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April 20, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-20

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A Plea For A New Peace Policy
To End War By Stopping Fascism

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Publisled every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republicationof all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
SPORTS EDITOR ..............:..... IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Speaking Of
Propaganda.. .


T WO WEEKS AGO Life Magazine
published a series of pictures dealing
the progressive steps in the birth of a baby.
was deemed a subject not fit for public dis-
in several states and was therefore banned.

Last week Life produced a page of pictures
that is infinitely more harmful than any blasting
of the stork myth and yet this issue will be al-
lowed to circulate with no attempt at censorship
or ban. This page was captioned "Speaking of
Dictators" and printed below were groups of
pictures showing various "dictators" in similar
poses. The "dictators" displayed were Hitler,
Mussolini, Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt.
Despite the editors' efforts to pass these pic-
tures off by terming them "comical resem-
blances," the implications to be derived, coupled
with the magazine's attitude toward the Reor-
ganization Bill in another part of the same issue,
are not screamingly funny. While being staunch
and stolid advocates of freedom of the press,
we feel that this underhand method of knocking
one with whose policies you cannot agree is not
in keeping with Life's supposed objectivity.
Admitting that some of Roosevelt's ideas and
measures have not been the best possible in the
process of pulling America back up to normality,
yet, no matter what one's political affiliations or
convictions, one must credit the President with
sincerity of effort and a relentless drive to help
the greater majority of American people. And,
in spite of reactionary cries of "Dictator Bill" or
"packing the Supreme Court," an honest and
calm analysis of Roosevelt measures and policies
can in no way be construed to be a move toward
a dictatorship. Mach less a dictatorship after
the fashion of Italy, Germany or Russia.
So we say that Life has not been objective
in digging up pictures of Roosevelt in various
informal poses and then finding somewhat sim-
ilar poses of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. It is
rather infantile thinking to say: Hitler, Mus-.
solini and Stalin raise their arms in salute; they
are dictators; Roosevelt once raised his arm;
therefore, Roosevelt is a dictator. Or, Hitler
scratches his head; Roosevelt also scratches his
head; therefore, Roosevelt is a dictator. If Life
were a humor magazine, taking a good-natured
poke at a public figure, this might be perfectly.
legitimate. But when they say in one part of
their magazine; "... But to argue from the funny
semblances in this pictures that President Roose-
velt wants to become Dictator of the United
States would be as silly as some of the yawps in
the Reorganization rumpus. . . " and then print
in another portion: ". . The Dictatorship issud
seemed a patent sham which Roosevelt foes, out
to beat him on every front, were using to play
on the people's fears. BUT-the fact remains
that they could not have been successful if the
people had not had real fears to play on. Those
fears were what beat the bill and President."
It is the wide circulation of this type of
propaganda that more than anything else helps
set up effective blockades to any kind of a re-
covery in the United States. It is men like the
editors and owners of Life, representing vested
interests, who stand in the way of a more decent
life in America. It is this group of men who are
always shouting about rights and liberties and
the glorious nobility of the Constitution, who

