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March 30, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-30

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Franco's Drive Reaches Catalonia


S n astian
Pam plona
!faro Huesca Flguera
Saragoss Lida Cervera
(Zar gos * -
Rees -
aroca AIcaniz Ga e a
"Toto a
Singra Morella
Med ierranean Sea
C h=-
Viver llao
gunto Plm
Spanish Insurgents eliminated a major barrier to their sweep toward
Barcelona when they took the key city of Lerida, in Catalonia. Lerida,
long considered a. center of government military operations, is only 80
miles from Barcelona.

VOL. XLVIII. No. 130
Social Chairmen-are reminded tnat
unless party requests with all neces-
sayy accompanying documents are
filed with the Office of the Dean of'
Students, or in the case of sororities,
in the Office of Dean of Women, on!
the Monday before the event is tol
take place, permission for the event
cannot be granted.
Students, College of Engineering:
The. final da for removal of in-

NLRB Hearing
In Press Case
Is Tomorrow
Examination Will Cover
Charges Of Unfairness,
Union Bargain Right
(Continued from Page 1)

Child Labor Action
Racked By Senate
(Continued from Page 1)
tion quartet, of Horace Gilmore, '39,1
Samuel Krugliak, '38, Lovell andI
Quarles, (proxy) contended that the
Vinson Bill only authorized Congress
to appropri te any amount up to 800
million dollars. The Bill, they said,
did not specifically name the amount
to be spent.4

Noted Scientist
TO Talk Here
Will Speak On Distances
In The Universe
Dr. Knut Lundmark, director of
the observatory of the University of
Lund, Sweden, will discuss aspects of
distance and the universe in a Univer-
.sity lecture to be held at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The lecture is being spun-
sored by the department of astron-
Dr. Lundmark is well-known in the
field of statistical astronomy and has
participated in the United States in
studies at the Lick Observatory and
at the M. Wilson, Cal., Observatory

Te Resolution for help to uinese
ganized otherwise than in the Asso- students was defeated by a 14 to 7
Sciation or joined Local 154 of tihecount, the majority holding that
International Typographical Union money was best spent at home first,i
tU na, Inthat food was a more important item
than education and that Japan was
3. Discharge of 12 employees be,- not included in the proposed aid.

i .



Broadcasting Library Records 1
Radio Pro ram Development
New Venture Will Include casters -advertising specialists, andI
0 students of Broadcasting.
Information And Copie Networks Cooperate
Of Scripts Of All Types The three leading networks, Na-
tional, Columbia ,and Mutual are
By RICHARD KELLOGG cooperating in contributing anything
The historian of the future willn that may be of documentary value.
probably look to Ann Arbor as the Institutions throughout the world
haven of mformation on broadcast- American Academy of Political and
ing in its infant stages as a result of j Social Science, down to the humblest1
the establishment of the first Library radio station in the midwestern farm
of Broadcasting in the nation here, belt are sending in valuable source
unde Breadirtigonte ntPro.Waldmaterial, according to Professor Ab-
under the direction of Prof. Waldo bot.
M. Abbot, director of brcadcasting. Te purpose of the new Morris Hall
All available information on every Library is intended to be the same in
phase of broadcasting industry is be- broadcasting as that of the Clements
ing collected and many documents Library in history and the Transpor-'
which will be of unique value in the tation Library in transportation.
future are being preserved which S
otherwise might be thrown away, ac-i

"i "'uYWftluuV1i- tween April 16, 1937 and F eb. 18, 19388
completes will be Saturday, April 9. and refusal to reinstate these menI
Petitions for extension of this time because they had joined Local 154 of
must be on file in the Secretary's Of- the ITU and had engaged in con-
fice on or before Wednesday, March certed activities for coieletive bar-
10. A. H. Lovell, Secretary, gaining
4. Refusal on four occasions be-
Freshnen in the College of Litera- tween Feb. 16 and March 12 to bar- i
ture, Science and the Arts who have gain collectively with Local 154, al-
Dave not received their five-week leged to represent a majority of the
prcgress reports may obtain them in employees in the composing room
Room 107, Mason Hall, from 8 to and therefore entitled to be exclusive
11:30 aim. and 2 to 4:30 p.m. ac- bargaining agent for these employees,
cording to the following schedule: who are said to constitute the ap-
Surnames beginning A through F, lpropriate bargaining unit.
Thursday, March 31. [ The Ann Arbor Press answer denied
Surnames begiing G through Q, that the composing room was the
Friday, April 1. proper bargaining unit and claimed
Surnames beginning R through Z' that the whole plant was, because of
Saturday, April 2. its relatively small size (125 em-
School of Education, College of 'ployees) and because labor problems
i u, ch fi' r are common to all employees of the
Acter,<rSchool of uicoide estrye-company. The answer also claimed
ports indicating students enrolled in that the persons who approached the
ptese unitingsudn~tsenrolledworkplant management to arrange a union
these units ooing unsatisfactory work contract were not authorized to rep-
in any unit of the University are due resent th'e employees in the compos-
in the office of the school, April 6. Re- Irntteom
port blanks for this purpose may be Acing room.hg
Secured from the office of the school According to the findings of the
or from Room 4 U.H. Board, the Ann Arbor Press prints
Robert Williams, "numerous scientific, educational and
Assistant Registrar. literary periodical publications of na-
tional and international circulation"
and buys "substantial quantities of
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- papei ink, glue, 'type metal" and
tificate: A tentative list of candidates otherpintin plies from out-of
in the School of Education, College of state firms.
Literature, Science, and the Arts,
College of Architecture, and Gradu- The company in its answer stated
ate School to be recommended for that less than 18 per cent of its raw
the Teacher's Certificate in June, materials in 1937 were transported in,
has been posted on the bulletin board interstate comrce an at e
in Room 1431 U.E.S. Any student than five per cent of its finished busi-
whose name does not appear on this nessasashipped in foreign and in-
list and who wishes to be so listedtc
should report this fact at once to--
the Recorder of the School of Edu-
cation, 1437 U.E.S.
-Summer Work: Men and women
students interested in selling useful
household articles on almost 50 per
cent commission basis are 'asked to
call at the Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hal, to arrange for an inter-
view appointment. Out-of-state stu-
dents particularly are wanted. No
(Continued on Page 4)

