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March 24, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-24

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Tea Dance,

To Be Held Today; League Constitution Amended



Moping O The Mall
By Meandering Minnie
J.G.P. is rapidly coming to a boil, and beginning with its first per-
formance last nignt will proceed to stew in its own charming juice on the
stage of the Lydia Mendelssohn for the rest of Lhe week---ably chaperoned
by Chef Sally Pierce.
The makeup committee was patiently putting grease-paint on the
actors and actorines for the deans' dress rehearsal performance Tuesday
night. Gwen Lemon, Betty Young, Betsy Hon-
hart, Frances Burgess, Bunty Bain, Margaret Mc-
Call, Priscilla Abbot and Dotty Barrett were busy
gilding the various lilies.
Mary Fran Brown, who plays the strictly dow-
ager role of the Queen Mother put a little unsus-
pected snap in her lines the other night when she
loudly hiccoughed in the middle of a dignified
scene. It seems that Mulberry Bush or no Mul-
berry Bush, classes must go on, so Phyl Miner,
Twila Traber, Jane Lyon and Barb Heath were
hitting the books out in the lobby of the Men-
delssohn. They sat there from 8 until 10:45 wait-
ing for their entrance.
'Props' Thrash Around.
The properties committee was thrashing around backstage in the form
of Buffy White, Sybil Swartout (wearing an orchid) and Mary Gies, and
Helen Owsten and Madeline Krieghoff were taking charge of the box-office.
Thus goes a dress rehearsal in the best theatrical circles.
Black and dismal feelings went with black caps and gowns of the seniors
on the way to senior supper last night. Dutch Van Dyke (with red socks
peeking out from under) Barbara Lovell, and Mary Helen Hurley were all
a bit subdued at first. But their spirits got the best of them and soon they
were tramping all over the League singing last year's
J.G.P. songs as loud as they could---though some mouths
were still puckered up from the lemons.
Add one for the League. The old activities chart
has been torn down from the hall, never to show its
face again. The League Council abolished it forever at 0
the meeting Monday.

