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April 03, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-03

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J .

Education And The Church Continue
Domination Of Letters To The Editor


The Black Sheep?

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vniversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
AfMember of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use forepublication of all news dispatches creditedto
tornot otherwise cfedited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan; as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$400; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisinogService, Inc.
College Publishers Reresentative
Board of Editors
Business Department
- eA
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the iriters
Jackets .. .
T UE :LIBRARY sports a stock line
these days guaranteed to lay all con-
tenders low and easily qualifying as the campus'
Public Learning Enemy No. 1.
Many more than twice told is the cryptic
"I'm sorry-but that magazine (or book) is now in
the bindery."
Of course we cannot prove that the bindery
is richer in periodicals than the periodical room
itself, but we have our ideas on the subject.
The bindery collects books with the same
re entless persistency that a sand trap collects
golf balls and both retain their victims with
discouraging tenacity. A magazine sentenced
to be bound, plunges into quarantine for at least
seVen weeks, while influence, affluence, hook
aid crook are equally abortive in securing a com-
Leather jackets are an undoubted asset to
the preservation of a'ny magazine, but a seven
weeks' wait is scarcely an asset to a student re-
A multitude of detail, of course, surrounds the
biiding of any magazine, especially when sev-
eral issues are lost and must be requisitioned
from the publisher. Perhaps the bindery can-
not be jazzed up. Perhaps seven weeks must
be the minimum sentence. The library ought,
then, to purchase two copies of popular maga-
zines, or despatch fewer issues at a time, to be
At all odds something ought to be done. The
bindery and spring are an almost insurmount-
able couple.
Robert Fitzheriry,
IN THE CLOSING DAYS of its just-
completed session, the New York
State Legislature passed a dangerous act. The
McNaboe Bill, which Governor Lehman vetoed,

purported to bar Communists and anarchists
from public office. Actually it did much more
than this, for it provided a necessary footing
for the well-marked road of fascism.
There is perhaps little need to grow excited
over the McNaboe Bill; it was believed to be un-
constitutional and in any case, it has been
killed. But its passage by the legislative body
of the greatest of our states is disturbing. There
are two important points to consider in exam-
ining the philosophy of such legislation. First,
if Communists and anarchists are placed in
political outlawry, the same arguments and
weapons will serve for similar bans against all
labor, progressive and liberal parties; this has
been amply demonstrated in the history of the
National Socialist movement in Germany and
analogous instances; second, the doctrines of
radical minority groups, whether of the left or
the right, should stand as ever-present memorials
to the freedom and tolerance that is democracy,
and to the triumph of reason in a nation which
guards the civil liberties of its people.

