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March 24, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-24

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TH'URSDAY, MARCH~ 24, 193$


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studep* Publications.
Pubshed every morning except Mondy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
En'red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
8ubscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
College ePublishers Representative
Board of Editors
SPORTS EDITOR.......................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid
the neglect of adults, but positively
dangerous for it to thwart the ambition
of youth to reform the world. Only the
schools which act on this belief are ed-
ucational institutions in the best mean-
ing of the term.
Alexander G. Ruthvn.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
In Re:
Ralph Neafus. .
IRRATIONAL discussion and bombast
have littered up the campus in the
last few days as conservatives and radicals have
extended themselves in debate of the case of
Ralph Neafus, former Michigan student who was .
captured and. impr isoned in Spain while serving
in the Loyalist army. Not only in organized
groups like the Student Senate has the question
been debated, but the incident has stimulated
wide discussion in bull sessions, temporarily re-
placing sex and the coaching situation.
The issues in the affair have been needlessly
obscured. The minds of many have been glutted
with irrelevancies. It is time the air was cleared.
The question arose when students who were
interested in Neafus' welfare and fearful lest
he be shot, wired the following to Cordell Hull:
"We request that the Department of State use
its good offices to secure his release, or, if that
is not possible to see that he is treated as a
prisoner of war according to international law.
We request that the Department of State make
enquiries to determine Neafus' status."
The problem reoccurred at the meeting of the
Student Senate where a resolution relating to
Neafus wail defeated after much emotional
and ideological discussion. At the meeting of the
Progressive Club Tuesday night the split that
threw the Senate into furor also manifested it-
The difficulties arose out of the fact that
two issues were involved and discussion was
carried on simultaneously on both, without clar-
ification. First there was the question of this
former Michigan student, who went to Spain not
for adventure, not for mercenary purposes, but to
fight for his ideals.
The second question was that of the rights
and wrongs of the Spanish War and American
foreign policy regarding the conflict. The United
States has declared an embargo against both fac-
tions in the Spanish War. It has warned its na-
tionals not to go to Spain and that if they do so
they go at their own risk.
Some people feel the policy of declaring an

embargo against both parties in the war en-
courages aggression. They ask that the embargo
be applied only against the aggressor-in this
case Franco, and Italy and Germany, who have
been aiding him.
Others favor the policy of the Administration
and for various reasons want the United States
to avoid any possibility of becoming involved on
either side.
Both sides of this question are soundly based
and the debate has been waged now for several
years. But it is to be strongly regretted that the
antagonisms growing out of the argument over
these two irreconcilable views should have been
allowed to react to the detriment of Neafus.
If the Neafus case is clearly presented, there
is little reason to believe that advocates of
both views cannot agree.
Neafus is a prisoner of war. Under interna-
tional law he is entitled to humane treatment.

channels to determine Neafus' status.
The State Department, with perfect safety, can
indicate to General Franco, through diplomatic
channels, that a number of Michigan students
are concerned with Neafus' welfare and would be
outraged if he were treated inhumanely or shot.
The State Department, with perfect safety,
can feel out the attitude of the Insurgent Gov-
ernment toward releasing Neafus, for it is con-
ceivable that under certain conditions they might
be willing to do so.
These were the things for which the Daily
editorial Tuesday morning asked. It is ridiculous
to feel, as some do, that nothing should be done,
on the basis that if we talk to those Europeans
they'll bomb Washington.
The argument that Neafus entered the war
with his eyes open as to the dangers, that he
assumed the risks and should bear the results
of his enlistment cannot be controverted. If he
had died on the battlefield, it would be ridiculous
to ask reprisals.
But purely on the basis of the common bond
that joins all humanity there can be no objection
to our asking that Franco follow the rules of
war laid down by international agreement and
centuries of tradition. The State Department,
in fact, has already done that in a case where
only Spaniards were involved-in Cordell Hull's
protest over the bombing of Barcelona. It has
done just that in Tokyo in regard to Japanese
bombings df Chinese civilians.
Neafus' heroic enlistment in the Loyalist forces
must be admired whether or not we agree with
the ideals that motivated him. The bond that
ties him to the present student body of the
University demands that for humanitarian rea-
sons, if for no other, we do all in our power
to aid him. Joseph S. Mattes.
Tuure Tenander.



