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March 30, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-30

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The Weather
Partly cloudy today and to-
morrow; warmer today; colder

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AQW1, wt r 'an
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Education Thwarted...
Industrial Peace ...
Spain: On The Way Out? .



Open Hearing
In Press Case

Senate Opposed To Large Navy;
Refuses To Bach Chinese Rehief



For Thursday
Examiiination W ill Cover
Charges Of Unfairness,
Union Bargain Right
Press Says NLRB
Has No Jtrisdie Lion
A Trial Examiner designated by
the National Labor Relations Board
in WashingtL will begin an open
hearing in the case of Horace G.
Prettyman and Arthur J. Wiltse, co-
partners in the Ann Arbor Press,
named as respondents, and the Inter-
national Typographical Union Local
No. 154 at 10 a.m. tomorrow in Rooms
316-320 of the Michigan Union.
The hearing, at which the respon-
dents have "the right to appear in
person or otherwise and give testi-
mdny," will cover both the alleged
unfair labor practices and the union's
request for certification as collective
barganing representatives for the
employes in the composing room of
the plant.
The Ann Arbor Press filedsa motion
yesterday with the Detroit office of
the NLRB to dismiss the complaint is-
sued by that office March 18 on the
grounds that the NLRB has no juris-
diction over respondents' business
which, the motion claimed, is not in-
terstate in character. The motion,
also stated that "any labor dispute
that respondents have had or might
have in the future does not affect or
tend to affect commerce or burden or
obstruct commerce" as defined in the
Wagner Act.1
File Affidavit
An affadavit, in which Wiltse, plant
manager, swore to statements con-
cerning the "intrastate" nature of the
respondents' business, and a nine-
page answer to the NLRB complaint
were also filed yesterday.
The original charge, filed Nov. 24,
and subsequent amended charges
were made by the ITU local, which
has been conduc4ng a strike against
the Ann Arbor Press since Feb. 19.
The complaint was issued and notice
of the hearing was sent to the com-
pany after the NLRB had made pre-
liminary investigation of the facts.
The NLRB complaint, issued by
Frank H. Bowen, Regional Director
for the Seventh Region, included
the following alleged unfair labor
practices as ciefined in section 8 of
the Wagner Act:
Charge Interference
1. Domination and interference
since Sept. 1 with the formation and
administration of the Independent
Association of Ann Arbor Press Em-
ployees, Inc., and coercion of mem-
bers of that organization on Sept. 22
in the signing of an agreement gov-
erning wages, hours and working con-
ditions, in violation of subsection 2
of section 8. These charges were
flatly denied in the company's answer.
2. Intereference, restraint and coer-
cion of employees in their rights to
self-organization and collective bar-
gaining since Sept. 1 by advising em-
ployees that the Ann Arbor Press
would close its plant if employees or-
(Cnntinned. n PRZ 7 2
Spaniisli RebelcS
Make Key Gaiji
Loyalists Rally To Prevent
IPuslh IInto WBrcelona
HENDAYE, France, at the Spanish
Frontier, March 29.-411-Spanish
Insurgent troops captured t h e
heights dominating Lerida today and
prepared to storm that "gateway" to
Barcelona, government capital.
While Lerida's civilian populace

fled toward the Mediterranean coast,
the Government deseprately rallied
its shattered forces to defend the I
city against General Juan Yague's ap-
proaching army. Conflicting troops
were in contact west of the city.
Roads leading from Lerida to the
coast were clogged with disorganized
Government troops hastily reform-,
ing for the impending battle, and
thousands of civilians scurrying to
safety. Insurgent warplanes strafed
the troops.
The Government sent its interna.
tional brigades into the Lerida lines
and appealed for new Catalonian re-
General Yague's Insurgents, the

Resolution On Child Labor
Received Wiith Favor;
Debate Waxes Strong
Entering the theatre of national is-
sues for the first time last night the
Student Senate, massed behind its
majority leaders, first swung support
to theanational Child Labor Amend-
ment and then overwhelmingly de-
noinced the Vinson Naval Expansion
Turning their attention to the cam-
pus, the Senators, in a busy two-hour
session rejected group support to the
local $1,000 drive for Chinese univer-
sities and repeated their refusal to;
Play To Open
'High Tor' First Showing
Scledled For Tonight
At Lydia Mendelssolin
"High Tor," presented by Play Pro-
duction under the direction of Valen-
tine B. Windt, will open at 8:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Performances will also be'
given Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The cast will consist of 18 students.
Major roles will be played by Charles
Maxwell, Grad.; Betty Jane Mans-
field, '38; Bettie Howard, '40; Ed-
ward Jurist, '38; Robert Corrigan,
'39 and Truman Smith, '38.
Others in the cast will be William
Rice, '38; William Halstead, '35;
Myron Wallace, '39; Bernard Beno-
way, '39E; Clayton Kepler, '38;F
Nathan Gitlin, '39; Howard Johnson,
'39; Stephen Filipiak, '39; Julius Ep-
stein, '39; Ransom Miller, '40; Ed-
ward Newman, Grad,; and Victor
Schultz, '39.

