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March 25, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-25

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Sailing At Lake
Will Start Soon;

Dock Obtained
Whitmore Lake Will Be
Headquarters Of New
Campus Boating Club
With the purchase of several new
boats the Michigan Sailing Club will
soon be "under way" at its Whitmore
Lake quarters where arrangements
have already been made for a dock
and house.
An invitation to participate in the
national intercollegiate sailing races
this summer has already been extend-
ed to the club by the sailing club
at Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, which has one of the largest
fleets in the East. The club also
plans meets with yacht clubs in De-
troit and Battle Creek this spring
and expects to enter Big Ten com-
petition against Indiana and Wis-
consin, where clubs are also being
Novices are urged to join as well as
experienced sailors and expert in-
struction will be afforded, those who
have no knowledge regarding the sci-
ence of racing.
The club constitution has already
been adopted and the present officers
include David Roach, '38E, commo-
dore; Carl Clement, '38E, vice-com-
modore; Del Breit, 138E, purser; and
Anthony Di Palma, steward. Those
interested in joining are asked to
contact Mr. Di Palma in Room 345,
West Engineering Building.
Fraternity To Hear
Speech By Founder
Dr. Nelson H. Harris, one of the
founders of Omega Psi Phi, national
honorary Negro college fraternity,
will deliver the group's annual Me-
morial Day address at 4:15 p.m. Sun-
day in the Second Baptist Church.
Omega Psi Phi has 125 chapters
and numbers among its members a
federal judge, several assistant at-
torney generals, educators, social
service experts and specialists in fed-
eral government.
Read The Daily Classifieds


'Wages A1reFar Too Low, Rooeelt Tells The South

Hillel Begins
New Schedule
Of Activities
More Than 100 People
Are Now At Work On
Enlarged Committees
Reorganization of the entire Hillel
Foundation has just been completed
and more than 100 people are at work
on the new, enlarged committees,
under the plan to increase activities
open to students.#
The most drastic changes were
made in the social committee, that
now is comprised of 37 members,
headed by Dorothy Arnold, '39. They
have outlined an extensive program.
Plans are under way for the annual
Spring Dance to be held April 30 at
Palmer Field House. The committee
plans to have one big social event
each nonth, and a hostess will be at
the Foundation every week-day after-
noon from 2 to 5 p.m.
Other committees are, enlarging
their functions ona parallel scale,
and it is hoped that the result will
be a great increase in Hillel-activities.
Two new committees have been
created: Art, headed by Harriet Po-
dolsky, '38, and Photography, headed
J by Norman V. Rosentberg, '40.




"The Best Coffee in Town"
31.6 W.Michigan - Ypsilanti.

;O j


that NEW feeling !
Tyrolean snap brims
pokes - sailors
$1 .95 up



Speaking at Gainesville, Ga., at dedication ceremonies for Roosevelt Squares, new civic center of a. city
evastated by a tornado two years ago, President Roosevelt said "Most men and women who work for wages
in this whole area (the lower South) get wages which are far too low." His audience listened in silence. Part
of the crowd that massed in two squares to hear hi m is shown here.

Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads.

Naval Surveys In Brassey 's Manual

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Show The Various Nations'


D wanta

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The gigantic ship construction pro-
gram planned by the United States
Navy and embodied in the more-
than-a-billion dollar Paval appro-
priations bill at present in the Sen-
ate brings to the fot-e the question
of existing relative naval strength of
the great powers.
Brassey's Naval Annual, edited by
Rear Admiral H. G. Thursfield of the
British Navy, gives a number of sta-
tistics and facts on the fleets of Great
Britain, the U.S., Japan and the lesser,
naval powers. The ship-construc-
tion programs begun two years ago
by the great powers are now in pro-
cess of completion. Brassey's lists
the strength of the various fleets in
effective fighting ships afloat, under,
construction or projected in 1937 as,
follows. The figures for the Soviet
fleet include only ships already built
in 1937.
Battleships: Great Britain and the
United States, 17; Japan 11, France
10, Germany 9, Italy 6 and the Soviet
Union 4. Eight of the French ships,
however, are vessels of relatively
small size, carrying guns of less than
14-inch calibre, as are seven of the
German, four of the Italian and all of
the Russian battleships. Thus Eng-
land, America and Japaan are the only
great naval powers, since fleet
strength is measured almost exclu-
sively in capital ships.
Battle Cruisers: Great Britain 3.
England is the only power possessing
any of this type of vessel; among hers
is the giant "Hood," of 42,100 tons,
built pefore the Washington Treaty
and the largest fighting ship afloat.
Battle cruisers differ slightly from
battleships, carrying lighter guns and
being capable of higher speed. The
U.S. navy, preferring heavier guns
to greater mobility, has steadfastly
refused to construct battle cruisers.
Cruisers: Great Britain 78, the
United States !and Japan, 37, Italy
30, France 23, Germany 9 and the
Soviet Union 5. Cruisers are no
match for the much heavier and
better armed battleships, and are
therefore of no great value in fleet
action. Many naval men consider
them to be passing out of vogue, since
the work of commerce destroying,
formerly the cruiser's province; is
expected to pass into the hands of

