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March 24, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-24

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The Weather
Fair weather will prevail quite
generally today and tomorrow.


t ' Ct aYt


In Re:
Ralph Neafus



Poll Indicates
Reduce Rents
Returns Show 50 Colleges
Find Dormitory System
Satisfactory, Cheaper
Ailei-Rnimsey Costs
Are Above Average
Results in a poll covering more1
than 50 campuses scattered through-
out the nation indicate that in three-
quarters of the college dormitories
have provided relief for intolerable
living conditions.
All of the universities in which dor-
mitories have been tried report the
dormitories superior to private room-
ing houses although in two cases fi-
nancial troubles have been exper-
Returns from a greater number of,
these schools indicate that, respond-
ing to the same problem facing the
University, high costs to the students
and inadequate conditions, they have
found dormitories to be a compara-
tively cheap and successful way to'
improve standards and cut rents.
A letter from Iowa State Universi-
ty declares: "We have found the cost
of rooms in the town keep pretty close
to the cost of rooms in our dormitory..
Therefore, our dormitoriy has decid-
edly helped us to check the increase*
of room rents in town. The price of
dormitory accommodations at Iowa'
State is-$27 per month for room and'
board and the units have been built
through bond issues.
Another letter reads: The tendency
upon the part of the homeowners has
been to increase the charge for rent,
rather materially during the past few,
years. There seems to be no correla-
tion whatsoever between the price
and the quality of the rooms.
In general the poll revealed that
dormitories offering more, charged
considerably less than rooming
houses. The average dormitory price
was three dollars a week and the
average dormitory cost per student
was in the neighborhood of $1.250 -

U.S. Cannot Aid Neafus Through
Official Means, May Unofficially

Ex-Student's Enlistment
Cost Him His Protection
Rights, Reeves Asserts
By enlisting in the armies of a for-
eign country an American citizen
throws away all rights of protection
by the United States, and should he
take an oath of allegiance to the for-
eign government he automatically re-
linqushes his American citizenship,
Prof. Jesse Reevesof the political sci-
ence department pointed out yester-

partment's traditional policy. Al-
though in scattered cases we have in-
tervened, there always has been ex-
ceptional justification, he said, citing
the case of intervention in Nicaragua
during President Taft's administra-
Two young Americans, he said,
Droc and Cannon, became mixed in
a Nicaraguan revolution and after
being tried by a drumhead court were
ordered shot. The blood-thirstiness,
of the dictator together with his boast
that captives would be executed was
well known and by the intervention

New Initiates
ToBe Honored
Dean Bursey To Present
Trophy For Scholarship
To HighestPledge Class
aiD.I H. (ardne'r
Is (ihie(__Speaker
More than 400 spring initiates of
general campus fraternities are ex-
pected to attend the second annual
banquet for new fraternity members
to be held at 6 p.m. today in the
D. H. Gardner, Dean of Men at
Akron University, Akron, Ohio will
be the main speaker of the evening.
talking on "Fraternities and Their
Relation to the University."
Dean of Men Joseph A. Bursley will
award the scholarship cup to the fra-
ternity pledge class having the high-
est schplastic average for the last se-
mester at the banqu t.