The Lost Accord
Well, it was a fine idea while it lasted. Marcia
Connell was going to judge the sex appeal, Gerry
Hoag the showmanship, and we the artistic. It
would really have been a gyp, for Marcia wouldn't
have had anything to do; we can grant both the
Glee Club and the Band plenty of music and
stage energy, but, we've never been able to get
much of a heart throb out of watching either the
uniforms or the stuffed shirts. Tastes differ, of
course, especially between the sexes.
But now it's all off. Somebody got cold feet,
apparently, and we get nothing. We should have
asked for a down payment on our fee. There's
no telling how much we might have made if the
boys had really taken it seriously. Music is such
an intangible thing and matters so little to most
people that we could probably have stretched
our decision any way our pocketbook dictated
and nobody would have been the wiser.
So the nice little speech we had planned for
today is all off, too, because they can't treat us
that way and get away with it. For the Glee
Club concert tonight we were going to tell about
what an interesting and well-varied program
had been planned, ranging from the classic lied
of Franz and Richard Strauss to campus favor-
ites by way of old English songs and light opera
excerpts. We were going to point out the excel-
lence of the work the Glee Club does-mad or
not, we have to admit that they have done some
pretty swell singing and that Director Mattern
knows his business. We were going to point out
that off the campus the Club has a wide and
well-earned reputation, while in Ann Arbor its
superiority is taken for granted like everything
else here that is good. But they won't let us
be judge so we're darned if we'll give them the
recognition they deserve.
One of the songs on the program, though,
oughtn't to be passed without mention. We mean
the "Agincourt Song," composed by an un-
known author about the year 1415 to celebrate
the victory of Henry V over the French at Agin-
court. One of the oldest pieces of music actually
a part of song repertory today, this song was
meant to be sung by men's voices in unison,
although many modern arrangements have given
it four part harmony and elaborate accompani-
ments that destroy its original character. The
arrangement being used by the Glee Club
achieves as nearly as possible for modern ears
the effect of the song as it was sung 500 years
ago-and is the work, by the way, of Dr. Healy
Willan, of Toronto, who is Professor of Com-
position on the Summer School staff of the
School of Music. Another item on the program
is an Ave Maria by Jacob Arcadelt, a sixteenth
century Dutchman who was one of the musical
leaders in Italy during music's Renaissance
The which speaking of old songs reminds us
of the red-backed, musty old book we came
across the other day. It is entitled Carmina
Collegensia, was published in 1876, and contains

