their merchandising, the problem is to se
FRIDAY, APRIL 22. 1938 It is absolutely necessary that,,all j offices in the Architectural Building. f goods with lower markups anda
VOL. XLVIII. No. 142 orders be placed immediately so that; (Contnued on Page 4) lower prices.
Firt Mrtgge Loas: he nivr-final delivery may be made on May _______________________________
sity has a limited amount of funds A-enaiv shdueoftie dr
to loan on modern well-located Ann.Atnttvesheue ftie dri
Arbor residential property. Interest jing which orders may be placed is!
at current rates. Apply Investment as follows: Friday, April 22, 10:00 to ~ir i
Office, Room 100, South Wing, 12:00 a.m.; 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.; Sat- AINVL~fl
Api_2_:0_o 1 :0__.;____Uiv riy al d y M onday, ApW il 25 through Friday,
Engineering Students:. If you are April 29, 9:00,to 12:00 a.m.; :cO toRal ySevc
planning to attend the Summer Ses- 3:00 p.m.; Saturday, April 30, 0:00 Convenient R fwa ExpressSe vc
sion of 1938, please fill out a card in to 12:00 a.m.
the Secretary's office, Room 263 West-{
Engineering Building. A1cademticNoice1 Speed it home and back weekly by nation-wide
Sumer Work: Students registered Sociology 51, make-up midsernster Ralway Express. Thousands of students in colleges
for summer work at the Bureau of examination, Saturday, April 23, at throughout the country rely on this swift, safe, de-
Appointments who have recently 2 p.m., Roomf D, Haven Hall. pendable service. Prompt pick-up and delivery,
placed themselves, decided to attend -
Summer School, travel with their Sociology 163, make-.up hour ex- without extra charge, in all cities and principal
family, or otherwise planned their amination, Saturday, April 23, at 2 towns. Be thrifty and wise - send it collect-- and it
summer, are asked to report these p.m., Room D, Haven Hall.ca coebkprpdiyuwshLwc-
facts to the Bureau immediately.
Bureau of _Appointments and Summer Session, College of Archi- nomical rates on laundry, baggage or parcels.
Occupational Information, 201 tecture: The following architectural For rush service telephone the nearest Railway
Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 courses will be offered during theExrsofcerarnefrrgurclldts
and 2-4. coming summer session:Exrsofieoarng frrgurclldt.
-Arch. 2, 5, and 6; Assistant Profes- ANN ARBOR RAILROAD DEPOT 4
Attention Senior Engineers: Coin- sor Brigham. 420 South Ashley Street Phone 7101
mencement announcements will be Arch. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 105; Asso- DEPOT OFFICE: MICH. CENTRAL RAILROAD
placed on sale for one week only, be- ciat Professor Troedsson. Phone 5714 Ann Arbor, Michigan
ginning Friday, April 22. Dummy Decorative Design courses will be-
samples will be available for inspec- offered as follows: ~A.-U T ~4 T' c
tion and orders will be taken at a D.D.; Assistant Professor Brig- 4A.;W A X AI ,
ham. a
D.D.2, 4, 5, and 31; Assistant Pro- AGENCY > INC.
ind UNDERWEAR fessor Fowler.
D.D. 37; Associate Professor Troed- NATION -WIDE R A IL- A IR SERVICE
edato5~urses in Outdoor Drawing and, - - - - -=- -1
~1 // at Liberty
231 South State - Phone 9242 - 8 Do
YES!P It pays toadvertisein T
Andi pays to shop and SAVE at
Prices effective Friday and Saturday
$i1.25 A bsobinec r.3... 8c'ha e t e
$1.00 Adleika ....C igarettes9
r A nou ces60c Alaroid Powde .....43c
75e Anacin Tablets ......9 Lowest Prices in Town
ew S ir $1.50 Anusol Suppositoies..8
1.00 Bisodol ..... ...9
rNew Collar. $ 31.20 Cadwell's Syrup TOBACCO SALE!1
Pepsin 73c Kentucky Club Vlet PA~
60c California Syrup o Figs 3lf-n9Hlfcercn
25C Carter's; ills ............ 15c
ti________ 30c .Edwards' Olive 'tablets . . .19c
r s 60~~Sc Eno Effervescent Salt...4c1
35c Freezone .. ...........2c
f_____________5____ 0c Gino Pills..............33c
r,.<l 50c Grave's Nose Dros ......2c
MiCOflOl]2 $1.00 Haley's M1-0 Oil....... 63e
Pitu,.I2 $1.00 Ironized Yeast .... .. . .64 gao at a
6c Jayne's Vermifuge . .....41c
p $1.04) Kreml Hair Tonic ......66e
C utOc Lavoris. . ....... ........ 29c
25c Merck Zinc Stearate .,. ..1Zc
°' ~~'5c Pazo Oianen, tube.46v s
THE DRT " $2.5c Pe trson's Ointment .. ...22c
$1.50 value 50 Po dani Ointment .............in
f"PENYLANAm 200 S .......... ......149 Pn
Pr~f) es.sure Paced 50c Thompson's Malt. Milk ... 36 A n 1fI,# "

-,FOR' SALE : One almost 'new Rpem-
rt { ington-Rand electric shaver: and
heone Shick electric shaver. Call Art
a Brandt, 2-3205. 505
ORIGINAL Princeton beer jackets
n- -LAST DAY--
rn1 " Yank at Oxford"
wih ALACiDt R
wit NWS ofthe BDAY





)ors North of Kresge's
hee Michigan Daily

,April 22 -23
35c Amnolin IPowder.. 1
$1.1.0Q Angelus In arn4,t
Lipstick ... .......6c COSMETIC
50c Barbasol Shave Cream . .29c
50c Burma Shave Cream . .. ..29c.
50c Calox Tooth Powders . . ..39c


Italian Balm............49c
Corega Plate Powder ..,..2Oc
Cuticura Soap ......:....19c
Dcntu Cream.... .......33c

(jOc Drene Shampoo........49c
50c Fairystone .. ......... . .33ce
$1 Fasteetn Plate Powder . .. .79e
0~c Forhan's Tooth Paste ....39


Glover's Soap .,.
Golden Glint....
Hind's Lotion .


60c Hopper's Cold and
Vanishing Cream.........39c
50c lodent Tooth Paste....... 33c
50c lpana Tooth Paste...... 39c
50e Jergcn's Lotion .........31c
54c J. & J. Baby Talcum . ... 39c
35c Koolox Shaving Cream . .24c
60c Kreml Shampoo........43c
$1.00 Kurlash..............59~
55c Lady Esther Face Pdr. . .39c
35c Lifebuoy Shaving Crm,. . ..17e
50c Lyon's Tooth Powder . . ..33c
$1.00 Marrow Oil Shampoo . .59c

- Z " " "1 gI f !/

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