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April 01, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-01

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National AdvertisingServiceinc.
'College Publishers Representtative
420 MADISON Ave. NEw YORK. N. Y.
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best neaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the, writers
'Tell Your'

Coi lgressrnan'

effecting, whatever measures of reorganization
it should see fit.
Now some of those same Democrats who waited
for Roosevelt to come into office are voting
against the plan.
Ogg and Ray in their textbook on American
government sum up the traditional setting of
reorganization in the following words:
"All along, nearly everybody was prepared
to render lip-service to the general principal of
reorganization. But whenever a concrete plan
was brought forward, opposition from various
quarters sufficed to paralyze action."
No more fitting conclusion to this editorial
could be found but in these text-book writers'
words again:
"It had long been obvious that a chief obstacle
to reorganization was the inability of a body of
the nature of Congress to plan and carry out
a task so manifestly calling for integrated effort
-combined with unwillingness of congressmen
and senators to entrust the job to the executive
or to risk the patronage that a drastic reorgani-
zation might be found to have cut off."
Albert Mayio.
A Catholic Viewpoint
To the Editor:
Even though I. am a Catholic, I am inclined
to question the value and sincerity of His Holi-
ness Pope Pius's recent statement to General
Franco to "use moderation in air raids and to
cease the useless slaughter of civilians." No,
there is no point in slaughtering any more civil-
ians since the Catholic Church (which is sup-
porting Franco) has an almost inevitable victory.
Oh yes! It is much easier to preach peace and
moderation in war especially when you are on
the winning side. Did the same plea come when
the Loyalists were on the verge of victory?
In addition, it seems almost futile to talk of
moderation in war. Does it make so much differ-
ence whether one dies as a result of being blown
up or shot? Whether one dies of poison gas like
a rat in a trench or is burnt up by liquid fire? The
end is the same-hell or heaven! Is it easier
for a civilian population to be slaughtered in
immoderate war conditions or live under a dic-
tatorship and go to heaven? Is there much dif-
ference between the two?
I would like to quote a few statements from
"H. V. Kaltenborn Edits the News" to substan-
tiate my inquiries. Statements that we don't
come across in our American fascist newspapers:
"Wealthier and more powerful than the Span-
ish army is the Catholic Church in Spain. There
is one priest for every 900 persons in Spain. The
Catholic Church holds about 30 per cent of the
wealth of Spain. The Church is Spain's chief
entrepreneur. It is the principal banker, factory
owner, mine operator, land owner, educator, and
money lender for the Spanish people. As the
largest property holder and entrepreneur in
Spain, the Church is necessarily politically-mind-
ed. It has naturally directed all its energies to
preserving the status quo. It has combined with
other forces to keep Spain economically the most
backward country in Europe. Until 1931 the
whole educational system was in the hands of
the church, yetn50 per cent of the Spanish pop-
ulation is illiterate. And in the present Spanish
struggle, the Church has lined itself up, on the
whole, with the forces of Fascism and reaction."
In the light of these quotations we can hardly
wonder why people revolt against religion and
question the integrity of human redeemers !
Attention: Mr. Frost
A statement in yesterday's Daily by Charles
Frost assuming that the Sophomore Washtenaw
Party did not know the Student Senate would
investigate class activities is unfounded. Prior
to the last election plans for such an organiza-
tion had not been formulated, and we had sup-
ported one of our own, exclusively for controlling
both student and class activities. In asserting
that there are doubts over application of funds
from the Soph Prom and Frosh Frolic he is act-
ing in a personal capacity. Such funds are han-
dled by the University through Walter B. Rea,
assistant dean. If, then, his statement is slan-

derous it is unfortunate. As chairman of the
Washtenaw Party in the sophomore class, I would
like to make it clear that Mr. Frost has no back-
ing in his imaginary beliefs.
-James MacDonald.
Would Welcome Investigatiot
To the Editor:
Reluctant to acknowledge such unfounded crit-
icism as was directed at Congress in yesterday's
Daily by Charles Frost, Congress nevertheless
feels that the "investigation" planned implies an
sub rosa relationship between the Student Sen-
ate and Congress and should be answered.
This implication presents a situation which
Congress has been reluctant to advance itself-
that the Senate, elected by proportional repre-
sentation, reflects independent students' support
with four members of the Executive Council of
Congress also in the Senate. Congress feels flat-
tered by the support accorded to these individual
members elected to the Senate, even though as
an organization it did not figure in the Senate
election. The relationship, Mr: Frost to the con-
trary notwithstanding, is a rather healthy one,
and one of which Congress is proud.
The further implication that Congress is using
the funds from the Soph Prom and Frosh Frolic
to sponsor the League Teas, along with Assembly,
the independent women's organization, is purely
malicious gossip. If the money were available to
Assembly and Congress, we can think of no
better project upon which to use such funds than
the League Teas. If Mr. Frost, as past chair-

