ii: .
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
. Entered at thePost . .ce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National AdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Re4rsentative
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the arbition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act .on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
A New Workshop
For Play Production. .
T HE INCLUSION in the ten-year re-
port to the alumni of the need of a
new laboratory theatre for Play Production is a
long-awaited recognition of the physical de-
ficiency of the student theatre group.
The "barn behind the Union" has for many
years proved a sore spot to the University
administration, especially since the present lab-
oratory theatre was condemned as a fire hazard
several years ago. The plant and equipment
afforded Play Production has been grossly in-
consistent with the part that the group has
played in University life.
The acquisition of a new workshop, however,
will mean much more to the University than
merely what the physical plant will afford in
equipment with more room for classes and
an adequate private practice stage for students.
The derived benefits from the physical aggran-
dizement will provide the University with that
which it has long needed-a suitable center
for the stimulation and development of a vital
cultural group at the University of Michigan.
It is not difficult to visualize an adequate the-
atre workshop serving as the home grounds for
a large and vital cultural group; providing a
basis for the stimulation of student endeavor in
writing for the stage; allowing the greater de-
velopment and perfection of more student writ-
ers, actors and directors; and serving as the cen-
ter for national conventions for groups interested
in the theatre arts. The potentialities of a new
laboratory theatre excite the imagination; what
is needed now is an equally excited pocket-book.
To the University of Iowa, many of the cited
benefits of adequate physical equipment have
already accrued since that University built one
of the most modern and complete college the-
atrical plants in the country. A new theatre
workshop is being projected at Wisconsin Uni-
versity and large theatre circles, including New
York, are looking toward that institution for
greater work in the theatre. Michigan seems to
be lagging behind. The University has already
done much in cllege theatre circles, has been
recognized in New York for several student pro-
ductions, is regarded as one of the best training
grounds for student playrights and actors. What
Michigan can achieve and do for the students at
the University with a new workshop can readily
be visualized.
Much more might be said of the desirability
of a new workshop, and possibly more eloquent
could be the plea for other worthy campus needs,
such as men's dormitories, a new student religious
center, and increases in remuneration for profes-
sors at the University, but the need of Play
Production is also vital and pressing and has
not received its due recognition.
This is, however, but the first step, although
a necessary one, in securing a workshop for the
- Irving Silverman.
like that: It must have been a military maneu-
ver." Further, the Cardinal cannot understand
"why Franco is called a rebel," since according
to the Cardinal's viewpoint, "he is fighting for
Christian civilization in Spain."
On the same day that Cardinal O'Connell
voiced his opinions to ship news reporters the
New York Times carried an editorial commenting
on the Christian civilization General Franco is
bringing to Barcelona in the following terms:
"The war in Spain reaches its apex of horror
and shame this week in the murders committed
in Barcelona by Insurgent planes ... The stench
of fascism and its allies is heavy in the nostrils
of Europe these days.
"The killings had, indeed, a "military objec,
tive"-to force a civilian demand for surrender
.. A screaming woman may cry out for peace
when she sees her child ... reduced to mangled
flesh before her reeling vision. A man may be
ready to accept any terms that would end the
agony when he looks on the things that a mo-
ment before were also men-torn to bloody rags
by bombs dropped unaimed from the skies .. .
"Yes, these murders had a "military objective,"
as the Insurgents conceive it. They are part
of the new art, the new science of war. War
on children. War on women. War on the old,
the sick. War against humanity. War that de-
filed the banners, that stains forever the honor
of those who conduct it."
Joseph Gies.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of spacial lim-
itations we are unable to print all the
communications that have been received
regarding the Neafus controversy. How-
ever, we have selected some of the letters
we believe to be representative of both sides.
What's It All About?
To the Editor:
In regard to the case of Ralph Neafus, recently
captured by the Rebels in Spain, I should like to
know what this hullabaloo is all about. Although
sending word to Rebel headquarters that the
student body of the University of Michigan is
deeply concerned about Mr. Neafus' treatment
would be a benevolent gesture of sympathy with
regard to his welfare, I cannot see why we can
demand the Department of State to intervene
for his release or treatment, nor can I see any
justification for such an intervention.
The moment Mr. Neafus took up arms against
the Rebels, he relinquished his rights to the pro-
tection ordinarily accorded an American citizen.
He immediately became a Loyalist. If he wanted
to fight, that was his business, and if he is cap-
tured, it is still entirely his affair. Therefore,
I cannot see why the Department of State should
intervene for every Tom, Dick, and Harry who
wants to give vent to his political beliefs by
fighting for a foreign power.