Leads Women's Athletics

By Morgan Ouster,
Asks T VA Inquiry



day. )on the United States' part, the two
But, the United States can unof- men were released.
ficially make inquiries into Ralph
Neafus' status and make the will of F. R. M oult n,
the American people known to Fran- R.*
co through unofficial channels. It -,z .
has, however, neither the obligation Noted cientist,
nor the power to demand concessions,
he said. od y
Neafus' friends indicate that he has o-
not taken an oath of allegiance to;
the Spanish government. Dr. I idwig WtangenuAlsol
Where the United States has diplo- r1o Give Unversity lli
mnatic connections with the foreign
country, Prof. Preston Slosson of the At 4:15 P.M.I. I1lere
history department joined in pointing .--
out, the State Department may ask D F0restay Moot "U'Ut- ;
as a favor, with no power to compel Ic'ut secretary of the American A-
action, that the foreign country treat sociation for the Advancement of
the prisoner according to recognized Science, will speak at 4n:15 p.m. today
rules of war. But; this is not possible in the West, Physics Building on as-
in the case of Neafus, for the United pects of the social significance of
'ahd o recmodern science. The talk will be
Ftates has efused to recogniz ven under the auspices of the Uni-
ranco's government, veisity.
Moreover, Professor Reeves said, -'At the same hour Dr. l.udwig Waa-
for the United States to ask clemency gen, lecturer on art at the Univer-
for a volunteer in a foreign army pity of Munich wil give a niversity
would be contrary to the State de- toM n h, N i ll gvca iverA

Dean Gardner has long bein prom-
I meint in Fraternity work throughoutI
the country. He has been very active
on the National Interfraternity Coun-
cil, and recently served as chairman,
of the Educational Advisory Council
of the Council.
He is a member of Beta 'Theta Pi.I
The meeting is being held to stimu-
late scholarship in fraternities. espe-
cially among pledge classes, and to
help introduce new initiates to one
atiothe-,Bud Lundahl, '38, president,
of the Interfraternity Council, said
The Varsity Glec Club will give a
preview of its Pop Concert, to be held
tonight, at the banquet.
lce lu > gSiisi


E , rope Nears
Power Balance,
Sa ys Elirm a 11

ditoriumo ilthe sibject oft"South
German Baroque and Rococo, Eigh-
teenth Century Castles and Churches
i' Village and Countryside."
Dr. Moulton is one of the leadin'z
men in American science. Formerly
professor of astronomy at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, he has served
as Research Associate of the Carnegie
Institution and during the war was
a major in the United States Ordi-E
nance Department in charge of the
study of ballistics. Ile is a member
of scientific societies bothi here an i
He is -a co-author of the famous


xist As State;
Many All ances

46 . Ili~l4 )jr *" Is 14ealtii rl'
(d' 'Tooj j 1 'rogr u -
A near-capacity crowd is expected