Student Affairs which proposes to

conduct a hearing on Ann Arbor for the Carnegie Institution. He has
rooming conditions. All factions in- been a member of the Commission of
terested, it was understood, will be the International Astronomical Union.
invited to speak, including represen- The observatory which he heads at
tatives of the landladies. Lund is famous for its statistical
j - _- work.
The title of the lecture tomorrow
SOVIETS GO BALLOONING will be "Distance indicators and the
ing six women, today madeTwdeieu Scale of the External Universe."
MOSCOW, March 29.-(P)-25 bal- -_ -_-
loons with crews totaling 53, including
six women, today made what Soviet **e"e"vati"ns and Tickets Here. No Extra Charge
authorities stated was the largest KUEBLER TRAVEL £UREAU
mass balloon flight ever made. The \jtirizsI -Licensed - Fonded. Since 1017
balloons made a three-hour training OFFICIAL For All Leoding Steamship Unen
flight, accompanied by the Dirigible' AS CN-Y Tours, Cruises 4 Tourist Corn's
D-1. Three women composed the 601 E. Huron, Ann Arbor. Ph. 6412
crew of one balloon.

Next week's meeting will be turned
over to the Senate Committee on



Let us prescribe for you. Have one of
the Subway's deliciously refreshing soft
drinks, with a tasty sandwich and topped
off with a bit of swing to the best swing
bands in the country.
DANCING 2- 5 and 8 - 11
John Abraham & Dan Kelsey, Managers

r °
f iii tt
a .% 1
p Jy '

. ."
. ..+0

T T -- -I ---

Under Miller' s
Drug Store
The Subway__

cording to Professor Abbot.
Whoever your favorite radio star
may be and whatever your favorite
program is, you are likely to find their
original scripts on file in Morris Hall.
All Types Of Programs
Entertainers and broadcasters of
all types from Father Coughlin to
Paul Whiteman and the Pontiac
"Varsity Show" are represented in
scripts to Morris Hall. The news
comment of H. J. Kaltenborn, John
B. Kennedy, Lowell Thomas, and
Katherine Craven, crack women's re-
porter, can be found. The Sunday
Evening Talks of W. J. Cameron, the
scripts of CBS. Shakespeare produc-
tions, 'Good Morning Neighbor' pro-
grams and Ty Tyson's sportcasts will
be available to help the future his-
torian get a picture of present day
Not only are scripts of programs
being saved, but also pamphlets, re-
ports, brochures, advertising plugs,
magazines-in short everything that
might be of value to future broad-

City Planning Features
Are Shown In Exhibit
Good and bad features of existing
urban developments are being ex-
hibited in the collection of maps,
diagrams and blueprints on display
under the auspices of the School of
Landscape and Design on the fourth
floor of South Wing University Hall,
Prof. George G. Ross announced yes-
The exhibit is offered through the
courtesy of the Los Angeles Junior
Chamber of Commerce, he said, and
they will be on display until Thurs-
day. Together with the pictures of
actual city problems in the nature of
bad traffic intersections, crowded res-
idential settlements, railroad cross-
ings and park development, Professor
Ross, pointed out the diagrams and
drawings depicting improvements,
possible in corrective city planning,
and the ideal results tV be obtained
from well designed, preconceived city


_ - _ _ - ~ - ~.l

Hi, Tor!
Tonight's ulhe "first nigyht'" of
by Maxwell Anderson
1937 Drama Critics' Prizewinner
Wednesday, through Saturday
Box Office Open Now - - Phone 6300

WASHED SAND and Gravel. Drive-
way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co.
Phone 7112. 7x
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices.
LADIES tailoring and dress-making;
formals, suits, coat relining, all al-
terations. Expert service, reasonable
rates, work guaranteed. 320 E. Lib-
erty. Call evenings. 2-2020. 8x
TYPING: Experienced. Reasonable
rates. L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King-
sley St. Phone 8344. lox
VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone
6327. Experienced typist. Reason-
able rates. 232
TYPING, neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. 3x
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit-
ers, old gold and musical instru-
ments. Ready cash waiting. for you.
Phone Sam. 6304.
LOST: Brown pigskin purse. Silver
initials, V. (. Es;pecially anxious for
glasses. Reward. Phone 2-2981.


Earl V. Moore





May 11, 12, 13, 14



DATLY AT 2:00 4:0(),-7:00 w9:00, PJM.
Sta rting Today! !:
..And he broke a
million heartlinest


for permanent, Spring Va-
or week-end rental. Phone

A I Orders received prior
to that dlate with remittance
to (cover Wvill be assigle(I

MEN and women are offered the
highest cash prices for their dis-
carded clothing. See Claude Brown,
512 S. Maij. Phone 2-2736. 388
WANTED: Passengers to Louisiana
for spring vacation. Call Dr. Bour-
land 3259 at noon. Will share ex-
penses. 476
WANTED: Several pairs of women's


in A dVan,(,e.



1 1I


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