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April 07, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-07

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The Weather
Snow, probably heavy, today;
continued cold, northerly winds.




An Important
Decision .




Blum To Buck
Hostile Senate
On Money Bill
Loses Radical Socialists'
Support To Minorities
Opposing The Measure
Johiaux Promiises
SupportOf Labor-
PARIS, April 6.--(A)-Premier Leon
Blum, despite a split in the People's
Front majority when his financial
control bill staggered through the
Chamber of Deputies today, resolved
tonight to carry his almost hopeless
fight to the hostileSenate.
Failure of nearly half of the mem-
bers of the Radical Socialist Party
-one of the pillars of the People's
Front coalition-to support Blum's
radical bill led the Premier and his
Socialist Ministers to consider resign-
Promises Suppot
Depties, however, said Leon Jou-
haux promised Blum "full support"
of his General Confederation of Labor
and urged him to go on with the
battle to the Senate. Jouhaux is
secretary of the Labor Confederation
and says he has 5,000,000 followers.
Blum will take his demand for
power to the Senate Friday, although
he knows he faces almost certain de-
The Blum bill scraped through the
Chamber 311 to 250, but the vote was
the smallest on record for Blum's
People's Front Cabinet.
Nearly half of the Radical Social-
ist membership in the lower house de-
serted Blum to vote with the Rightist
minority or, by abstaining from vot-
ing, deprived the Premier ostheir sup-
Rightists Charge Dictatorship
Rightists c.arged that the bill
would "lead to establishment of a
regime similar to those of Hitler and
Among the criticisms hurled at it
was former Premier Pierre Flandin's
accusation that Blum's demand for
decree powers was "a copy of Presi-
et . evelt's -'expriment which
has failed"
"The American experiment must
show us that the controlled economy
the Premier proposes will not work,"
Flandin declared.
The Premier's bill would give the
Government power until July 1 to
take by decree any action deemed
necessary to provide funds for the
expanding national defense program,
stabilize the franc and protect the
national economy.
Detroit D S R
Strile Is Called
At 4A.M.Today
Union Threatens Violence
As Special Details Of
Police Are Summioned
DETROIT, April 6.-(4')- -A strike
which would tie up operations of De-
troit's Municipal Railway and Bus
System was called tonight to begin
at 4 a.m. tomorrow. The walkout was
voted by Local 26 of the Amalgamat-
ed Association of Street and Electric
Railway and Motor Coach Employes
of America.
A standing vote was taken at a
closed meeting said to have been at-
tended by 700 members of the Union,
which claims a membership of 3,300.

The Municipal System serves De-
troit and some suburbs, although most
outlying communities have indepen-
dent bus service. The principal cities
affected besides Detroit are Highland
Park, Hamtramck and Dearborn.
The Union ordered carmen to "take
their cars to the barns at 4 a.m. and
see that no cars pull out."
Some members of the union oper-
ate city buses, while other bus drivers
lbelong to a rival union, the Motor
Coach Operators' Association.
The strikers said that if members
of that Union attempt to drive buses
there might be violence. At midnight
extra forces of police patrolmen and
detectives were ordered to report for
duty at once.
Rockefeller Award
Granted Instructor
A fellowship of approximately $1,
500 has been awarded by the Rocke-
feller Foundation to Oren Parker

Insurgents Capture Government 127 Students Taken
Hydrl c Ce rAt Blginto hi Kappa Phi
Ijyroelectric entter t alaguter

_ . v . .._..... '" 1


1 1 wo- Is

Gave"riYnLArea z-
v + ORDOBQ ________
CAD~tMediderranean Sea

Loyalist 'Suicide Squads' Hold Approach To Tortosa;
Rightists Driven Back In Hand-To-Hand Fighiting
As Both Sides Rush Reinforcemtents