petition the State Department in
behalf of Michigan students captured
in Spain.
Debate on campus elections was cut
short by the appointment of a five-
man committee under the chairman-
ship of Irving Silverman, '38, to study
and report on electoral conditions.
Phil Westbrook, '40, Carl Viehe, '39,
Marvin Reider, '39, and Fred Cush-
ing. '38, were named to assist Silver-
President Tuure Ten dander, '38,
and Vice President Alfred H. Lovell,
'38, were appointed as Senate mem-
bers of the newly-formed campus
Peace Council.
After 25 minutes of debate the
Child Labor resolution rode through
by a vote of 24 to 1; Charles Quarles
'39, being the lone dissenting member.
He voted by proxy. Previous debate
on the resolution centered around
the argument of Donald Treadwell,
'39, that the present amendment, like
the "due process" clause invited de-
sertion, and might easily be construed
to the detriment of parochial schools
and farm labor. The majority held
that the discretion of Congress was
sufficient check against such con-
On the Naval Expansion question
Majority Leader Tenander cited the
testimony of naval experts who esti-
mate that an effective naval force
invading the United States today
must boast a fleet double the size
of the American navy. The opposi-
(Cont!nued on Page 2)
Union To Hold
Annual Spring
Open Reception,
T[ I1eature New Exhibits;
Free Dancing, Reduced
Recreation Roona Fees

First Graduate
Student Group
Formed Here!
To Coordinate All Phases
Of Men's Athletic, Social
Ao d Academic Life
To l house Acli viies
The first graduate students' coun-
cif in any American university was
formally organized last night at the
Union by 32 graduate representatives
from every University department,
school and student organization.
Coordination of all graduate activ-
ities in the various phases of educa-
tional, social and intellectual rela-
tionships was designated as the moti-
vating principle of the organization,
according to Ellsworth Raymond,
Grad., newly-elected member of the
executive council.
Other members elected to the ex-
ecutive body by the student repre-
sentatives were Herbert Weisinger,
Alfred Boerner, Stuart Portner, Don-
ald Reynolds and Harvey Parke, all
graduate students.
The center of the council's activ-
ities will be the new Horace H. Rack-
ham Graduate Building, when that
building will be ready for occupancy.
With the Graduate Building serv-.
ing as the physical focal point and
the activities of the newly-formed
council acting as the coordinating
force, it was felt by the representa-
tives that all graduate students would
be able to partake more fully of Uni-
versity affairs.
Definite steps to insure a smoothly
working organization were taken last
night with the election of Herbert
Weisinger, Stuart Portner and Ells-
worth Raymond as chairmen of the
three functional subdivisions of the
executive council.
Weisinger, chairman of the com-
mittee of intellectual coordination
said that his committee would at-
tempt to help graduate students to

Mansfield Is
New Leader
Of Assembly
Martha Tillhan To Take
Post With Ruth Hartnian
And Marie McElroy
All New Officers
Have Beeni Active
Betty Jane Mansfield, '39, of Rock-
ford, Ill., was chosen as president
of Assembly at the regular meeting of
the organization held at 5 p.m. yester-
day in the Grand Rapids Room of the
The other newly-elected officers are
Martha Tillman, '39, of Kirkwood,
Mo., vice-president; Ruth Hartman,
'39, of Wascon, O., secretary; and
Marie McElroy, '39, treasurer.
On Debate Team
Miss Mansfield is active on the As-
sembly Board and has been a mem-
ber of the Varsity debate team for
the past two years. She was ticket
chairman of this year's Assembly
Banquet and is a member of the
League theatre-arts committee.
A member of Wyvern, junior wom-
en's national honorary society, Miss
Tillman was chairman of the finance
committee for the 1938 Junior Girls
Play, She was chairman of the
Women's Athletic Association swim-
ming meet this year, and a member
of the W.A.A. Board. She also be-
longs to the house reception and the-
atre-arts committees of the League.
Intramural Manager
Recently selected awards chairman
of WA.A. for next year, Miss Hart-
mann is the out-going intramural
manager of the organization. She is
active on Assembly Board, is a mem-
ber of the League social committee,
was on the decorations committee for
this year's Assembly Ball, and a mem-
ber of the J.G.P. properties com-
This year Miss McElroy was dec-
orations chairman of Assembly Ball,
program chairman of the J-Hop, a