'A Catholic Viewpoint' Again
To the Editor:
E. G. seems to typify the honest Catholic spirit
and condemns my letter as being sinful and anti-.
Catholic. Yes, it may be sinful from the Catholic
point of view! Sinful to question the sincerity
of a human redeemer and consequently we should
close our minds and take in everything he pro-
pounds as the gospel truth. No! I wouldn't say
that the Pope is a ruffian nor did I say he was!
However, it seems that the only difference be-
tween a ruffian and politician is that the former
does his business in the open and the latter
uses camoflaged means.
I would like to remind E.G. that my stand on
the question has come only after a long period
of deliberation. I have been educated on religious
questions, in my youth, by the Catechism-the
Catholic Church does not use the Bible-and
was the outstanding pupil in my class. I have
served as an altar boy for a number of years
and have learned about the atificial ceremony.
But I still attend the Catholic church and during
the past year have missed only two or three
Sunday services. This may be a Catholic spirit or
it may not be. And then E. G. ignores the rest
of my name because I happen to disagree with a
fe wthings that the Pope says, but I am sure
that if E. G. thought much of his name and the
Catholic spirit he would display his in full array.
M.G. goes on to say that H. V. Kaltenborn is a
liar! Then evidently the University authorities
took great pleasure in bringing a world's famous
liar to Hill .Auditorium last ,year. Por this
authority the University is fortunate in being able
to find a vacant place to speak in. It must be
a pitiful sight to see only five thousand turn
out to hear H. V. Kaltenborn speak. And it is
indeed fortunate from the Catholic pointof view
that H'. V. Kaltenborn can't speak this year
because of illness. What does Kaltenborn lie
about? The capital of the Catholic Church "does
not bring practical returns as the sausage fac-
tory." No! Why should the church bother with
sausages when there is more to be derived from
operating mines!
Do you remember reading in the papers, E. G.,
about the mines of Oviedo? The Spanish work-
ers remember the savagery which was used to
suppress these strikes and the Catholic Church
was a "principal stockholder in these mines." A
deputy in the Cortes put it quite nobly: "In
other countries the crowd, in a moment of na-
'jonal uprising, attacks banks and palaces, while
here it burns convents and churches." In regard
to this point H. V. Kaltenborn says, when the-
church "participaes in business and politics it is,
in those departments, no more holy or sacrosanct
than any other business or political interest."
Q. goes on to say that the statement "that
the Church had total control of the education
before 1931 is a flat lie as Mr. C. T. P. can
verify himself by reading more authoritative,
sources." Somehow I haven't had the good for-
tune to come across these so-called "more au-
thoritative" sources. And I am sure since E. G.
had these authoritative sources on the tip of
his tongue, he didn't bother to quote them!
Well, today is Sunday so I'll see you, E. G., in
the student chapel!
-C. T. P.
Eucatfon Needs Changing
To the Editor:
I have noticed with considerable interest the
letters and editorials in the Daily which have
dlealt with our system of University education.
I agree, likewise, that it needs revamping.
In spite of the new subjects which have come
into the curriculum, in spite of our rejection of
the old classical type of educatior, I cannot help
feeling that our present educational system fails
lamentably in meeting the needs of the students.
Educational research has progressed sufficient-
ly to reveal that education is a total process
arnd that it involves the whole individual. Edu-
cation, therefore can be based only on the gen-
uine interests of the individual. The progressive
cducation movement has resulted in the estab-
lishment of a number of laboratory schools
throughout the country. The elementary grades
have benefited more than the high schools and
universities. Undoubtedly, our higher education-
al schools have failed to take account of the
fact that education should fill the real needs

of the students.
A university education which consists only
of a certain number of subjects, the material
of which is dutifully memorized by the students
and regurgitated into bluebooks at stated inter-
vals only to be forgotten almost completely .a
few months after the course is completed, must
certainly be defective. The system lacks motiva-
tion. The students undeniably fail to be moti-
vated. I should like to see the establishment of
an educational system which is based on the ex-
perience and genuine-interests of the students.
Change Must Re fBasic
To the Editor:
The recent letters in the Michigan Daily on
the educational system of the University are an
indication that students are beginning to take
a healthy interest in the educational process
in which they should have a vital concern. How-
ever, although the letters indicate a vague con-
sciousness that something is wrong, none of them
recognize the fact that the deficiencies arise out
of far-reaching errors in the organization of
the University rather than in the aims and
methods of specific courses.
For example, the charge is frequently made
that the courses are unrealistic and lack vitality.