I also read the leaflets distributed by the
Progressive Club to publicize the mass meeting to
be held tonight. "End the Farce of Non-Inter-
vention" "Protect Democracy," and "Unite Peace
Forces" sounds an awful lot like "We must make
the Wvorld safe for Democracy." I thought we
learned that lesson in 1918.
-William S. Strasser, '39E...
For Humanity
To the Editors of The Michigan Daily, more
especially Messrs. Mattes and Tenander:
"In Re: Ralph Neafus," I am of the opinion
that your attitude toward the Neafus case is
better than that of the opposition.'
Humanity is always better than the lack of it.
-M. Levi.
Says Issue Is Clear
To the Editor:
I am beginning to realize at last that it is
impossible to expect any understanding, no mat-
ter how limited, from the type of person who
fakes his way through four years of college,
who spends his days playing cards and his nights
hanging around the P-Bell.
But readers of the Daily are surely entitled
to something more than the nauseating drivel
that was written into Wednesday's Forum. Ralph
Neafus is a "soldier of fortune, caring naught
whether he lives or dies for a cause in which
he has but a mercenary interest." Letters like
those of F.H., Mr. Otto, Mr. Johnson, and Mr.
Estes should be sent to Spain; the children of
Madrid and Barcelona would certainly be cheered
to know that the boys from Ann Arbor went
over "to take up arms as soon as the Com-
munists get into hot water."
' Certainly Ralph Neafus, Bob Cummins, and'
Ellman Service went over with their eyes open.
But they went over because they saw that they
were needed, that they would be useful. If they,_
would be asked to fight, they would be willing.
And now one of them has been captured and
may even now be dead.
So the issue is simple enough. The Spanish
people were the first people in Europe to stand
up and defend themselves against the refined
and calculated barbarism of Hitler and Mus-
solini. Italy took it, Germany took it, Austria
took it, but Spain will not. The Spanish people,
the men, the women, the children, the bull-
fighters, the businessmen, the housewives, the
working men, all realized that they had some-
thing precious. And they resolved not to let
a group of gangsters wrest it from them. The
Congress of "Communist" Spain met in a little
monastery outside of Madrid so that they could
carry on the work of the government without
being blown to bits by Italian bombers. Here
is to my mind the most exciting evidence of
democracy in action that the world has ever
seen. No wonder Leland Stowe, of the Herald
Tribune, said that the people of Madrid "are
H-eywood Broun
New York City Council. Michael Quill, labor
leader and member of the municipal legislature,
undertook to prove that he
was an unwise speculator
rather than a shrewd one.
He established his case.
Recently an opponent on
the Tammany side of the
chamberhhurled the ugly
charge that Mr. Quill was at
one time a man of great
wealth, possessing $16,000
through manipulations in
Wall Street.
And when Michael's chance came to rise to a
point of personal privilege he hotly insisted, and
with supporting figures, that he had been in the
capitalist class for only three days, and then to
the extent not of $16,000 but a mere matter of
$2,000 and a few odd cents.
With great indignation Councilman Quill dem-
onstrated that, beginning with a shoestring of
$500, he had ended with $92.38. And it seemed to
me that he was endeavoring to make the point
that he was something less than the darling of
the capitalist system.
His bookkeeping was more convincing than
that of the Tammany heckler, because the
gentleman on the other side of the aisle had over-
simplified his mathematical formula. To him
Quill was a capitalist, because if his investments
were laid end to end they would have amounted
to the gross nest egg which he tried to drop into
the lap of the leader of the Transport Workers.
* * *
Absolution For Small Fry
I was greatly pleased to find that Michael Quill
was successful in making his opponent give
ground, because upon the basis of figuring total
speculative commitments I would myself be
Morgan rather than a working newspaper man.
Seemingly, Quill and I started our stock market
career at approximately the same time. It was
during the Hoover gold rush which began right
on the heels of Coolidge prosperity. Of course,
I had been told that we should all keep cool with
Cal, but if everything was about to rise to three
hundred I saw no reason why I should not take
advantage of the gambling potentialities which
exist from time to time under the profit motive.
I was no small-time Wall Street wolf like Quill.
I began with a thousand dollars in hard earned
capital. And presently I had two and then
five and for a few fleeting hours almost ten.
Naturally, my commitments were far more con-
siderable than my capital. They ran into big
figures. During the days of the great delusion
I had my oar in oil and iron and the key rail-
roads of the country. My account showed that I
had accredited to my name fifty shares of one of
the leading motion picture stocks in the country.