Eighty-two undergraduates and
fifty-nine graduate students were
elected to membership in Phi Kappa
Phi, senior all-campus honor society.
Prof. R. S. Swinton, of the engineer-
ing college, secretary, announced last
Names of those selected for mem-
bership in the society will not be
made public until the Honors Convo-
cation April 30.
Students selected from the under-
graduate body comprise the upper
four per cent of their class, and those
selected from. the graduate school
include the upper five per cent of
their group.
An initiation banquet for the new
members who have been notified of
their selection will be held April 19
in the Union. The speaker for the
occasion has not yet been announced.
Michigan Team
Faces Princeton
On Labor Issue
Wolverines Favor Grant
Of Enforcement Power
To Strengthen N L R B
Maintaining that the Wagner Act
as it is now constituted is incapable
of keeping industrial harmony, a
Michigan debating team arguing with
Princeton University last night in the
Union proposed that the National
Labor Relations Board be given the
power to enforce arbitration, but Ghat
the contestants should be "induced"
to accept the decision by placing the
cost of litigation upon the dissenting
Under the present act the employer
and employees need only meet at a
conference table and need not reach
a decision in order to be within the
law. The Michigan team comprised
of Harry Schniderman, '39, and Rob-
ert Rosa, '39, said that the power of
enforcing arbitration must be given
to the NLRB in order to put an end
to increasing industrial strife.
The Princeton team declared that
"no forced decision can be truly effi-
cacious in a democa1tic countr'y."
J. Harlart Qlev(,land and John Van
Ess. Jr., of Princeton maintained
that the strike situation is growing

HENDAYE, France (At the Span-
ish Frontier), April 6.-(IP)-Insurgent
dispatches tonight announced Gen-
eral Jose Moscardo's Insurgent troops
raptured Balaguer, in northeast
Spain, the town which controls all
Catalan hydroelectric power lines.
Balaguer, 15 miles northeast of
Lerida, is at the northern end of the
Government's defense line thrown up
to check the Insurgent sweep toward
Barcelona and the Mediterranean.
Government forces still retained
control of the defense line's southern
For Railroads
Seen Necessity
Sharfiman Claims I"hl ic
' Ownership Is Possible
Soltition For Pirollei s

end at Borjas Blancas, but the cap-
ture of Balaguer would enable the
Insurgents to circle around Govern-
ment fortifications to the main Bar-
celona highway.
Reinforced Government troops
streamed down from mountain fast-
nesses today in flank attack on the
Insurgents hammering at Tortosa
to reach the Mediterranean Sea.
While "suicide squads" of militia-
men held, approaches to the walled
city, wave after wave of Government
troops struck from the heights which
hemmed in General Franco's column.
They drove Insurgents out of several'
positions previously occupied in bitter
hand-to-hand fighting.
Both sides sped reinforcements to
the battle area, where Government
resistance to the Insurgent push
brought the fiercest fighting since
Franco's forces- started their march
to the sea March 9.
Insurgents sent new motorized di-
visions from Gandesa and Alcaniz.'
From the Madrid and Catalan fronts
the Government rushed artillery bat-
teries to aid Tortosa defenders.
Insurgient artillery hurled shells