JIfecin to Me
Heywood Broun
I ran into Dudley Field Malone, who was in a
reminiscent frame of mind about his old friend
Clarence Darrow, with whom he was associated
in the Scopes trial.
Dudley was remembering back into the days
of Darrow, the great debater. This was largely
a labor of love, or more
properly an adventure in
enjoyment, upon the part of
the great trial lawyer. Fees
were paid, but they were not
considerable, and Darrow
,Y participated in discussion
because he loved the noise
and possible acclaim of
crowds and the thrill of
Mr. Malone said "I remember very well a
joint lecture in which Clarence engaged with Dr.
John Haynes Holmes. The subject was pro-
hibition. With all due deference to Dr. Holmes
and waiving my personal feelings in the matter,
I thought the earnest Unitarian would be a
pushover for the great barrister.
"Imagine my surprise when the minister won
all the early rounds on points and almost had
Clarence Darrow on the ropes. I was almost
ready to yell, 'Fake fight!' because it did not
seem to me as if my friend was trying.
"Dr. Holmes was circling around him like a
cooper working on a barrel. Not even the most
partisan listener could possibly score the open-
ing rounds for Clarence. John Haynes Holmes
had him licked to a fare-thee-well on the original
presentation. Holmes was particularly effective
in tearing to pieces the familiar plea for per-
sonal liberty, and the line of his argument went
along the traditional lines that in a complex
civilization no man had any right to demand
rights and privileges if they happened to be
indulgences which stepped on the toes of other
persons also exercising their God-given right
to freedom.
* * *
Roth Give And Take
"'For instance,' said Dr. Holmes, 'I live in
a large apartment house, and, whether we like
it or not, every tenant must enter into some
kind of give and take and co-operation with
his neighbors.aJust above my apartment is a
family which includes within its numbers four
little girls. It seems to be a family animated
by a winning gaiety. One of the little girls
plays the piano moderately well, and when she
plays her sisters sing and dance just over the
ceiling of my study.
"'I like gaiety ,even though at times the
noise distracts me when I am preparing a ser-
mon. But I think that it is part of the give
and take which belongs in our modern, com-
plex civilization. If capitalism denies us a right
to have individual dwellings I cannot complain
if some little girl wants to dance to a gay
tune at the very moment that I wish to.prepare
a discourse on the state of the world.
Mr. Darrow Gets His Cur?
"And just around this time," Mr. Malone con-
tinued, "I was heartened . It had seemed to me
that Clarence had been loafing, but at this
point I caught in his attentive eye that eagle
look which indicated to me that he had found
an opening. I thought, 'He won't do badly on his
rebuttal,' because I knew that Darrow was a
man who could win almost any fight if he
saw a chance to land just a single right hand
punch. He did not disappoint me.
"When Holmes was done," said Dudley, "Clar-
ence arose and said, 'I quite agree with every-
thing the Doctor has stated. We both like!
gaiety and songs and dancing and piano playing.
But there is a time for everything.
"A Complete Collection of the Songs of American
Colleges." The first part is devoted to colleges
established before 1800 - Harvard, Columbia,
Yale, et al. The latter section includes songs
from the young upstarts in the collegiate circle,t

of which Michigan is one. In 1876, remember,
not even The Yellow and the Blue, which today
seems hoary headed and venerable, had been
arranged for Michigan use from a tune by the
English light opera composer, Balfe.
First on the 1876 list of Michigan songs is the
"Alma Mater," sung to the tune of the Marseilles
and with words by Arthur H. Snow, '65, urging
"Come Jolly boys, and lift your voices; Ring out
one hearty song. Praise her in whom each son
rejoices, And let the notes be loud and long,"
etc. Other strains, less fervent and dignified,
give a "Hurrah for Ann Arbor" (to the tune of
Wait for the Wagon), "Raise the Cheer with
Three Times Three." (to Hail Columbia), and
hail "O University" (to America).