Vaguely I dreamed of throwing in a little more in
order to acquire control, but I decided that the
plan was too ambitious.
And the day I made my decision to abstain
was pretty vital to the entire industry, because,
for weal or woe, I would have insisted on
slightly different pictures.
* * * *
The Bad And Gay Days
In those gay and undoubtedly evil days the
sound investor needed to do no more than nod
in the direction of some vital stock to become
a part-time owner of a hundred shares. At the
peak of the boom I was listed as the entrepreneur
of issues running something above one hundred
thousand dollars. And that meant that I hon-
estly had $9,956.23 in actual spending money.
But I was not sufficiently agile to preserve the
fortune which I had acquired through the sweat
of my brow. Well do I remember one of the
mornings which came shortly before the crash.
A block of fifty shares of stock which I had
on a slackwire margin opened fifty points up.
Being no glutton, I wrote out an order, "Sell at
the market," but before they got around to my
holdings they had dropped sixty points, and so I
was out on the deal
I am ashamed to confess that on Blue Thurs-
day, if I remember my calendar correctly, I came
out $23.22 ahead by selling short automobiles
whichnIhave never seen or even ridden in as a
I As Others See I
It is important fox society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
These words out of an address by President
Alexander G. Ruthven of the University of Mich-
igan have been chosen by the student editors
of the Michigan Daily as a guiding principle for
their editorial columns. As such, the statement
appears every morning iwmediately below the
Daily's masthead.
This is more than shrewd judgment on the part
of Michigan's student journalists, who now have.
a standing guarantee, so to speak, signed by
the President, of their right to inquire into the
problems of the world and to explore for solu-
tions. It is full proof, as President Ruthven
said in his very next sentence, that "the light in
the schoolhouse is not a danger signal, not the
beginning of a disastrous conflagration, but a
beacon of hope for a distressed world."
May the words of the leader of the University
Playing For Keeps
To the Editor:
Why kick about Neafus? He knew
that the boys in Spain were playing
for keeps. He knew the risk he was
taking, and he knew that he could ex-
pect no protection from the State
The government has no obligation
to protect him, or protest about him,
or even take cognizance of him any
more than it does of any other rebel
Neafus can't eat his cake and have
it, too. He can't go to war without
endangering his health.
If you want to protest against
Franco, the Fascists, the war in
Spain, the bombing of civilians, etc.,
fine. You have good grounds. How-
ever, I fail to see any reason for pro-
testing about Neafus in particular.
He had the courage to fight for his
convictions. He took the risk of go-
ing to war. He lost . . . Tough.
Changes His Mind
To the Editor:
At first I adopted the same atti-
tude as F.H. and William B. Otto
and Chas D. Johnson so eloquently
expressed in their letters to the Daily
concerning one Ralph Neafus. But,
now, after a little reflection on the
matter I have come to the conclu-
sion that these gentlemen are all
wrong. The theme of their letters
was "he knew what he was doing, so
let him suffer the consequences." I
was amazed by this audacious display
of hard-heartedness and general lack
of sympathy. Moreover, the excited
chattering of Messers Otto and John-
son about the United States not hav-
ing a "pure" democracy proves that
they have missed the point and that
their argument is not even worth the
implication as such, let alone the
label. I am aware of the fact that
we haven't got a real democracy and
I cannot help feeling that their un-
gracious attitude is just one of many
factors that make our democracy as
rotten as it is. If the individual in a
democracy is as ungenerous and sel-
fish as these gentlemen seem to be
from what they havewritten, I am
not at all surprised at the failings
exhibited by our democracy. Why
not develop a little of the democratic
attitude, gentlemen?
Ralph Neafus is our brother in
the sense that he is a fellow Ameri-
can. If we cannot procure his re-
lease by appeal to our own govern-
ment the action itself will serve well
in that it will give Ralph just that
much courage to go on and make
the best of a bad deal. As long as
Ralph Neafus knows that there is
someone back home at least "interest-
ed" in his welfare, won't that help
him? After all, he is human like all
of us. And. as he rots in jail, wait-
ing, foi God only knows what fate,
wishing to high heaven he had never
left his home land, the least we can
do is to show him that he still has
friends-known and unknown.
And, a final thought. If you, F.H.
and you Messers Otto and Johnson
had had an ideal, and had had the
courage to go out and fight for that
ideal, and had finally landed in an
enemy jail, why, I'm sure that there
would be still some of us left in this
rotten democracy of ours who would
be willing to try and save your lives.