convenient classification of facts rather than
psychologically on the basis of great problems.
This problem approach would provide adequate
motivation. It is one thing to ask a student to
memorize a predigested group of facts many of
which are quite irrelevant to him. It is quite
another thing to ask him to choose and organ-
ize those facts which pertain to the solution of a
problem that is vitally interesting to him. If you
do not think this problem of motivation is a real
one, look about you. Examine your friends. How
many of them are genuinely interested in the
studies? Very few-I am sure. When we have
provided motivation by providing the intrinsic
incentives-of the problem approach in place
of the present inefficient, extrinsic incentives
we will have done much to make our University
an intellectual experience rather than a series
of cram-sessions. With the removal of the
problem of motivation the necessity of tests,
grades, and other extrinsic incentives would
largely disappear. This would be a deliverance
for faculty and student-body alike.
The implications and the ramifications of the
plan I have suggested are far too many to con-
sider in a letter of this nature. However, I feel
that its obvioues advantages entitle it to the
intelligent consideration of the campus. We de-
rive so little from our educational system at the
present that any plan, this one or another, de-
serves careful discussion. We have little to lose;
we have an intellectual renaissance to gain.
Iifecins to Me
H-eywood Broun
I wish that Frank E. Gannett would quit send-
ing me form letters in which I am urged to rush
silly telegrams to Senators. During the Court
fight, I got three or four in spite of the fact that
I had written several columns on exactly the op-
posite side.
Now I find myself asked to get in a rash about
reorganization. Of course, Mr. Gannett has
every right to pick his side
in a fight and endeavor to
influence public opinion.
There is nothing undemo-
cratic in that. And as far
as the Court fight went, the
issue was sharply drawn and
well-adapted even to rough
and tumble debate.
But in the case of the
bill for governmental reor-
ganization, I must express the opinion that
many telegram signers have very little knowledge
of what the whole thing is about. It. is unfair
to pretend that here is an issue between dictator-
ship and democracy.
Many of the problems brought up by the bill
are largely technical. For instance, it is diffi-
cult and unfortunate to discuss in terms' of
sheer emotion the substitution of an Auditor
General for the Comptroller General. Indeed,
it seems to me that the Auditor General set-up
is much more democratic than the old system
under which McCarl could upon occasion defy
the will of Congress. , In all events, the problem
is a bookkeeper's matter and not truly a scare-
head political event.
Passion Put On By Pressure
I doubt that there is any real popular clamor
one way or the other, in spite of the broadcast-
ing of Father Coughlin. It does not seem to me
logical to accept Gannett .and Coughlin as the
last bulwark against Fascism.
Perhaps it is unfotuiiate that the President
has now contributed to the emotionalcontent of
the contest by giving out his "I've no inclination
to be a dictator" letter.
It may be held that this document was pre-
sented in dramatic fashion. I see no fault in
that. Mr. Roosevelt has generally been shrewd
in the matter of effective timing. He knows the
political value of the theatrical gesture. Sure
we are not all expected to weep because the news
dispatches say that the reporters were awakened

at 1 a.m. for this particular press release.
Even at such a late hour I venture to surmise
that one or two of the White House correspon-
dents were still stirring. To be sure, Warm
Springs, Ga., probably offers little in the wav
of night life, but it is conceivable that there
may have been a poker game. Failing that, per-
haps, one or two commentators might have re-
mained up in genial debate on the question
"After Thomas Jefferson, What?"
The Sleeping Reporters
But suppose they were all soundly slumbering,
I would still argue that a little loss of beauty
sleep upon the part of the White House corre-
spondents is less than a national calamity.
This has not been the first time that good
newspaper men were called upon to make a sac-
rifice for the press and for the public.
And in defense of the President it should be
pointed out that he was not the first to introduce
the melodramatic note into a technical discus-
sion. When his opponents turn on high-pres-
sured showmanship Mr. Roosevelt has a right
to reply in kind., Indeed, there are few who
pan beat him at this game.
But it is not the best way in which to reach
a wise decision. Less heat and more factual
study would be preferable.
The other day I was talking to "Spike" Hunt
and Max Schuster about "Assignment in Utopia."