comes increasingly clear that what has al-
ready been said many times abroad in respect
to America's foreign policy is true: that the
peace of the world depends upon the United
States. Continuous wars have racked the world
ever since the signing of the Treaty of Versailles;
during the last five years these minor wars have
grown in dimensions, duration and significance,
until today it is recognized by every student of
world affairs that their culmination can only
be reached in the cataclysm of a new and im-
mensely more terrible world war.
The proof of this thesis lies in the logical se-
quence of the successive coups and conquests of
the three nations whose aggressions have in
every instance been the direct cause of the threat
or outbreak of war. Italy, Germany and Japan
have carried their depredations against weak and
peaceful nations to the point where diplomatic
excuses are no longer offered or intervention
camouflaged. The important point to note in
connection with the wars in Africa, Spain and
China, the annexation of Austria and the cease-
less sabre-rattlings of Tokyo, Berlin and Rome
is that absolutely nothing has been gained by the
peoples of the aggressor nations as a result of
the territorial aggrandizements and diplomatic
successes. The myth of colonization, expansion
and "have-not" politics in general has been dis-
credited by the facts of the occupations of
Ethiopia, Manchuria and Austria. No economic
advancements of the Italian, Japanese and Ger-
man peoples, to correspond with their sacrifices,
have taken place.
They have not taken place because the economic
advancement of the people is not the object of
fascism. For Hitler and Mussolini success is an
end in itself-prestige for the regime, which
can only be maintained by a combination of
violence and fraud. The populace, crushed under
the burden of a decadent economic system, must
be constantly dazzled by the exploits of a daring
and dramatic foreign policy. For this reason
it is fatuous to anticipate any "satiation" of
fascism-any termination of its aggressions.
The Passive emocracies
In the face of the repeated outbursts of fas-
cist militarism the democratic nations have re-
mained singularly apathetic. A half-hearted
attempt by France and Britain to apply serious
sanctions to Italy in 1935-36 broke down under
the .cautious conservatism of the Laval and
Baldwin governments and the glowering but im-
potent threats of Mussolini. Since the League
of Nations fiasco on that occasion, aggressions
have been carried on with scarcely a democratic
finger being lifted in protest. In this matter it is
difficult to say where caution ends and conniv-
ance begins; Prime Minister Chamberlain, in
carrying out a policy of rapprochement with Italy
and Germany and an abandonment of the
League, in direct contradiction of his own pledges
and the expressed wishes of the British people,
offers strong grounds for accusation of abetting
fascism for the sake of the interests of the Brit-
ish upper, class, which in a democracy is tanta-
mount to treason. There is every reason to
believe that the orientation of British policy
has had its effect across the channel in the for-
mation of the rightist government of Premier
Daladier. Undoubtedly the capitulation of Bri-
tain to Mussolini and the Italian-manned and
munitioned offensive of General Franco of Cat-
alonia are likewise connected by more than
chronological sequence. Every successive con-
cession to fascism brings not a corresponding
concession in return but a renewed onslaught.
No sooner was Mussolini assured of Ethiopia
than he began the assault on Spain. Hitler's
destruction of the humiliation of the Versailles
Treaty was quickly followed by the invasion and
annexation of Austria.
'Mein Kampf'-The Hitler Text
In the case of Hitler the inaction of the democ-
racies is especially incomprehensible in view of
the existence of the extraordinary book, Mein
Kampf, Hitler's political autobiography, con-
taining the outline of National Socialist policy,
including the classical plan of expansion to the
east through Austria, Czechoslovakia and the
Ukraine, with the annihilation of France, termed
Germany's inveterate enemy, as a prerequisite to
the completion of the program. Up to the pres-
ent, Hitler has followed almost without deviation
the letter of the Mein Kampf plan.

The explanation of the passivity of France
and England in the face of fascist wars and
fascist threats lies in a complex situation result-
ing from a complex series of events. It can
be described as primarily consisting of the
presence in each country of a minority faction,
favorably disposed toward fascism and occupying
a place of power in the economic and political
life of the nation. The collapse of the British
Labor Party following the "betrayal" of the party
by Ramsay MacDonald and the formation of
the nationalist government in 1931 sowed the
seed for the present crisis, in which cabinet,
Parliament and press are split, and in which
public opinion, according to the British branch
Df the Institute of Public Opinion, opposes Mr.
Chamberlain. Many British conservative states-
men and army officers, notably Mr. Lloyd George,
Mr. Winston Churchill and Capt. Liddell Hart,
have taken the government strongly to task for
abandoning the national interests of Great
Britain in favor of the class interests of the
British Tories. In the case of France, the Pop-
ular Front.has been undermined by the Comite
des Forges working through the reactionary Sen-
ate and the conservative wing of the moderate
Radical Socialist Party, second strongest party
the administration has tried to take active steps
toward helping regain our economic and social
balance. At every turn it has met with rebuffs,
which invariably come from the same select
groups which are perfectly willing to maintain