New Assembly Head

The play, written by Maxwell An- I Women will be allowed to enter
"'^1 i ^ 'v ^^^A ^t, "'I "n '''n ^" f ''

derson, was the recipient of the 1937
Drama Critics Circle Award. This
was the second successive prize win-
ner for Anderson; the first being
"Winterset." Burgess Meredith and
Peggy Ashcroft were starred in its{
New York production.#
The curtain will be promipt.ly ;.
8:30 p.m., it was stated and no late-
comers will be admitted until thet
end .of the first scene. Tickets may
be purchased at the theatre box of-!
fice from 10 a.m, to 6 p.m. daily.
WAIRM SPRINGS, G1a., Mairc 29.0
- }-,-President Roosevelt bitt erlyt
condemned an unnamed source of op-
position to his government reorgani-
zation bill today, asserting Senate
passage of the measure proved that
body "cannot be purchased by or-
giaized telegr #isbased on direcl
mxisirepreserif hi tioii,"
Talking to reporters white siti i ug
in i "s oper car in front of a plress
Ottagi. he repeated the word, 'pmt r-
chasedi' when an aide inte<rtupted a"i
if to incuire whether That was what
lie meant to say.
-I also gave his re iarkt- furlcher
eiupiasis by permittui newspmen
to quote him directly, lie did not
name the organized opposition, but
showed pliilly his elation over the
Senate's action.j
1hlac Senate passed the reorganiza
tion bill, delegating broad powers to
the chief executive to consolidate bu-
reaus, late yesterday 49 to 42.
Dr. Koo Dva

une i UIw, (toolJJozLune1 unIUin or Lnt,1;

second time this year from 7:30 to arrive at a comprehensive conception member of the finance committee for
10 p.m. tomorrow, when the Union of the basic unity of all the sciences. J.G.P. and a member of the J.G.P..
holds its annual Spring Open House. Raymond, chairman of the social dance chorus. She belongs to the
The Open House will feature new and athletic committee will be in social and thearte-arts committees
exhibits, free dancing and reduced charge of coordinating the various of the League, and is also active oil
rates in all recreational rooms, ac- graduate journal clubs, arranging the Assembly Board.
cording to James Wills, '40E; and athletic tournaments among the de- - ---- -
,Jack Knecht, '40E; co-chairmen of partments and supervising the Grad- e *
the affair. nate Outing Club akd various grad- - th(farl 1l n if (I
Most schools on tI me ca mpus will be uate luncheons.
represented and each will present a iUnder the chairmanship of Stuart ,(eF e redI . a
new exhibit. All engineering groups Porturn, the housing committee will
I --civil, aeronautical, mechanical and investigate the housing facilities and
chemical--will have exhibits, as will vocational opportunites for graduate Robert i
the physics department, the forestry students on campus. R r* mmins, p us
school and the geology department. - --------- 'riso-ner, Friends Think
A scale model of the Paris gun will - Stall
also be shown. 'Mi& sE_ y I As ever his parents and immediate
The winners of the Intramural wa- t family remained ignorant of the fate
ier polo contests will play an exhibi (ui lt - l of Robert Cummins, '37, who has been
tion match, and there will be severalf lighting with the International Iri-
fencing matches which will be judged ~ gade in Spain, a blurred news-pho-
by the local chapter of Scimitar, na- tograph in a Spokane, Wash.,paper
tional fencing society.1in e a rS.eG - showed that the former Daily night;
But 0 hdl OjecL1VIe editor may have been captured in the
Rebel army drive near Blelchite,
S" e -111 SIANGIIAL, March 30.---(Wednes- The picture, taken 10 days ago.
( day) /-() Japanese bombs and b gshows 20 Loyalist prisoners parading
Speech Contest),inst oday apvarenly had stalled in lockstep through the courtyard of
I tle Chinese counterattack which a provincial Spanish town. His fain-
Carles Forbes. '40, worn the a U- I piushed back Japanese along a 100 ily declared last night that they be-
uial Sigma Rho Taii Enigineerim mile front in Central China. lieve Cununins to be one of the pris-
-veech honor sowity I Thall ofFame" More than 200.000 Chinese and lonel's
speec icontest it tkl d iaspeecv 0orn1a1 Japanese were engaged in the battle The picture was discovered by anf
Ta kite,' for a riche in the orgamza -which observers said might decide the aunt,of Cummnin's, who lives in Spo=
tion's "hall" last nigjht. - fate of the Lungliai Railway area kane, and mailed to his faimly Here.
George Weesuer. '41VE: a ml Vance separating Japanese-conquered por- Cummins, who was on the Daily
Muiddlesworth, '41E: took second and tions of North China and the Yangtze staff for three years and a member
third vy Weesner' River Valley. Casulaties were said to of Phi Eta Sigma, freshmen honorary
speech nominated . eoge oe extremely heavy society, has been fighting with the
tials, builder of the Panama Canal. The object of the Chinese thrust, Loyalist forces since early last sum-
and Middlesworth's advocated Ce'gc which at some points gained as much iner. He sailed for Spain immediate-
Westinghouse, inventor of air-bra es. as 15 miles, was to drive back Japan- ly after graduation, missing the Com-
-esearies threateninig Suehow, junc- mencement ceremonies. The last let-
Ition of the North-South Tientsin- ter received by his family was post-
} Pukow Railway and the Lunghai. imarked early in February and was
The center of the fighting was in written just before the Teruel of-
Southern Shantung Province, where fensive,