" 0

JIf/nw o Me
.-eywood Broun
There will always be, I trust. Drews and
Barrymores in the American theater. They con-
stitute the first family of our stage.
Of late much brilliance has been brought to the
drama by newcomers. One thinks of the extra-
ordinary Orson Welles and the achievements of
the Mercury group. Even
though it is about to close,
I still insist that "The Cradle
Will Rock" stands up as the
prize play of the season.
But it seems to me that it
is a mistake in point of view
to hold that hospitality for
the rookies in art must in-
clude the demolition of their
elders. For instance, when-
ever a young American writes a good novel of
Middle-Western home life many reviewers are
apt to drag in William Dean Howells and slap
him around. And if one of the newer men suc-
ceeds in reanimating the Mississippi, Mark Twain
will get hell about it.
Possibly I'r4 going back too many years, since
the subject of my essay is not among the ancients.
However, I hope that she will pardon me be-
cause of the fact that in "Whiteoaks" Miss Ethel
Barrymore plays the part of a woman 101 years
It seems to me to rank among the finest
things which Miss Barrymore has done in the
theatre. It is a canny conception of .the part.
Many actresses would be tempted to go in for
enormous elaboration of makeup and spend hours
before each performance in the creation of
wrinkles. And there would be the traditional
quavering voice which actresses almost invariably
assume when they are called upon to play the
Mask And Wig
Indeed, most thespians go mad with them-
selves whenever the opportunity is presented to
portray senescence, I have an amateur actor in
my own family and in college theatricals he
leans toward those roles which enable him to
wear a white wig and a long grey beard. And if
whiskers can be added he likes it even better.
I think he is pretty good in what I hope will
remain a hobby rather than a vocation. And this
is said by one whose critical discernment may
well be marred by professional jealousy. The the-
atre is a world I never made, and not for any
lack of trying. But after the last public appear-
ance of my relative, (he assumed the role of a
scheming villain of 73) I said to him rather cold-
ly, "You were swell and elegant and all that, but
I don't know why you tried so hard to make the
old gentleman seem 200."
Now, of course, Miss Barrymore knows far more
about the art of acting than any relative of mine,
and still I was a little worried before I went to
see her do the part of a grand old lady of 101.
I knew it would be interesting, but I had a slight
suspicion that she might give it a shade too much
of this and that. I know my Barrymores. They
love the art of make-believe with a passion which
includes some of the curious fervor of those who
come to grease paint for the first time.
Jack Barrymore, for instance, was always a
sucker for costume plays. And even if the part
did not necessarily call for an accent he would,
upon occasion, throw one in just for the fun of it.
When he was cast for "Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde" he lived in the seventh heaven, because
he could do so many stunts in the role of the mis-
creant. He got for himself the most fearful
talons I have ever seen, and on several occasions
in his dressing room he scared the life out of me
by suddenly slipping on the false fingers and then
wheeling about with a blood-curdling yell. I had
to warn him that if I expired in sudden fright
it might go down as manslaughter.
u % S "M
Concerning Miss Barrymore
Miss Ethel Barrymore in "Whiteoaks" has rig-
orously resisted the temptation to do that dread-
ful thing known in the theatre as a "character

part." She taken on more than half a century
and still remains essentially herself. Never have
I held with those critics who complain that this
or that great one of the theatre plays herself in
every role. Why not? When I see the name
"Ethel Barrymore" in lights I go to watch Miss
Barrymore and no changeling brought about by
sleight-of-hand or black magic.
And under the white wig I knew all the time
that it was Ethel. This was very right and
proper, because the essence of the role consists
in the conception of a person of forthright will
and courage and a zest for life. And when Miss
Barrymore is assigned to such a part I consider
it a perfect piece of type casting.
"Whiteoaks" is no masterpiece of playwriting,
but I recommend it as an entertainment to be
put upon your "must" list. And arrogantly assum-
ing an authority which I do not possess, I hereby
award a gold plaque studded with diamonds and
rubies to Miss Barrymore as the person who has
given the finest performance of the season.
Radio Comedienne Gracie Allen is offering a
bearskin prize as an Award of Ingenuity to the
man graduating from college with the lowest
come these obstacles, Congress will be happy
to give him all the information he desires with-
out his formal "investigation."
-Irving Silverman,
Congress President.