r- ti or secr _ry Council Viotes Tj Rc t A ssem1 yT 38vice-president,and Miriam San-
+. UU%) m -----V i e C un il f s egi. 1 .y ders, '38, secreta ry.
P Elcti ns, ' di To ay i Miss Jesperson said that the womr-
Is Olen To All.'i. -_ ay en eligible for petitioning and inter-
~viewing are those who have partici-
(b aI "1 Interviewing for offices in Assem-1 paed in extra-curricular activities.
Stadeuts He re' ii e El~iminiated "bl ___ssm,
bly, organization for o iated -
women, will be held from 3 to 5 p.m.
today and tomorrow in the Under- IFSO ' AC
Vie reidns,3' in !rgraduate Office of the League, ac-
To Feature Group Dances ViePeietIno ayae ~ o te auneFSO ' AC
hI eluding Pail Jones; And Senior Members cording to Helen Jesperson, '38, presi- and
dent of Assembly. JEWELRY REPAIR
fi . en ofAsemly Hotese ill Assist.A4
Hostesses Be Appointe!i The interviewing will be done by 347 Maynard Cor. William
Congress and Assembly will hold Amendments in the League consti- are Msestpers o Janembya o Watch Crystals 35c
'he. second All-Campus Tea Dane tution abolishing the election of the.--
three vice-presidents of the League ----- -- -- -_--
from 4 to 6 p.m. today in the League ; and the two junior members and two
Ballroom. All students aie invited to senior members of the. Judiciary
attend, according to Robert May Council were passed by the Under-
3SEd, general chairman, and host- graduate Council yesterday. They
esses will make all necessary intro were approved by the League electoral
ductions. board.
Group dances, including a Paul lArticle V, which deals with the ap-
Jones, will be featured, and Charlie MISS ELEANOR BUMGARDNER pointment, election and removal of rnakes this a distinctive
Zwick's orchestra will play. Refresh- officers, was amended in Section two,ss
ments of ginger ale and cookies will concerning the vice-presidents. It shoe for dress occasions. It's
be served. More than 500 studentsS* now reads: The three vice-presidents a pump with high heel and
attended the first tea dance, held two shall be appointed by the retiring
weeks ago. SJcJ d 4, Undergraduate Council from reco- in black with glossy
There will be 26 hostesses, May mendations submitted by Judiciary patent or in thrush shade
said. They will be distinguished from Council. i with patent trim.
other women in the ballroom by the Sta esx' q Judiciary To Be Appointed
small yellow hair-ribbons they will In relation to the Judiciary Coun-
wear. Women will be admitted free cil members ,the constitution, in Ar $ .5
to the dance but there will be a 25 1 By MARIAN FERGUSON tile X, Section three, has been
cent admission fee for men. Success in business is attained by amended to read: New members of
These tea dances are held on al- striving constantly toward a selected Judiciary Council shall be appointed
ternating Wednesdays and Thurs- ideal, according to Eleanor M. Bum- by the electoral board from recoin-
days in order to enable as many stu gardner, personal secretary to Gov. mendation submitted by JudiciaryI
dents as possible to attend. The IFrank Murphy. This poised, con- Council, which recommendations
chairmanship for the affair will be siderate woman, who attended the shall first have been approved by the SH O P
alternated between Congress and University of Michigan, has kept her Office of the Dean of Women and C O LLEG EbSHSO
Assembly. Lorraine Lievrouw, '39, is ideal before her and availed herself discussed by the Undergraduate7
s.e y.1ran iviu,3,i 713 North UJniversity.. Telephone 4171
assisting May for this week's dance. of every opportunity during her in- Council.
ispiring career. That the Judiciary Council mem-_
Students are urged to come stag, There are two ways for a girl to bers are now appointed exactly as the
according to May, and cutting will become successful in business, Miss President of the League, except that
se ougie Toe sdns a Bumgardner believes. One is to they are also approved by the Office
chance to become acquainted with branch out and become head of an of the Dean of Women, was pointed
each other. organization or business of her own. out by Angelene Maliszewski, 38,
The alternative is to become an in- head of this body.
- - -- i dispensable helper to a man who Dean To Approve Counsel Springtim e in A nn A rbor
shows promise of rising in the world. In regard to the vice-presidencies,
W ill lte View ork Requires LongHour Hope Hartwig, '38, League president, ,
aidm"arkuseqhuseesficesnae full
Since high school Miss Bubgardner sa,"Because these offices are fullymens
1 has admired Frank Murphy's states- as responsible as any position on the
t1 1manship and idealism. His cheerful, Undergraduate Council, we feel that
t esteadypersonality, she avers, has they should be filled by the same
been the ideal towards which she has procedure. This will make our sys- °
Counil o Se p1 an strived. tem more uniform and efficient'
DesiringScholarship.s Hours in the state executive office Miss Maliszewski explained about
are long and irregular. A large the change in the selection of Ju-
Interviewing for the three Ethel amount of personal correspondence diciary Council members by saying,
McCormick scholarships will be held takes up Miss Bumgardner's Satur- Judiciary Council works in con-
from 4 to 5:30 p.m. today in the Un- day hours, for the Governor is un- junction with the Office of the Dean
der graduate Office of the League, An- ,able to handle it alone. of Women. Because of the nature
gelene Maliszewski, '38, head of Ju- Reads To Keep Ahead of the work we feel that it is im-
diciary Council, announced recently. While completing a 2-year extra- perative that the members of this Men's Tailoreds
Council be first approved by the M' aioes
"It is important that every woman curricular business course in high Dean of Women and then subjected
who petitioned be interviewed at this school, Miss Bumgardner obtained to the double check of the Under- i Wardrobe and
time," Miss Maliszewski said, "as the her first job, with an architect. Then trathe ounl hnd the elerl
Executive Council will be able to do she studied at the University of De-t Council and the electora
the interviewing only today." troit, later specializing in secretarial Cs-m, -s
The Executive Council consists of courses at this University. Instruc- KAPPA TAU ALPHA
Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the tion on parliamentary law and teach- Kappa Tau Alpha, national hon-
League; Margaret Ann Ayers, '38, ing concluded her formal education. y
treasurer; Janet Allington, '38, secre- However, her knowledge has con- orary journalism fraternity, an- f
tary; Jean McConkey, 38, Helen tinued to grow as she has progressed. Conce the inia He er ';u must haVe a NEW
Louie Atie, '8, nd 1~ary aneI ICross, '38; Helen Henderson, '38;
Louise Arner, 38, and Mary Jane Reading has been one of Miss Bum- John Reilly, '39; June Duus, '39; Don-
Mueller, '38, vice-*presidents and Miss gardner's best means of keeping al Burns, Grad.; Nissley Brandt, '38; suit . . it must be figure-!
Maliszewski. always ahead of the .job in hand and Charlotte Schnee, '39; Monroe Sch- :f rL ,.. -