Europe today is- approaching thet

for units housing 100 students. The formation of a new balance of power, planetesimal theory of the evolution at Hill Auditorium tonight when the
cost of Allen-Rumsey Hall is about now that the League of Nations and of the solar system. He has been a Mens' Glee Club presents its annuall
$1.580 per student and the building "collective security" are dead letters, leader in program of the American Spring Pop Concert under the direc-
has accommodations for 120. Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the Association dealing with the social tion of Prof. David Mattern of thei
An interesting solution to financial history department told the grmduate, significance of science, and has writ- School of Music. The paxrfonrmance
difficulties in the way of building' luncheon yesterday at the League. 'ten several books oi subects inchd- begins at 8:15 p.m.
large dormitory blocks at once was Before the ring of alliances closes ing astronomy, ballistics, and differ- Tonight's concert, which will cli-
offered by Temple University in using in to prevent any further changes, ential equaticns. max what Glee Club officials term4
renovated private homes.. Professor Ehrmann believes, Czecho- Dr. Waagen lazes been brought o "the most successful year in our his- I
A great number of .-universities slovakia may well be partitioned. He America by American fricids of "'he ory." has been especially planned for
called attention to the social bene- pointed out that Czechoslovakia is Junior Year Abroad," a study pro- student audiences. It will be divided
is the gronlving in dormitories "a piecemeal state, which by the very gram in Europe for students inter- into two portions. The first, com-
makes possible. Especially valuable nature of things cannot exist long." ested in -foreign experience. -Je is ai posed of traditional numbers, is in-
has been the opportunity to intro- He feels that what may eventually popular lecturer among German and tended primarily for music lovers, "A"
duce the tutorial system and pull American students in Munich and has Michigan Kaleidoscope," the second
Won.'n,.ton 'a~rn ahappen is that Germany, Poland and4
n e Hungary, by economic pressure made frequent lecture tours through portion, includes feature numbers,
stronger means, will divide Czecho- England, France, Spain, Italy, Aus- stunts and other novelties. "The
erlam ed slovakia, leaving perhaps, a small tria, and Greece. Midnight Sons" quartet will be fea-
hod er(r eefld vwe einusialy large attenidan ce at
Lithuania, very conceivably, might ive I ( i' r eb u
I7 Ii1W I a~d also go, Professor Ehxrmann said. H-ecthe i concert is expected because of
t, , s E nwide-spread acclaim the club has re-
indiate tht mny osererswer Ol 900 1D~libiceived in its out-of-town concerts,
For,1ty iiirs I'reJI,4 I q suirprised that the recent crisis ended I cie ni~ u-ftw ocrs
o or redlythavigheleet riat ae"del"--.according to club officials. On their;
readiy, having felt that a 'deal' IOe woman and four mee students concert tours the singers twice drew
had been made whereby Poland would will speak from the rostrum at 4 p.m. crowds which shattered attendance
Walton A. Rodger, 39E, of Do-get Memel and Lithuania and Ger- today in Room 4203 Angell Hall, for records. At Jackson Prison they
trit was named editor-in-chief of many would get Danzig and the Po- the honor of representing the Univer- were the only entertainment feature
troi washnamn Teditin-chiefao lish Corridor. In any event, Profes- sity in the Northern Oratorical Of the n4ire season which was not
the Michigan Technic at its aznnual te o h nt~ esnwil a o
staff banquet last night in the Union. Isor EhIrnann said, it is evident that agi Cfontest Ma 6 i CiClevlad. hissed by inmates.
Richard G. Tarbell, '39E, of Ken-oland has at least the diplomatic The speakers, Oliver E. Crager,
more, N.Y,, w.s appointed business support of Germany. '39; Stephen J. Filpiet, '31; Fred H. 1
nariaer and J. S. Eisner, '39E, of EluI0I ro now has been thrown back Greiner, '39; Stephen J. Madden, '8 ,s
ing eio. er n .S ner W. Mille fEransis htidvda nrf te rliiar cnes.il
Racine, Wis., was appointed manag- into the "old" diplomacy, Professor and Catixarine Schultz, '39, were the
the engineering drawing department states count little and states in com- held a week ago.v
announced the new staff which suc- bination are all important. Whether Prizes of $100 and $50 will be
ceeds Sydney Steinborn, '38E, David or not Hitler is halted in his forward awarded there and the winning
lansdI, -'38E and Gof Smith, '38E, policy depends upon what Great sptceches are published in fill in the ( lgoa Of Nation I, $25,000
tel'Technic publication boad. Brit-in, France and Russia, .jointly, nalionalt circuated N.(, aua
Gol kes i reognt~o o sev rcme willing to do directly. 'booklet.
wer awarded to the retiring board resenta lives of leading camnpois
cona istin of the hree senior editors, IrSta'rk'1 mt1atfale Hall lat
ierm keditor , and to Ma . cN'hJrEl IT j night a0d voted support of a d-ive to
-nc m adaors, -n -o Ma3 (-Alrt $1,000 for relief of students in