Every family, they say, has its black
sheep, along with the famous ances-
tor and the skeleton in the closet.
And the family of musical instru-
ments is no exception-at least as far
as the black sheep is concerned. It
lacks only two years of being a cen-
tury since Adolphe Sax, the Luther
Burbank among instrument makers,
constructed in Paris an instrument,
half woodwind and half brass, whicb
became known as the "saxophone.'
It was only a few years before the
instrument began to be used widely
in French and other military band
and to make its appearance in or-
chestral scores; yet today, after prac-
tically a century of existence, the
saxophone is still not accepted as e
member in good standing of the in-
strumental aristocracy.
For this there may be a num-
ber of explanations. Unlike mos
other, instruments in use today, the
saxophone was invented practicall'
overnight, instead of being evolvec
and improved gradually over a perioc
of centuries. Adolphe Sax, who alsc
originated the family of saxhorn
("altos," "baritones," "bass tubas,'
et al) and made valuable improve-i
ments on existing instruments, con-
structed the saxophone with the de-
liberate intent of producing an in-
strument which would have the ton
quality and facility of a woodwin
instrument, combined with the son-
ority and blending powers which
characterize the brass group. He wa
not able to give the instrument
very wide range of pitch, but over-
came this defect by using a whol
family, of varying sizes and pitches
of which no less than seven have beer
It was not long before the lead-
ing French composers, most of their.
personal friends of Sax, were writing
little solos for the instrument and
including it in their orchestral scores
And it has always remained for the
French-Bizet, d'Indy, Debussy, Rave)
-to champion the saxophone as a
legitimate part of the symphonic and
operatic orchestras, even though
nearly all modern composers from
Richard Strauss to Holbrooke, have
at some time or other called for the
saxophone in their scores. In many
cases, however, the instrument has
been used for novelty rather than for
its inherent qualities ,and even these
cases are so few that the saxophone
cannot be looked upon as a regular
member of the symphonic orchestra
today. Perhaps the chief reason for
this lies in the 'instrument's lack of
a strongly unique,distinctive tone
quality which would gain it an equal
place among the other woodwind in-
struments, all of which have the in-
dividuality and assertiveness of tone
demanded by their position as solo-
ists in the orchestra. The tone of the
saxophone is not without a distinc-
tive, ingratiating quality which is oc-
casonally pleasing in a solo part; but
its chief characteristics are a resem-
blance to the tone of the cello, the
bassoon, and uinetimes other instru-
ments, and a self-effacing, blending
quality which makes the instrument
ideal in ensemble work but lessens
its effectiveness as a soloist.r
In the wind band, of course, these
same blending qualities are much de-
sired, so that the saxophone group
has long played an integral part in
band music. But it was not until1
the advent of the jazz era in popular
music that the saxophone really came
into its heritage-a heritage which
has brought it great popularity and;
fame, but which has also dissipated
its finer qualities in poor music and
poorer playing until today "saxo-
phone" carries with it distasteful con-
notations which almosi preclude it
from the better musical circles.
It is therefore refreshing to find
in Cecil Leeson, who will appear as
soloist tomorrow night with the Uni-

versity Concert Band, a saxophone
virtuoso who is interested in his in-,
strument not as an adjunct to jazz
but as a solo instrument in its own
right. Mr. Leeson has appeared as
soloist in New York, Rochester and
a number of other cities, and is
quickly gaining recognition for his
superior abilites as a player as well
as for the musical effectiveness of
his solo instrument. Perhaps the
greatest drawback to the instrument's
progress towards universal accept-
ance is an almost complete lack of
a suitable, individual literature, so
that Mr. Leeson's programs must
consist largely of transcriptions. But
with an increased interest in the in-
strument and its possibilites com-
posers would begin to write music
specifically for it, so that it will be
interesting to observe Mr. Leeson's
progress in his career and its possible
effect on the history of the saxophone.
i Perhaps the black sheep will become
a prodigal son to be welcomed to the
*~ * *
Calendar .
Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee
conductor, Jan Peerce tenor. Second
Symphony and songs of Sibelius, C