Large Pa'tra de
T o Be Staged
For MVicliiiras
Chairman Seeking Floats
To Compete For Prizes
.I Colorfl i Procession
The big parade which heralded the
opening of the first Michigras last
year will be staged "bigger and bet-
ter" for this year's carnival, Paul
Brickley, '39, chairman of the parade
committee, announced yesterday.
Last year, the parade had only
former Mayor Robert A. Campbell
and Chief of Police Lewis W. Fohey,
riding in a hack drawn by two white
horses to lead it, Brickley pointed out.
This year, however, he is contracting
for an old fashioned steam calliope to
lead the way.
Anyone who is interested in spon-
soring or taking part in a float for
the parade should see Brickley as
soon as possible, he said last night.
This year, three cups will be donated
by the Michigras central committee
for the best, floats.
Mimes, hnorary speech society,
won the contest last year wth a bath-
tub scene in which "four females
with suspiciously exaggerated con-
tours and hirsute calves, all of whom
wore flowing yellow robes and toupees
concocted from dust mops," sported
Other organizations represented
were: Psi Upsilon's stage coach,
Sphinx's "E-gyp-gyp," Delta Tau
Delta and Zeta Psi's German band
and the bicycle parade.
Both independents and organiza-
tions are expected to enter floats this
year to enhance the carnival spirit,
Blrickley said. This year, the Michi-
Bras, composed of sideshows- and all
the accmintrements of the county
fair, is being run as a benefit for the
proposed W.A.A. swimming pool and
the Varsity Band's trip to Yale next
Library Lift Plunges;
To Be Replaced Soon
'The buildings and grounds depart-
nment decided to give the main library
a new elevator yesterday, after the
old one which has carried more than
20,000 people up and down in the last
20 years went on a spree and fell from
the first floor to the basement. Isaac
Simpson, the operator, was the only
person in the elevator at the time and
was uninjured.
Though the elevator was inspected
once a month by the insurance agen-
cy carrying its policy and apparently
found satisfactory, it still was unsafe,
Edward Pardon, superintendent of
the buildings and grounds depart-
went, pointed out. It was so old that
I the cord slipped and the weights
shot up and the elevator down.

U.S. Protests
In Oil Industry
By Mexicans
Retaliates By Slicing Price
Offered For Silver In
Markets Of The World
Mexican President
Suimuonis Congress
MEXICO, March 29.--(lP)-Rela-
tions between Mexico and the United
States took the gravest turn of- the
past decade tonight when Ambas-
sador Josephus Daniels presented a
stiff American protest against expro-
priation of the $400,000,000 foreign-
owned oil industry. At the same
time, the United States increased
financial pressure on Mexico, mak-
ing a second cut in the price offered
for foreign silver,
The American envoy declined to re-
veal whether the protest was oral or
It was understood the protest had
nothing of the nature of an ultima-
tum but was energetic in demanding
that Mexico clarify how she expected
to pay for expropriated oil properties.
Mexico Concerned
The Mexican government was de-
scribed as concerned over the unex-
pected vigor of the United States
stand, and officials immediately start-
ed drafting a reply.
Daniels disclosed he reported to
Secretary Hull by telephone after
talking to the Mexican foreign min-
ister about the "seriousness" of the
He said he conveyed "Mr. Hull's
deep wishes for an adjustment in a
way thai, is consistent with the
friendship of the two countries and
rights that attach to both nations."
. By shaving another cent off the
price for silver, the treasury reduced
the quotation to 43 cents an ounce.
This fulfilled fears of London specu-
lators, whose anticipatory selling
drove the European price down 2.6
cents to 41.12 cents today.
Two Year Stabilization
For more than two years before
Secretary Morgenthau suspended
purchases of Mexican silver last Sun-
day in answer to Mexico's expropria-
tion- of American oil properties, the
treasury stabilized the world price of
the metal at 45 cents an ounce.
By withdrawing support of the
world market, the treasury is now
making it difficult for Mexico to pour
its silver into the market. Mexico is
the world's largest silver producer
and the United States is the only
large buyer of the metal.
State department officials insisted
that the United States' new silver pol-
icy was not a reprisal or retaliation.
MEXICO CITY, March 29.-QP)-
A United States protest against ex-
propriation of Mexico's foreign-owned
oil industry tonight was quickly fol-
lowed by a call from President La-
zaro Cardenas for an "urgent" ses-
sion of the Mexican congress.
With relations between the two
nations taking a grave turn, the Mex-
ican President called for an extra-
ordinary session to consider an in-
ternal loan of 100,000,000 pesos
(about $20,000,000) to repay oil com-
panies whose $400,000,000 properties
were expropriated.
Congress Plans