ordinately the slightest suggestion of
refinement of execution.
One is likely to be quite astounded,
therefore, by such a performance as
that of the University Symphony Or-
chestra last evening under the baton
of Assistant Condugtor Thor John-
son, with Joseph Brinkman as soloist.
The pro1Aem here is rather to limit
one's encomiums in order that the or-
chestra will not have to purchase lar-
ger headgear.
To begin with, as Mr. Lichtenwan-
ger so subtly hinted in Wednesday's
Daily, the program was excellently
chosen. Three composers of the same
basic artistic convictions, but with
strongly contrasting expression of
these convictions due to the different
periods in which they composed, lent
it an especially fine balance.
The concert opened with Bach's
Organ Prelude and Fugue in E minor
(the so-called "Cathedral" Prelude
and Fugue), in particularly effective
transcription by Tom Steu'nenberg
graduate student in the School of
Music. This was rendered in the
traditionally impressive Bach man-
ner ,the fugue demonstrating the
strength of the various divisions of
the orchestra and the impressive
stretto concluding in a long major
Mr. Brinkman took his seat at the
Steinway for the second number on
the program, the Beethoven Fourth
Concerto in G major. After some un-
comfortable moments in the first
movement when the intentions of the
soloist and orchestra did not seem to
coincide, the performers were suffi-
ciently coordinated to finish the per-
formance in a highly creditable man-
ner. The most outstanding feature of
this number was the demonstration of
Mr. Brinkman'9 efficient technique
and admirable artistry.
The crowning achievement of the
evening came, however, after the in-
termission with the performance of
the Symphony No.2 in D major of
Johannes Brahms. If any criticism
is to be made it is probably the ex-
cessive volume of the woodwind sec-
tion, especially when contrasted with
pianissimo strings-a fault particu-
larly jarring in the closing measures
of the second and third movements.
But this may be forgiven in the gen-
eral excellence of the reading, in
which the real Brahms grandeur was
revealed under the masterly control
of the young conductor. That the au-
dience, exceptionally large for, an!
affair of this kind, was thoroughly
appreciative of this thrilling perfor-
mance was indicated by the long ova-
tion given Mr. Johnson and the or-
chestra at the close of the concert.
In utter sincerity I regard this con-
cert as one of the year's best-in di-
rect contrast to some of the unin-
spired and uninspiring performances
by professional 'artists" on the regu-
lar concert series.
French Cabinet
M. Blum has not succeeded in form-
ing the Cabinet which both he and
France had been hoping for. When
M. Chautemps resigned and M. Blum
was called upon to form a Ministry,
he returned to the proposal which
he had made in January and which
had been then widely supported, for
a coalition of all parties, from the
Right to the Communists "around
the Front'Populaire." Such a cabinet
many people believe, is the only one
which could give to French policy the
backing which is essential for it in
these critical days. For a second
time he failed in his effort and the
reason for his failure is once more

Ti ., Avil 4 ,/lZ ,t. 1. l l.
Edward H. Kraus.
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting df March 7, 1938, which have
been distributed by campus mail
(pages 413-418).
2. Reports,
a. Executive Committee, by Pro-
fessor J. R. Hayden.
b. University Council, by Pro-
fessor Paul S. Welch.
c. Executive Board of the Grad-
uate School, by Professor N. H.
d. Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, by Professor
Preston Slosson.,
e. Deans' Conference, by Dean
E. H. Kraus.
3. Recommendation of the Execu-
tive Committee concerning election
of courses in Italian by Freshmen
4. Resolution concerning quality ofi
students' written work. (Minutes p.
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts who have
have not received their five-week
progress reports may obtain them inI
Room 107, Mason Hall, from 8 to'
111:30 a.m. and' 2 to 4:30 p.m. ac-
cording to the following schedule:
Surnames beginning A through F,
Thursday, March 31. ,
Surnames beginning G through Q,
Friday, April 1..
Surnames beginning R through Z,
Saturday, April 2.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-,
ports are due not later than Friday,{
April 8. More cards if needed can
be had at my office.
These reports are understood as
naming those students, freshman and
upperclass, whose standing at mid-.
semester time is D or E, not merely
those who receive D or E in so-called
midsemester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University, should be reported
to the school or college in which they
are registered,-
W. R. Humphreys,
Assistant Dean.,
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Courses
dropped after Friday, April 8, will be
recorded with the grade E. Exception
may be made in extraordinary cir-
cumstances, such as severe or long
continued illness.
Aeronautical Engineering Students:'
There will be available in the De- ,
partment of Aeronautical Engineering
two Frank P. Sheehan Scholarships
and probably three assistantships
for the year 1938-39. These scholar-i
ships and assistanships are in gen-
eral restricted to upper class men
and graduate students and the selec-
tion is made very largely on the basis
of scholastic standing.
Applications for these positions will
be received up to April 8, 1938. Stu-
dents wishing to make application
should address them to Professor E.
A. Stalker, B-47 East Engineering
Building; and should give a brief{
statement of their qualifications and
experience in regard to both their
scholastic work and any outside ex-
perience that they may have had. A
statement should also be made giving
their plans for further study in Aero-
nautical Engineering.
Applications may be made for both
the scholarships and the assistant-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
University Symphony until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
There is that about the usual Stu-'
dent orchestra that requires of its au- FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1938 4. Students who have urgent need
dienerchestrahrers ofids VOL. XLVIII. No. 132 for certain books during the vasca-
dience, to paraphrase Coleridge's
hackneyed phrase, a "willing suspen- To the Members of the Faculty of tion, will be given permission to draw
sion" of the critical faculty. We do the College of Literature, Science; these books, provided they are not in
not expect a finished presentation of and the Arts: The sixth regular: general demand, on application at the
meeting ofptheafacustydofeshnCollegeCharging Desk after April 4th.
any large work, but we admire theW meeting of the faculty of the College .Wi. W. Bishop,
musicians for their sincere attempt of Literature, Science, and the Arts Librarian.
and we are prepared to appreciate in- for the academic session of 193'7-38