Is Selved As
IVirginiaIA114-1 1" IsCoseit
V c-.Iresidei't; Other
Of ficers Are Also Named
Norma Curtis, '39, was named new
president of the Women's Athletic
Association by Mary Johnson, '38,
outgoing president, after the appli-
cants for the W.A.A. positions had
been interviewed by the senior mem-
bers of the present. board and two
faculty members.
Virginia Allen, ';0, will he inew
vice-president and Marjorie Merker,
'39, will act as secretary for the as-
-sociation. Martha Tillman, '39, is to
be treasurer and Elizabeth White, '39,
American Federation of College
Womnen representative.
heads Iubtlieity
Jean McKay, '40, was selected to
be in charge of publicity and Ruth
Hartman, '39, is the awards chair-
man. Jane Dunbar, '40, was chosen
as intranurai manager and will be
assisted by Albert.a Royal, '40. Bar-
riet Sharkey, '40, and Helen Wolf,
Miss Curtis is treasurer of Wyvern
junior honorary society, president of
Helen Newberry, general chairman of
Ihe Assembly Ball, and is the out-
going W.A.A. awards chairman. She
was basketball manager her sopho-
more year and has worked on the
candy booth. She is a member of
the orientation committee and was
chairman of the dormitories for the
swinmming meet this fall.
Heaaded Teas
Mi;'s Allen, a member of Alpha Chii
Omega, has been chairman of the
teas given for the league house zones
and is in the cast of the Junior Girls
Play. Miss Merker is the outgoing
golf manager, is in the cast of J.G.P.
and on the League Socia 1 Couniittee.
She was sororities chIairman for the
swinrning meet.
Miss Tillman, a member of Wyvern,
is finance chairman of J.G.P., base-
ball manager, and was ticket chair-
man of the swimming meet. She
(Uonunued on Page 2)
F'culty wives, pouring at. the Union
Coffee Hours in the near future were
announced yesterday by Eliot Rob-
ison, '39, of the Union Executive
They ; cc wMi';. tini' P. ;( (tt, Mrs
fItobert.Thrall,.Mr m.. . L. Rich, Mrs.
Arthur Van Dri 1 am d Mrs. Leigh J.
Young -
The Union Coffee I-ou"; are held
from 4:30 till 5:30 i.u. every day in
the snall ballronm.

Mooney To Make
Firs I Address Here
Since App~fointment
The appearance of Archbishop Ed-
ward Mooney of the Detroit arch-
diocese of the Catholic church before
the Newman Club at a breakfast Sun-
day morning will be his first visit to
Ann Arbor since his appointment to
the Detroit diocese.
I-ls career in the church includes
some very unusual honors. He was
the first American to become an
apostolic delegate. In 1926 he was
sent as apostolic delegate to India
with the rank of titular bishop of
Irenopolis. He remained there five
Archbishop - Mooney studied the-
ology at the North American College
in Rome where lie was ordained. He
received the degrees of Ph.D. and
STD. In 1923 he was appointed spin-'
tual director of the North American
College, a position similar to the one
which the Rev. Fr. Allen Babcock,
former chaplain of Ct. Mary's Student
Chapel, now holds at the college..
The Newman Club has arranged
for his address here so that the stu-
dents may become acquainted with
him. The Club is an organization of
Catholic students on campus. The
students will attend mass at the
chapel at 8 a.m. with the Rev. Fr.
Berry, student chaplain officiating
Roosevelt Asks
Higher Wages,
H its Fascism
Declares 'Selfish' Minority
Holds Back Widespread
Prosperity In Country
GAINESVILLE, Ga., March 23.---
(I)--President Roosevelt, striking at
feudalism, fascism and communism,
spoke out for higher wages in this
southern industrial center today in
tones that surprised many of his
He told an outdoor throng that
Gainesville's resurrection from the
ruins of a tornado two years ago was
an example of self-help for the na-
tion to follow and that only a "sel-
fish" minority was holding back .na-
tion-wide prosperity.
Then. in phrases that caused some
national legislators who have op-
posed his wage-hour proposals pri-
vately to express surprise, he assert-
ed almost defiantly:
"Georgia and the lower south may
ijust as well face facts--simple facts'
presented in the lower south by the
President of the United States. The
purchasing power of the millions of
Americans in this whole area is far
too low. Most. men and women who
work for wages in this whole area get
wages which are far too low."
The audience that massed in two
squares named after him for his help
in assisting the mill city of 10,000
to rebuild after the tornado killed
more than 200 and destroyed many
of its buildings and homes, listened
in silence as he assailed the South's
low wage levels.
But scattered handelapping and
whistling greeted his declaration that
-'we are iot going back to the old
days" and his emphatic interpola-
tion: "I am opposed to fascism as I
am opposed to communism."