For TVA Quiz
Senate Resolution Okeyed,
House Must Act Yet
WASHINGTON, March 29.-(4)-
The first congressional investigation
of a New Deal agency--the Tennes-
see Valley Authority-moved a step
nearer reality today.
A Senate resolution authorizing
such an inquiry was approved by
the House rules committee, Leaders
said they would bring it before the
House and that its adoption was a
foregone conclusion.
While the rules committee made
several changes in the Senate resolu-
tion, all were intended, members said,
to assure the widest possible inquiry.
A committee of five Senators and
five House members would be direct-
ed by the resolution to inquire into
the charges and counter charges made
by TVA's directors, into allegations
against TVA, and into charges that
pr'ivate utilities have attempted to

is ii*WE ertLI Ii n0Dilri ts ri i
y WILLIAM EIV1N hope of settling futttre problems by[
We are witnessing today a return to peaceful means."
the cra when might was always right What China wants at fleint, Dr.
the ra henmigt Koo pinted out, is A ithdrawali of
and international barbarism pr- lois a md m Nate a1 taxi to . apa i,
vailed, Dr. T. Z. Koo, Chinese edu - ('inJ lslttw Uited
cator and 'eligious leader, said last iot to apply the neutrality act to
night in Hill Auditorium in the open- China.
ing of a week-long campus drive to The resignaion of British Foreign
raise funds for relief of students in Secretary Anthony Eden, Dr. Koo be-
China. lieves, may have dire consequences
China for centuries lias followed foi- China. "Since the flritish core


for three months Japanese armies
have attempted to drive southward
to the Lunghai and meet another
Japanese force pushing north from
In Shanghai itself new friction le-
veloped between British military aui-
thoities acd ,Japha'Esc
Varsity Debaters {
rfo Oppose Jewehl
The varsity debating team will
meet the traveling team from Wil-
liamn Jewell College, at 7:30 p.m. to-
lay, in Room 4703 Angell Hall. The
topic will be "Resolved: That the
National Labor Relations Board
Should Be Empowered to Enforce
Arbitration in Industrial Disputes."
(fli r .,o r Cit .rr 'Af1" a ,-rl Tanlr

Ignorance Of ]Dental Mate ri
Oftnl risPainWard Saysl

the way of peace, Dr, Koo declared, trol the one lar'ge port from which
and it is a "maior tragedy" to see a China is getting suppe-s," he ex-

'Deit ist Sees Fanilty Wor
As Large Factor in
Causing Tooth Decay
Many of the most capable men in
dentinstrycreate pathological condi-
tions instheir patients through ignor-
ance of the physics of dentistry, Dr,
M. L. Ward of the dental school de-
clared in an interview yesterday.
Many dentists, he claimed, have
been using materials for fillings and
crowns which are absolutely unsuited

materials used in restorative work;
it was all a matter of guess work"
Working in one of the most com-
pletely equipped and up-to-date lab-
oratories of its kind in the world, Dr.
Ward has been investigating the com-
position of materials used in fillings,
crowns, plates and brdges. The old-
est teacher in the field, he has led the
University of Michigan in pioneering
this sort of work. Dr. Ward wrote
his doctor's thesis in 1905 upon den-
ture materials. He began his lab-
oratory on a large scale in 1923 when
the dental building was rebuilt.

people compelled to abandon such a
background and become militaristic.
When a nation as large and populous
as China starts on the road to mili-
tarism, he said quietly, "I wonder
what the future holds?"

plained, "they may block exports
to China. A British agreement with
Italy would result in a loan to Italy,
a part of which would probably find
its way to Japan."
The intervention of Russia would

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