You see, gentlemen, it's all a mat-
ter of a little thought.
Thomas E. Hansen.
Bitter Aftertaste
To the Editor:
As a student who has attained cer-
tain definite convictions in regard to
Ipolitical realities today, I was highly
pleased last night to see that the
Junior Girls could select as their
theme a satire on fascism and dic-
tatorship. The situation of the world
I today requires that all who believe in
Idemocracy should reaffirm and "re-
Spropagandize" that belief; satire can
be a valuable relief weapon to more
factual education in exposing andl
halting the march of the dictator-
ships. Hence my congratulations to1
the J.G,P.ers for attempting some-
thing significant as well as enter-
taining. Or at least that was my
feeling up till the closing scene of the
play, which called my previously
wholly favorable impressions into
question. Why?
After Boetdia is finally freed from
its "Great Leader and Protector" and
the way prepared for a return to its
former happy and carefree state, the
curtain falls on the commendable and
traditional happy ending. And then
rises again on the cast singing its
National Anthem with arms raised
in-the fascist salute. After the
Protective State and its regimentation
have been done away with, after the
air of clandestine plotting and des-
potic repression has given place to
one of carefree joy (and air which is
highly desirable in everything real
and unsatirical), up crops that sym-
bol of slavish obedience, the fascist
salute! "Incongrous" would not begin
to describe my impression of that
ending. It made me wonder if the
J.G.P.ers were really cognizant of the'
social meaning behind the symbolism
which they were so gayly and laud-
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
uLntil 3:30; 11:00 on Saturday.
FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1938 gerson, of the Geophysical Labora-
VOL. XLVIII. No. 126 tory in Washington, will continue his
Automobile Regulation: Continued series of lectures on Petrofabrics, to-
use of cars by those students who day by speaking on "Theories of
possess driving permits issued while Schistosity," at 3 o'clock and on
their cars bore the 1937 State license "Geologic Applications," at 7:30 p.m.
plates and have failed to renew them, in the evening in 4082 Natural Sci-
will render such drivers liable to dis-
ciplinary action. Applications for re-
newals must be made at Room 2,
University Hall and new sets of tags
will be issued at no additional cost.
Students who have cars stored I
in Ann Arbor and those who are in'
the exempt classifications must re-
port their 1938 car license numbers
if they have not done so to date.
Since March 1, 1938 disciplinary
penalties have been imposed upon
12 students for violations of the Au-'
tomobile Regulation.
Office of the Dean of Students.t
Students. College of Engineering:
The final day for removal of in-
completes will be Saturday, April 9.
Petitions for extension of this time
must be on file in the Secretary's Of-
fice on or before Wednesday, March
A. 11. Lovell, Secretary.
Women undergraduate students at-
tending the Martha Graham Dance
Recital on Monday evening, March
28, may have the half hour extra
permission accorded to University
Jeannette erry,
Assistant Dean of Women.
Students, College of Engineering:
Saturday, March 26, will be the final
day for dropping a course without
record. Courses may be dropped
only with the permission of the clas-
sifier after conference with the in-
structor in the course.
Dr. Ludwig Lewisohn, noted lecturer
and author, recently returned from
Europe, will speak in Hill Auditorium
at 4:15 p.m. today,nupon "Religion
as Historic Experience." This lecture
is free to the public..
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.,
Choral Union Rehearsals. The
Women's Chorus of the Choral Union
will rehearse regularly on Thursdays
at 7 p.m.; Men's Chorus will rehearse
regularly on Mondays at 7 p.m.; and
I the entire Choral Union will rehearse
on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. and Tuesdays
at 7 p.m.
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German:
(Value about $50.00) Open to all
undergraduate students in German of
distinctly American training. Will
be awarded on the results of a three-
hour essay competition to be held
under departmental supervision on
Friday. March 25, from 2:00-5 p.m.,
204 U.H. Contestants must satisfy
the department that they have done
the necessary reading in German.,
The essay may be written in English
or German. Each contestant will be
free to choose his own subject from
a list of at least 10 offered. The list
will cover five chapters in the de-
velopment of German literature from
1750 to 1900, each of which will be
represented by at least two subjects.
Students who wish to compete and
who have not yet handed in their
applications should do so immediately
and obtain final directions.
Kothe-Hildner Prize in German:
Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respec-
tively, will be awarded to students
taking German 32 in a translation
competition (German-English and
English-German) to be held March
25, from 3-5 p.m., Room 201MU..