will be held in Room 1025 Angell Academic Notices
Hall. Aril 4. 1938. at 4:10 p~m

T HE DETROIT NEWS in Wednesday's
city edition had a front page edi-
torial against the Reorganization bill, interest-
ing because it opposes the bill,.not interms of
specific provisions, but in terms of the long-run
trend toward "concentration of unprecedented,
powers in the- Presidential, office that the people
do not like."
The News sees the reorganization proposal as
the third step of the Roosevelt Administration
towards usurpation of power, the first being the
Supreme Court plan, and the second, the orig-
inal reorganization bill as the President sent it
to Congress. A bill, which, it says, "would have
concentrated in his hands all the regulatory
power over communications and other matters
now intrusted to independent, quasi-judicial
It is less than just of the News to view the
reorganization in such light. It is unjust to at-
tempt to kill the measure by a- comparison to
the Supreme Court plan which belongs in an en-
tirely separate category.
The Supreme Court plan represented an ap-
plication of a debatable and questionable theory
of government; the reorganization plan repre-
sents an application of a generally accepted
theory of government administration, implicit in
the Constitution by virtue of the separation of
powers and a theory almost. whole-heartedly ap-
proved by students of public administration and
by five presidents, four of them Republicans,
before Roosevelt.
Reorganization is not the fetish of the Roose-
velt Administ ation. Since 1911, it has been
one of the goals of every; President.
An economy and efficiency commission, created
on the recommendation of President Taft, pre-
pared an exhaustive report' on administration
reorganization in 1911. A joint congressional
committee went over the same ground again near
the close of President!Wilson's administration
and submitted a preliminary report in 1922
and a more definitive plan, endorsed by Presi-
dent Harding in. 1923. A bill embodying many
features of this plan was;introduced in 1924, but'
never reached either house of Congress, though it
was supported by President Coolidge. President
Hoover took over office in 1929, with nothing as
yet done beyond the drawing-up of more or less
extensive plans for reorganization.
Mr. Hoover, as Secretary of Commerce in 1925,
had made a survey which revealed, among many
other things that four different bureaus in two
departments had to do with public health, that
eight agencies in five departments. were charged
with the conservation of resources, that 14 agen-
cies in nine departments were engaged in public
works construction and' engineering, that four-
teen agencies in six departments administered
merchant marine laws.
"I have found," Mr. Hoover is reported to have
said, "that the brown bears are under the
jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture, the
grizzly bears under the care of the Secretary of