Democrats Halt Attempts
To Start Investigation,
But AdmitDesirability
Senators Dispute
Power Of Removal
WASHINGTON, March 23.-(P.)-
President Roosevelt's removal of Dr.
Arthur E. Morgan from the chair-
manship of TVA stirred up a tempest
in Congress today and produced more
emphatic demands for a thorough
investigation of the power agency.
Demos atic objections, however,
blocked two efforts in the Senate to
set an inquiry going immediately, al-
though one of the objectors, Senator
Barkley (Dem., Ky.), the majority
leader, asserted there was no question
of "the desirability" of such an inves-
Message Increases Controversy
A message to Congress in which
President Roosevelt cited reasons for
dismissing Dr. Morgan served only
to increase the controversy. For it
vas accompanied by an opinion from
Solicitor General Robert H. Jackson,
asserting the President was vested
with authority to remove members of
the TVA board from office.
This proved a highly disputed
point. Critics of TVA were quick to
contend the Supreme Court had de-
clared the President powerless to
take such action. Others argued
that the Tribunal, while preventing
presidential removal of certain offi-
cials with quasi-judicial authority,
left him free to dismiss officers like
Bridges Demands Investigation
The Senate had hardly convened
when Senator Bridges (Rep., N.H.)
was on his feet with a demand for
immediate consideration of his res-
olution -for a joint congressional in-
vestigation of TVA. Barkley objected,
asserting that the inquiry should not
be conducted by "partial investigat-
In Chicago, Dr. Morgan consulted
an attorney today but declined to
disclose whether he would contest
his removal from the chairmanship
of the Tennessee Valley Authority in
the courts.
Still challenging President Roose-
velt's power to unseat him,,.the former
head of the TVA conferred with Ed-
win H. Cassels, Chicago lawyer and
close friend.
Das Konzert
To Play Here
German ci bTo Present
Hernann Bahr Comedy
Hermann Bahr's comedy "Das Kon-
zert" will be presented by Deutscher
Verein Sunday, April 24, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Prof. Otto
Graf of the German department, is
director of the play.
Arthur Klein, '39, will play the lead-
ing role of Gustov Heink, a temper-
mental Viennese pianist. Frau Heink
will be played by Emma Hirsch, '39.
Ethel Winnai, '41, ard Rolf Wel, '40,
portray the roles of Doctor and Frau
Jura. Lola Borgimeister, '41, is to
play Miss Gerndl, the vamp,
The supporting members of the
cast are Ruth Steinke, '39, Edward
Wetter, '39; Mrs. W. E. Bachman,
Maya Gruhzit, '41, Margaret Strick-
ler, '39 and Geraldine Braun, SM.
The play is a light eomedy depict-
ing the troubles of a handsome
Viennese pianist, frequently led into
complications, and who is rescued by
his very intelligent wife.
The plot is in the nature of a les-
son. Heink is taught by an amusing
intrigue that other persons besides
himself must be considered.

Technocracy, I nc,
To Found Section
Mere Tomorrow
An Ann Arbor section of Technoc-
racy, Inc. will. be formally organized
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union,
it was announced yesterday by Nel-
son Berman, '39E.

