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April 07, 1938 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-07

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_ ...

Low-Cost Government -Housing
Pr'esened As PlanBy Bennett

Green Chats With Railroad Union Head

VOL. XLVIII. No. 137
The Automobile 'egulatiou will be:

8, will be recorded with the grade of students should please note that ap-
E except under extraordinary circum- plication for admission to the Medical
stances. No coarse is considered of- School is not application for admis-
ficially dropped unless it has been s

Moderate Priced Building
PByPrivate Enterprise
Advised By Architect
Low cost housing undertaken by
the government on a non-profit-mak-
ing basis and development of effi-
cient and adequate housing in the
more moderate income groups by pri-'
vate enterprise is the division of the,
field most likely to solve the housing
problem, according to Dean Wells I.
Bennett of the architecture school.
There are those who protest against
the principle of public housing and
deny its ability to create homes at low
cost, Dean Bennett said. They con-
tend, he said, that adequate housing
for the low income groups is provided
by.a 'sifting-up' process from the
slum areas to the homes vacated by
higher income groups, who move ilto
newly-bililt houses of moderate costs.
"Social workers, however, disclaim
any considerable 'sifting-up' and deny
that decent housing is provided for
the low income groups," Dean Ben-
nett said. "It means merely conges-
tion in :the old houses forced by the
doubling up of families to pay the
higher rent."
Solution To Social Problem
The tendency toward subsidized
housing has. been brought about by
the pressure of under-privileged
groups, the depression encouraged a
change of attitude toward housing,
Dean. Bennett continued. "We no
longer see housing projects as means
of creating jobs," he said, "but as the
solution to a social problem . quite
distinct from unemployment."
The first open statement of this
concern .for shelter as a matter of
public interest was the United States
Housing Authority created by the
Wagner-Steagall Act passed by the
last Congress. By this act Congress
niay appropriate public funds for the
construction of large-scale housing
developments. Allotments from these
funds are now. being made to cities
proposing suitable plans.
Challenge To Organize
"The tendency toward government
subsidized housing, so violently op-
posed by real estate and other pri-
vate interests, is a challenge to the
building industry to organize and co-
ordinate the work of the architect,
the contractor and the builder in an
effort .to produce housing more effi-
ciently," Dean Bennett said.
"The housing industry is the most
loosely organized and inefficient in-
dustry in the world. We are still
struggling along using antiquated
methods, losing millions annually
through waste, lost motion and lack
of coordination.
"The integration of the various
steps in building construction and in-
troduction of efficiency in production
is the hope of private enterprise."