the smaller, faster, and more nu-
merous destroyers.
Flotilla leaders and destroyers: The
United States 238, Great Britain 187,
Japan 1,16, Italy 115, France 65, Ger-
many 34 and Russia 19. The work of
these ships, apart from commerce
raiding, consists in serving as scouts1
for the battle squauron in fleet ac-
Aircraft carriers: Great Britain 12,
Japan 11, the United States 7, France
and Germany 2, and Italy 1. The
largest of these vessels are in the
United States Navy.
Submarines: France and the Unit-
ed States 96, Italy 82, Japan 72, Great
Britain 65, Germany 36 and the So-
viet Union 23. Russia is said to have
built a large number of submarines
in the past two years, but figures for
the vessels under construction in the
Red Navy in 1937 were not available
to Brassey's.
Minelayers and cruiser minelayers:
Great Britain 6, Japan 6, France 3,
the Soviet Union 1. The United States
Navy has equipped 12 of its destroy-
ers for mine-laying.
Minesweepers: Italy 48, the United
States 43, Great Britain 41, France
28, Germany 27, Japan 14 and the
Soviet Union 6.
In naval aircraft, the United States
leads the field, according to Brassey's
by a wide margin, with 977 service-
able first-line and reserve planes in
1937. Japan's naval air strength is
listed as 266 ship-borne and 472
shore-based craft, with plans for 392

ship-borne and 472 shore-based
planes by this year. France is listed
as possessing 230 ship-borne planes
and 62 shore-based craft; Italy 27
ship-borne and 216 shore-based, and
Great Britain,d193 ship-borne and an
unlisted but probably large number of
shore-based planes. These figures
are of relatively slight value, how-
ever, since airplanes can be built
quickly, and statistics on them soon
become outdated.
Aga-Oglu Will Lecture
At Princeton In Summer
Prof. Mehmet Aga-Oglu, of the re-
search seminary in Islamic Art, will
be a member of the staff of the sum-
mer seminar in Arabic and Islamic
studies at Princeton this summer, it
was announced yesterday.
This summer will bring men in-
terested in all fields of Near Eastern
study to Princeton ,where an effort
will be made to further training in
that field to advanced students and
to bring attention to the influence of
the Near East on present-day Wes-
tern culture.

"The Mulberry Bush"
A Mythical Comedy . . .The 1938 J.G.P.


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8:30 o' Clock


$1.00- 75c -


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Spring Has Cub!

Economist Hobbs '
Sees Business Rise
CHICAGO, " March 24. - (1P) -
Franklyn Hobbs, La Salle Street econ-
omist, tonight professed to see bus-
iness moving toward the prosperous
pinnacle of 1929. 1
In a prepared address before the
Office Equipment Manufacturers In-
stitute he reviewed trends since the
Civil War and concluded: "By all the
rules of the game, by indications of
almost every economic factor, by the
law of averages and by the natural
swing of the business cycle, we have
every reason to expect business bet-
terment from here on during 1938,
with a dip at the close of the year.


Your Last Chance







X I1




Tin Types of Professors
New Carillon Jingle
It's a Woman's World

You're bound to find a "perfect
honey" here! A gaucho style
with chiffon top and full skirt;
a pastel with a double duty
jacket; a navy with crisp white
accent, a vivacious print or
a dream of a lace frock!

Kodak Verichrome Film

WHEN you see what interest- picture on either bright
ing pictures a few days of snap- cloudy days.
shooting will produce, you'll Stop for plenty of Verich
wonder why you didn't put your today. Let us go all the wa
camera into action sooner. It's developing and printing
especially true when you're pictures later. We enoy t
shooting with Kodak Veri. particular care of them,te
shooingthem that extra bit of attet

t or
ray by

Men's Spring Ensembles
Etc., etc., etc.



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