in the Chamber of Deputies and least resolute of
the three groups composing the Front. The
Radical Socialist Party as well as the smaller
rightist parties is divided on the question of
foreign policy, just as are the British Conserva-
tive and Liberal (center) Parties.
Another Side Of The Picture
Considering the above-outlined state of affairs,
the possibility of checking fascism and thereby
preventing the outbreak of a new general war
appears to present great, if not insuperable dif-
ficulties. There are important factors on the
other side of the picture, however, which must
be taken into account. It was established by the
Nyon Conference last year that when Great Bri-
tain and France act together in earnest that they
can obtain satisfactory results. When Mussolini
was made aware of the seriousness with which
the French and British governments viewed the
piratical activity of the "anonymous" submarines
in the Mediterranean, the submarine raids ceased.
In just the same way, if France were to threaten
the opening of the border to arms for Spain,
unless Italian intervention were ended, Mussolini
could be forced to withdraw from the penin-
It is here that the weight of American foreign
policy is most fully evident. The American Neu-
trality Act, which forbids the shipment of arms
to a belligerent nation, has proven a costly failure
as a promoter of peace; invoked against Spain, it
has operated to the great benefit of Italian and
German intervention, since those nations are
permitted to purchase munitions in America for
use in Spain, while the Spanish people are denied
the means of defending themselves. More than
this however, French pressure on Mussolini
through the threat to supply Spain with arms
is inhibited by the French fear that in case
of war French arsenals, depleted by shipments
to Spain, will not be able to draw on the United
States because of the Neutrality Act.
Amend The Neutrality Act
The amendment of the Neutrality Act to pro-
vide for distinction between the aggressor and
the victim nation in the wars in Spain and
China, and make possible economic assistance to
the peoples of those countries and economic
sanctions against their attackers would be the
most important step toward the establishment
of peace that could be taken.
There is no need for military sanctions against
fascism. The military question is already in the
hands of the Spanish and Chinese people; for 21
months Loyal Spain has held out against the
assaults of the foreign-organized and foreign-
owned rebellion of General Franco; for nine
months the united Chinese people have not only
withstood the onslaughts of the Japanese in-
vader but have actually seized the initiative and
struck powerful counter-blows. The armed forces
of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis are already too
keeply involved in Spain, China, and Ethiopia,
where patriot guerrillas still carry on the na-
tional struggle against the foreign invader, to.
be capable of seriously threatening even Britain,
France and Soviet Russia, let alone the United
And even were Hitler, Mussolini and the lieu-
tenant-generals who rule Japan ready to strike
at the great democracies, concerted economic ac-
tion by the latter would instantly immobilize
the fleets, armies and air forces of fascism. Wars
cannot be fought without war materials and the
essential war materials today are nearly all in
the hands of the democracies, either of the
above four or of the smaller ones (principally
the Netherlands) which would inevitably follow
in the lead of the great powers in application of
sanctions against aggressors.
Joseph Gies.
Spies And Trials
To the Editor:
A few weeks ago the G-men of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation rounded up a gang of
spies from Nazi Germany operating in the United
States. Meeting behind closed doors, the Federal
officials obtained confessions from these agents
of Hitler. Some of them were particularly in-

terested in the Panama Canal, some were fas-
cinated by the beauties of the country itself,
others admitted shyly that they were posing as
American citizens so that they might obtain pass-
ports to Soviet Russia. Hitler is planning to
attack the Soviet Union, after he has subdued
Spain, Czechoslovakia, France, Switzerland, Bel-
gium, etc.
At the same time, 21 men confessed in Moscow
of being guilty of cooperating with Hitler and the
Mikado. These confessions were not secret, they
were in open court, before the whole world. Their
plans were to give military secrets to Germany,
Japan, Poland, and England, restore the old sys-
tem of Czarist slavery and oppression in Russia,
murder the popular leaders of the government
in a systematic fashion, cripple soviet industry by
large-scale wrecking and sabotage, and tear the
Eastern and Western provinces away from the
Soviet Union, a gift to Germany and Japan. Buk-
harin, the leader of this group of unprincipled
fascist agents in the Soviet Union, testified to
meeting with Hess and Rosenberg in Berlin.
These people are operating in most countries
of the world, except in the fascist nations them-
selves, where they are superfluous. In Spain,
in China, in France, in the U. S., in Mexico, in
England, everywhere. Whether they are out and
out fascists or assume the mask of "revolution-
aries" or "old Bolsheviks," they are doing the
same things.
William Weinstone, secretary of the Commu-
nist Party of Michigan, is speaking on "The