Foresters Fdill

::.:::;"::"::: "::>;:->::"lited fOr the pring vacation period,
>;beinning at 12 noon on Friday,
. .::."April 8 until c, a.m. on Monday, April
At Camp Roth ~AnAtrbfr ono rdy
SCars must not be brought to,
?kAnn Arbor before noon on Friday'
Two hundred maple trees surround-. April 8 and must be taken out before
ing Camp Filibert Roth will yield their mn.M{,A;..
precious store of sugar sap within Office of the Dean of Students.
the next few days to supply foresters?
at the camp this coming summer, ac- Sorority House Presidents or Chap-
cording to Prof. Robert Craig of the crous: If any sorority houses are to,
School of Forestry and Conservation be open*during spring vacation, please
The limited equipment of the camp notify the office of the Dean of Wo.-
will not permit the supply to exceed en at once.
about 32 gallons of syrup, Professor4----.
Craig said, as the sap must be boiled W>".n Stdents remaining in An
in special evaporators. Thirty during Spring Vacation: We
gallons of sap will yield one gallon have in the office of the Dean of
of syrup with a three per cent sugar Women a list of houses which will be
content, he pointed out. ".'.....\.+... cpen during spring vacation for girls;
However, in time, he continued, the who are staying in Ann Arbor.
camp hopes to be equipped to pro- .>---
duce up to 500 gallons of syrup, the j Dormitory Residents: The closing
greater portion of which will be sold. hour on Friday night, April 8 is 8 p.m.
Good syrup, he added, may bring as-
high as $2.50 per gallon and many 'The nation's railroads aae headed toward "inevitable government Students, College of Engineering:
lumber companies find it a very profi- ownership" William Green (above right), president of the American i The final day for removal of incom-
table by-product to market. Federation of Labor. told 400 -delegates to the convention of railroad I pletes will be Saturday, April 9.
The sugar at Camp Roth is gath- shop craft unions. Green is shown with B. M. Jewel, president of the A. 1. Lovell, Secretary
ered in the usual manner. A hole is railroad employes department of the AFL.
bored one-half inch deep and one- --- N.Y.A. checks for the payroll period
half inch in diameter four feet up '1 n M r 3 e t te uA t s o adistribution at he Storehouse Bldg.
the tree trunk. A' metal spile or tap U ieiid mg l M arch 't Homneiess ___into soeoueod
is inserted and the thin watery sap -H-
is caught in a bucket suspended be-e BaFaculty, College of Literature, Sci-
low. Later the sap is evaporated and Isence, and the Arts. Midsmester re-
the resulting thick syrup is canned _ports are due not later than Friday,
and saved for summer use. Good (Continued from Pa i other they make Ann Arbor a stop- April 8. More cards if needed can
sugar weather, Professor Craig said,__ over. Observation of the men com- be had at my office.
depends on alternate freezing and Women, who make up only about five ing to Major Roberts' attention has These reports are understood as
thawing in order to prolong the flow per cent of the group, are normally shown that at least three out of every naming those students, freshman andi
of sap. taken care of through the Y.W.C.A. five have come here from some other upperclass, whose standing in mid-
Camp Filibert Roth, of which Pro- "We always try to make the tran- transient camps or headquarters. semester time is D or E, not merely1
fessor Craig is the director, is located sients feel that they must keep on Ijsr
about 17 miles from Iron River in IronthiwaMaorRbtsad,"n In normal years, Major Roberts ;those who receive Deor E in so-called.
usrmInRenrntheir way," Major Roberts sdsaid, the flow of transients is season- 1midsemester examinations.
County, Mich. It will house approxi- less they are ill or otherwise incapaci- al, coming from the south and west Students electing our courses, but
mately 70 student foresters from the tated, in which case they are given from March to the end of May and registered in other schools or collegess
University this coming summer. proper care." . reversing itself in the fall, with the of the University, should be reported
....._The large number of transients winter and summer relatively static. to the school or college in which theyI
coming to Ann Arbor is due, Major He pointed out though, that there has are reistered.
EVENING RADIO Roberts believes, to two major fac- been no seasonal let-up at all since w. R. Humphreys,
tors. First, Ann Arbor is situated' the present recession started. Assistant Dean.
PROGRAMS within a triangle formed by the in- So year after year, the march of
dustrial cities of Flint, Jackson and homeless men through Ann Arbor Students, School of Education:
Detroit, and transients travelling from goes on. Courses dropped after Friday, April
one to the other use Ann Arbor as a
P.M stop-over.
6:00-Stevenson Sports. Second, transient accommodations
6:B5--Dancing Moods, are maintained by a camp at Jack-
6:45-Vocal varieties. son, a bureau at Pontiac and in the
7:00-Just Entertainment, buildings of Eloise hospital in Dear-
7:15-Hollywood Screenscoops. born In passing from one to the
7:30--Gabriel Heatter.
8:00-Kate smith. -
9:00-Major Bowes.HTk .,The
10:00-Musical. [
10:30-The Mummers.
11:00-Headline News.
11:15-Duke Ellington's Orch. (.1.I r r,.y.-L.:

reported in the office of the Regis- sion to the Combined Cmricultm. A
I tra, Room 4, University Hall. separate application should be made
out for the consideration of the Com-
mittee on Combined Curricula.
All Janie Graduates in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Architecture, Schools of The Mireau haw received notice of
Education, Forestry, and .Music, the following Civil Service Examina-
should fill in grade reouest cards at tions:
Room 4 U.H., between April 4th and Unemployment Claims Examiners,
April 8th. Five Classes, $170 to $455 per month:
Those failing to file these cards will Open to men and women; Michigan
assume all responsibility for late Civil Service Examination.
grades which may prohibit gradua- Secretarial Stenographer (Female),
tion. Students admitted to Combined $2460 per year; Minimum age, 25
Curriculums, expecting a degree in years; Detroit Civil Service Examina
June, need not fill in these cards. tion.
Stu~ents, College of Ltierature, Senior Stenographer (Female),
atudend , thole LtsrCure, I$1860 per year Detroit Civil Service
Science, and the Arts: . Courses Examination.
dropped after Friday, April 8, will be Electric Crane Operator, Salary at
recorded w°ich the grade E. Exception prevailing rate; Detroit Civil Service.
may be made in, extraordinary cir- Senior Mechanical Engineering
cnumsta-Ces, such as severe or l ()n (Continued on Page 4)
contlllU d illness.
Prospective Apsplhais for the C or- Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-
1ined Curricula: The final date for tory department will deliver his
the filing of applications for admis- monthly lecture on current events,
sion to the various combined cur- sponsored by the l Kcal chapter of the
ricula for September, 1938, is April f American Association of University
20. Application forms may be filled Women, at 4:15 p.m. Thulrsday in the
out in Room 1210 Angell Hall. Medical Lydia Mendelssohn Theat°e.
--- -

TYPING: Experienced. Reasonable
rates. L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King-
sley St. Phone 8344. lox
VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone
6327. Experimenced typist. Reason-
able rates. 232

baked foods every Thursday at Har-
ris Hall from 10 to 4.: Mexican
Chili, Fried chicken, meat loaf,
salads, baked goods. 498
REMINGTON noiseless typewriter,
best model, in excellent condition,
priced very reasonably. 2-1982 after
7:00 p.m.
WASHED SAND and Gravel. Drive-
way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co.
Phone 7112. 7x

TYPING, neatly and accurately done.I
Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. 3x
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit-,
ers, old gold and musical instru-
ments. Ready cash waiting for you.

LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices.

Phone Sam. 6304. -- WANTED
FOR SALE WANTED: Passengers to share ex-
-- ---- - - penses. Leaving Friday for Lexing-
FOR SALE: THE BAKED FOODS ton, Chattanooga and Tampa. Call
EXCHANGE hold a sale of home, .4121-Exchange 594. 499

Newspaper .. .

Burton Tower
Installment Due


Campus Groups ReceiveI
Statements On Pledges
Statements of amounts due under
the third installment of long time!
pledges made for the Burton Mem-
oyial Tower by many campus organi-
zations were mailed out this week by
the Alumni Association.
The project was taken up by the
University of Michigan Club of Ann
Arbon under the Alumni Ten-Year
Program Project, and subscribed to by
dormitories,,, fraternities, sororities
and other, organizations on campus.
Originally intended to raise $25,000,1
the drive netted a.total of $36,000.
Student organizations have been
very cooperative in meeting install-
ments due on their pledges, according
to T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, who
said that every group except one has
,met its obligation on time. There will
be two more installments before the
pledge is fulfilled.