English 32-Section 12: Notebooks
and texts may be used in writing the
bluebook announced for Friday.
A. R. Morris,
Exhibition, eollege of Architecture:
Examples of engraving, typography,
printing in black-and-white and
color, details in the manufactv.ring
of a book, and details in the design
and make-up of a magazine. Shown
through the courtesy of The Lakeside
Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Com-
pany, Chicago. Ground floor cases,
Architectural Building. Open daily
9 to 5,: through April 7. The public
is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Gunnar As-
plund, Professor of Architecture at
the Stockholm Institute of Technol-
ogy, will give an illustrated lecture,
with slides, on "Swedish Architecture
Since 1920; Its Problems and Trends"
on Friday, April 1, at 4:15 p.m. in
Natural Science Auditorium under
the auspices of t". College of Archi-
tecture. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Professor Va-
clav Hlava'ty of the Karl University,
Prague, will lecture on Friday, April
1, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell
Hall onthe subject, "New algorithms
in differential geometry of projective
curved spaces."
Chemistry Lecture, Dr. E. Rabino-
witch, of University College, London,
formerly of Gottingen, will present a
lecture on "Kinetics of Some Photo-
chemical Reactions and the Photo-
chemistry of Chlorophyll," under the
auspices of the U. of M. Section of
the American Chemical Society, on
Friday, April 1, at 4:15 p.m., in Room
303 Chemistry Building.
University Lecture: Dr. Oskar Mor-
genstern, Professorof Economics, at
the University of Vienna, will lecture
on "Social Science in Europe" on
Monday, April 4, in Natural Science
Auditorium at 4:15 f.m., under the
auspices of the Department of Ec-
onomics.' The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Dr. Robert
Freiherr;von Heine-Geldern, of the
University of Vienna, will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "The Pre-Budd-
histic Art of China and Indo-China
and its Influence in the Pacific." on
Tuesday, April 5, in Natural Science
Auditorium at 4:15 p.m., under the
auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts.
The public is cordially invited.
Public Lecture: "The Artistic Rela-
tions Between China and Persia" by
Dr. M. Aga-Oglu. Illustrated with
slides. Sponsored by the Research
Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday,
April 4, 4:15, in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall. Admission free.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: John B. Kennedy, radio-
commentator and journalist, will ap-
pear in Hill auditorium on Tuesday,
April 5, at 8:15 p.m. The talk is en-
titled "What's Wrong with the
World?" This number replaces the
H. V. Kaltenborn lecture. Tickets may
be secured at Wahr's State Street
Events Today
University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
The World Today Series. Foreign Stu-
dents Veiw the World Today, Student
Round Table.
4:45-5 p.m. The University Band.
W illi a m D. Revelli, Conductor.
6:30-6:45 p.m. University of Michi-
gan Sports. Interview with coaches,
trainers and athletes.
Mr. H. B. Allen will speak on "Se-

mantics" at the meeting of the Eng-
lish Journal Club today at 4 p.m., in
the League. The faculty, guests ,and
members are invited to attend and
to partciipate in the discussion.
International Party: Foreign stu-
dents are reminded that the second
game party will be held at 8 p.m. in
Room 316, Michigan Union, tonight.
iAmerican students interested in the
International Council program are
"The Sceptics in. the Bible" is the
subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's lecture
this afternoon at 4:30 in the Social
Hall of the First Presbyterian Church;
143/Washtenaw Avenue. This is the
'fifth leriof +n T nan a

the refusal of the majority of the
Right to serve in a cabinet with the Scholarship: The Detroit Alumni
Communists. It is possible to under- of the Harvard Graduate School of
stand but not to excuse this refusal. business Administration are offering
It implies that the patriotism of the a three hundred dollar scholarship j
large body of French Communists is for the Harvard School of Business
only made respectable in war and Administration for the year 1938-39.
that there is an essential difference Students interested should communi-
between a Government which they cate with David H. James, President
support and one in which they par- of Harvard Business School Club,
ticipate. The deputies of the Right care of Tuttle Spring Works, 300 Mt.
paid particular attention to the points . Elliott Ave., Detroit.
of Communist doctrine with which First Mortgage Loans: The Univei-
they disagreed, ignoring the fact that sit m te aont of unds
the Front Populaire has a common sity has a limited amount of funds
program to which Radicals and So- to loan on modern well-located Ann
cialists are as much committed as the I Arbor residential property. Interest
Communists. However, the new Gov- fatcurrent rates. Apply Investment
ernment is a good second-best. The Office, Room 100, South Wing,
appointment of M. Paul-Boncour will University Hall.
reassure those who wish for a firmer'
foreign policy and the reappointment reguluty, School of Education: The
of M. Dormoy as Home Minister is reuam luncheon meeting of the fac-
1n ondMaionmoyatsHoeMnistber nsulty will be held Monday, April 4, at
'an indication that there will be no 12 no
slackening in the pursuit of the "Ca- 12non, at the Michigan Union.

goulard" conspirators. M. Blum will'
himself be in charge of financial
problems, and though this may mean
some fornd of exchange control, some
action of that nature is inevitable

To Students Having Library Books:
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books drawn from the University
Library are notified that such books
are due Monday. April 4th, before the

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