It Seems To Me
"And they said among themselves,
'Who shall roll us away the stone
from the door of the sepulchre?'" To
me the most vivid account of Easterf
morning is in the sixteenth chapter
of St. Mark. It contains as lovely a
verse as any in the Bible.
"And very early in the morning,
the first day of the week, they came
unto the sepulchre at the rising of
the sun." I am not thinking of the
strictly theological significance of the
Gospel account, but of the other con-
notations, The Easter story is the
story of the fundamental fight be-
tween life and death, between hope
and despair. I think it is fair to note
that those who came to the rising of
the sun did not come in the spirit of
surrender. They knew the stone was
very great, but the query, "Who shallI
roll us away the stone" was no mere
rhetorical question. It was in the
minds of these devoted believers that
the task could be accomplished.
They sought a means and a meth-
od, "and when they looked they saw
that the stone was rolled away." That
faith which can move a mountain is
sufficient to roll away a mighty rock.
But I like to think that if the Angel
of the Lord had not intervened that
the women themselves would have
set their hands against the stone
which barred their way. The idea
of defeat or frustration never entered
their minds. They came very early
in the morning not to celebrate a lost
cause but to perform a practical task.
Indeed, they had, "brought sweet
spices, that they might come and
anoint Him.";
Of course, they knew that the tomb
was sealed, but their faith was lively
that a way could be found to break
through that wall of death. They1
talked it over among themselves.
Their very normal instinct was to co-
operate in solving the problem. As
far as precedent and tradition went1
they may well have seemed vision-
* * *
Those Who, Didn't Conme
Mark names those who came to
the tomb at the rising of the sun
as "Mary Magdalene, and Mary the
mother of Jesus, and Salome." It1
might have seemed utterly imprac-
tical for three women to bear spices
to a tomb which was guarded by ar
huge and heavy stone. And probably
there were those among the disciples
who turned their love of the crucified
leader into nothing more than loud
lamentations. All they could con-I
tribute was grief and despair. They
may even have told the three women
that their mission was a fruitless one,'
and that all hope lay buried behind
a rock too mighty to be moved.
But the Easter story has been re-
peated again and again in the history
of the world. Those who follow the
course of the sun have found thatt
every morning may mark a miracle
in the life of man. Life is greater
than death. And the true realist isj
not the person who is content tot
look at the stone and sigh. ThereL
are those who look about the worldI
today and declare that civilization isI
done. Men who profess to be of goodc
intent say that war is inevitable. In
our own land, the head-shakers and
the nay-sayers are always with us.-
They even condemn as cynical and
destructive people who suggest that3
peace can be won and the woes of
the world solved by taking thought
and action and quitting the dead
modes of the past.
Days Of The Pioneers
To some, history itself is a sort of3
hard rock. What has been must for-
ever endure. If man has always
turned to battle, so it must be until
the end of time. Poverty has been
set as the lasting lot of humankind.

There were days in America when we
we had pioneers. They were not crip-
pled by precedent. They went outt
and created it. It is true that we
no longer possess unlimited forests
to be cut down or rich land to be
taken over by the hardy and the ad-
venturous. We must pioneer alongr
new lines of endeavor. We must make
the adjustment between man and the
machine. A world more great and gay
awaits us when the problem of dis-
tribution is solved.l
To pioneer is to experiment. Let us
leave by the roadside those who sim-
ply sit and say, "Isn't everything ter-
rible?" and here and now at the ris-
ing of the sun it is for us to answer it.l
Footnotes To Footlights
The Rockefeller Foundation re-
cently announced that twenty-five
fellowships of $1,000 each for prom-
ising playwrights will be distributed
over a period of three years by the
Dramatists Guild . . . A long list of
cash and other prizes, "topped by a
new 1938 model silent portable type-
writer of nationally known make," is
being offered by the Berkely Play-
makers, California, for the best one-
act plays submitted in their fifteenth
annual playwriting contest. A pro-
duction by the company will also be
awarded the best plays received. Any-
rnnP is eicihle to compete. Closing