Written Labor Daily Gets Honors
In Ayers Contest
Pact O rdered The Michigan Daily received hon-
orable mention for the less than 10,-
000 circulation class in the eighth
U nder exhibition of newspaper typography,
it was announced today by N. W. Ayer
& Son., Inc., Philadelphia, Pa., adver-
Inland Steel Co. Directed tising agency. The Daily was the only
r , college paper to be given this recog-
CCI Draw (Jp Contracts nition for typographical excellence,
In Writing With C 1 O according to the Associated Press.
The Newark Evening News was
rles 1 In Court;JMay chosen as the most outstanding paper
s+ lf a in respect to make-up from among
Follow Board Rle she 1,438 journals entered. The
Washington Post, the Los Angeles
Times and the New York Times re-
WASHINGTON, April 6,-(P-The ceived honorable mention for papers
Roosevelt dicta that an employer of more than 50,000 circulation.
should be willing to put into writing Winners in the less than 10,000
any agreement he reaches with labor circulation class were the Lynchberg
was woven into a National Labor Re- (Va.) News, the Amsterdam (N.Y.)
lations Board order today. A court Evening Record and the Goshen
test may ensue. (Ind.) News Democrat.
The Board directed the Inland
Steel Corporation to draw up a writ-
ten contract with the Steel Workers ate
Organizing Committee (CIO) if itVage easne
reached an agreement with that.
union. Refusal to sign the docu- W ins Approval
ment under such circumstances was
declared a violation of the Wagner IE
Labor Relations Act. Ofn o-use roip
Written Agreements Urged
The Board's position was substan- Bill Mak AvP
tially the same as the attitude ex-BesAveragePay
pressed by President Roosevelt dur- Present Legal Standard
ing the "Little Steel" strike last sum- For Fixig Mininun
mer. He said he could not under- F
stand why an employer who had
reached an oral understahding should WASHINGTON, April 6.-(P)-A
be averse to putting it on paper. revised Wage-Hour Bill, designed to
Written agreements were a para- make present wage averages the in-
mount issue in a strike, involving itial legal standards and establish
Inland Steel and three other "Inde- gradually a 40-cent minimum hourly
pendent" companies. The strike wage and a 40-hour week, won ap-
started after - the companies an- proval of a House Labor Sub-commit-
nounced they would sign no pacts tee.
with the "irresponsible" SWOC Democrats on the subcommittee
Board Finds Violation drafted the measure without Repub-
The Wagner Act, the companies lican aid because they had failed for
stated, did not require written agree- weeks toreach an agreement with the
ments. They said they would deal Minority members.
with the SWOC as representative of The bill would prohibit employers
its members in their plans. That, engaged in interstate commerce from
they said, was as much as the law paying wages lower than the average
required. in their industry.
But the Labor Board decided oth- Independent Board Created
erwise. It would create an independent
"Coming to the question of a board empowered to, increase the
signed, written agreement as dis- minimum wage not more than five
tinguished from an oral agreement, cents an hour. The board could fix
we cannot find any justification for the length of the work-week any-
drawing a line between the two and where between 40 and 48 hours.
holding that an unwillingness to en- The bill would prohibit interstate
ter into a written agreement is law- shipment of the products of child
ful, but that embodying understand- labor, defined as those made by chil-
ing in an oral agreement is an em- dren under 16, or under 18 in hazard-
(Continued on Page 6)
ous occupations.
Rules Committee Decides
SU. . Co cedes Chairman Norton (Dem., N.J.) said
that the measure would come before
Austria's Death the entire House Labor Committee
U~ft next Tuesday..- Most members said
that even if approved by that group,
the Bill'sfate would be decided large
Requests Germany Assume ly by the House Rules Committee
which has refused consistently to give
Austrian War Debt wage-hour legislation the right-of-
way to the House floor.
WASHINGTON, April 6.--(A)-A As approved by the Labor Subcom-
note reluctantly recognizing the con nittec, the Bill would require ap-
crete fact that Germany has annexed pointment of the five-member board
Austria went from Washington to on a territorial basis-one member
Berlin today, accompanied by a bill each from the Northeast, Northwest,
for $64,493,480. Southeast, Southwest and Central
The bill took the form of a demand Sections.
that Germany assume Austria's debts The Board would be required to re-
to the United States. port to the President through one of
The Washington Government dis- the regular Cabinet members, to be
played no enthuiasm in accepting the designated by the President.
fact that Austria has disappeared -_
from the ranks of independent na-
"The Government of the United lloffnian Attacks
States," it told Germany, "finds itself NLRB Personnel
under the necessity, as a practical
measure, of closing its Legation at
Vienna and of establishing a Consu- WASHINGTON, April 6.-- (P)-
late General." Representative Hoffman (Rep.,Mich.
State Department officials hastened charged today the National Labor Re

jto spread the word that the note did lations Board "aided by the Senate
not mean recognition in the legal Civil Liberties Committee" is "tyran-
sense, but merely acceptance of some- nically destroying industry."
thing that had occurred. In a statement for the congression.
It was said the acceptance marked al record, Hoffman suggested amend-
no departure from American policy. ment of - the Wagner Law and "a
The United States, by proclamation housecleaning in the NLRB, purging
and teraty, is committed to the prin- it of that type who physically re
ciple of withholding recognilton from semble and who intellectually enter
the acquisition of territory by armed tain the views of the wire-haired
forces. Russian Communists."