Schoctz,? 39E, and Alfred Waldchen,
Jau! rc leaders of Americai i mn

Is IieVe'Cale(IBiy'eal u-.s i eersf

try will be men who have graduatei dII 'r S I jkiII;iIMVAN f in one of omm A imricanF hoAsp t alIs
from the technical schools of this I tdea tism u , not. a spiri t of ;ad vent-u m-c1j.r . One of our lyst nur'i-ses is 'ow
coun mttry, according to Dean Henry was the basic imiotivation beli'lnd thei' m inu;m au a cm, wil I we still dou't
Ander on of the engineemring college. I en listmnc I. of Ralph Neafius, '36F&C, know Ithr n'iiunber of aticin1ts kil led.
who delivered the prflcipal speech of l in the forces of the Spanish Govern- Two weeks ago they delilbrately
the banqpet, - Other speakers were )ncut, if the letters Ile has written to bombed thme cho o hou.'-e at l erida,
Prof. -,. ),. Bracketi, Prof. F. N, fiiends iin Ajlin 1Arbor my be taken killing dozens of litIlc kids . . .Wa'r
Menefee and Prof. . E. Fmswiler, all as a guide. Neafms has been cap= is war, yes but da inm it,'I alI thl-uir- a're
of 01 te engineering college. tiired and impi-risoned by rebel forces, 'omne linikts to wiich hmnii bcIns
it- was dis-overed here Monday. should go - -
t t vi~ ~Ie~i;sOne of Neafus' last letters, mnIt y 'I've lost sorme fricods that were
1k )f) oai'of which have been shown to the Ile kind IhaI shouldn't, have had to
J'J, f M.Me aSee Poitt" D ily by friends here, arepratse;t r.5thE drie s cayoung . . tl. tI aag to
rentiment that rums through all his keep very busy o Political work and
TIic* M arch argf oyle tlretita lyv :corresi''pondnce. .1c said : "Nothing observation n(militIary) fur thme bat-
cot eout M tayc G eita er ,asN lion n ; ist be left. iundo uE' iin stoppi g fas- talion, so thaI. I ra rely f"mi k 01- these
(r'1ms. There is no sacri fie which we thiings."
a lamb, depeniding on the eader, Edi- r-efijs to make" Iii a I aaey noiee eb2. 3,{ ble
for Gi-orge . Quick annomnced last Some of the let crs are mere notoe last -ceivedi: "t odf y 1 ' helpin di-
n lirhtla iii:g of (iissue willehe liastily scr-ibbled iin the tien-ches " m'et. the fire of an anti-Lnk din

Dtr-. T'.I. Koo, leading Chinese ecdi-
ia tor anmd strident leader. will be in
Ai Arbor next. Tuesday, when he
will give his initerpretation of 111he
current crisis in China.
Vio-re tihanii $9,000 has already beei
lorwardledl to China, the University of
Qlinois con tri buindiig $1,300. The goa I
in 'diwlid is $20,000 and i tlhe
thunted tat~e 5$,000,
Clarence iE EKresin ':1, was elected
(l airnian of the drive, and Mrs.1
.Jesse S. Reeves was elected treasurer.
The organizatjion meeting was at.-

Lew is liin's Work Calls Forth
raise , Censure From Faculty

y A tE-B T ['ViAVIO
Ludwig Levwisoln , a urinanl of letters
mu at least thire phases of the ex=
pression, creative writimig, criticism
and translation, came in for praise
and some censure yesterday from
faculty einmbers who were asked to

tended by Prof. John F. Shepard of comment on his work.
the psychology department, Prof. Lewisoln, who will speak at 4:15
Chlarles FU. Remuer of the economics .m. tomorrow in Hlill Auditorium on
department and Prof. Arno L. Bader I Religion as Historic Experience."
of the English department. was firmly praised by Prof. Henry VV
Nordmeyer, chairman of the Ger=
V.5- lBell Leaves Alunni man depart-me-nt, as to Lewisohn's

lauptmann's work will last, and
ITauptmann will stand known to
English speaking lxeople. through
Lewisohn who is unusually gifted
with a fine sense of word values."
Lewisohn's "Upstream" is undoubt-
edly one of the best auto-biographies
ever written in America, and his
pioneer study on the modern drama
is a masterpiece in criticism, Prof.
Joe L. Davis of the English depart-
ment said,
"I believe further that in his cr ical
works on American literature he kas
made a valid and valuable distine-

I e r" 111111 ti'V.-A!

translations of -lauptiiiaian' worksl

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