Students who wish to compete and
I who have not yet handed in their
applications should do so immediately
and obtain final directions.
University- Lecture: Gunnar As-
plund, Professor of Architecture at
the Stockholm Institute of Technol-
ogy, will give an illustrated lecture,
with slides, on "Swedish Architecture
Since 1920; Its Problems and Trends"
on Friday, April 1, at 4:15 p.m. in
Natural Science Auditorium under
the auspices of the College of Archi-
tecture. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Dr. Knut Lund-
mark, Director of the Observatory of
the University. Lund, Sweden, will
give an illustrated lecture with lan-
tern slides on "Distance Indicators
and the Scale of the External Uni-
verse" on Thursday, March 31, at 8
p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Astronomy. The public is
I cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Oskar Mor-
genstern, Professor of Economics, at
the University of Vienna, will lecture
on "Social Science in Europe" on
Monday, April 4, in Natural Science
Auditorium at 4:15 p.m., under the
auspices of the Department of Ec-
onomics. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Dr. Robert
Freiher von Heine-Geldern, of the
University of Vienna, will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "The Pre-Budd-
histic Art of China and Indo-China
and its Influence in the Pacflc," on
Tuesday, April 5, -n Natural Science
Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. under the
auspices of the Division of Fine Arts.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
University Broadcast, Friday, 3-3:30
p.m. The World Today Series. Topic:
The Function of Our Courts,-Burke
Shartel, Professor of Law.
Friday, 4:45-5p.m. University of
Michigan Little Symphony Orches-
tra. Thor Johnson, Conductor.
M Friday, 6:30-6:45 p.m. University of
Michigan Sports. Interviews with
c o a c h e s, trainers and athletes.
. Faculty Members who are interested
in becmn Associate Members, o
the Michigan Wolverine Student Co-
operative, Inc. are invited to attend
a meeting for that purpose which is
to be held at Lane Hall today at 4 p.m.
The capacity of the Associate Mem-
bership is that of an advisory group;
this group will elect two members to
the Board of Directors.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue.
"Clues fQr Understanding the
Bible," is the topic of Dr. Lemon's
lecture this aternoo at 4:30 in the
Social Hall of the Church. This is
the fourth lecture of a Lenten series
on "How to Know the Bible." All
students are invited.
Baptist Guild: Members and their
friends ae all invited to the Scaven-
ger Hunt to be held at 8 p.m. tonight.
The group will meet at the guild
house. Games and refreshments fol-
lowing. There will be a regular so-
cial in case of r'ain.,
Ludwig Lewisohn will be at the
Hillel Services tonight and will speak
to the students at 7:45. The social
following the services will be spon-
sored by the Avukah Club, and Mr.
Lewisohn will be the guest of honor.
Suoi Club: Meeting at Lane Hall
"tonight at 8 p.m. in the Uipper Room.
t All Finnish students are-cordially in-
vited. There will be refreshments
and entertainment.
hi ibitions
College of Architecture:
Examples of engraving, typography,'
printing in black-and-white- andI
colorndetails in the manufacti~ingl
of a book, and details in the design
and make-up of a magazine. Shown
throgh the courtesy of The Lakeside
Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Com-
pany, Chicago. Ground floor cases,
Architectural Building. Open daily
9 to 5, through April 7, The public
is cordially invited.
Exhibition of Ink Rubbings of Han
Dynasty Tomb Reliefs from Wu-
Liang-Tsu. Monday, March 14 to
Saturday, March 26, week-days, 2 to
5 p.m., WestrGallerywAlumni Me-
morial Hall.
The Ann Arbor Art Association pre-
sents two print exhibitions, work by
the Chicago Society of Etchers and
by the American Artists Group of
New York, March 15 through 27, in
the N'jrth ana South Galleries of Al-
, Congress: There will be a meeting
of the Student Welfare Committee to-
day at 4:30, Room 306 in the Union.
All members are requested to attend.
Skating party will be held in Ypsi-
lanti this evening sponsored by the
Westminister Guild of the First Pres-
byterian Church. Meet in the church's
student center at 8 p.m. Tickets, 55
cents; transportation provided.
All college people are cordially in-
I vited.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Members:
The regular luncheon meeting will be
held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
All faculty members interested in
speaking German are cordially in-
vited. There will be an informal 10-
minute talk by Dean E. H. Kraus on
"Der deutsche Einfluss auf die Min-
eralogie und Geologie in den Verein-
igten Staaten."
English Journal Club: Mr. H. B.
Allen will speak on "Semantics" at