Notice: Attention of all concerned.
and particularly of those having of-
fices in Haven Hall, or the Western
portion of the Natural Science Build-
ing, to the fact that parking of cars
n the driveway between these two
juildings is at all times inconvenient
to other users of the drive and some
times results in positive danger to
other drivers and to pedestrians on
the diagonal and other walks. You
are respectfully asked not to park
there, and if members of your family
(call for you, especially at noon when
traffic both on wheels and on foot is
heavy, it is especially urged that the
car wait for you in the parking space
adjacent to the north door of Uni-
,ersity Hall. Waiting in the drive-
Way blocks traffic and involves con-
fusion, inconvenience and danger
just as much when a person is sitting
in a car as when the car is parked
University Senate Committee on
Presidents of Fraternities and
Sororities are reminded that March
membership' lists were due on April
15 and should be submitted to the
Office of the Dean of Students at
Candidates for the Master's De-
gree in History: The language ex-
amination for candidatesgfor the
Master's Degree in History will be
given in Room B, Haven, at 4 p.m.,
Friday, May 20. Candidates must
bring their own dictionaries.
Prospective Applicants for the Com-
bined Curricula: The final date for
the filing of applications for admis-
sion to the various combined cur-"
ricula for September, 1938, is April,
20. Application forms may be filled.
out in Room 1210 Angell Hall. Medi-
cal students should please note that
application for admission to the
Medical School is not application for
admission to the Combined Curricu-
lum. A separate application should
be made out for the consideration.
of the Committee on Combined Cur-
Hopwood manuscripts must be left
in the English Office, 3221 Angell
Hall, by 4:30 p.m. today. Roy W.
Pending the installation of a new
lift, there will be no passenger ele-
vator service in the General Library
for the next few weeks.-
The Bureau has received notice of
the following United States Civil
Service Examinations:
Assistant Chemist, $2,600 a year;
Junior Chemist, $2,000 a year; (Op-
tional Subjects: Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry-Analytical Chemistry -
Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry,
Physical Chemistry). Senior Stu-
dents who will graduate prior to
June 30, 1938, can make application.
Senior Chemist (Any Specialized
Branch), $4,600 a year; Chemist
(Any Specialized Branch), $3,800 a
year; Associate Chemist (Any Spe-,
cialized Branch), $3,200 a year.
Bank Note Designer, $17.28 per
diem and $3.24 per hour for over-
time; Bureau of Engraving and
Printing, Treasury Department. {
Senior Poultry Inspector, $4,600 a
year; Poultry Inspector, $3,800 a
year; Associate Poultry Inspector,
$3,200 a year; Assistant Poultry In-
spector, $2,600 a year; Bureau of
Agricultural Economics, Department
of Agriculture. ;
Head Actuary, $6,500 a year; So-
cial Security Board; (Vacancies in
the position of Principal Actuary will
also be filled as a resplt of this ex-
Junior Auditor, Income Tax Unit,
$2,600 a year; (Internal Revenue

Agent); Bureau of Internal Revenue,
Treasury Department.
Alphabetic Card-Punch Operator,
$1,260 a year.
Inspector of Miscellaneous Sup-
plies (Wooden Products), $2,000 a
year; Inspector of Miscellaneous
Supplies (Medals), $2,000 a year;
Quartermaster Depot, Philadelphia,
Penn.; Quartermaster Corps, War
Senior Naval Architect, $4,600 a
year; Associate Naval Architect, $3,-
200 a year; Assistant Naval Archi-
tect, $2,600 a year.
Special Agent, Research in Com-
mercial Education, $4,600 a year;
starring Estelle Winwood closed with
two performances to its credit after
it had received terrific manhandling
by the New York. critics . . . Also we
hear from Gotham that the Mercury
Theatre production of "Shoemaker's
Holiday" will close after this week,
which will let Whitford Kane free to
come to Ann Arbor this summer to
give his own version of "The Shoe-
maker," as well as a production of
Galsworthy's "Strife"... Next month
the Federal Theatre will attempt to
revive the road as a stimulus to pro-
fessional producers and in order to
bring the theatre to new audiences
and to provide an outlet for unem-