(Continued from Page 2)
April 2. Open daily from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m.
The candidates whose work is
hown are :
Annabelle Dredge
Carl Guldberg
Margaret affer
Julia La Rue
Christine Nagle
Jean Smith
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Oskar Mor-
enstern, Professor of Economics, at
ae University of Vienna, will lecture
n "Social Science in Europe" on
onday, April 4, in Natural Science
auditorium at 4:15 p.m., under the
luspices of the Department of Ec-
,nomics. The public is cordially in-.
University Lecture: Dr. Robert
reiherr :on Heine-Geldern, of the
niversity of Vienna, will give an il-
istrated lecture on "The Pre-Budd-
istic Art of China and Indo-China
ad its Influence in the Pacific." on
uesday, April 5, in Natural Science
.uditorium at 4:15 p.m., under the
uspices of the Institute of Fine Arts.
'he public is cordially invited.
Public Lecture: "The Artistic Rela-
ions Between China and Persia" by
)r. M. Aga-Oglu. Illustrated with
tides. Sponsored by the Research
leminary in Islamic Art. Monday,
,pril 4, 4:15, in Room D, Alumni
/Iemorial Hall. Admission free.
Oratorical . Association Lecture
ourse: John B. Kennedy, radio-
ommentator and journalist, will ap-
pear in Hill auditorium on Tuesday,
lpril 5, at 8:15 p.m. The talk is en-
itled "What's Wrong with the
World?" This number replaces the
I. V. Kaltenborn lecture. Tickets may
>e secured at Wahr's State Street
Events Today
University Broadcast, Sunday, 9-
3:30 a.m. Hymns You'll Love to Sing.
rhe class in the singing of popular
hymns, Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, con-
12:30-1 p.m. School of Education
Program. A round table discussion on
-he relation of the Federal govern-
-nent to education.
International Council Room: The
isual Sunday evening program for
:oreign students and American stu-
ilents interested in international af-
.airs will be held in Room 116 of the
Michigan Union. Dr. Bramachari,
-indu lecturer, will be the speaker. A
5uffet supper will be served at 6
,'clock and the prgoram will begin at
Inter-Faith Symposium. The fourth
and last of a series of Inter-Faith
Symposiums will be held Sunday,
April 3 at 3 p.m. in the Lane Hall
Library. "International Religion and
the National State" will be discussed
in the manner of the Chicago Round
Table by Dr. Mahanan Brahmachari,
Hindu monk and noted lecturer, Rab-
bi Bernard Heller of the Hillel Foun-
dation, and Professor Durfee of the
Law School faculty. Students and
interested townspeople ared invited
to attend. Tea will be served at 4:30.
The Christian Student Prayer
Group will hold its regular meeting
at 5 p.m. Sunday, April 3, in the
Michigan League. The room will be
announced on the bulletin board.
Christian students cordially invited.
The Graduate Outing Club will go
to Camp Newkirk on Sunday for hik-
ing and supper. The group will meet
at Lane Hall at 2:45. All graduate