Sumners Hits



Executive Bill;
Asks Changes
But Not Defeat
House Judiciary Chairman
Advocates Amendm ent
As Curb On President
Opposition Revises
Stand On Measure
WASHINGTON, April 6.-(P)-An
ace card went into play in the gov-
ernment reorganization contest today
when Representative Sumners (Dem.,
Tex.) arose to demand drastic altera-
tions in the bill empowering Presi-
dent Roosevelt to revamp executive
If attempts to amend the bill fail,
it should be killed outright, said Sum-
ners, who is the influential chairman
of the House Judiciary Committee.
However, supporters of the present
measure, found some satisfaction in
Sumners' speech today, in that he
did not go along with those who fa-
vored killing the measure forthwith.
Opposition Rallies
The opposition had been rallying
its strength for an effort to defeat
the bill without proceeding to the
stage of amendments. But Sumners
"I feel now it would be a mistake
not to consider this bill. Let's do the
best we can to amend it, and then
if we can't amend it. as we think it
ought to be, let's have the nerve to
beat it."
Sumners indicated he favored curb-
ing the powers the bill would confer
on the chief executive. The people,
he said, were willing to grant emer-
gency authority in emergency periods,
but now they instinctively are moving
"in the opposite direction."
O'Connor To Move
Representative O'Connor, (Dem.,
N.Y.) previously had announced he
would move tomorrow to "strike out
the enacting clause," a parliamentary
maneuver which would strip the bill
of all force and effect.
O'Connor added that even if the
measure were amended and then ap-
proved, the amendments-which he
called "bait" for opposition votes-
could be thrown out in the ensuing
conference between House and Sen-
ate which would determine the final
form of the bill.
At the start of today's session, the
opposition receded from its stand
against anylimitation of debate and
'agreed that general discussion of the
measure should close upon adjourn-
ment for the night.

iaaata cau [NaVa4'%- .. s %s : A. XQ less serious an([ they proposect strong
Immediate reorganization of the I into the narrow, winding cobblestone unioizan LUbY iustria aU-
railroad industry and possible trans- streets of Tortosa and along the unionization to obtain industrial ac-
fer to public ownership were en- coastal highway running south from I c.The ad th at ext
visaged by Prof. I. L. Sharfman, Barcelona to the rest of Govern- of capital and labor, so often at ex-
chairman of the economics depart- ment Spain. tremes, would not accept an outside
ment, in a radio address yesterday decision when they are unable to come
entitled "Government and Railroads." I to an agreement themselves.
Professor Sharfman served twice =aEd lc To p ey said
SLast year on Federal emergency boards 1O L' I Judlit;iprcessbardCean performn
lapponed by heeraemrgency b d ~ Oil pointing out that the NLRB cannot,
appointed by the Prusdent in. con- F rO lb i u e aaquasi-judicial committe be im-
nection with . threatened railroad I For 0 * eiziire asaqai-udilcomtebi-
partial. The Princeton team said
strikes in New York and California.-tthat the resolution empowering the
Pointing out that "the railroad in- ,prom E ports To Board to enforce arbitration would
dutry is in the midst of a grave lead either to fascistic compulsion, or
crisis" as a result of the depression Go For Settlement will be totally ineffective.
and growing competition from other The Michigan team insisted that
transportation agencies, he declared ME1ICO CITY, April 6.- T) -Thethe strike situation is growing more
that broad reorganization measures Mexican Government announced to- serious. There were 4,600 strikes in
were essential t:, a renascence of the day that 20 pei cent of gross receipts 1937 and 28 million work days were
industry. from sales abroad of its excess crude lost. they said.
The sear'c'li for new avenues of r- oil would be used towarid payment for
lief has been intensified, lie said, by proerdties it expropriated from
the large number of lines in receiver- American and British companies h 18. or Relations
ship and reorganization and the in- Marh 18. nemn ae st
creasingly discouraging results of The announcement caie as two
current operation. foreign promoters- -Francis W. Rick-!I Ie Cle
ett of Great Britain and Bernard E
i'he pedommr it facto s in te. Smith, New York stock broker, were
plight of the railroads ar te negotiating with Mexican officials toSlihter e o A
"These factors,," he said. "are, first, buy a part of the Government's oil I
"the drsticcrtal.entidfaeonomic; I output. Com feruance Tomorrow
the drastic curtailment of economic Unconfirmed reports were that;
activity as a result of the depression, Iiclet and Samit wre near an Dr. Charle, P. Niell, former Secr-
and, second, the growing impact of agreement with tie Mexican Gyov- tary of Labor under Presidents Theo-
tc cop itnueod oalternave trans- ernment for purchase of some of the dore Roosevelt and Taft, and Prof.
_ oil which has been collecting in stor- Sumner H. Slichter of Harvard