'The Mulberry Bush'
Billy Rose, Broadway's diminutive
producer of gargantuan shows, has
nothing on Ann Arbor's Sarah Pierce,
director of the Junior Girls' Play, The
Mulberry Bush, presented last night
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Neither has the International Ladies
Garment Workers' Association. For
The Mulberry Bush has both Billy
Rose's mammoth size and scale pro-
duction and the ILGWA's play, "Pins
and Needles" social significance.
Jean Keller and Russell McCrack-
en, the play's authors, have concocted
a merry tale of the Kingdom of
Boetia, of a king who abdicated to be-
come prime minister in order to do
away with a bad bad dictator. Gay,
dancing Boetia has fast lost its gaiety
and its dancing under the tyrannical
rule of the Great Leader. The mad-
cap royal family resent his intrusion.
fascist salute and all, and in their
inimitable manner plot his over-
Interspersed with dance routines
and some catchy lyrics, Stephana-
phorus VII, King of Boetia, assisted
by Helena, Minister of Social Service,
(who are in love with each other,
but whose love is thwarted by Helena
because of the usual misunderstand-
ing, said misunderstanding clearing
p by Act 3), accomplish the dicta-
The take-off on the present polit-
ical situations now current in the
lands across the sea is certainly a
happy one as evidenced by The Mul-
berry Bush. Would it were true in
reality. The presentation pointedly
portrayed the, deeds and foibles of
the politicall.y "great" of Germany
and Italy all in good fun and amia-
bility. The satiric thrusts were all
there, down to the last Order of the
Ancient Dragoons, which was "ex-
clusive as all hell."
The acting was more than ade-
quate. Barbara Teall lent a wistful
charm and dignity to the role of
Helena. Edward Grace as the King
was authoritarian and believable. The
couple remeirkably were the Fay
Bainter type heroine and hero. Mary
Browne's giddy Queen Mother was
engagingly done. And Leon Kupeck,
bearing a startling resemblance to
Benito Mussolini, was consistently ef-
fective as Titus, the dictator. It was
good to see these new faces on the
boards of the Lydia Mendelssohn.
The Feminine Version
The class of '38 gave the class of
'39 an ovation last night for putting
on one of the best Junior Girls Plays
in years. Despite the fact that an
age-old tradition of no men in the
cast was thrown to the ground for
the sake of the script, this year's pro-
duction was accepted by the audience
with whole-hearted enthusiasm.
The product of fine direction by
Sarah Pierce and equally talented
play writing by Jean Keller and Rus-
sel McCracken, "Mulberry Bush"
demonstrated the ability of the junior
women as well as of the men on
campus. At times we were torn be-
tween admiration of the '39 women
for sacrificing themselves by their
adulation of the opposite sex and be-
tween pity for them because of the
same reason.
Mary Frances Brown shone forth
as the Queen Mother in a wonderful
take-off on Queen Mary and Leon
Kupeck was equally impressive as a
sort of Hitler-Mussolini combination.
Edward Grace brought forth "ohs"
and "ahs" from the feminine audi-
ence as the all-too-convincing hero
and Barbara Teall was one of the
most appealing heroines this amateur
critic has ever seen in an amateur

One of the best features of the pro-
duction was found in the contrast
throughout. Gay tavern scenes, which
were reminiscent of the J.G.P. of for-
mer years, were followed by quite
dramatic and romantic acts, such1
as the scene between Miss Teall and
Grace in her drawing room. The play
case to a "smashing climax" with the
tyrant, Titus, being overthrown at
the point of a gun and the coming
to power of our hero, Stephanaphorus
The third act opened with one of
the most colorful choruses imaginable
and it did the hearts of the more than
350 "grave old seniors" good, for it
was true J.G.P. The dancing was in-
ferior to last year's offering by a
slight edge. The women were equal-
ly attractive. Ellen Rothblatt, as a
torch singer, brought forth a hand
from the seniors who started a new
tradition of their own last night, by
not cluttering up the stage with gum
drops, grapefruits and tomatoes as in
past years.
So, hats off to the junior women
for having the gumption to try some-
thing along the radical line in in-
troducing men into the cast but this
reviewer hopes, and in so hoping be-
lieves that she is not alone in her con-
victions, that the 1938 Junior Girls
Play will not do away with the whole
idea of J.G.P.-namely, that it is a
women's show.

24, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1210 Angell
Hall for students in the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts and
others interested in future work in I
music. There will be an informal3
talk by Professor E. V. Moore of the
School of Music. The next meeting
in the vocational series will be ad-
dressed by Dean H. C. Anderson of S
the College of Engineering, on Wed- s
nesday, March 30.L
Glee Club Concert. The University
Glee Club, David Mattern, Conductor,p
will provide an interesting and va-A
ried program complimentary to theS
general public in the School of Mu- t
sic recital series, Thursday, MarchL
24, at 8:15 in Hill Auditorium. 'or
obvious reasons, small children will1
not be admitted. The public is re-
quested to be seated on time as
doors will be closed during numbers.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Examples of engraving, typography,
printing in black-and-white andif
color,ndetails in the manufacti rmng
of a book, and details in the design
and make-up of a magazine. Shown
through the courtesy of The Lakeside C
Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Com-7
pany, Chicago. Ground floor cases,E
Architectural Building. Open daily
9 to 5, through April 7. The public
is cordially invited.h
Exhibition of Ink Rubbings of Han D
Dynasty Tomb Reliefs from Wu-
Liang-Tsu. Monday, March 14 to i
Saturday, March 26, week-days, 2 tob
5 p.m., West Gallery, Alumni Me-
morial Hall.
The Ann Arbor Art Association pre-t
sents two print exhibitions, work by
the Chicago Society of Etchers and
by the American Artists Group ofT
New York, March 15 through 27, in T
the Nirth ana South Galleries of Al-c
umni Memorial Hall. Open daily, in- U
cluding Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m., free to
students and to members.
University Lecture: Dr. Ludwig t
Waagen of the "Junior Year Abroad," 4
Munich will give an English lecture
(with lantern slides) on the South a
German Baroque and Rococo in 18th p
century castles and churches on t
Thursday, March 24, at 4:15 Natural
Science. The public is cordially in-
Petrofabrics lecture. Dr. Earl In-
gerson of the Geophysical Laboratory'
in Washington, who is giving a seriesc
of lectures and conferences this weeks
on the technique and methods of in- i
terpretation of petrofabrics, will
speak today on "Orientation rules.'
Symmetry of digrams," at 3 o'clocki
in 4082 Natural Science.t
Public Lecture: Doctor F. R. Moul-a
ton, Permanent Secretary of thet
American Association for the Ad-A
vancement of Science, will speak att
r luncheon at the Michigan Uniona
at 12:15. Reservations for this lun-e
^heon should be made in my office,
1213 A.H., before Wednesday noon.
Doctor Moulton will give a lecture
>pen to the public at 4:15 p.m. ine
Nest Physics Lecture Hall. ProfessorI
W. H. Hobbs will preside on this oc-i
L. A. Hopkins, 1213 A.H. r
Dr. Ludwig Lewisohn, noted authorP
md lecturer, will speak upon "Re-I
Aigion as Historic Experience" on;
Friday, March 25 at 4:15 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium. This lecture is
ree to the public. -
University Lecture: Dr. Knut Lund-
nark, Director of the Observatory oft
,he University, Lund, Sweden, willi
give an illustrated lecture with lan- I

tern slides on "Distance Indicators 1
'nd the Scale of the External Uni-I
verse" on Thursday, March 31, at 81
p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Astronomy. The public is7
cordially invited.
Events Today
University Broadcast, Thursday, 3-
3:30 p.m. Amateur Theatre Series.
Topic: Training and Dancing Chor-
us-Ruth H. Bloomer, Instructor in
Physical Education for Women.
Thursday, 7:15-7:30 p.m. Univer-
sity of Michigan Men's Glee Club.
Directed by Dr. David E. Mattern.
(Over WMBC).
University Oratorical Contest: The
University Oratorical Contest will be
held today at 4 p.m. in Room 4203
Angell Hall. The contest is open to