Speaking of the League, the new officers have been
chosen. The gals were lured over to the president's
office with phony excuses, and then after the news of '
their success was broken, they all adjourned to the
Grill for a coke and congratulatory giggles. Betsy Baxter;
field gave to Hope Hartwig, the retiring president, a lily,
inscription: "Last year it was orchids." Present were Helen,

and Barb Brad-
with the simple
Jean Dean, new

League treasurer, Jean Holland, new president, Barb Lovell, Bunny Arner,
Harriet Shackleton, and Angel Maliszewski. Miss Holland, who was
resplendent in two orchids at J.G.P. Tuesday night, had a hard time
deciding that she WAS the president. When the light dawned pande-


monium reigned, and Jean shrieked and laughed
a la Little Audrey.
Flowers Scent The A ir. .
Fascism - or is it Communism, for after all
it is Red shirt-is storming the W.A.A. For Norma
Curtis, the new president, is a Red Shirt-one of
the J.G.P. Red Shirts. Norma was running around
the League last night at J.G.P. not knowing just
what she was doing but with a huge smile all over
her face. The place was full of new WA.A. officials.
Buffy White and Ruth Hartmann, new A.F.C.W.
(American Federation of College Women represen-
tative to you).
Flash! Here is Marian Gommesen's satiric re-,

view of "Mulberry Bush": Tonight, all of last year's Fathers In Their Caps
watched the '39ers put feathers in their caps. Except, my dears, THEY also
proved the adage that the men are always throwing up to us that WE
REALLY can't get along without depending on the male of the SPECIES.
Sarah Pierce was her usual inspiring self, and you really should have been
there to see the lovely vegetables AND THINGS that the Senior class
presented her with their appreciation ... and also"Bobbie Chissus....
Marcia Connell was REALLY lovely-conspicuously beautiful, I might
say. Ted GRACE, of the golden locks, finally had a chan'ce to show what
practice in the gentle (?) art of love will do for one. HO HUM, practice
makes TOO, TOO perfect . . . MOST of the girls on campus knew JUST
what BARBY Teall was going through. . . and BY the way, ORCHIDS to
Barby. Mary Fran Browne as queen-mother gets more orchids. . . . JUDY

____- -- preparing herself for more respon-
sible positions to come. Her summa-
In ra rxOral D ebat tion of her own creed is to study and
read as much as possible for self-
Queso n Is Ch sen.impovement.
'ri C'r4% - -7- -n-- - - -



By Women's Votes
The question for the women's in--
tramural debates was decided at a
meeting held Tuesday in the League.
"Resolved: That the Proposed
United States' Military Preparedness
Program Should be Adopted" is the
issue which will be debated in con-
secutive weeks after spring vacation.
The first in the series of debates
will have Delta Delta Delta (1), Alpha
Chi Omega, League House Indepen-
dents (1), Mosher Hall, Gamma Phi
Beta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Colle-
giate Sorosis and Alpha Epsilon Phi
teams taking the affirmative.
They will debate against Alpha Xi
Delta, Delta Gamma (1), Delta Gam-
ma (2), Jordan Hall, Helen Newberry
Residence, League House Indepen-
dents (3), Chi Omega and Ann Arbor
Independents teams in that order.
The League Undergraduate Coun-
cil has announced that activity points
vill be given to the debaters. Each
will receive two points for entering
Sthe'first series and one point for
each succeeding debate. The four1
women who reach the finals will each
receive two additional points.
Miss Olive Lockwood, adviser for
the teams, said that if another two
woman team wishes to debate, - its,
members should try to organize an-
other team with which to enter. She
said that there must be an even
number of teams.
k, - - ,


wartz, '38; Dorothy Jones, '39, and
John Dahl, '39.
Social Dancing taught
daily. Ter-ace Garden
Dancing Studio. Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
11 2nd Floor



Xi Delta announces the
of Betty Welch, '40, of Ann

Beauty Preparations


Just when you want to .stock up
on your favorite cosmetics, we
offer these old stand-by's from
our large stock.

Dry Hair Becomes
Silky Smooth,
Manageable, Ra-
diant After Sharn-
pooing With
-4r. - / r; 13 it VL I-

S ' 'I II' ' ^ '"- A "









LUXUKIA -\ KLA.I . .. .I1U

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