age tanks since President Lazaro Car-
SPANISH SOCIETY MEETS denas issued his expropriation dc-
Puerto Rico before 1898 was dc-' creea
scribed by Herman Ortez of Ann Ar- The Government press department
bor at a meeting of the Sociedad His- disclosed that the President himself
panica held last night at the League. had ordered the Government core-
Mr. Ortez was formerly in business in pany formed to handle export oil
Peurto Rico. Recitation of poems by sales to deposit 20 per cent, of re-
members of the club followed his ceipts in the National Bank of Labor
lecture. Credit.l

University, author of several text-
books, ore two of the noted econo-
mists who will address the annual
Conference of the University Bureau
of Industrial Relations to be held to-
morrow and Saturday.
Other speakers on the program will
be Clarence J. Hicks, chairman of the
New York Board of Industrial Re-
lations and Don H. Taylor, secretary

Edwards Talks
At Peace Rally
Americans Must Conquer
Fascism Here, He Says
Deprecating reliance on the capital-
istic governments of "democracies" to
pursue a real peace policy, George
Edwards, United Automobile Workers
organizer and former student leader,
told a meeting of the Michigan Anti-
War Committee yesterday in Natural
Science Auditorium that workers,
farmers, professionals and students
must be organized to prevent Ameri-
ca's entry into a war by fighting
fascism within the United States.
Florence Meyers, member of the
national executive committee of the
American Student Union, told the
group that students must clearly in-
dicate now that they will not fight
in a coming war, instead of following
EPresident Roosevelt in his armament
Edwards recalled the attacks upon
American imperialism, the munitions
industry and yellow journalism that
were so popular in the radical peace
,movement a few years ago. He said
that the desire of many students
today to fight foreign fascism may
mean that the freedom of the Ameri-
can people will disappear in a blind
attempt to secure fredom for workers
in other lands.
Student's Radio Success
Leaves Bostonians Cold
They're still stoic in Boston!
Myron Wallace, '39, whose cultured
tones won him the announcer's job
on the Glee Club's broadcast over
the Columbia Broadcasting System


Unending Marel
Is Swelled
They come into Ann Arbor, receive
a free maneal and a might's lodging, and
are on their way to the next town be-
fore another day has rolled around,
unknown except to Major A. J. Rob-
erts, head of the Salvation Army.
Each year some 21000 homeless,
friendless, penniless men and wonwmt
present themselves at Army head-
quarters on Washington Ave. for free

of Harvard University.
Dr. Niell will discuss "Experiences
ile ess! in Collective Bargaining," and Mr.
Taylor will speak on "The Technique
j iI [ of Collective Bargaining." Current
Indta-g _'I- o 1.I ' economic conditions and their ef-
feet upon industrial relations will be
said, the number of transients taken| discussed by Professor Slichter.
care of by the Army has more than .
tripled. Where in normal times five.c
to ten of these unfortuantes enter Scandinavian Countries
Ann Arbor each day, he said.25 to it Agree To Avoid Alliances
per day have been taxing the facih-
ties of the Army to care for then OSLO, Norway, April 6.-(")-The
"These nn, who have come to us four Scandinavian countries agreed
since the recession," Major Roberts tonight to stay aloof from "all group-
said, "have been of a higher charac= ings of powers which might be formed
ter generally than the average tran- in Europe" and, in case of war be-

Government Credit Expansion
Caused By Business Pressure

WASHINGTON, April 6.--t'-The
recent "Little Business" Conference,I
for all its turbulent scenes, can beI
credited with inducing a Congress
torn with factionalism to vote all but
unanimously for a billion-and-a-half
dollar expansion of Government,
credit to meet the business recession.
The Glass Bill authorizing the Re-
construction Finance Corporation to
make long-termnloans for states, cities

ate didn't bother to make even anI
audible record of its approval.
What many political observers see
in the size of that vote is an answer
of a sort to President Roosevelt's ef-
fort to center the Congressional cam-
paigning on issues of broad national
policy. He is held to be seeking a new
public test on his New Deal Reform-
and-Recovery Platform.
It is an almost accepted rule of the

. 1

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