1 :30-Buddy Rogers Orch.
12:00-Johnny Hamp's Orch
12:.30---Dauice Music,
6:00-Tyson Sports.
6 :15-Dixie Strings.
6 :30-Bradeast.
6:45-Musical Moments.
7:00-Amos 'n' Andy.
7 :15--"House Party,"
7:45-Sport Review.
8:00-Rudy Vallee.
9:00-"Glood News of 1938"
10:00-Kraft Music Hail.
7 1:00--Newscast.
11:10-Webster Hall Orch.
11:30-Dance Music.
12:00--Hotel Statler Orch.
6 :00--W/heel of Chance.
620----The Witching Hour.
7:15--The Charioteers.
7:30-United Press Bulletins.
8 :30-Happy Hal's Housewarming.
9:00-CBS Drama Hour.
9:30--Moonlight Rhythms.
10 :00-Hollywood Serenaders.
10:30-Henry Weber Music.
11:00-Can dian Club Reporter.
11.:15--"Theatre Digest."
12:00-Dance Orch.
12:30-Bob Crosby's Orch
I :o----The Dawn Patrol.
6:00-Day in Review.
6:15-The Black Flame.
6:45-Lowell Thomas.
7:00--Easy Aces.
7:15-Mr: Keen.
7:30-Green Hornet.
8:00-March of Time.
8:30-Barry McKinley.
9:00--Rochester Philharmonic.
9:30--American Town Meeting.
10:30--Donald Novis Sings.
Fraternity Breathers Bid
CapPyFormal Goodbye
It was goodbye night for the boys
of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity yes-
terday as Franklyn C. (Cappy) Cap-
pon's brothers formally dined him
and sent him back to Princeton Uni-
versity, an engraved studio clock to
remind him of the days he spent with
One hundred and tweny-five mem-
bers of the Michigan Alpha and De-
troit alumni chapters joined in the
party at a Detroit hotel, as W. A.
MacDonough, toastmaster represent-
ing the alumni, recalled the old times
when Cappy, as an undergraduate,
won three varsity letters in football
and one in basketball.

Eleven students holding University
scholarships from the University of
Michigan Club of Ann Arbor and
coaches of 14 varsity teams will be
guests of honor at theannual banquet
of the Club at 6:30 p.m. today in the
Union Ballroom.
Students invited to attend are:
Glenn G. Cook, '38; Richard Gear-
hart, '39F&C; Donald May, '38; Karl
Rague, '39; John Leeman, '39; Tom
Phares, '40; John Wallace, '40; Fred-
erick Heddle, '41; Carl Mortimer,
'41; Howard Parr, '41; and -John
Poe, '41.
University Yien who will act as
hosts are: Dean Henry C. Anderson
of the engineering college, Prof.
Ralph Aigler of the Law School, Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe of the Health
Service, Dr. A. C. Kerlikowski, chief
resident physician of the University
Hospital and T. Hawley Tapping,
general secretary of the Alumni As-f

two institutions.

tive business activity, contributing to the entire community greater earn-
ing and buying power. The newspaper serves as a psychological influence
on the community, creating new desires, inspiring public confidence, and

And The CoNnuity.
TO A CERTAIN EXTENT Prosperity in a democratic nation is built on

The bank functions as a means of stimulating construc-


merchandisers to market their goods.

CARLOADS of raw material and finished prod-

ucts roll

in and out of Ann Arbor, providing

..r. ..... ..


work for hundreds of men a small store
improves its service with new equipment. The
operati-on and improvement of businesses both


HIGH HA..And Not a
Cent In His PocketsI
But a million in laughs
..when he goes to the aid
of a faltering romance!

large and small

is oftentimes carried on


speeded up through banking services.

A YOUNG COUPLE build the home they have

Material Gains Of Nursing
Not Great, Director Says
Spiritual rather than material sat-
isfaction is the reward of a nursing
career, Miss Marian Durell, director
of nursing, told an audience of
women students interested in nurs-
ing in yesterday's pre-vocational lec-
Not only must nurses expect rela-
tively low incomes, but they must put
in a period of training marked by
rigorous discipline, Miss Durell said.
The nature of such training was por-
trayed in a motion picture "Nurses
in the Making" following the lecture.


,,,Rr - r 4 . ' u
., a (
.;r-- - ,
- _ 1 --
c c _ ' t ..-- 4
t - . . ,,
.' , =
r,,, y , .

so long dreamed of

an aged man and his

wife are saved from want through the prudence

of an earlier day.

Not only is the bank irnpor-

tant to the business man and financier, but by
means of the personal loan and savings facil-
ities it extends its help to every member of the

I :1.2 ~

BOTH the bank and the newspaper are institutions built for service.


DAILY 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

11-01 'kl j

the course of our economic development they have become vitally con-


cerned with the welfare of the community.

For that reason they deserve

I the whole-hearted support of those whom they seek to serve.

I M i a uI r n 'A T1,w. ! E ."r_ nor- =.& . 't t°'<.u /{


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