Professor H. C. Adams, "Wave Mo-
tion." P. A. Johnson, "Snap Rings."
Refreshments served between the
papers. First paper will begin
promptly at 4:15 p.m. today in Room
312 West Engineering Annex.
Association Fireside: Dr. Y. Z
Chang will lead the discussion at the
Student Religious Association Fire-
side Thursday evening at 8:00 in the
Lane Hall Library. The topic will be
'The Needs of China Today." All in-
terested are welcome.
Public Lecture: Dr. F. R. Moulton,
Permanent Secretary of the American
Association for the Advancement of
Science, will speak at a luncheon at
he Michigan Union today at 12:15.
Dr. Moulton will also give a lecture
open to the public today at 4:15 p.m.
n West Physics Lecture Hall. Pro-
fessor W. H. Hobbs will preside on
this occasion.
Michigan Dames: Meetings of the
contract study division of the bridge
group have been discontinued.
Druids: Important luncheon meet-
ng 12:15 p.m. Thursday in the Union.
Iota Alpha: There will be the regu-
ar monthly meeting of the Beta
Chapter of Iota Alpha tonight at
7:30 p.m. in the Seminar Room, 3205
East Engineering Building. The
speaker for the evening will be Dr.
O. W. Stephenson who has taken for
his topic "Modern Methods of Crime
A very imteresting evening is prom-
sed and it is urged that every mem-
ber try to be present.
Progressive Club Executive and So-
ial Committees: Urgent meeting in
he Union tonight at 7:30, Room 323,
'or the Spanish Fiesta.
Attention, Badminton P1 a y e r s:
There will be no badminton on
Thursday evening, March 24. The
courts have been reserved for' the.
University Badminton Club.
Coming Events
English Journal Club: Mr. H. B.
Allen will speak on "Semantics" at
he meeting Friday, March 25, at
[:15 p.m. in the League.
The faculty members and guests
are invited to attend and to partici-
pate in the discussion following the
A.A.U.W. International Relations
Supper, Michigan Union, 6 p.m. Sun-
day evening March 27.
Dean Clare E. Griffin will speak
on "The Significance of the Recipro-
cal Trade Agreements." Public and
students invited. Phone Union for
Faculty Members who are interested
in becoming Associate Members of
the Michigan Wolverine Student Co-
operative, Inc. are invited to attend
a meeting for that purpose which is
to be held at Lane Hall, Friday,
March 25, at 4 p.m. The capacity of
the Associate Membership is that of
an advisory group; this group will
elect two members to the Board of
The American Federation of Teach-
ers will hold its regular March meet-
ing Saturday, March 26 at 12:15 p.m.
in the Michigan Union. Panel Dis-
cussion: "How Can Educational Plan-
ning Be Made Truly Democratic?"
Representatives from the Donovan,
Mack, Clauson, Ann Arbor High, and
University High Schools and the
School of Education constitute the
The Westminster Guild of the First
Presbyterian Church announces a
skating party to be held in Ypsilanti
tomorrow evening, March 25. Meet
in the church's student center at 8
p.m. Tickets, 55 cents; transporta-

tion provided.
All college people are cordially in-
The Spanish Fiesta, with dancing,
floor show, exhibition and refresh-
ments, will take place Saturday,
March 26, at the Michigan League
Ballroom, 9-12 p.m. Tickets are avail-
able at the League, Union and
An exhibition of Spanish War pos-
ters and water colors of modern Spain
will be displayed in the Grand Rap-
ids Room of the League Saturday,
March 26, from 2-5 p.m. and from
9-12 p.m. in connection with the
Spanish Fiesta.
The Outdoor Club will go on a two
hour bike-hike Saturday, leaving
Lane Hall at 2 p.m. In case of in-
clement weather there will be bowl-
ing. Any student interested is in-

PubUcation in the.Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 2) Thursday, March 24, at 7 p.m. in
lar rehearsals on Tuesday evening, or 3065 N.S. Dr. Case will speak on
at other times by appointment at the "Geologic Notes on the Trans-Siber-
Office of the Musical Director. ian Excursion of the 17th Interna-
Students of the College of Litera- -___g .
ture, Science and the Arts: A meet- Engineering Mechanics Sncninar.
ing will be held on Thursday, March

Letters From Our Readers

/e Are Propagandists
To the Editor:
Tuesday the Daily carried, together with its
generally excellent articles and editorials, an ex-
ample of propaganda technique of the sort ex-
pected of "the most reactionary and backward
portion of the press." I refer to the story of Ralph
Neafus, which was given a prominent front-page
write up and a follow-up editorial.
Needless to point out, this sort of propaganda
is extremely dangerous. The story and editorial
are carefully prepared with an eye to dramatic
appeal, for suffering, especially of a young Mich-

the question of the justice of this comparison, the
attitude induced in the mind of the public by
articles and editorials of this type is decidedly
injurious to peace in itself; for once the people
have a personal stake in one faction of-a war they
become chronically blinder to its wickednesses
and more 'aware of the atrocities committed by
the other side.
I believe that Ralph Neafus, a Michigan grad-
uate, is entitled to no more of the state depart-
ment's time than is Joe Doaks, graduate of the
fourth grade in Smithville, Kanbama. The
dozen persons whom I have talked to about it
have all concurred in this opinion. We further
agree that Ralph Neafus's faith in his ideals

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