for students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts and oth-
ers interested in future work in the
profession of nursing. Miss Marian
Durell, Director of Nursing, will meet
the group in the lobby of Couzens
Hall at 4:15 p.m. Following an in-
formal discussion, a two-reel film en-
titled "Nurses in the Making" will be
The next discussion in this voca-
tional series will be given by Dean S.
T. Dana of the School of Forestry.
Luncheon for Graduate Students on
Wednesday, April 6, at 12 o'clock in
the Russian Tea Room of the Michi-
gan League. Cafeteria Service. Pro-
fessor Howard McCisky of the
School of Education will speak infor-
mally on "Youth in the Community."
Economics Club: Meets Monday,
April 4, 7:45 p.m. Michigan Union.
"The Theory of Risk" will be present-
ed by Professor Oscar Morgenstern,
Director of the Vienna Institute of
Business Cycle Research, and dis-
cussed by Professor Frank H. Knight,
University of Chicago, Members of
the staffs and graduate students in
Economics and Business Administra-
tion are invited.
The Women's Research Club will
meet at 7:30 p.m., Monday, April 4, in
the. Museums Building, Room 3024.
Dr. Marianna E. Smalley will speak
on the subject: "A Study of Tuber-
culosis Contacts."
Junior Research Club: The April
mneeting will be held on "Tuesday,
April 5, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 2083
Natural Science Building.
Dr. James T. Bradbury will talk
on "Recent Advances in the Physiol-
ogy and Biochemistry of Sex Hor-
mones" and Professor Jacob Sacks
will talk on "The Physiology of Mus-
cular Work."
Phi Sigma Meeting: Wednesday,
April 6, 1938 at 8 p.m. in Room 2116
N.S. Bldg.
Dr. Robert Gesell, of the Depart-
ment of Physiology, will speak on
"Some Aspects of the Regulation of
the Supply of Energy Employed by
I the Living Organism."
Initiation of new members.
Swimming Test, Women Students:
Individual skill tests in swimming
will be given at the Union Pool on
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock and
Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m.
Polonia Literary Circle will meet at
the Women's League on Wednesday,
April 6, at 7:30 p.m. All members
are requested to be present. Mr.
Kupiec will speak on Problems of Ad
justment of the Polish Peasant in
Phi Beta Kappa: The annual meet-
ing of the Alpha Chapter in Mich-
gan of Phi Beta Kappa will be held
on Tuesday, April 5, at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 2203 Angelr'Hall. At this meet-
ing the election of officers, the elec-
tion of new members, and other mat-
ters of business including the amend-
ment of the Constitution which was
suggested a year ago will be taken up.
It is earnestly desired that as many
members as possible will be present
at this meeting.
Orma F. Butler, Secretary.
E)ucational Colloquy Club: The
fortnightly meeting will be held in
the Upper Room of Lane Hall, Mon-
day night, April 4, at 8:00.
Student Senate: All Senators are
requested to attend a special meeting
in Dean Bursley's office, Room 2, U.
Hall at 4:30 p.m. on Monday. Please
be prompt.
Dr. Mahanan Brahmachari, Hindu
monk, who has recently received his
Ph.D. from Chicago and is returning

to India, will speak on "Yoga" .at
Lane Hall, Monday at 4:15 p.m. His
lecture ann'ounced for Monday eve-
ning has been cancelled.
Association Book Group: "You have
Seen Their Faces" by Erskine Cald-
well and Margaret Bourke-White and
"A Door of Opportunity" by Sher-
wood Eddy will be reviewed by Rob-
ert Hammond at Lane Hall Library,
Tuesday, 4:15 p.m. A discussion of
the Southern Share-Cropper will fol-
low the reviews."
Anti-War Rally with George Ed-
wards and Florence Myers, leaders in
the Student Movement, will be held
Wednesday, April 6, 4:15 p.m., Natural
Science Auditorium, under the au-
spices of the Michigan Anti-War
Committee. The topic of the meet-
ing will be "Students. and War."
Junior A.A.U.W.: The regular
monthly dinner meeting of the Junior
Branch of the A.A.U.W. will be held
Wednesday, April 6, at 6:15 at the
Michigan League. Mrs. Charles A.
Sink will speak on "The Social and
Home Life of Artists."
Faculty Women's Club: The Bonk
sheif and Stage section will meet at

students are welcome.
Scalp and Blade:

The Michigan

Chapter of the Buffalo Fraternity will
hold its annual initiation ceremony,
and banquet Sunday ,April 3 at 5
o'clock in the Union. Initiates are re-
quested to be prepared and to attend
promptly. All members unable to be
present please call Carl at 6326.
Hillel Forum, Sunday at,8 p.m.
Speaker, Rabbi Jerome D. Folkman
of Grand Rapids.
Topic: "The Prospects for Youth."
All are welcome.
Avukah meeting at 3:30 today.
Coming Events
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular luncheon meeting of the fac-
ulty will be held Monday, April 4, at
12 noon, at the Michigan Union.
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Monday, April 4, 3:30 p.m., Room 313
West Medical Bldg.
"'The Halogens, Bromine and Flu-
orine, Biological Studies" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
German Table for Faculty Members:
Thf regular luncheon meeting will be
held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the

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