Special Agent for DistributiVe Edu-
cation, $4,600 a year; Office of Edu-
cation, Department of the Interior.
For further information, please
call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-
Summer Work: Students registered
for summer work at the Bureau df
Appointments who have recently
placed themselves, decided to attend
Summer School, travel with their
family, or otherwise planned their
summer, are asked to report these
facts to the Bureau immediately.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
The Bureau hs received notice of
the following Detroit Civil Service
Legal Investigator (Male), $2,400 a
year; Experience required.
Cable Splicer Apprentice, Salary at
'Prevailing Rate'; Seasonal Employ-
For further information, please call
at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
May Festival Tickets. Tickets for
the May Festival are now on sale
"over the counter" at the business
office of the School of Music on
Maynard Street, at the following
prices: season tickets, $6.00, $7.00 and
$8.00; tickets for individual concerts,
$2.50, $2.00 and $1.50.
The Festival programs will take
place as follows: First Concert, Wed-
nesday evening, May 11; Second Con-
cert, Thursday evening, May 12;
Third Concert, Friday afternoon,
May 13; Fourth Concert, Friday eve-
ning, May 13; Fifth Concert, Satur-
day afternoon, May 14; Sixth Con-
cert, Saturday evening, May 14.
The Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate in all concerts. The
University Choral Union will sing in
the first half of the Thursday eve-
ning concert and in the Saturday
evening concert. The Young Peo-
ple's Festival Chorus will sing Friday
afternoon. The conductors will be
Earl V. Moore, Musical Director; Eu-,
gene Ormandy, orchestral conduc-
tor; and Juva Higbee, Young People's
Soloists: Marjorie Lawrence, Hilda
Burke, Agnes Davis, sopranos; Bruna
Castagna and Marian Anderson,
contraltos; Nino Martini; Giovanni
Martiielli and Arthur Hackett, ten-
ors; Chase Baromeo, bass; and Rich-
ard Bonelli, baritone; Albert Spald-
ing, violinist; and Artur Rubinstein,
pianist; and Hardin Van Deursen,
Academic Notices
Architecture: Summer School
Courses offered in Decorative Design:
D.D.2, Principles of Design.
D.D.4, Theory of Color.
'D.D.5, Pattern Design.
D.D.31, Advanced Design in Color.
Students intereated in this work
should consult Professor H. A. Fowl-
er, Decorative Design Department,
345 Arch Bldg. Advanced work in
interior and furniture design, D.D.
61, will be given by Professor C. B.
Troedsson. 'Those interested in this
course should inquire at the office of
the College, Room 207.
An Exhibition of paintings by Er-
nest Harrison Barnes and of paint-
ings and pastels by Frederick H. Ald-
rich, Jr., both of the faculty of the
College of Architecture, is presented
by the Ann Arbor Art Association in
the North and South Galleries of
Alumni Memorial Hall, April 18
through May 1. Open daily includ-
ing SUndays from 2 to 5 p.m, ad-

mission free to students and mem-
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Drawings submitted by students in
painting, sculpture, architecture and
landscape design, working in colla-
boration, in competition for prize
awarded by the Association of the
Alumni of the American Academy in
Rome. Third floor exhibition room.
Open daily 9 to 5, through Friday,
April 22. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Miss Marjorie
Daunt, Reader in English Language,
University of London, and Visiting
Lecturer, Smith College, will lecture
"The English Accent--What Is It?
How Is It?" on Thursday, April 28,
at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium under the auspices of the
Department of English. The public
is cordially invited.
Lecture, College of Architecture:
Mr. William A. Kittredge, of The
Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley
Sons Company, Chicago, will give a
talk, illustrated with slides, on print-
ing. This is in connection with the
Company's exhibit shown in the

Publication in the Bulietin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

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